• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 533 Views, 6 Comments

Shaded Hearts - Salzpriester

A lone changelings attempts to confuse the local batponies end up in him getting more attention then he desired.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Decisions

“…and you really think the letter got to him?”, Dusk asked, raising an eyebrow. “I’m just wondering because I know how much of a pain in the flank it is to get anything to them. I hate to use the term, but ponies are extremely racist towards changelings. I mean, come on, they haven’t done anything like Canterlot for years…”

After Dusk finished his beer, he gently lifted the empty bottle down on the floor and took a second one out of the crate. Sitting on a comfortable bench outside makes it rather annoying to always walk back inside just to restock.

So why not take the entire crate outside? If you already have a private garden, why not use it? Hesitating, he peaked back up to the table, adressing the pony, who he shared company with on this rather calm night.

“Want one more too, Chester? I’m kind of in a good mood, so why not have one more tonight. Or two. Or three…”, snickering, he began to giggle to himself. This was not the first beer he had, nor will it be the last.

Chester found the entire situation to be quite entertaining. Nodding, he accepted the offer and Dusk soon had two more bottles on the table, swiftly opening them with the aid of his wings and an opener. The latter one did most of the work.

Taking another sip, Dusk gave a small belch before scrunching his face like somepony who just bit a lemon.

“Juck…this one’s rancid.”

Looking at the label, Dusks’ fears were proven right as the silhouette of a beige coated unicorn-like creature with an orange mane loomed over the label. It simply read: Kirin Beer.

“Really tastes like piss. Makes me wonder how they produce this stuff. But well, now I can proudly say that I tried it”. Shifting his attention back to Chester, Dusk picked up the original topic where they left off before.

“I’m sure he’ll write back. You’ll see. And if not, maybe my friend Kryo can help relay a message or something. So don’t worry too much”. Patting his shoulder, Dusk leaned back and kept a steady gaze at him.

He didn’t look too well. Something was clearly troubling Chester and every attempt to get him to talk about it was ignored or shrugged off. He really, really did not want to talk about it. So the next best action Dusk took was to try and get him drunk, or at least tipsy.

The current status of that plan seems to backfire massively. Dusk was leading the field with six successfully downed bottles whilst Chester just opened his second. And Chester was not a slow drinker. Part of Dusk felt really shitty about it but he couldn’t bear him like this.

Dusk felt sorry. For him. After their rather rocky reunion two months prior they had met regulary and things started to work out pretty good. Surely Dusk would never openly admit it to Chester, but he had really missed him and was glad that things brightened up again. Even though it was totally Chesters’ fault.

Yet to be fair, Dusk can get pretty emotional when drunk, so that might amplify these emotions too.

Chester sighed, grabbed his bottle and took a long sip. Setting it back down he shook for a second before meeting Dusks’ gaze.

“I miss him. I just…I can’t get him out of my head. I know it’s been like this for months now…but…I…I just want him…one more time. Just cuddling. Nothing more. His squishy armor, his scent. The cute noises he makes when poking him in the side…Just one more Luna-dammed time…”, exhaling Chester hung down his head.

Dusk thought of ways to comfort him, but had nothing. “I’m sure you know that yourself, but as soon as that happens, you will want to have him again. And you’re going to say the exact same thing. Just one more time…”

Hiding his face in between his forehooves, Chester leaned on the table with his elbow. Dusk didn’t hesitate and got up from his seat. Walking over to his friend he put his wings around the batpony and gave Chester a hug. This action would’ve been unimaginable two months prior but Dusk didn’t care at the moment.

“You know…”, Dusk spoke up, “I think I know what troubles you. You are uncertain of his reaction. His choice. Not knowing if he wants to be with you or not can be cruel. You’ll never know for sure and invent all kinds of imaginable mumbo-jumbo.”.

‘Did I really just say that. Sigh…Mental facehoof is in order.’

Forcefully, yet gently pulling Chesters head out from under his hooves, Dusk gave a warm smile. “Trust me, I know very much how that feels, Chester.”

Locking eyes with Dusk, Chester returned the hug and nuzzled him for a second, which caught the batpony offguard. Awkwardly jerking back, he fell from the bench right on his rump. A puzzled expression combined with flared cheecks from both blushing and an excessive amount of alcohol made it impossible for Chester to surpress a giggle.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist”, Chester grinned, seemingly happy again. “The moment was just too good. But honestly now. Thank you, Dusk”. Chester gave him a releaved smile in return, which made Dusks’ worries disappear into thin air.

“I suppose you’re right. I should just try not to think about it too much. Who knows, maybe he feels the same”. Reaching a hoof out to Dusk, he pulled him back up and swiped along his coat several times to clean off some grass.

“You’re still adorable, you know that”, Chester teased to which Dusk only pouted. Heading back to the table, Chester lifted off his beer and proceeded to clang it against Dusks’.

“Thank you, Dusk. We should really enjoy ourselves now, sorry for dragging down the mood. I’ve also got to catch up to you, right? Well then, cheers!”,


“…What is love…Baby don’t hurt me…don’t hurt me…no moooooooore…”

Chester had to interrupt his majestic musical score to burp. Since his departure from Dusk, Chester had drank the remaining beer on the way home. The first rays of sunlight already began to clear the dew off Hollow Shades.

Hence his beer-counter was somewhere within two digits Chester was quite obviously a little shaky on the hooves and, more then once, found himself in need of support to keep standing upright.

Happily aiding him were the walls of nearby houses and occasionally the floor if no wall was available. To the blank eye he looked like somepony with an alcohol problem, yet Chester wasn’t a drinker. Everypony might overstep his boundaries at least once, right?

“…Oh du lieber Augustin…Augustin…Augustin, oh du lieber…”

‘Wait, wut?‘

Arriving at his house just in time to shield his eyes from the first direct hit of Celestias’ ring of fire, Chester strolled towards the door of his apartment. Entering it after fumbling with the lock for an awfully long time, Chester found himself with a question of immense spiritual meaning.

To shower, or not to shower?

Chester decided against it and made straight for his bed. Taking a last turn to close the windows and the curtains Chester crawled on his bed, slipped under the blanket and prepared to doze off…


Groaning, Chester got out of his bed and stumbled out of his comfortable resting place. Letting out another groan, he approched the door, mourning to himself.

“Who the buck is it?”, he snarled at the annoyance.

Opening the door he was greeted by Bernard who wore an extremely over-the-top smile. Something fishy was going on here. Chester immediately felt it. Especially after Bernard began to talk.

“Why, hello there, Chester. How are you doing tonight? Might I borrow some of your time real quick?”, he finished. Maybe the alcohol inside his system induced it or it really happened to look like it, but Bernard appeared to be holding back from jumping around like an overjoyed filly for no apparent reason.

What could he possibly be so excited about?

“It’s not like I’m pretty damn drunk and in need of some sleep to sober up. But I’m already up again, so why the hell not. What do you need, Bernard?”.

“That’s the spirit, Chester. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll love it. Just follow me, I want to show you something”. The big blue batpony stallion led the way, indicating Chester to follow.

Leading him inside their own apartment, Bernard raced towards their living room and began murmuring something.

It proved to be of little difficulty for Chester to listen in on his whispering. Even drunk, his ears worked pretty well and did their job quite reliably.

“He’s here. Chester arrived just now. I led him in our apartment and he’s waiting in the next room. He’s a little drunk but I’m sure he’s happy to see you.”

‘See who? What the buck is going on?’

“Come on in, Chester”, Bernard said aloud in a tone mixed in between excitement and playfulness. Chester gave a long sigh, slowly trotting towards their living room to find out just what the hell was going on.

Part of him began to believe that he was already dreaming and all of this is just some sober-up hallucination. Arriving, Chester scanned the room and soon found his theory about all of this beeing a dream much, much more believable.

There, In between Bernard and his coltfriend Michelle stood the familiar silhouette of the one pony that, just over the small course of about three months, had turned into the most precious friend Chester ever had.

That one silly bug, who dressed up as a maid and walked into a bar filled with batponies, expecting them to avoid him. Only to discover that instead, he made himself the perfect target to receive all the attention.

The one pony who, against all odds and logical behaviour, came back to him, offering him a second chance to do better. To prove not only to himself, but also to him, that there was still hope for them. That the flame had not been extinguished completely.

The same pony who now stood before him once more.

Racing towards the orange-maned changeling, Chester embraced him in a hug while simultaneously crying like a foal. Wrapping his wings around Cyrax, Chester squeezed and nuzzled him like a filly would do to her most beloved plushie.

Cyrax, too, couldn’t hold back anymore and began to shed tears aswell. Tears of joy and happiness. Hugging Chester in return, Cyrax planted a small kiss on his neck before nuzzling his cheek.

Bernard and Michelle both stepped aside, giving them some space. Bernard failed to hold tears back himself at the adorable scenery that unfolded before him.

“Awwww…”, he attempted to say before his mouth was instantly closed by Michelles’ wing who slowly shook his head and silently mimicked him to give the couple some space.

After they left the room, both Chester and Cyrax were left in each others’ embrace. Not wanting to part again it was Chester who overcame the need and gently broke their connection.

“B...But why…H…How did you, W…what are yo~”, Cyrax silenced him and simply giggled.

“You talk too much”, the changeling whispered in a seductive tone while giving him a pair of bedroom eyes. “How about we talk it over tomorrow.”

Brushing coat on coat along his side, Chesters’ cheeks flared up at the unexpected action of Cyrax who took immense joy in playfully seducing him.

Having successfully stunned Chester, Cyrax went back in front of him, but not without giving him a clear swing of his flank before waiting unnecessarily long to turn around and face him again.

Chester was at the verge of drooling, which made Cyrax snicker. Leading the deactivated batpony towards his apartment and bed, Cyrax went back to thank both Michelle and Bernard for providing the means for the surprise.

The pair simply returned him a comforting smile before grinning devilishly. Cyrax simply copied their expression. The day was still very young. Making his way towards Chesters’ apartment, Cyrax closed and locked the door behind him.

He would not allow any further interruptions.

Upon arriving at Chesters’ bed, Cryax found said stallion already lying under his blanket. The silly bat probably gave up on anything making sense and decided to say ‘Buck it’. Snickering, Cyrax put up a smug smile and joined him without hesitation.

Only to find out that he was already sleeping and beginning to snore.

What a letdown…

Carefully and silently, Cyrax stepped over him and gently cuddled himself next to Chester. Giving the grey stallion a hug, Cyrax tried his best to get comfortable and catch some sleep. And if not, simply relaxing next to his friend was a more then welcoming change of pace aswell.

Tomorrow they would settle their relationship once and for all. And although Cyrax was very nervous about it, he was also more then confident that he could accept it, no matter how it’s going to turn out.


Chester awoke to an assembly of irregularities surrounding himself. First of all, he had a headache which usually doesn’t happen after drinking just beer. Second, he had no memory of him ever actually entering his own apartment, which was also pretty weird.

Next, he had a confused dream. Something about his neighbors Michelle and Bernard, and for some reason Cyrax was involved too. The latter had acted so unbelievably gay towards him that it simply had to be a wet dream.

Yet, something was not right. He felt something warm next to him. And no, it was not his imagination, Chester was sure of it. There was somepony there. He heard someone breathe.

Could he have…

Not wanting to move, Chester didn’t dare to look at whoever he picked up for a quick buck yesternight. Sadly, it wouldn’t have been the first time…

Thinking of which, how late was it?

Peaking towards the curtains he saw nothing illuminated, concluding that it was probably night. Hoewever, more pressing matters were at hoof right now. Dreading to face his one-night-stand, Chester realized something.

Which hooker would stay at your place to spend the entire day with you?


Gulping, he turned around and found himself face to face with Cyrax.

Michelle and Bernard were woken up by an overwhelmingly loud scream. Sounding less agonized and more like unbelieved bafflement, they both snickered and simoultaneously murmured.

“Yup, he’s awake.”

Rising up to attention with a new academy record wich would make Spitfire proud, Cyrax found himself awoke in Chesters’ bed.


Scanning around the apartment he found the stallion in question at the other end of the room. Crouched against the wall and breathing heavily, he pointed a hoof towards Cyrax and began stammering.

“W…W…W…What a…are you d…doing here? H…How did you? W...what the…?”

“Good morning to you too, Chester. Or rather, good evening. I’m sorry for all of this but if you give me a moment to explain, I can tell you what this is all about. Sounds fair?”, Cyrax asked while smiling, bearing his own fangs in the process. It made him look really cute.

Displaying his best efforts into remaining calm, Chester recollected himself and stood up. Approaching the changeling on his bed he felt his cheeks flare up. Rapidly.

“I…is that really you, Cyrax?”, he said. A mixture of worry and caution mixed with desire made the stallion in question flare up aswell. One could clearly see the desperation in his eyes, wanting nothing more than a simple ‘Yes’.

And that, Cyrax would provide for him. Nodding and further amphazising his action with a “Yes, it’s me, Chester”, Cyrax soon found his lips locked with the batpony as Chester overwhelmed him with his Love.

His legs became shaky as Cyrax was pushed into the bed by Chester, who did nothing more then to kiss him and caress his sides, gently hugging him. Pressing their snouts together even stronger, Cyrax wrapped his hindlegs around his friend and gave way for his own desire.

Breaking the kiss for the need of oxygen, Chester and Cyrax began nuzzling each other. Purring, Chester began to nibble his ear which made the changeling go completely limp. Using the opportunity, Chester got on top of him and began brushing his face up and down the changelings’ soft belly.

Planting a few kisses along his neck, Chester took immense joy, happiness and pleasure to finally be able to caress and play around with his favourite changeling once more.

Yet even he knew that he had to stop it. Now. He didn’t want to avoid it anymore. They had to talk this out, before things get out of hoof and repeat themselves.

Planting a last kiss on the changelings’ lips, Chester got off of Cyrax and got off the bed. Much to the changelings’ surprise who seemed to be one step away from total bliss. It was hard for Chester to tease him like this but this had to be done.

No more waiting, Chester needed this answer more then he needed this moment. Giving the puzzled changeling a warm smile, Chester sat on his haunches and began speaking.

“I really missed you, Cyrax. Thank you for coming back to me. I’m really glad to see you again. And I’m sorry for being rude, but right now, I’m not that interested in the how but the why? I’m guessing that you received the letter I sent to you?”

Desperation was once again, present in his voice. Cyrax was surprised by the immense seriousness of his friend. The silent flame within his eyes combined with the strengh in his voice.

It made it obvious to anypony who would observe this scene, that Chester really cared about him.

Cyrax held back his urge to hug him and simply nodded.

Chester let out a relieved sigh and continued on. “Then I guess there Is nothing more for me to say, huh? I love you, Cyrax. Every single night I think about you. I still don’t understand what you find appealing in me. But if I make you happy, then I’m happy aswell.”

Sobbing, Cyrax needed immense strengh not to cry like a filly. Sniffing, he spoke up, his voice slightly trembling. “I…I know. I can feel it, Chester. I…I love you too. And that letter was the single sweetest thing I ever received from anypony.”

Blushing, tears began to trickle down Chesters’ face as Cyrax continued. A weight, equal to his difference with Dusk fell off him in the blink of an eye.

“Yes, Chester. My answer I yes. All my yes. All of it. I want to be with you. Even if we have our differences. We can work this out, I’m sure of it”, booming with confidence, Cyrax spoke louder than he wanted to but kept on going nevertheless.

“The things I love about you more then once outweigh the things I don’t like. And I won’t accept you feeling bad for what you did to me. I’m okay. See?”

Both Cyrax and Chester began to silently cry at the same time. Sobbing and wiping the tears away, they both smiled at each other. “Hugs?”, Chester offered to which the changeling happily obliged.

Galloping into each other’s embrace, the two shared a long kiss combined with a firm hug, losing themselves into a sobbing mass of fur and armor, finshed with an immense amount of joy and relievance.

‘It’s happening. It’s really happening! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!’

Cyrax could feel the tremendous amount if joy emanating from Chester as he held him in his hooves. Cyrax had thought about this for a long time. But no matter which road he choose, his mind would always end up with exactly this stallion.

Because he loved him.

Love doesn’t always make perfect sense. That lesson was taught to him by life. The only thing he knew for certain about love was its taste: Divine.

This stallion had sucessfully confused and pushed him enough to abandon his old ways of thinking and embrace this entirely new path. Excitement and genuine happiness were more then worth going through a small puddle of pain and regret.

Nuzzling his chestfluff, Cyrax looked up to him and met his gaze.

Never before in his life was Cyrax happier to see these kind of bedroom eyes on a stallion. Grinning, they both made their way towards the bed.


Cyrax got comfortable and relaxed himself, eargerly awaiting his coltfriend to give him the one thing he had been missing ever since they parted ways. Something that only he could provide. The first and only stallion who ever felt that way for him. And the only stallion, Cyrax ever laid eyes on himself.

Thinking about it made Cyrax realize how surrealistic his life had become in just a few months. How his attention towards mares had been pushed back significantl, being replaced with curious and often lewd fantasies involving stallions.

After all, there is a hard difference to simple curiosity and actual desire.

One that could end dangerously. In past times he would have already been marked with a death sentence for even thinking such a way. It was a good thing that times like these have passed on. Ponies learned from their mistakes and grew to be more tolerating.

Especially here in Hollow Shades amongst the batponies. No other pony race is known for having such a high amount of homosexual relationships. They were as common as raspberry pie around here.

And Cyrax was very happy to be able to safely explore this newfound desire.

Focusing his attention back towards Chester, Cyrax braced and readied himself for his Lover. From the eager expression and swift movements, Cyrax could easily tell that he had been waiting for this moment a long time aswell.

Now towering above him, Cyrax was surprised to see him gently swipe some of his mane away. Having an unobscured and cleaner access towards his face, Chester began to playfully lick around his horn.

Baffled by this new sensation, Cyrax soon found out just how effectively this simple notion worked into getting him heated up. Feeling his tongue play around with the base of his horn sent the changeling panting within seconds.

Cyrax had to gasp for air, tranquilized yet again by how unbelievably good this stallion knew just which buttons to push on him. Chester now had his entire horn, which admittedly wasn’t that big, in his mouth and was slowly sucking it, much to the changelings’ delight.

Not daring to move his face even the slightest, Cyrax cooed and fully focused on the heavenly sensation his colfriend was providing for him. Like so many times before.

It was addicting to say the least. Yet, as much as Cyrax enjoyed the sensation, he had to try something of his own on Chester. An orange aura began to emit from his horn, which also caught the batponys’ attention.

Quickly releasing the appendage, Chester gave him a puzzled expression before letting out a sudden moan. The batpony almost spasmed before resting on the changelings’ belly, purring softly. His wings began to strech out to their full length. Chesters’ breathing grew faster and more intense.

Feeling his own cheeks flare up, Cyrax grinned while simultaneously strengthening the his magic grip on the batponys’ soft spot.

The spot inbetween his wings.

Carefully giving it a massage Cyrax succeeded in turning his coltfriend limp. Cooing and purring, the orange changeling was happy that it seemed to work out, considering the cute noises Chester began to make.

Cyrax then proceeded to switch positions with him. Carefully lifting him up to his haunches. The two lovers now shared a very lewd position, Chester, still panting and Cyrax, still pleasing.

„W...where did you l...learn to...”, Chester failed to continue, a moan escaping his throat. Mostly due to the sudden push of Cyrax’ magic.

The changeling then began to whisper in a seductive tone.

„Well, your neighbors were quite eager to tell me a few tricks they love to perform on each other. Something I wanted to adapt and experiment with you. Shall I stop?“, he finished with a smug grin.

„N...nononononono, p...please continue. You‘re...unf...you‘re very...very VERY good at this...“, Chester only managed to stammer.

Cyrax could see, hear and feel that he was successfully repaying him for all the blissful hours he had given him. It made Cyrax boom with confidence and only further encouraged him to move to second base.

Quickly grabbing the batpony and guiding him next to himself, Cyrax swiftly switched positions and got on top of Chester. Beeing on top of the adorable, fluffy batpony, Cyrax locked lips with him.

Not stopping the massage, Cyrax was taking on the dominant side for the first time ever, much to Chesters surprise. The purple bat had never, ever expected him to ever attempt anything like this before.

But now, that he saw him this eager, Chester couldn’t help himself but get even more excited for what was about to come. He wanted to see where this was going and thus didn’t resist.

Cyrax began to let his magic fade away slowly, giving his coltfriend a few seconds to recollect himself. Breaking the lustful kiss at the same time, Cyrax sat himself up on his haunches.

Seeing the fruits of his work in form of a massively pleased lump of fur right underneath himself gave Cyrax a peacefulness he never felt before. And even though he knew it was a bit unprofessional, he just had to ask him.

„Are you enjoying it so far?“, Cyrax nearly panted, exhausted from the excessive use of his magic.


Chester gently threw him off himself, and wrapped all four hoofs around the changeling, pushing his body towards himself. True, he did want to see what woud’ve come next but he simply couldn’t bear to wait any longer. His state of bliss began to turn him crazy.

„Cyrax, it was...wonderful. I would love for you to do exactly that again and again and again…”, the batpony whispered. Planting playful kisses along his cheek, Chester felt a primal instinct arise inside of him.

Glancing on his lovers’ neck, he began to drool. A desire unlike anything even he had experienced before erupted within his body, telling him, outright demanding him to bite and drink.

Chester got on top of Cyrax, pinning him down with his forehooves. He instinctively opened his mouth and began moving closer and closer towards the unexpected prey.

Cyrax caught notion of the sudden change of nature and carefully tried to push away his friend. Nervousness began to creep into him as he began to whisper his coltfriends’ name.

He did not respond.


But he did made brief eye contact.


And it was all the attention Cyrax needed. Because he could visually see the desperation inside Chesters’ eye to not overdo what he was about to do with him.

And with that, Cyrax closed his eyes and soon felt the painful sensation of two fangs pushing itself into his neck.


Under these circumstances, panic would normally get the better of everypony if thrown into such a state. Feeling the very source of your life forcefully taken away from you without any form of means to prevent it sounds like a nightmare.

But not to Cyrax. He let his coltfriend continue without any struggle. Both of them needed this. Because it was a test.

The deepest bond two batponies can share is blood. The ultimate test to see how far you’re willing to go with your very special somepony. How much you truly loved her, or him.

That you are willing to bound so far, as to even share you’re very own source of life. This can be seen as the greatest form of love two batponies can express to each other.

It is viewed as sacred within their culture and regarded even higher then marriage.

Chester had to overcome his own primal desire to feast in order to save his life. That under no circumstance, shall he give in to his instincts and hurt which he holds most dear.

In some ways, it can be viewed as romantic. And it does connect two beings in a way not easily explained towards other pony races. But it doesn’t always end well.


Cyrax began to feel cold. Dizzyness spread through his mind as his body grew weaker every second. His blood traveling down paths of no return. Yet, Cyrax did not fight back, he held on to his beliefs and didn’t move an inch.

He believed in Chester. He knew that he could do it.

Both Michelle and Bernard had warned him of this and even advised to stop Chester if he attempted something like it.


Looking back at it, Cyrax should have probably listened to them. As his eyeslids grew too heavy to keep opened up, the changeling had no power left to fight back and gave in.


When it all suddenly stopped.


Forcing his eyes open, he saw the vague silhouette of Chester glancing down on him. His lips were coated dark red and his eyes almost seemed to glow. Forming a smile, he leaned in for a kiss...

A kiss unlike anything Cyrax ever thought possible, a kiss he shall remember for the rest of his life, for it was the sole reason he was still amongst the living.

Because normally kisses don’t cure excessive blood loss...

A sudden burst of energy seemingly exploded within his chest as Cyrax’ entire body was instantly refueled with energy in the blink of an eye.

Chesters love had never been stronger. Cyrax was certain that no other changeling in history had ever felt it in this intensity before. Devouring his love felt different this time. More intense, more…pure…

It was literally strong enough to save his life.

Gasping for air, Cyrax rose up and met Chesters’ gaze. It only lasted for a few seconds before the batpony threw himself on him in a fierce hug.

Sobbing, Chester whispered a thousand apologies to which Cyrax could only smile. As he held his friend close he silently thanked the heavens as he let both himself and Chester fall down on the bed.

Lying there, wrapped into each other, a very well nourished Chester began to fall asleep next to a very well fed Cyrax.

“Oh, there is soooo much you and I need to talk about tomorrow...”, Cyrax whispered into the ear of his sleeping friend before drifting into the darkness himself.

But from this kind of darkness, you eventually return.


„Rather eventful night, don‘t you think?“

Cyrax smiled upon his coltriend, who blew him a raspberry and gave his nose a playful lick. The two had been waking up quite relaxed and after a long needed cuddling session. Afterwards they decided to doze for a good hour and calmly explained to each other what had happened the past months.

Occasionally breaking their monologues to nuzzle and hug was, of course, mandatory for them to keep on going.

„Yeah, you could say that. First you show up out of nowhere and then yesternight. You and I and...and everything went by so fast...I just…“, Chester had to catch his breath to which the changeling let out a snicker.

„It‘s quite funny actually“, Cyrax spoke, „I could say the same thing back when we first met. Everything happened so fast...and now here we are…“, Cyrax finished gently. Playfully fiddling around with Chesters’ mane, the orange bug threw his hooves around his neck and began nuzzling him for a good amount of time.

„...together.“, Chester finished the sentence. „I missed you so...so unbelievably much, Cyrax. I’m just so…relieved. To finally see you again and knowing it won’t be the last time. I…I‘m still not sure if I‘m even awake. For all I know this could still be a dream...ha...HA!“

Chester felt something soft touch him in tender places, located south of his body. Places that knew to appreciate the attention and display their reaction as such. Glancing towards Cyrax, who proceeded to crawl on top of him, resting his haunches over his belly, Chester couldn’t help but smile.

„Have I told you how much I like this new assertive side of you?“, the batpony almost purred towards him.

„Only about a million times“, the changeling snickered before getting off of him, much to Chesters’ disappointment. He displayed it in pouting.

„Sooooo...about yesternight. There was something on my mind I wanted to ask you“, Cyrax continued earning a raised eyebrow from his friend.

„I wanted to ask you about my taste. My blood, I mean. Would be curious to know, from an outsiders’ perspective“. Cyrax gave Chester a compassionate smile.

The batpony responed by shaking a bit, an expression of regret and worry warping his face into a pained visage of sadness. „I...I‘m so sorry this happened...I...lost control and I...I just...“

„...Shhhhh...“, Cyrax placed a hoof on his lips, silencing him.

„Would it be more comfortable for you If I‘d start ?“, the changeling asked. Chester gave but a simple nod. A nod of shame Cyrax couldn’t bear to see him with.

„I really want to know your side aswell, because for me...“, Cyrax pointed at himself. “It was wonderful. Albeit a bit painful at first, I admit, there was a spark towards it that I am having trouble to explain. After you let go of me...that kiss you gave me...I thought I knew what divine love felt like...I was wrong.“

Cyrax locked eyes with his friend, giving him the most honest, warm and serious expression he could manage. „I‘d like it very much if we could repeat that sometime.”

Now it was Chesters’ turn. The batpony was taken aback by these words, utterly surprised about the positive feedback from Cyrax. He had trouble believing it at first but with that smile...

“Cyrax...”, he opened his mouth, “I’ve…I’ve never ever tasted anything more suitable to the term ‘perfect’ then you. I...It was just so...so...wonderful. I can’t really explain it either, I’m sorry.” Finishing with an apologetic smile, Chester gave the spot on his friend’s neck a gentle smooch.

“I’d love to drink from you again, Cyrax. But next time, I promise you to take less. You still look a bit exhausted and it worries me. We should grab something to eat, what do you say?”, Chester finished.

Tears trickled down the changelings’ visage, utterly speechless. He gave the only response he could think of.

A simple nod. To which Chester snickered and advanced on him with a passionate kiss. Caressing each other gently, the two Lovers broke the kiss and stared into each others’ eyes.

“I love you, Cyrax”, the batpony purred.

“I love you too, Chester”, the changeling whispered, burying his face in his coltfriends’ chestfluff.