• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 533 Views, 6 Comments

Shaded Hearts - Salzpriester

A lone changelings attempts to confuse the local batponies end up in him getting more attention then he desired.

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Chapter 3: Confrontation

“Sooo, now that we are clean again, how about we give it another round?”, Chester asked in a seductive sub-tone, while playfully fiddling around Cyrax’ mane. The changeling did not reply, and for a moment Chester thought he fell asleep. Gently poking him he shrieked back as he emerged from the bedsheets, walking up and down his living room as he was wearing an expression that made Chester feel very uncomfortable.

“Umm....Cyrax?”, uneasiness creeping over him, he felt that something was wrong. Cyrax looked half angry, half sad, yet a mixture of worry and resignation was thrown in the mix as well. His pacing did not stop as Chester has hoped. Addressing the orange maned stallion again proved effortless as he now started to murmur something before flopping himself on his haunches, finally snapping back to attention as he began to lock eyes with him.

His eyes were wet. His expression heartbroken as every inch of his body began to shake. A tight grip slowly engulfed around his heart as he jumped up, ready to rush to his side. What was going on here? Was he sick? Did something happen? Jumping out of the bed his movements were stopped by Cyrax, signalizing him to stay back. The warning was supported by him rasing up his voice to previously unknown levels, which made Chester flinch back.

Then he transformed. Slowly his carapace began to reform in a dark coat, his insectiod wings began to shape anew, leathery appendages bursting out of his sides. A black mane, with white stripes now placed on his head as his form reached its completion. His head was bowed down, yet Chester knew exactly who was standing in front of him.

Guilt began to squeeze inside his chest as his heart raced faster and faster, slowly constriced more and more. He was about to scream as he didn’t want to relive this moment.

Why! Why now!’

Stammering, he carefully approached the black and white maned batpony holding a hoof out. “C….Cyrax. A...are you okay?” , his voice trembling as he barely whispered the words towards him.

The mysterious figure rose its head, revealing the face of a pony that Chester knew all to well. His heterochromatic eyes filled with sadness, confusion and loneliness stared back at him, tightening the crushing grip even more as Chester took two steps back.

“D…Dusk, h…how do you know of him”. Chesters’ legs gave in as he fell to the floor, staring up to the batpony he once called his dearest friend. “Cyrax. Cyrax please stop, this isn’t funny. If you have questions, I…I can answer them all to you. I swear…”, Chester began to hyperventilate as the omnious pony smiled down at him in a smug way as it began to laugh hysterically.

“Are you so scared of seeing me?!”, the ponies voice boomed through his living room, sending Chester in a state of panic. “Is he going to be the next one? Are you going to use him? Like you did use me?!”. Now screaming in agony and pain the batpony began to cry. Rivers of red flowing down his eyes, turning the floor in a crimson sea of blood.

‘Please! Go away! Please, I’m sorry!’

Sobs and cries, stammering incomplete sentences. Chester began to shield his eyes in a desperate attempt not to lose it entirely, curling together in a ball as the voices began to echo through his head. Faint whispers growing louder and louder. Then the voice began to roar.


‘Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!’


Chesters’ hooves were forcefully pushed away, his eyelids began to open against his will. He could not resist as they stared right back at the skull of his former friend. His pale fur began to fall of, his wings mere stumps of bone as his still present eyeballs started right into his.

“The Pain…”, it began to whisper in an omnious growl.

“The Sadness. All because of you. Your love is POISON. ”, as it spat on him the world suddenly began to shake. Pictures falling down from the walls, the nightmarish creature began to tremble as a faint light began to bathe the room from above them. Hissing, it retreated as Chester was pulled inside the embrace of the omnious flash.

The world began to fade around him as he saw the blurred image of two hooves violently shaking him. Thrashing out in panic he successfully hit the silhouette that backed away, giving him time to recollect. As his senses slowly came back to full display he latched out towards it and began to punch it again and again.

The creature shielded himself behind his hooves as Chester relentlessly barraged it with punches before snapping out of his hallucination. As his breath and heartbeat began to relax he scanned the enviroment before he was drawn towards the sobbing pony between his bloody forehooves.

Chesters’ heart sank deeper than he ever thought possible as he jumped off of him, rushing towards the corner of the living room as he gained as much distance between him as possibly. Pressing his hooves against his own mouth he began to cry, damning himself to serve decades after decades in Tartarus for what he just did.

Cyrax slowly emerged from the bed, bruises covered his entire face as he stared at him in shock. Chester met his gaze and froze in place. Extending a hoof towards him, Chester felt the pain inside his chest burst out anew as Cyrax shrieked back.

His terrified expression ultimatively displayed the horror Chester had inflicted upon him. He would never ever forgive himself for what he had done just now. He closed his eyes as every limb gave in, now leaned against the wall of his home. Weak. Beaten. Broken…

He was a monster. He deserved this for what he had done. The past always catches up. HE knew that, even expected it to some extent. But not like this. Never ever did he want it to affect the ponies he cared about. Especially not Cyrax. The one stallion who made him feel better and less worthless after so many years of sadness and loneliness.

At the sound of approaching hoofsteps, Chesters’ face jerked up as his eyes widened. Cyrax was approaching him. Unable to move or to speak, he watched him come closer and closer towards him. After standing mere inches away from him he leaned forward and Chester received something he’d never ever thought to receive from him ever again.

A hug.

Chester could not take it any longer and let the dam break. He began to lean in on his shoulder crying rivers of tears down his coat as he returned the hug like his life depended on it. Sobbing, Chester apologized hundreds of times before breaking the hug and locking eyes with him. His right eye had gotten a nasty hit and he had numerous swollen spots on him.

Chester wanted to punch himself harder than anything that was remotely possible at this moment, for he deserved this amplified a hundred times. No, make that a thousand! He gave him the most apologetic look possible, while shedding more tears. “Cyrax, I am so so so sorry. I…I lost it, there was this nightmare, with…with you…and then him, and, and…”, Cyrax silenced him before returning a warming smile.

“Somepony named Dusk I presume?”, the changeling replied, sending another wave of guilt through the broken batpony. “I take it your relationship didn’t end well.”. Chester gave a simple nod.

“Broke up, leaving him heartbroken and you guilty of doing so.”, he continued. Another nod.

“Never had the courage to apologize to him, trying to resolve the problems and talk things out.”. Chester gave a sobbing nod.

“Is that the reason you took these pills I found in your shelf?”, he levitated out a box of sleeping pills, a worried expression on the battered changelings’ visage. He knew apparently. Of course he did.

‘I am so sorry, Cyrax. Why couldn’t I just tell you. Why…’

“I am worried about you Chester. We can talk about this here later.”, he gestured a hoof towards his own face, “But for now I want you to tell me everything that happened between you and Dusk. If there is anything I can do to help you, I will do so immediantly. Because I care about you.”

Rubbing his face against Chester he began to embrace him in a second hug, to which the batpony couldn’t suppress another wave of sobs.

“More than you think, Chester”.



Trotting next to Cyrax, Chester could not bring himself to face him. After getting out of the nearby hospital his bruises were almost completely gone thanks to a unicorn nurse who was grateful to help the two of them. While Cyrax had his treatment, Chester took the opportunity to clear his mind off a few things. Most of them involved a carefully construced list of things he had to deal with. Yet the maw between ‘Had to‘ and ‘Want to‘ streched out further then one could see.

„I told you before. I want you to say it.“, the changeling replied in a monotone voice. No traces of anger or joy in them. „I won’t ever ever speak to you again if you don’t do so. And from my point of view, it will end badly for you in one way or another and let’s be honest, I highly doubt you’re successful at it, but let’s just say you are.“, Cyrax extended a hoof under Chesters’ chin and forced eye contact with him as he stopped dead in his tracks.

His warming smile sent a jolt through his body and all the problems this world had in store were gone. And he wanted him to maintain it, forever. He would do anything to undo the past hour in which he hurt his friend not only physically but emotionally aswell. And the latter would need a lot of time and more importantly,


As if reading his thoughts, Cyrax’ smile grew more stoic with a hint of worry. „I am not doing this to harm you, I never would. And I certainly won’t be there to help you but at some point in your life you have to close this chapter. Yes, he will be furious to see you and chances are you end up like me an hour ago.“, the statement caused Chester to flinch away in shame, yet found himself forcefully dragged towards Cyrax almost instantly.

He was fixing his face in between his hooves as he spoke up, small tears forming on his face. „I don’t want you to be sad, Chester. You don’t deserve to be like this for the rest of your life“. Finding himself engulfed in a hug Chester stiffened like a board, standing there like a statue, unable to comprehend the current situation.

A gentle whispering voice came close to his ear which send his wings in an awkward half-assed ‘POMF‘. „Everypony deserves a second chance. You are no different from them. You gave me the most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. I know that I told you this a million times and I would happily do so again“. Breaking the hug Cyrax stared back at him.

His orange eyes teary, his mane frazzled, his voice trembling and his face bearing the faint reminder of violation, and despite all that, he smiled.

„I….don’t deserve you, Cyrax. Why…why are you trying to help me? After all I did to you, wh...“

At the sensation of their lips meeting, Chester was at the verge of breaking in cries again. His stiff body grew limp as he forced his hooves around him and returned the favor. He didn’t care about them kissing on the open street, he only cared about him. And whatever pheromones might be leaking out of his bug-like body, one of them gave his confidence a hard buck in the butt, desperately trying to drag it out of the cave. It was needed. Here and now!

„You made me feel loved, Chester. I never thought I’d deserve this. I did bad things too. Very bad, trust me. I thought of myself as a broken pony, and seeing you like this nearly crushed me“. Leaning in on once more, Chester found himself in a crushing embrace that felt less like a hug and more like clinging towards the last thing that gave somepony strengh.

„I love you Chester. I barely know you at all, but I’ve seen enough to know you’ve suffered too. You are alive, and you can be hurt too. And don’t you ever feel shame again for what you did. I’ve felt worse in my life, and for all the good things you gave me in return it is but a scratch. A scratch I’m proud of wearing.“

Released by the embrace, Chester stared down at him in shock. Tears forming on his own face as he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. A second chance could not possibly be thrown in a more obvious way as he didn’t hesitate for a moment, grabbed it and promised himself that he would never ever let go of it under any circumstances.

„Thank you, Cyrax. You really don’t deserve somepony like me, but if you insist…“, he gave a softhearted chuckle before adressing him again.

„…Thank you…“ Chester whispered, a grateful smile now spread on both their lips as they advanced on each other for one final hug.

„So,“, Cyrax spoke up, „about that sentence I wanted to hear“.

Sighing, Chester blew him a raspberry before getting back on his hooves, extending one towards his friend to help him up.

„I promise I’ll go talk to him, but Cyrax…“, Chester stopped mid-sentence in order to choose his next words, „…I am going to need to think about us, as a relationship I mean. As much as I would love to, I am unsure about my own feelings at the moment, so…as hard as it is, but…I guess us parting for now would be a wise decision, don’t you agree?“.

‘Please don’t be sad. Please…‘

„Sure thing. It’s not like we have a chance anyway. I caught a glimpse of a talk in the hospital about an evening carriage that supposedly departs in about an hour or so.“, he replied with a reassuring smile.

„But you’re probably right. Both of us should think about all of this, and as much as I’d like the thought of it, it’s probably for the better if we don’t see each other for a while. Let’s stay in contact via mail then. Could I have your address, maybe?“.

„Shouldn’t this be done BEFORE spending numerous marathons in bed and the shower?“, Chester smirked devilish at the ladybug before him before breaking in a chuckle.

„Awww, stop it, you stupid bat.“. Apparently ladybugs can talk. Interesting.

As they both parted way, eager to meet each other again, a familiar set of eyes traced them from a window.

„See, I told you they would work through it, huh.“, Bernard continuously poked Michelle, the latter seemingly annoyed by his friends’ actions.

„Yeah, you do remember when I told you to not wake me up in order to spy at our neighbours private business, right. I mean, It’s been a while since I told you, but come on”, sarcasm aside, Michelle had to admit that they looked rather cute together.

But he wouldn’t let Bernard have this sweet victory. You know…“, glancing over the brown stallion, Michelle could only stare at him in plain acceptance. „…you’re really making us look like an old couple here. A very creepy old couple.“.

Receiving a playful smooch from the brown stallion, Michelle gave a frown before they both chuckled, the sun slowly ringing in the day for Hollow Shades.


After parting ways with Chester, Cyrax felt hollow inside. He more then once wanted to rush back to him for one last hug, to feel his soft fur brush against his carapace one final time. But he couldn’t, shouldn’t. He had to get back to his Hive. A lot of trouble could be avoided if he did so.

Torn in between duty and desire began to affect him physically as his face soon met the apartment door head on. It proved to be victorious. Groaning he opened it, stepped inside and flopped himself on the bed.

An emotional hurricane mixed with a tsunami of thoughts made him want to scream, yet he didn’t found the strengh to do so. Peaking outisde he met the last flickers of sun as it was setting, reminding him of the most complex, unexpected and fucked up day he had ever lived through.

‚Buck it. It was still amazing. By the queens’ flank, it was‘

Sighing he revisited the moment where Chester began to wiggle around next to him, stammering and whispering. It happened so fast. They got out of the shower, dried and did nothing more than try to regain some sleep. After all, they both had been awake for a long time. Add that up to a twisted day/night cycle, the lack of proper food, getting sober and the physical exhaustion of more then one intimate exchange. It does make for a pretty exhausting cocktail.

Lying there, facing the roof Cyrax couldn’t help himself but smile. The clock read 7 p.m, his apparent evening chariot would depart in about an hour and the station it did so was just around the corner. The strange coincidence of this much fortunate luck still seemed alien to him, but if it were true, he would get home sooner and thus, have more time to prepare for work again.

After everything that had happened over the last couple of days, Cyrax found himself at a crossroad. To the left he saw a relaxing vacation to an exotic place far off to the north in which he unexpectedly had took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up getting a very VERY good experience on how it feels to be a tad bit differently in sexual orientation.

On the other side he found a calm, understanding yet tender, cute and interesting new friend. Who also happened to be extremely sexy if viewed in the right light, but that wasn’t the point.

A friend.

Somepony who is as much of a broken mess as he was. And despite everything he had done, Cyrax didn’t want to abandon him because of that. In a world where everypony seems to be perfect in both mind and body, it was hard to find ponies to relate to from his point of view.

Changelings didn’t excactly house the best reputation amongst the Equestrians.

So to put it simple, Cyrax had to make a choice. One or the other. There wasn’t room for compromise.

‚Do I want to try and start a relationship with him, thus trying to go one step further, or do I want him to be nothing more than a close friend of mine, who would always be there for me when I needed help.‘

‚Do I want to have him close and risk losing him forever, or play the safe card and keep him at a moderate distance.‘

‚And as much as I don’t want it to be true, I do have to face the eventuality that he never loved me in the first place. That all of it was nothing more then a fraud.‘

‚Better safe then sorry.‘

But then, why did it feel so real. If any creature in Equestria could tell the pureness of love it would be us…‘‘

Groaing again, he forced himself up, shoving down the entire thought process to the corner of his mind and focused on the more pressing matter. The clock was ticking, and he barely gathered anything from his stuff. Packing his things, he readied himself to leave Hollow Shades. Paying for the apartment at the receptionist desk he made for the station.

Despite anything, there were multiple ponies waiting as well. A group of unicorns, some earth ponies, a pegasus couple. Wait, was that another changeling? Cyrax blinked in shock at him and as their eyes met, he could see his baffled expression matched perfectly with his own as he scanned him from head to hoof.

His mane reached down far below his shoulders, appearing in a mixture of deep and light blue, giving an almost ice-like appearance. His eyes were of similar color, and despite the scar on his left eye, Cyrax couldn’t really decide whether or not this changeling looked more feminine or masculine. Something about him felt odd.

As he decided to approach the changeling the bells suddenly rang, indicating the imminent departure of the carriage. Four armoured batponies, wearing deep purple barding and helmets came flying down as they stopped just above the vehicle.

They hardly looked like the type to play jokes on as the sheathed set of hoofclaws sent a shiver down Cyrax’ spine. He would rather not want to see them in action.

„Attention, passengers!“, one of the guards, probably the one in command, spoke up in a deep voice.

„On behalf of security reasons and an important ambassador attending us at this ride, we are expanding the usual safety escort to four guards, instead of two. We expect no interferences from wildlife but I must insist that you may keep your hooves and any other things inside the carriage at all times. The less problems we have to deal with, the faster we get through the forest. Any unimportant luggage shall be stored either in the back or on top. We depart in five minutes“, he finished before saluting to his squad, which returned the gesture and turned back towards the carriage.

‚An ambassador! Isn’t that a political thing? Somepony important is here with us. Must be that fancy unicorn in the suit. Okay, just sit down, don’t do anything and you won’t get in trouble.‘

Boarding the carriage, Cyrax made his way through the back, the blue changeling from earlier sitting to the left. Almost all seats were already taken, safe for the one right next to him, or her. Somehow Cyrax wanted to find that out, it was nagging at his brain.

„Mind if I sit down here?“, Cyrax politely asked the changeling who looked back up at him after giving Cyrax a smile, gesturing him to sit down.

„Be my guest.“, he said in a soft voice. „I don’t mind company, in fact I’m quite surprised to find another changeling here in Hollow Shades. Where are you from?“, he asked. The carriage had begun to move, passing by the gates of the city almost instantly. Looking back at the menacing walls, Cyrax felt a tight grip around his chest.

What would happen the next time he would pass through them.... Or if he even passed them at all…

Noticing his sad expression the blue-maned changeling extended a hoof towards him, trying to cheer him up. „Hey don’t look so sad. I know, a vacation is wonderful but everything has to end eventually.“.

„Yeah…..right…“, Cyrax hung his head down.

„You’ve met somepony here, right?“, the mysterious stranger asked. Cyrax gave a nod, then rose to attention, facing him in horror at the fact that he knew. How? Was it so easy to guess?

„Don’t be alarmed. I can sense these things pretty well. Emotions and all that. They can be pretty nasty. But still, I’m deeply sorry for violating your privacy like this. Force of habit, I guess. Sorry…“

„…Cyrax“, he finished for the stranger. “I’m from the Badlands, or more precisely, south of them. We live near a lush jungle and compared to here, it’s pretty warm. Do you happen to know it?”, Cyrax asked, now slightly cheered up by the welcoming change of topics.

“Pleasure to meet you, Cyrax. My name is Kryostase. But you can call me Kryo if you’d like too. And yes, I do in fact know the Hive you’re referring too. To be honest, I’ve been there once too. Neat little place to get away from all the trouble at our Hive. Chrysalis does get grumpy often.”, he exhaled, seemingly annoyed but recollected himself in a smile, baring his own fangs.

“C…Chyrsalis. You mean you’re from her Hive?!”, Cyrax stammered, baffled by the revalation.

Kryo gave a slight nod followed by a smirk. “Surprised?”, he teased.

“Yes, I am. Yet, you honestly don’t really look like one of her drones. They just look a lot more different. Usually with a larger physique and more menacing in appearence then you. Way more. But I guess... ”, Cyrax stopped as a set of chilly blue eyes glared at him.

“A….a….atleast that’s what I heard. I never actually saw one. T….To be honest.”, he stammered. As a result, the glare softened into a smirk and a light chuckle from Kryo. “…S..Sorry”

“Trust me, my dear Cyrax. Looks can be very deceiving. But let me tell you that this stallion here can be very intimidating if he wants to. Consider yourself lucky that I am good tempered tonight.”, Kryo said, still smirking.

Strangely, Cyrax did actually believe him. His feminine physique contradicted his statement of being a stallion, yet Cyrax did not want to find out if he was bluffing. However, out of curiosity his eyes traced down his flank anyway.

Peaking back up, he saw Kryo giving him a smug expression paired with a devilish grin, which, in combination meant to say one simple word.


Turned in a ladybug once again, Cyrax avoided eye contact with him for an uncomfortably long while before the latter gave him a pat on the shoulder, which broke the tension. A favor for which Cyrax would be eternally grateful.

“Don’t you worry, Cyrax. I have a friend here in Hollow Shades who does that often too. Can’t get his eyes off my butt for one second. Tsk…tsk, these batponies are a one-of-a-kind breed, I tell you. But you just can’t help yourself, something about them is just silly, cute and adorable. I just find it hard to not like them. Atleast, that’s my opinion.”, Kryo said while giving him an understanding expression which still bore smug remains.

As much as Cyrax wanted to point out the irony of this situation and use it to talk about himself and Chester he simply gave a long sigh and a nod.

‘Indeed. One of a kind they are…’


“So he hit you. Not in a playful way but he actually beat you? Did I hear that correct?”, Kryo said in a strangely monotone way.

Contrary to his own intentions, Cyrax did talk about what had happened between Chester and him. He told Kryo everything, of course leaving out details regarding their more intimate times. Strangely, Kryo did try to press him into elaborating those details with a perverted look on his face, which made Cyrax reconsider if it was a good idea to tell him.

Luckily, Kryo did knew his limts and at the end of his exposition, Cyrax did somehow feel relieved. Finally being able to talk to somepony about these things did took a lot of weight off him.

A while after, their carriage had left them off at the border to Noctralya, which was right outside the lush and huge forest. The region was known for their assortment of rather huge trees, compared to the rest of Equestria. Clear lines were, of course, not present to indicate directly were their territory began, yet the imposing array of them made for a pretty good alternative.

Especially since they only got more and bigger the further you entered. Cyrax admitted to himself that, even if there wouldn’t be any dangerous animals inside it he still would’t dare to walk or fly to Hollw Shades. Something about this forest seemed creepy.

Shrugging it off he turned towards Kryo who sat right next to him. They decided to wait on the very same bench of the very same station they arrived earlier.The moonlight illuminated the rather empty plains just enough so that one could orient themselves well. In the distance one could spot the batpony border quite prominently.

Cyrax, as well as Kryo, had to wait for their connection ride, which would arrive in about half an hour. At least that’s what the guards told them before they made their way back.

The other tourists made for a nearby town but both Cyrax and Kryo knew they wouldn’t react kindly to changelings. Of course they could disguise and transform themselves but they shared a common desire to be away from crowds, so they decided to relax a bit and Cyrax eventually couldn’t keep his mouth shut anymore.

Another thing for which Cyrax liked batponies. They accepted changelings for who they were. Gave them a second chance, to prove better. At least they didn’t have a stick up their butt…

Trying his best to banish the little Chesters floating around his mind, doing lewd things with various objects one could technically call sticks, Cyrax tried to focus on answering Kryo’s question instead.

“Yes. Yes, he beat me, but you must understand. He was not himself. It was a bad dream. Very bad. It was too much for him and he just snapped. Nothing more. And I can understand that. Could happen to anypony, really.”, Cyrax sighed at Kryo who returned an angered expression.

“Cyrax, let me be honest with you. That sounds exactly like somepony who is in denial of the truth. I don’t know this Chester, but from what you told me he doesn’t appear to be healthy in his mind.”, He said in a serious tone.

“He…just needs some help”, Cyrax countered.

“Yes. Probably. But If I were you I would be careful, Cyrax. I find it very noble of you to try and help him, but you could easily fall into this spiral as well, then drown only to find yourself in an abusive relationship. You want my advice? Ditch him. It might sound harsh at first but you won’t risk to be hurt again. Physical or mental, doesn’t matter.”, he said in the same voice. Monotone, yet serious and reasonable.

‘Better safe than sorry.’

Cyrax felt a jolt of pain through his chest. He knew it wasn’t real, but it did the job. Talking with Kryo didn’t exactly made his decision easier. Now his head, influenced by painful words of reason, screamed NO. Yet his heart roared YES. As it tried his best to silence the former and begged his limbs to get up and reunite with him.

Groaning loudly, Cyrax thought of drowning himself in alcohol just to silence these two and finally get five minutes without thinking about this goddamn batpony.

‘For the Love of everything, WHY.IS.THIS.SO.BUCKING.COMPLICATED.’

‘Any now Chester was peeling a banana, slowly beginning to…’

Thank you brain. Now both of you combine and gang up on me. Thank you. Thank you very much…

Clenching his teeth together and forcing a smile Cyrax was determined to down an entire bottle of Wild Pegasus if he had any.

Of course he didn’t.

Turning his awkward smile towards Kryo he just said the first thing that came to his throat.

‘Yes, from now on you are in charge.’

„Say, you don’t happen to know who this ambassador was, right? My guess lies with that fancy unicorn in the white tuxedo.“. The changeling gave a chuckle before looking back at Cyrax.

„Perhaps. He did look like one. But we’ll never know for sure don’t we? Anyway, we should be happy that he, or she, indirectly provided us with more security. Pretty noble of him to travel with common folk, if you ask me.“, he finished with a smile.

Just as the change of topic were off, Cyrax was saved by another carriage which appeard on the horizon. This must be his ride home. At least he wished it to be. Hopefully his home and regular working shedule would help him clear his mind.

‘Now Chester was riding a gigantic eggplant. And…oh…of course he was licking it too..’

„I guess this is goodbye then.“, Kryo spoke up, extending him a hoof. „It was very nice meeting you, Cyrax. Maybe we can see each other again. I mean, who knows what the future might hold.“, The blue-maned Changeling said, locking eyes with him.

„From one changeling to another, Cyrax, I wanted to tell you something. Love can make you whole as fast as it leaves you hollow. It is like a coin. There are two sides of it. One is vast and rich, the other dark and shallow. I do not wish for you to experience the bad side, but sometimes you better don’t pick up the coin at all. As I said before, be carfeul. Save travels, Cyrax. Goodbye.“.

And with that, Kryo, to Cyrax’ surprise, flew off into the air, leaving him alone to enter the carriage. Apparently it really was headed in the direction he wanted too. What a lucky coincidence.

‘Wait, was Chester poledancing now. That’s it. You’re all fired. Dismissed.’

Taking a last look back in the direction were Kryo left off he could swear that he saw three changelings now, all disappearing at the horizon.

‘Where the hell did they come from. Did I miss something…Please don’t tell me I need glasses.’

Blinking in confusion he shrugged it off and turned his head forward again, trying to think about nothing.

Of course that’s easier said then done…