• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,089 Views, 32 Comments

Failing Firmaments - MidKnight Erratum

Twilight has spent her whole life studying magic, under Celestia's guiding care, but when she needed to succeed the most... She failed...

  • ...

Chapter 6: A Restitution of Pride

A Restitution of Pride

Sunday came with an early dawning, cutting through the curtains, to meet Twilight's sleepless gaze. She couldn't recall when she'd dozed into a dreamless dark, or if she had at all. Perhaps she hadn't slept a wink, but the sunbeams assaulted her vision all the same. Twilight turned away, as her tear-less eyes fixated on the darkness of the library's confining comfort. Inwardly cursing the sun, hoping it would flee back beyond the horizon. Leaving her to wallow in misery for her eternity. Everything was exhausting.

Twilight withheld a heavy sigh, as she heard Spike stirring from his bedside basket nearby. She waited, listening as he groggily greeted a new day, opening the bedroom window to let a frigid gust of gentle morning dew into the hollow halls of the library. Before he wandered off to fix a breakfast for two, but only one would enjoy that meal today. Twilight was tired beyond anything she'd ever felt. The world felt crushing around her, as she lay under the blankets that seemed to bind her to the bed with her body's sleepless exhaustion. The effort just wasn't worth the fight, today.

Her bed had become a sanctuary, the last thread holding her salvation, but now. Even that felt taxing. At least the darkness couldn't rule her actions, when she had none to take. The voices sedated and quiet, yet just beyond the threshold of becoming truly awake. Twilight found comfort in the darkness of her closed eyes, as nothing existed in her sight. The misery acceptable to the taste, in the passing moments of mourning. The clock on the wall, the only indication of passing time, as Twilight lay bundled in her own calamity. Wishing that perhaps today would be the day.

The designation of her suffering, at the hooves of a benevolent ruler. Perhaps the time was nigh, Twilight wished the day would come. Hopefully sooner, than never at all. The waiting was a punishment all to itself. A torturous twinge to Twilight's soul, every passing morning. Only relieved by the short passing of nightfall.

The clock's ticking away, isn't it... Will you regret all this wasted time once you're finished? Or will you cherish the few days you have left, like a fool? It's almost been a whole week... How much longer do you think you have to squander?

The darkness laughed, mocking as it ever did. Ceaselessly untiring of its tormenting, as Twilight ignored it. Today she would sleep. Who cared if Celestia herself wished her to rise? Twilight was going to make a stand, by lying down. Fully content in drifting back into sleep. Despite how little she had found herself capable of, as of late. She was completely intent on defiantly staying put.

"Come one, Come All!" The words sudden, and abrasive, cut through the quiet morning to pester Twilight's ears.

"Come and witness the amazing spectacle that is, the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrixie!"

Twilight rolled back to the open window, finding the pretentious tone of this 'Trixie' beyond tiresome. With a menial effort, Twilight summoned the magic needed to swing the window shut. Latching it closed, in a vain attempt to banish the pandemonium from the walls of her haven. The noise only grew as Twilight sat up enough to watch a crowd beginning to form in the streets. Twilight wanted to scream, but all that escaped her debilitated voice was an angered growling sigh.

Couldn't the town stop being so... So... obnoxious?

Twilight levitated one of her pillows and squeezed it to her face, clamping hooves over her ears, trying to block out the braggart. Only managing to muffle the words, but the jeering crowd's applause and laughter remained. Morphing into a constant note of blaspheme bass treble, to the pounding drums inside Twilight's head. She didn't know how long she lay there, hoping for a release from the torturous drabble, but it felt like a short moment of eternity passing on in vanity.

As Trixie did her bit, telling tales of her own great heroic deeds. Whether or not those claims were true. Twilight's patience was waning, as she found herself being forced from her rest. And the comfort of expired confetti, glittered bedding. As Twilight fell lethargically from the bed, every movement an agony to her lazed lassitude. Slothing from the room, as she escaped deeper into the library, from the hubbub outside the walls of her sanctified silence. Seeking the quietest corner, as she mindlessly picked a book to disregard.

She sat on the cold floor, wrapped in a comfort of her own resentment, as her mind boiled in her anger. Nothing seemed to go right for her anymore. Everything was an annoyance, the world hated her, and Twilight was willingly hating the world right back. This 'Trixie' was just another cruel foil of fate, tempting her to act, but Twilight would not act in this curtained stage of destiny's grand performance. No, she would simply wait, until she could fall back into restless sleep. Whether this 'Trixie' happened to remain or not.

But what if this Trixie never leaves? Perhaps you could remove her from the proximity yourself?

The thought did seem tempting, and Twilight found her tired mind fixating upon the inclination. Perhaps something could be done to deal with Trixie's disruption.

It took a bit of searching, but Twilight found a spell she'd rarely remembered, buried deep inside one of the many countless tomes of the library. It was simple. She could've cast it in her sleep; and saved herself the effort of being awoken by such a thoughtless, self-centered careless, egotistic Trixie. It was Twilight's last salvation. A spell of forced silence within any designated area she dare choose. It would be simple enough to simply cast it on her bedroom. This was going to be a breeze.

Twilight rose triumphantly, book in hoof, as she hastily made her way back into the cacophony of her bedroom, locking the door behind her as she wanted no disruption in her act of secrecy. Making her way to the window, and glaring down at the offenders below. Glaring maliciously a few seconds, before raising the book and turning to the empty room before her. The spell would last a good 24 hours it said, and that was only a small amount of time compared to however long Twilight wished it would last. She closed her eyes. Tracing the pattern of the spell in her mind, repeating the words as they were mumbled into the quieting air. She felt her horn gathering the required energy to bend the ethereal magic around her. Twisting it to be her own, to follow her command, waiting until she felt its writhing resistance fade away. Obedience attained to her will and pleasure, as the magic was released like water flowing through the room, and beyond.

The silence was deafening, instant, and dizzying. Twilight stood swaying for a few seconds as she adapted to its effectiveness. Pure silence, not even her own breathing, or heartbeat disrupting her ears. She might as well have been deaf for all the good it was. Joyous silence, bubbled within her glee, as she excitedly leapt to her bed. Perhaps she would do the same tomorrow, and the day after. On and on for eternity! The thought of Celestia barging into the room to demand for Twilight's atonement, only to find herself unheard by any, was comical to the dreary unicorn. As she relinquished herself once more in her sanctuary of fortitude silence.

Something was wrong. Trixie was surrounded by adoration, her prized joy that filled her with ecstatic life. As the crowd swelled, and cheered to her powerful stories of greatness. As she did small acts of prestidigitation between her boastful claims. The cheers were deafening, praising, as she basked in its glory. Until all was quiet.

Trixie opened her eyes, to find the crowd quickly coming to the same confusion. Their clear cheers and hollering of jubilations and worship, unheard by any. As Trixie stammered for silenced words. Was she even talking?

What was going on?

Something was very wrong...

Panic was beginning to spread through the crowd, like a silent wildfire. Trixie could see it in their eyes, terror and confusion. Madness. All was ascending into madness. Something had to be done, someone had to calm their quiet cacophonous panic.

Trixie ignited her horn, sending several spectral dancing lights that imitated fireworks at her command. Taking a moment to seize their attention, as she wrote words into the very air. Sending a message to ease their worry. Seeing the simple act keeping the crowd from falling into a mindless mob of uncontrollable chaos.

Remain calm, this is nothing to be alarmed about...

All is going to be fine.

I, the great and powerful Trixie, will do what I can to get to the bottom of this mysterious silence.

Trixie promised, setting a plan in motion, that she hoped wouldn't completely backfire. Perhaps there was a range to this mystery's limits. Trixie asked for several volunteers, as she commanded the rest of the ponies to remain calm, and return home to wait until a solution could be found.

As the crowd slowly dispersed, some more hastily than others. Trixie turned to her few voluntary helpers, two of which were rather younger unicorns. One a pale turquoise with bright firecracker hair. The other a rather zoned out copper furred unicorn with a greenish mane and tail, who regarded her with a lackadaisical look that gazed beyond her. Trixie didn't really care, perhaps they'd get the job done. She set about explaining her plan, directing them to take a direction and travel until they could hear again. She suggested they could hum, sing, or something as they went. The test was a simple one, perhaps they'd find it was a smaller area of effect, at least that's what she wished to find out. As she silently hoped she'd only have to merely mover her wagon and stage a little ways. She'd received a few bits for her morning performance, but not as much as she'd hoped.

She left them with a final rule, directing them to only go to the town's limits, and no farther. For their own 'safety.' She didn't want any foolish foals getting lost in the nearby forest just because she'd asked them to find a limit to a mysterious silence. Before not even knowing if a limit could be found. Besides, it would be useless to set up her stage outside of the bustling small town.

She paired the two younger unicorns together in a group, they seemed more capable together than alone. Sending them in the direction of whatever direction seemed farthest away from the aforementioned forest.

Trixie returned to her wagon, packing up her stage, she would have to see about getting some sort of breakfast, and then. With a little luck, she'd be back in business before the day was through.

She had little intention on worrying about fixing the odd silence, perhaps it was some magic cast by another strong unicorn. The thought of such a unicorn in close proximity bothered her. Perhaps this was a heckler's roundabout way of showing her up. Perhaps it was a test. Trixie admittedly knew she didn't know a lot about complex magic, but she was the best in the business. At least she affirmed herself of such a lie once more.

Avoiding the truth she wouldn't believe, she didn't want to be reminded of her failing past mistakes. Years of magic school, being laughed at and mocked for her incapabilities. Being shamed for her unique way of using her unicorn magic. These nightmares were still haunting, but eased by the pain of her pride. Those ponies had just been unappreciative of her greatness. At least these ponies of Ponyville had good taste, able to recognize the true talent of her power. Trixie silently vowed it would NEVER happen to her again, never again would she make a mistake or be ostracized for her great and superior power. After all, she was Trixie the Great and Powerful, she reminded herself. As she set off in search of a cheap meal to call breakfast.

Twilight awoke to the sound of silence. It was deafeningly quiet, as her tired bones ached of sleep. Her stomach was screaming for food, yet Twilight had no appetite for such things. She was a fat, greedy, undeserving slob of a pony. She wanted nothing more than to wither and die in her unending sleep. Yet the light from her sheltered windows was blinding to her gaze. Slipping mercilessly through the curtain's cracks, to stab her corneas with unwelcome warmth. Twilight found herself staring up at the ceiling, perhaps she needed to get up. Perhaps there were things that needed tending to.

I don't care.

They could all rot in Tartarus for all I care.

Twilight groaned, as she heard fate calling, keeping her mind busy. Unable to relinquish to her rest. Punishing her for her laziness, but Twilight didn't care. She simply rolled over, for the hundredth time, and fought with her emotions for control. Wrangling her sadness and depression into a messy ball of feelings.

Ugh, feelings, what useless trash...

She agreed with the dark, as she threw them away. Neglecting to feed them with her heart, like the parasites they were. They didn't serve her, rather latched onto her suffering. Depleting her strength, but she was stronger than them. The darkness was right, emotions were weakness, and a slave driver. Thus, the sooner she overpowered them, and threw them out the better. They were weeds, not the promised roses that fools mistook them for. No, her mind was a garden, and emotions the weeds. Her heart the fruit of her labors, as she did what she pleased.

Twilight wanted to be awake, that's all there was to it. She wasn't being kept awake by some stupid sunlight, or noise. No, she wanted to find solace in her sleepless suffering. And in her misery, she found her company.

The darkness was her friend, and she would cultivate it. It numbed the pain, it made her feel nothing. And in the cruel world in which Twilight lived. Nothing, felt better than the agony of her sins.

Trixie returned to her wagon, having bought a cheap hayburger and fries. She had found the restaurants and cafes mostly deserted, thanks to the afflicted silence. Some had even closed down for the day. Anyone who had been open had found their own ways of getting around the need for communication. From post it notes written hastily, to simple pointing at menus. It was nice to see the surprise from the pony behind the counter, as Trixie placed her order with glittery pale blue writing, written in the air.

It was admittedly a bit of a splurge from the morning's earnings to order some fast food. But if her treasured score was anything to judge by, perhaps she'd stay a while in this backwater town. It wasn't anything like Canterlot, and their high societal expectations. But rather a laid-back town with a lethargic peace that was easy to stir up into the excitement of her grandeur. Malleable to her whims, and generous in its supportive offerings.

Trixie loved the feeling it brought, easily obtained with the least effort. She had been practicing her performance for moons, since her travels began, and it felt good to find her reward so readily given. It was refreshing the admiration the ponies could give, from such a small populace. Trixie wanted more of it, neigh she NEEDED more of it!

It wasn't long, as Trixie lost herself in her own thoughts, before the first volunteers reported back. The pegasi submitting to her a written report of being unable to find a limit within the town. The more eager scouts, had found its barrier ending several gallops away from the outermost Ponyville homes. The unicorns imitated her own strategy of using magic to write their messages in the air. Easily understood, at least from one perspective. Trixie had found they weren't very adept at mirroring their writing, like herself. This small detail boosted her confidence ever so slightly, as she found it amusing.

Much to Trixie's reluctance, it seemed she wouldn't be moving her wagon a few blocks away to avoid the overcast quiet. The magical mystery had overshadowed the entire town in its relentless injustice. Much like unwanted weather, Trixie would have to either deal with it, or wait it out. Neither of which, she wanted.

The pair of foals had yet to return, but Trixie figured their report wouldn't be any different. Perhaps they'd gotten distracted from their task, they were young children after all. Regardless she'd gained the knowledge she needed. Now, to decide what needed to be done. It was most certainly a spell, perhaps another could undo it. Trixie reluctantly knew she probably wouldn't find such a thing in the few books she carried in her wagon. Most of which were of stage magic, and visual effects. Trixie didn't like reading, at least not a lot of it. But perhaps, today she'd have to accept the help from searching through a library.

It didn't take long, as she found to her surprise, that she'd been near it all along. It had been a little embarrassing, having asked one of her scouts about a library. To have them, simply point to the fancy structure that had been built inside a hollowed out tree. Trixie had thought nothing of the mysterious structure, sure it stuck out like a sore hoof. Among all the other cookie cutter homes of the town, but she'd thought perhaps it was just the architect's unique taste in design.

Regardless, Trixie approached the quiet abode, knocked a few times. Before realizing that the knocking probably wouldn't be heard. However, the door flew open, as a scaly blur crashed full speed into her. Trixie brushed some dust from her cloak, and adjusted her hat with her magic. Before regarding the young dragon who was hastily picking up an old dusty book, flipping back to a predetermined page, until he fully took in Trixie's splendor.

The dragon's eyes grew wide, at the realization of her greatness, and he wasted no time in opening the book and holding it up for her to see. Gesturing frantically to a page that contained archaic runes and words. Trixie inspected it quizzically, skeptic of the magic before determining it could possibly work. This was going to be a cakewalk, Trixie readjusted some of the order of the magic in her mind, as she set about twisting the magic to what she felt was right. A few words of the incantation mumbled in the silence, perhaps a bit out of order. But all was fine, Trixie could feel it, this was going to work! She could feel her power gathering, she could feel it writhing its chaotic whims. Like an untamed beast, and she felt its living energy inside her. She loved the feeling, cherished her greatness, and superiority. As she released the wild magic into the town of Ponyville.

Twilight was minding her own business when it happened. The unwelcome intrusion to her peace. The silence evaporated in the blink of an eye. Flooding her ears like the roaring of a thunderclap. The fallout of an explosion, as sound was restored once more to the world around her.

No, this wasn't right! What happened to my magic?...

My silence?... my freedom...

Twilight felt the agony of the chaos, as she bit back the urge to scream in her agony. As the sound assaulted her unsuspecting ears. Like a flooded dam bursting, and washing away her sanctuary in one swell swoop. Twilight lay in her bed, adjusting to the harsh return of chaos. Seething through the tolerable pain, until the oncoming headache was all that remained to her suffering.

She stumbled out of bed, shaking off the daze in her mind, as she exhaled a groan. Except it sounded a lot like the revving of a motor. Twilight gasped, the sound belonging to the intake of air replaced by the squeaking of a rusty hinge.

What is going on?

Twilight quickened her pace, her hoof-steps echoing with interchanging sound effects, like some kind of laughable comedic cartoon. Twilight unlocked and threw open the door, as it clattered with a generic sound of impact and whistling air. Before storming downstairs to find out what in Tartarus was going on.

Her tirade only lasted to the front door, as she found Spike in the doorway losing his laughter. As he found his speech replaced by random sounds, testing it over in his hilarity of the circumstance. The intruder she found on the other hand, made Twilight's hatred boil to the surface from its deep pit it had been hidden in. Procuring an intense glare at the pale blue of the street magician, Twilight recognized immediately.

Trixie!... Of course, it would be HER!...

Twilight could feel her horn sparking with the intent of use, as she imagined relinquishing justice for self-righteous retribution. An eye for an eye, as they say. She could do so many things, make this Trixie suffer for her actions, cast upon her mortal frame so much pain. Twilight wanted to see fear in her eyes, as she so easily could have forced the desperate emotion into that foolish unicorn. But she didn't, because she didn't care. Or at least that's what she told herself, as she resigned to speaking her dismays to the intrusive meddler.

Twilight made to tell the unicorn off, and was greeted once more by random pandemonium escaping her lips. Instead of the intended words. This didn't make Twilight's message any clearer as it was loud, but rather did alert Trixie to her presence. As the blue mare snapped out of her surprise at the chaos she'd caused. A few bits of laughter tugged at Trixie's lips, as it was replaced with the sound of a gurgling stream. Which shut the stupid magician up quite nicely, as Trixie raised a hoof to her lips in surprise. Twilight merely smiled venomously back. Trying to burn a hole through Trixie with her pinpointed stare, to no avail.

Twilight then noticed the dropped spell book on the front step, and levitated it effortlessly to her, as she read the spell she assumed had backfired. She didn't waste a second casting it on herself, fixing her own voice, as Spike continued to fail to keep his bursting laughter in check. Its sounds echoing with various honks and disruptive clamorous noises.

Twilight cleared her throat, before testing to see if her magic had worked on herself, and herself alone. Before delivering a dry welcome to the 'guest' of hers.

"Hello, can I help you?" Twilight asked.

Levitating the book back to a random shelf. She didn't care if it was in order or not, as she sought to do the same for several others carelessly strewn about the floor. Probably in a panicked search for a cure to Twilight's sweet silence.

Trixie went to speak, and more chaotic clamor escaped her lips. As she quickly shoved a hoof in her mouth to stop the nonsense. Twilight merely smiled back in her silent triumphant victory.

Trixie nodded a yes to Twilight's question. Gesturing from the bookshelfs to Twilight, and then herself and the rest of the town. As her ignited horn wrote frantic words into the air. A nifty trick, but Twilight wasn't fooled into the awe of Trixie's trickery.

Can you fix this? I tried to fix the silence cast on the town, but I might have accidentally cast the spell wrong...

"So, you want me to fix the problem YOU caused now?" Twilight asked definitively.


"No," Twilight refused, using her magic to drag Spike by his tail back into the library, in order to slam the door on Trixie with her magic. But Trixie kept the door from shutting with her own magic. Her eyes meeting Twilight's with a determination to succeed.

Would you at least fix the town? I was trying to help by taking away the unfortunate silence it was put under, by something or somepony... Please, help me, help them?

Silence selfishly cast on the town by somepony, eh?

The darkness coed, letting Twilight's mind work to a logical conclusion. Had she accidentally cast her spell on the entire town, instead of only her room? The idea of causing such inconvenience on the unsuspecting populace made Twilight determined to bury the cause deep in her closet of secrets. She would never claim responsibility of something so careless, surely there would be some punishment if she owned up to such a mistake. She had been so careful in casting the spell too, she was certain. But now Twilight was second guessing her own judgement.

Will you please help them? Trixie asked, her gaze almost begging like a forlorn puppy.

"Sure, I'll help them..." Twilight smirked, realizing a loophole in Trixie's request. Relishing in her genius, as she summoned the magic, taking care to control it with precision as best she could. Borrowing its power as it manifested in her glowing aura of violet splendorous hue. Before releasing it to wash over like a tsunami wave crashing through the streets of Ponyville. However, Twilight redirected its flow from enveloping Trixie, curing every-pony else, except the prideful magician. As the magic faded, and Twilight's head exploded in fresh throbbing pain from her mental strain. She regarded Trixie with interest, waiting for the unicorn mare to realize the truth.

"Happy now?" She pried, baiting Trixie into a response.

Trixie opened her mouth, as if to give some parting words, but was cursed by her prior personal failing of an attempt at restoring the sound Twilight had banished from the town. The confusion was written in her expression of shock, as she coughed several times and tried again. Yet to no avail. Staring back at Twilight, dumbfounded.

"I helped you, help them," Twilight explained smiling smugly. Helping to catalyst the enlightenment dawning on the dunce unicorn, as to what Twilight had done, while the realization washed over Trixie.

Twilight levitated the book, with the spell she'd used, from where she'd put it. Thrusting it forcefully into Trixie's chest. Waiting for the magician's magic to accept the book's load, before releasing it.

"You might need to borrow this," Twilight remarked in the best condescending tone she could muster. "It was page 132 to be precise. You're welcome!"

Good ridance!

And with that, Twilight turned from the door, slamming it in Trixie's face once and for all. Satisfied with her own job well done.

Author's Note:

Lunar Epilogue 6:

Her name was Luna.
Or at least she hoped it was, memories and dreams seemed one and the same.
Fading away with every passing day.
Losing just a small drop more to the darkness.
Finding herself through the meaningless sufferance.
Had she ever been alive?
Was darkness all that life had ever been?

Luna could not remember.