• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,088 Views, 32 Comments

Failing Firmaments - MidKnight Erratum

Twilight has spent her whole life studying magic, under Celestia's guiding care, but when she needed to succeed the most... She failed...

  • ...

Chapter 5: Nothing Left

Nothing Left

Twilight spent the next few days in a repeating process of sleep, eating, and mindlessly reading. Taking in information, but not retaining anything of substance. On one occasion, her reading had been disrupted abruptly by a sky blue pegasus she'd met previously. The annoying weather pony with the familiarly obnoxious multi colored mane, just as begrudgingly irritating as the pegasi it belonged to. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash had come crashing through her balcony window, and completely obliterated several shelves, along with the glass of the fragile pane. In a bombshell cacophony that had made quite a devastating disaster within the now chaotic disorder of books. As the glass rained down from above, Twilight had ducked for cover, and only emerged once the dust had started to settle.

Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash, had not been visibly hurt, and had sprung up within seconds. Giving only a parting apology before flying from the shattered window, like a bat out of hell. Leaving Twilight and Spike to clean up after her. Twilight cursed that rainbow maned pegasus, as she worked in cleaning up the war zone that had once been orderly ranks of knowledge and wisdom.

The next day Pinkie had stopped by to offer some muffins she and Applejack had made. Twilight had accepted them as genuinely as she could, but it was just a ruse in order to appease the energetic party planner. Twilight had used the excuse of needing to study more, while gesturing to a pile of books she hadn't finished organizing from the prior day's disaster. Pinkie had nodded with understanding, and bounced out the door, enthusiastic to share more muffins with the townsfolk. Twilight had gone back to brooding, as she continued to waste her time away. The muffins completely forgotten.

The day after that, Twilight woke late in the evening to find a horde of bunnies decimating the town's flowerbeds. Twilight had taken that as an excuse to stay indoors, and ignore the outside world. A few ponies visited, looking for books, but Twilight ignored them as best she could. Which proved successful against most the ponies she barely knew.

Which brought Twilight to today. She sat listening to the ramblings of Pinkie Pie, the clueless mare who couldn't catch a hint if it slapped her across the face. As Twilight sat staring at a book she was supposedly reading, yet the page may as well have been blank for all the words she didn't comprehend. Her mind too distracted by the noisy disposition berating her ears.

"And so, I'm throwing Gilda; the gryphon, a genuine Ponyville Welcoming Party!" Pinkie exclaimed, brandishing an invitation from nowhere, and plopping it onto the page Twilight was halfheartedly staring at in mock concentration.

"Will you come?" Pinkie asked, offering a super sincere smile. Twilight's own polite grin paled in comparison.

"No... I still have to do some studying..." Twilight lied through her teeth, as she hoped Pinkie would just leave her in peace. The pink party pony, however, lingered just a little longer.

"You sure?" Pinkie asked, "It won't be till this afternoon. So maybe you could finish studying in time to attend."

Twilight wanted anything but to agree to go to a silly party. She really didn't want to go outside, especially after her meltdown earlier in the week. She couldn't bring herself to face the ponies of Ponyville yet. Nor ever again.

"I'll see what I can do..." Twilight promised without conviction.

"Oki doki!" Pinkie smiled knowingly. Bouncing towards the door in jubilation. "I'll be sure to save some cake! You won't regret it!"

"Now, I'd better go plan that party, otherwise it'll have to be a surprise party. With the surprise being no party at all!" Pinkie called, as she vanished out into the streets, heading for Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight watched for a minute, making sure Pinkie was gone, before letting out a long heavy sigh. She wouldn't attend that stupid party, how could she? Twilight turned from the door, pulling her hood over her ears. Hiding from the world, hiding from Spike as he worked a few shelves away. Checking the books to make sure their reorganization efforts, after Rainbow Dash's crash landing of literacy, hadn't misplaced any. She stared, trapped in her mind as she watched herself turn another numberless page in a book. And read meaningless words recorded in its lengths of literature.

How long had it been since she felt control over her own actions? How long had she been lost in her own mind, a mere observer to the world outside. A world she had once lived in, and taken for granted.

It's better this way. At least, you can no longer feel the pain of living. Such a disgrace you have become. What's it been, a good two weeks now? Celestia just can't be bothered to punish a fool like you... Yet.

And when was the last time you heard from you family? They don't even care... They probably don't even want to see you after hearing of your failure...

Twilight's darkness remarked, pouring another drop of despair into her heart, as she no longer felt its numb embrace. She just wanted to live again, wishing this nightmare would end, and leave her with rekindled conviction to make things right. But nothing seemed right anymore, it kept going in circles. Perhaps it would go on in its repeating track forever, an endless torment of waiting. Twilight closed her eyes, trapping herself inside the darkness. Somehow it coaxed her into comfort, alone in her solace as she ignored the world around her.

Noon came and went, Twilight ate something for lunch. She didn't really care to remember exactly what it was, all she knew was she had eaten, thus didn't need to. Despite the idea of food blossoming in her head, dreaming of something sweet. Perhaps she would go to the party, if nothing more than to eat a piece of the cake.

No, cake wasn't worth that much effort. Twilight sat reading the same page for the hundredth time that afternoon, still retaining none of its knowledge. She blinked, and a gust of wind flew past, sending the book into a whirl of disarray, a sea wave of turning pages crashing against the shore of its hardbound cover.

Twilight glanced around for a cause to the disturbance, and spotted the window across the room. Carelessly left open to the wind, swinging on neglected hinges that whined their mournful complaints. Begrudgingly she got to her hooves, and walked from her desk to the window. Shutting it in irritation, as she turned back to her arrogant ignorance. She waltzed back to the desk, and proceeded to sit back on her seat that was suddenly no longer there.

Twilight fell on her rump, hitting the bare floor hard, as stifled laughter crept into her ears. She glanced around to find the stool, just slightly farther than she'd left it. She levitated it in her magic, and sat again. This time, she felt the slight gust and the sound of wind tearing past, as the stool disappeared from beneath her. As she met the ground once more, this time falling on her back with the momentum.

This time, the squawking laughter echoed from above her. Twilight looked up to find none other than the offender, Rainbow Dash, in hysterical laughter. A gryphon wasn't far behind, rolling across the floor in her fit of joy. Twilight felt the sparks of anger twinkling from her horn, as she lifted herself to her hooves. Her face blossoming in roses of embarrassment, as she shook with exasperation.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight seethed through gritted teeth, eyes narrowed.

"Twilight Sparkle." Rainbow mimicked. The colorful pegasus suddenly serious on all accounts, staring back with equal intensity.

Before bursting into laughter once again, causing the consequential moment to evaporate, leaving Twilight confused. Twilight wanted nothing short of levitating every book in the library to beat over the two's heads as they mocked her. She could envision their fear, in a moment of panic as they'd try to flee. None would escape her righteous retribution. They'd see, she could feel her magic reaching out as she contemplated her justice.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't make you regret that?" Twilight snarled with animosity.

"Relax, it's all in good fun," The gryphon spoke, her raspy voice grating to Twilight's ears.

"It's just a harmless prank." Rainbow Dash justified, brushing off imaginary dust from the stool, before sliding it back towards Twilight.

Harmless?... Harmless?! I'll show you harmless fun!

Twilight caught the stool in her magic, and contemplated throwing it across the room at the pair of pranksters. She took a deep, long heavy breath, before deciding not to.

"Well, if you two are done making fools, please leave. I have a lot of studying to do." Twilight lied, turning the pages back to a page that looked familiar enough to it's alien writings. She sat successfully on the stool, but this time a gaseous explosive disruption echoed through the quiet walls. As the whoopee-cushion expelled its held flatulence.

Laughter exploded from across the room, and Twilight looked to find even Spike trying to fight back his giggles. She levitated the deflated cushion in her magic and tossed it at her scornful audience to her rage.

"Get Out!" Twilight commanded, pointing a hoof to the door. Trying to restrain what dignity she could into not murdering the two troublemakers on the spot.

"Alright, enough is enough," Rainbow Dash submitted, "Hey, Gilda let's go..."

"You're right Dash, it's about time we crashed that pink pony's welcoming party."

"Oh, by the way, Twilight..." Rainbow paused at the door, glancing back at her book. "You were on page 65, not 47."

The pair departed, setting off in renewed laughter towards the bakery. Twilight watched them go, before glancing at Spike as he tried to keep his fit of laughter from reaching her ears. He failed miserably. Each chuckle adding another needle to her dying pride, as she turned back to the book. She was no longer interested in her 'homework.' Her mind fixating on the ridicule she'd received.

Perhaps she DID need a break.

Just maybe, it wasn't such a bad idea to attend one of Pinkie Pie's parties for some cake, after all.

With a smile, Twilight left the desk, walked to the door and pulled the hood of her jacket over her eyes once more. Determination was the symphony to her actions, her mind and body united under a common goal. A delicacy she had heard was best served cold, but today it would burn hotter than coal. Revenge.

Twilight arrived at Sugarcube Corner, to find Pinkie waiting expectantly at the door, greeting her guests. When she spotted Twilight lingering at the door, Pinkie's eyes lit up with overwhelming happiness. She could barely contain her excitement, as she greeted Twilight to the party. Twilight indulged Pinkie's need for a smile, and exchanged greetings like playing cards. Twilight could see it in her gaze, Pinkie knew. Perhaps she had known all along, that Twilight would be coming to the party. She didn't know how, yet the mystery of Pinkie just kept intriguing her logical mind. Twilight just silently prayed that Pinkie didn't know why she'd come. Twilight didn't want any interference from any outliers she couldn't control.

"So, what convinced you to come?" Pinkie prodded methodically, "I bet it was the cake, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that..." Twilight replied, staring at Rainbow Dash and Gilda, who were across the room. Rainbow had set a cylindrical present on a table laden with others of various sizes. As they continued chatting, the blue mare pegasus kept methodically looking around the room, taking in everything with practiced habit. Twilight's task wouldn't be easy.

"Well then, I guess you'll have to wait until Gilda blows out the candles for cake. It's cooling in the back as we speak." Pinkie beamed, "So, feel free to enjoy some of the lemon drops, and punch while you wait."

Pinkie reached a hoof out to shake, which seemed odd, but Twilight didn't want the situation to become awkward. She accepted the gesture with hesitant reproach. A lightning pain enveloped Twilight's fore-hoof, as their hooves met, causing her to jump back in shock. The unexpected spark of electricity catching her off guard, in a moment of vulnerability Twilight had allowed herself, as Pinkie giggled with laughter. Turning her pink hoof over to reveal some sort of buttoned contraption.

"Sorry about that," Pinkie apologized with her laughter, "I've been getting ponies and gryphons with that one all day!"

"Hilarious," Twilight replied, a bit annoyed at herself for falling for such an obvious deceit. She shouldn't have given trust so easily to somepony, just because they were nicer than the rest. She mentally scorned herself for being so foolish, before refocusing on the task at hoof. Revenge.

However, Twilight found that she had stormed all the way through the streets of Ponyville, from the library to the bakery. Just to realize, she hadn't thought of a perfect way to exact such succulent retribution. She had faced her fear, by coming to a party where all the townsfolk would be gathered, to exact her much desired revenge. Yet, hadn't given any thought, or perceived notions on how to achieve her rightful ambition.

Twilight decided to leave the pink pony to her greeting, as she no longer wanted any part of the party pony's trickery. Twilight had enough on her mind that she didn't want to be bothered by anypony, nor did she want anyone to bother her. She did however, happened to spot a familiar pegasi cowering off in a far corner. The gentle pale sunlight complexion only reminded Twilight of her failure earlier that week. Perhaps she should apologize to Fluttershy, and so Twilight headed off in her direction, as she began biding her time for the perfect opportunity for justice. Like a snake, hidden in plain sight, just waiting for the time to strike.

Fluttershy's fleeting eyes met Twilight's when she was halfway to the corner table where the timid pegasi was seated. Twilight thought she saw worry in Fluttershy's gaze, but perhaps it was just accumulated fear from being surrounded by other ponies. The yellow pegasus did seem to shy away from social interactions, and it was surprising to Twilight that she'd even attended a party. Perhaps she'd been dragged here by a more persistent Pinkie Pie's efforts. Or perhaps Fluttershy was too kind to decline the insistent pink party pony's invitation, and thus had felt an inward obligation to attend. That seemed a more logical conclusion, as Twilight reached the table. Unsure of how to even begin the conversation, perhaps an apology about the carrots she'd failed to buy the sweet quiet pegasi.

"Hey, Fluttershy, about the carrots..."

"Oh... Hello," The shifty-eyed pegasus replied, a flurry of emotions dancing in her eyes, before settling on polite courtesy. "I was meaning to say 'thank you' for those. You and Spike really were helpful..."

"Oh, r-really?..." Twilight's mind was thrown for a loop as it tried to stop from spinning out of control. Just barely able to construct a hypothesis in time to catch up with reality. She felt dumb being caught off guard yet again, but luckily Fluttershy seemed none the wiser about Twilight's difficulty in reading the room, for all its irony.

"Oh yes, Spike stopped by to deliver them, he said you weren't feeling too well after casting a defensive spell to protect you both during the stampede." Fluttershy glanced around as if looking for the young dragon, but didn't see him. "It was really brave of you. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt over some silly carrots."

"Oh, right..." Twilight cleared her throat, offering the kindest smile she could fake. "I'm glad Spike was able to deliver them, I wasn't sure he'd be able to find your house all on his own, since I was feeling... Light headed..." Twilight lied through her teeth, putting on the facade of the story already spun without her knowing.

Spike bought and delivered the carrots? How sweet of him... I'm glad Fluttershy got her carrots after all...

Just another tally to the points of how useless you really are... He lied about you buying the carrots, just to make you seem less pathetic. How thoughtful of him to give you partial credit, too bad you can't actually be that useful...

Twilight noticed tears were threatening the poor pegasus' eyes at the prospect of injury on her behalf. She tried her best to be reassuring to Fluttershy as best she could, but the conversation kept filling itself with awkward silence. Twilight decided to abandon the speedily sinking ship that was their conversation. Unable to stand the waters of cumbersome quiet pouring into it any longer. It was clear neither of them were very experienced in holding onto a conversation for very long. She did her best to salvage what remained to a natural conclusion, and wandered off again in search of something to eat.

As Twilight approached the table laden with what remained of most of the morsels that had been prepared. Twilight noticed that for all the other mostly empty trays, the bowl of lemon drops had been mostly untouched. Perhaps they weren't a very popular entree, Twilight decided to try one to find out for herself.

Twilight levitated one of the candies to her mouth, and flinched in the bitter sour of the lemon, before her tongue found the vanilla to quell the citrus flavor. They weren't bad, just particularly sour, perhaps they needed something extra to balance out the lemon. As Twilight's eyes lay on a tray of seasoning packets nearby, some of which were of spicy pepper. An idea started to bloom. It felt good to have inspiration strike her, as she scanned the room to make sure nopony was watching, as she levitated a generous amount of pepper packs from the dispenser.

Twilight set to work methodically, pouring the pepper as best she could onto a napkin. The red grains would be too obvious to merely sprinkle on top of the bowl, in some vain attempt that they'd stick to the somewhat solid candies. No, Twilight knew exactly the spell she'd use. It would take some considerable concentration, but she knew she could do it. Twilight, glanced around again, locking eyes momentarily with the wary Rainbow Dash, ever vigilant in her awareness. Only once the pegasus' eyes had moved on, did Twilight turn back to her task at hoof.

She closed her eyes, feeling with her magic for the small dusts of spice, until she could feel the grainy texture of every piece in her mind. She reached out to the bowl of sour sweets, and willed them to become one and the same. Agonizingly sour to inflaming spice, completely overriding the balance of the vanilla. Twilight focused, until she felt she could pinpoint every candy as well, mentally splitting the powder into organized bits, before unleashing her magic. With a small popping noise, the candies rattled slightly, as the pepper was transported into them. Burrowed deep within the hard crunchy exterior, undetectable from the naked eye. Twilight opened her eyes, to see her magic had worked, and not a moment too soon, as Pinkie materialized out of nowhere to stand at her side.

"Some party we're having," Pinkie chirped cheerfully, as Twilight folded the empty napkin, and threw it away with the empty packets of peppered spice. Hurriedly leaving no trace as to what she'd just done.

"Yeah..." Twilight agreed, a little nervous at the prospect of Pinkie finding out she'd spiced the lemon drops.

"So, why does Sugarcube Corner even have packs of spice anyway?" Twilight asked, finding the first thing she could think of to distract Pinkie from touching the bowl of lemon drops. Anything to misdirect from her secret sabotage.

"Well, you know me. Always looking for new ways to spice up my life!" Pinkie winked, before digging a hoof into the lemon drops. Much to Twilight's dismay, and horror, as she felt despair grip her insides. Tying her stomach into a knot, as Twilight held her breath. Watching helplessly as Pinkie tossed the drop into the air, before catching it on her tongue. Prior to biting down and chewing. Pinkie's smile never melted, as if everything were completely fine. Twilight stammered a little in disbelief, questioning what had happened. Had her magic been off? Had Pinkie just gotten lucky and picked an untarnished piece from the middle? Why hadn't it worked?

"Wow! That one sure was something else!" Pinkie's voice complemented, as the pink mare became visibly fascinated by the candy bowl. She took another one, and another. As Twilight stared on, shocked by how unfazed the pink party pony was by the amount of spice. Surely for anypony else, they'd be running to quench an unquenchable thirst after just one.

"Hey, Gilda!... Rainbow!" Pinkie shouted across the room, waving the two over.

"Hey, you gotta try these, they're unexpectedly a blast!" Pinkie exclaimed offering them the bowl. Rainbow glanced skeptically from the bowl, to Twilight, to Pinkie. Saying nothing, but unmoved as she stood, not lifting a hoof to take even one.

"Vanilla lemon drops," Gilda remarked, "Don't mind if I do..."

Taking one, and plopping it into her beak. Not a second passed as the gryphon's eyes opened wide. Tears starting to redden them, as her tongue discovered the pepper spice. Visibly struggling against the heat berating her taste. Breathing heavily, as she looked urgently for relief.

"Quick 'G', the punch!" Rainbow called, pointing off in the direction of neatly rowed drinks.

As Gilda raced towards them, eager to douse the flames dancing across her tongue. All the while the room of congregated ponies had started to notice the disruption of Gilda making a beeline for the punch. The stage was setting itself perfectly, just waiting for a spark to ignite the lights that would illuminate the darkness of shame and discomfort karmically owed by the hearty fools. Who were now unknowingly participants to this charade.

Twilight smiled in her secretive brilliance, as the gryphon rushed, raising the plastic cup to ease the burning sensation. Twilight faked a sneeze, turning her head away, just long enough to let a burst of magic bump the cup ever so slightly at its pinnacle of performance. Just a small act, that with its brilliant timing, received amazing results. Sending the liquid running from the bottom of the glass, to assault the greedy gryphon with a full frontal shower of ripened rain.

Pinkie's laughter was the loudest over the crowd's, as she watched Gilda receive the punch to the face, in this one sided war of attrition. It dripped from Gilda's feathered features, emphasizing the disgrace, as the gryphon gawked in astonishment and surprise. She reached an eager claw for another cup in renewed desperation.

Twilight merrily laughed, satisfied with her work, but surprisingly fate had further foolery in store for the unfortunate helpless gryphon. The punch of the second cup didn't find its rest in Gilda's beak, instead dripping through a previously unnoticed hole. Finding itself dispatched to soak the floor, instead of quell Gilda's desperate plea for relief.

"Spiced lemon drops, and punch served in a dribble glass..." Pinkie remarked, like a ringleader announcing a circus.

"Priceless... Priceless!" Rainbow Dash managed to squeak, from where she lay doubled over, clutching her stomach in laughter.

"Hilarious..." Gilda brooded, after quenching her thirst with the third cup. Glaring back towards Twilight, or rather more accurately towards Pinkie who was smiling back as the crowd tried to stifle their laughter.

Twilight was pleased with how well everything was going, now if only she could find a way to repay her dues to a certain rainbow maned mare. Rainbow Dash hadn't fallen for the lemon drops, perhaps slightly suspicious of Pinkie's interference. She'd have to find another opportunity to revel the pegasi, Twilight noted, as she relaxed in the blind-sight of the ponies around her. All of which were still recovering from their fits of contagious laughter. At the expense of a stranger to them all.

Rainbow did her best to cool down the now visibly grumpy gryphon, suggesting she open some presents. Twilight was weary of any moment to get her revenge on Rainbow Dash, but none presented itself to her. However, one of the presents contained a cylinder of fake snakes, that clearly rustled Gilda's feathers the wrong way. Causing the room to explode with barrels of laughter once more. Gilda's unfortunate circumstances did manage to bring a satisfied smile to Twilight's face, regardless of her involvement. It was perfect, revenge given at the cost of merely being at a party with the entire populace of the town. Twilight cherished the moments, despite how fleeting the feelings of joy she attained from it were.

However, Twilight would be lying if she said she wasn't becoming a tidbit impatient for cake. Pinkie eventually disappeared into the back, and emerged with Twilight's reward. The cake looked delicious, crafted to perfection. As soon as she saw it, she knew her patience had not been in vain. She would finally get what she came for. Aside from revenge, sweet frosting on top of a well spent cake of fateful justice. She managed just long enough for another idea to strike her when somepony suggested Gilda blow out the candles. Twilight faded into the back of the crowd, but within eye-shot of the cake. It would be perfect, a pinnacle climax to the evening. Despite not being able to exact revenge upon Rainbow Dash. Twilight was smiling, having the time of her life, as she waited for the moment to arrive.

Gilda reared back, taking in a hefty breath of air. Before proceeding to blow out all the candles in one fell swoop. As ponies began to get excited, Twilight fought back a grin, as she lit her horn. Relighting the flames in an instant. Applause bled into laughter as Gilda tried several more times to extinguish the flames, each time Twilight merely sparked the hot wicks once more. This seemingly bothered the gryphon, and Gilda's irritation fueled Twilight's jubilation. As she smiled smugly, relishing in her victory.

Gilda gave one final breath, before panting breathless before the cake. The room held its silence for a moment, as Twilight waited a few seconds before relighting the flames. Perhaps her eagerness created a different spark, for the candles began to sputter and sparkle like small fireworks. Melting the candles quickly. Pinkie glanced about a little nervously, meeting eyes with Twilight in helpless understanding, before shouting over the confusion.

"Everyone hit the deck! It's gonna blow!"

But it was already too late. As ponies ran for cover, the cake exploded. Plastering the ceiling and walls, anypony unlucky enough to be at the front, and an unfortunate gryphon with creamy colorful cake. Twilight had managed to duck behind the crowd, and was mostly unscathed save a few blots of frosting. A bit surprised at the outcome, she didn't think she'd done anything extra other than simply relight the normal candles. Perhaps something was off, nonetheless. She surveyed the scene, and felt a small flurry of triumph at the sight of a cream covered multi colored maned pegasus. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash, had received a significant majority of the blast. Equal to the amount Gilda was shaking from herself. The pegasus looked a bit shell shocked, but burst into laughter a few seconds later. Followed by the rest of the crowd as ponies shook cake from their fur.

"Well, I've never seen relighting candles do THAT before!" She called between fitful chuckles.

Pinkie licked the cakes remnant in one fell swoop, laughing at the outcome as well. Finding Twilight in the crowd, and Twilight could see it in the pink mare's eyes. But what did she see? It was hard to define fully, but Twilight felt unease crawling its way inside her skin. Causing her to shift uncomfortably, as she pulled herself away from the party pony's gripping gaze.

"That was an unexpected BLAST!" Pinkie chimed from across the room. "Though, perhaps we can have some fun with a few party games!"

"How about pin the tale on the pony?" Somepony else chimed in, and the crowd was once more lifted into whimsical merriment.

Twilight didn't care to spend another second inside the bakery. She had come for the cake, and petty revenge. At least she would be leaving with one of those in tow. She took the opportunity of the distraction of party games, to take her leave. She did however, levitate the few bits of frosting from her mane that had nestled there from the blast. The sugar was sweet, but Twilight's rightfully earned revenge was sweeter. She left the townsfolk none the wiser of her actions, but Pinkie knew. Somehow Twilight understood that Pinkie ALWAYS knew.

The walk back to the library was long, but Twilight wasn't in any hurry. Nightfall had crept upon the lonely town like a thief. Stealing away the daylight, as Twilight trudged onward towards the only place that had started to feel like home, as of late. And as she returned to the prison walls of familiarity, so too did the nagging ghosts that haunted her ceaselessly.

A lonely wagon rolled into the town of Ponyville. The weary traveler pulling it was alone, as night soothed the minds of many. Yet many more were filing from the last lit building. A solitary bakery, at the curtain close of a party. A lively performance now coming to an end. The traveler didn't bother stopping in for any sweets. Money had been rather scarce lately. So she merely passed on, parking her caravan of one, near the town's center. Tomorrow would come early. So once the wheels had been fastened by some hefty rocks, the blue moonlit traveler retired for the night. Without a supper, but a dream. Repeating the lie that she told herself; that one day she would be revered as Great and Powerful once more.

Author's Note:

Lunar Epilogue 5:

Like all good things, Luna's dream came to an end. The moments before awakening were always the most bitter to the princess. She could feel the curtain falling on the stage of her mind, as she opened her eyes to find nothing to meet them. Only tears remained.