• Published 19th Jan 2019
  • 354 Views, 0 Comments

Nightmarish Night - King Ice

It is Nightmare Night again, but it won't be as cheerful as previous times. Dark forces came from the past to terrify innocents. However, they're not really what they seem to be.

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Nightmarish Night

Author's Note:

Here a new story, more like a one shot. I love writing humorous stories, but what I think is funny may not be for other people, if so, I'm sorry if you didn't crack a smile and were expecting to laugh your ass off.

P.S: Like I said, this story will be edited, so avoid commenting on the grammar, but if you have something to say about the plot or the jokes, then you're welcome!

The sun was setting down as the ponies of Ponyville finished the preparations for this year’s Nightmare Night. It was a celebration where ponies could relax and have fun. And since the night Princess Luna decided to be a part of it, it became even more enjoyable. Thus, Twilight waited in her castle for her to come.

The young princess just finished her costume and while she was waiting for the princess of the night to arrive; she was also helping her friends to decorate the castle for one specific reason.

“I’m surprised you wanted to do it with the castle this year, Applejack.” Twilight said as she used her magic to hang up fake bats around the throne room. All around her, her friends were helping putting decorations they considered the spookiest.

Applejack dropped a bucket full of fake webs on the ground, then smiled at her lavender friend.

“Since the existence of that haunted house contest, I always try to win by putting all my energy into making the barn the most terrifying place in all of Ponyville. I wanted to do it with you girls for once. And the castle would be perfect for it, besides it represents well our friendship. Even more so if we decorate it together.” Applejack explained as the rest of her friends came besides her.

“Don’t get too cheesy on us, AJ.” Rainbow smirked as she put a foreleg around her friend’s neck. “With me on the team, we are sure to win. I mean, I win every time there is a contest. I am the eternal number one.” Rainbow Dash bragged while Applejack rolled her eyes.

“I’ve always been placed in third place in the previous contests. I’m pretty sure I am better than you.” Applejack claimed as she indirectly clicked on the “turn on Rainbow’s competition spirit” button.

“Oh yeah!? Then what about my decorations!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew above a bookshelf and pointed at some kind of fake decapitated head. Half of its skin was torn up, it didn’t have eyeballs. And in its eye sockets were full of red jelly. She brought it in front of the others. “Look at that! That is terrifying!” She bellowed proud of herself.

Rarity looked away in disgust.

“That is simply disgusting, Rainbow.” Rarity said as she looked repelled.

“This is just gruesome. And gruesome doesn’t necessarily mean scary. You’ll just end up disgusting everypony.” Applejack remarked as she pointed at Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Yeah right. Don’t you think this is scary Fluttershy?” Rainbow said as she tried to win this argument.

Fluttershy looked at the floor. Not sure how to respond to her friend. She didn’t want to choose one side over the other.

“Well… It is spooky… I can’t say I wouldn’t be scared if I saw this.” She muttered quietly, but loud enough for her friends to hear it.

“See?” Rainbow Dash smirked as she was about to put the head back to where she took it. However, it wasn’t in her hooves anymore. She looked around and saw Pinkie Pie eating the jelly inside. She narrowed her eyes in anger and landed in front of her. “Pinkie! I need that!”

“I’m sorry, Rainbow. It looked really good!” The pink pony giggled as she wiped off the jelly around her mouth.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as Twilight cleared her throat.

“Girls, we should get back to decorating the castle. We still have some work to do.” She intervened by using her magic to put the fake head away at Pinkie’s dismay.

“Don’t worry Twilight. We still have a few hours left. So, why not go in town, have fun and then come back here to finish everything. I think we’ll get it over with quickly with your magic.” Applejack pointed out as she showed Twilight a reassuring smile.

Twilight smiled but before she could respond; Spike and Starlight entered in the throne room, with sandwiches on a plate.

“So, how’s it going?” Starlight asked as she removed the witch hat she was wearing.

“Everything is perfect.” Applejack responded happily.

“We prepared sandwiches in case you were hungry.” Spike said as he placed the plate on the cutie map. Soon, everyone surrounded it and started to eat. “So, what are all your costumes?”

“Thanks for the meal, Spike. And I think it is pretty obvious in who I am costumed.” Twilight answered awaiting someone to recognize her costume. She looked at Spike who seemed completely lost in thought. Then she turned around and saw her friends looking away and whistling. “I’m Clover The Clever! We even made a play about him and the other founders!” Twilight grunted in frustration while pointing at her brown robe and hood.

“Oh yeah, that guy.” Spike remembered as Twilight facehoofed. “And what are your costumes? Let me see.” he asked as he looked at the rest of the elements of harmony bearers.

Applejack was wearing a dark robe and blue boots and had a pumpkin like helmet in which there were holes looking like a smirking face. It was a creature she found in an old book. Pinkie Pie was disguised as a puppy. She thought the more innocent she’d look; the scarier things were going to attack her. Leave it to her to come up with these ideas.

Rarity decided to wear a white dress. Surprisingly, it was torn up. Her costume being that of a ghost princess. Although everyone noticed Spike drooling over her; they did not point it out. Then, Rainbow Dash was costumed as a zombie version of Daring Do. She said she saw that in a “fanfiction” and from what she said; she convinced Twilight to read it later.

Fluttershy was the only one who wasn’t costumed as she only came to the castle to help the girls win the contest. After that, she planned to go hide in her cottage. She was easily scared, and nightmare night terrified her. Although since several years ago she had built more courage and had tried several times to go out during that night, she was still to frightened to participate in this celebration.

Rarity stared at Spike as she noticed he wasn’t wearing any costume.

“Why aren’t you wearing anything, Spike? Are you not going to come with us?” Rarity asked, stopping Spike’s daydreaming in the process. She knew he had a crush on her. Although she didn’t feel the same about him, she didn’t want to break his heart. So, it was better to let him be as he is now. She was sure his crush would wear off eventually.

“Actually, this is my costume. I’m disguised as a guy who isn’t disguised.” He chuckled, proud of his joke.

“Uh… well… that is very good… marvelously funny.” Rarity stuttered with an awkward fake smile that Spike seemed to buy as he thumbs up at Starlight for some reason. While Rarity wasn’t amused, Pinkie was laughing her ass off.

“That’s simply genius! Next time I’ll do that too if you allow me, Spike!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at that and approached Twilight. Not wearing a costume wasn’t terrifying at all.

“So, if we are done talking about costumes can we go now? I haven’t scared anybody yet and I would like to find a cloud.”

“Luna should be here soon. We’ll wait her in front of the castle, then we should have hours of fun. I saw there were new stands. I don’t mean to brag, but I think we might be the main reason since we saved Equestria quite a few times.” Twilight responded before looking at Spike. “Are you sure you want to stay here, Spike?”

“Yeah, Bic Mac and Discord are coming over, so I won’t be alone.” Spike answered as he took a bite of a sandwich he took earlier.

“Well, your choice then.”

After several seconds, the mane six and Starlight came out of the castle of friendship while Fluttershy was being dragged by Rainbow Dash.

“Please, Rainbow, can I go back to my cottage? I thank you for wanting me to be with you girls, but I just can’t…” Fluttershy quietly pleaded.

“You don’t have to be so frightened Fluttershy. Nothing’s going to happen to you! Besides, it’s fun to be scared and to be chased by somepony.” Pinkie laughed

“Just this time Fluttershy, try it out. We promise you; you’ll enjoy every minute of it.” Applejack promised while smiling. Fluttershy sighed then nodded. She could have refused, but she felt she could try at least now. For her friends.

“Furthermore, don’t forget you have the princess of the night with you. You shouldn’t be afraid.” A new voice said.

The mane six looked up and saw Luna landing in front of them. She was smiling and seemed glad to be with them.

“Luna! Welcome! We’re happy to see you!” Twilight exclaimed as she approached her fellow princess.

“It is my pleasure. I love coming here after all. Furthermore, I planned on tripling the fun this Nightmare Night.” Luna giggled as she inspected the mane six’s costumes. “You are Clover The Clever, aren’t you?” She asked as she pointed at Twilight, who nodded.

“You should go, girls. I’ll be on my way.” Starlight interrupted their conversation.

“Are you sure, Starlight?”

The unicorn looked at the ground, then smiled.

“Yes, I planned on trying to make new friends. I love being with you all and that you gave me a chance by befriending me. Our connection is so important to me that…” Starlight started explaining as she raised her head, only to see that there was nobody else beside her. “Oh… they’re already gone… Well, as long as everything is going fine; there won’t be any problem.” She muttered before looking around with a sad face. “I jinxed us, didn’t I?” She sighed before going to the townhall.


Meanwhile, in the everfree forest at the edge of Ponyville. The night has fallen and plunged the forest in darkness. However, it was calm since the animals within the everfree lived in harmony. Most of them were hostile towards ponies while other creatures, like the Timberwolves, attacked every other animal for no other reason than to eat.

Suddenly, a black smoke appeared out of nowhere and started circling around one precise spot. After several minutes, the black smoke created a thin dark ghost-like creature. It was floating and seemed to be sleepy. He looked around and chuckled.

“We’re back! That was a long sleep! I’m hungry, so are you two ready to have a feast?” He asked as he waited for an answered. However, nobody responded. He noticed there was nobody accompanying him. He rolled his eyes and breathed in and out. “Wake up, you empty-headed idiots!” He shouted as black smoke appeared at two different spots and formed other ghost-like creatures. The first to appear was fatter than the previous one while the second looked thinner. “Johnny, Bean, did you already forget we have to wake up every thousand years?! Do you want to die or something!?”

“We’re sorry, big bro Jackie. You know we oversleep every time.” Johnny answered as he gave him the puppy eyes.

“It won’t happen again, big bro Jackie. Besides, we have time. It’s not like we are going to die in the next hour.” Bean added while mimicking Johnny’s look.

However, Jackie facepalmed before slapping them both.

“We’ve been together since our birth and you still can’t call me by my name. Jack! Not Jackie! And I know we won’t die in the next hour, if that was the case, I would have woken you up way sooner. But that’s not the point. If we don’t eat before the Sun raise up again, we’ll die, and it will be the end of it.” Jack explained before sighing.

“Sorry big bro.” Johnny apologized. Suddenly, his face lighted up and he smiled. “Big bro, Bean, look!” Johnny pointed in direction of Ponyville and close to it was a foal eating candies. “There is a town. And a little pony.”

Jack smirked and stared at the foal.

“Are you think what I’m thinking?” He asked his brothers as they nodded.

“We’re going to eat- ““To cuddle him!”

Jack blinked then looked at his brothers, in disbelief.

“Look at him; he is so adorable.” Johnny said before getting slapped.

“No! We’ll eat his fear! That’s what we’re supposed to do! Without eating, we’re dead!” Jack quietly yelled to not scare the foal away. “I guess you still don’t know how to shapeshift without taking control of an animal or an object?” He raised an eyebrow. Johnny and Bean looked at each other and shook their head. “This is what makes you stupid and weak. I’ll train you, but for now, watch and learn.”

Jack flew towards the foal then stopped in front of him in midair. The foal stared at him with curiosity in his eyes.

“Wow, your costume is cool, mister.” He said, impressed by Jack.

Jack ignored him and grabbed the foal by the tail, then he opened his mouth. Suddenly, a dark stallion came out of it, blood was coming out of his eyes and mouth, and he was shrieking in pain. The foal started howling in pure fear while the fake stallion’s head opened in half and snakes came out of it. The foal struggled while howling as a dark smoke came out of his mouth.

Jack threw him on the ground and let him run away. He shapeshifted in his regular form, then absorbed the smoke.

“Whew. That was delicious. I’d give his fear a seven out of ten. Still not enough to fill up my belly though.” Jack grinned as his brothers joined him. They were excited and impressed by their brother.

“That was awesome! You improved on shapeshifting, big bro!” Johnny praised him.

“He was so scared! Did you hear how he was crying?! Hilarious!” Bean added as he laughed.

“Okay, okay. I know I’m the best. But we still need to find other ponies. I’m still hungry and you haven’t eaten anything. I wonder why that foal was costumed as a dragon though?” Jack wondered, remembering that the foal was indeed wearing a dragon costume.

“Look at this!” Bean said as he took a sheet of paper.

Jack and Johnny approached him and read what written on it. It was talking about “Nightmare Night” and of ponies wearing costumes.

“Well, well… Would you look at that. A celebration where ponies can scare each other and have fun? That’s what I like!” Jack shouted as he threw away the sheet of paper. “Come on guys! We’ll have feast!”


Close to the everfree forest was a white unicorn stallion disguised as a vampire. He was nervously looking around, then went into the bushes.

“Stay calm, Blaze. Nopony’s going to see you. Just go in the bushes, do your thing and then go back to the party.” He said to himself before smiling. “Just like mom once said.” He added as he remembered his mother.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by the bush. He looked at it and noticed it was moving on its own. Being too paranoid for his own good, he started sweating. Suddenly, the bush grew and grabbed him, pulling him closer.

“W-What!? HELP! AAAAh!” He started shouting while the bush grew a smile. It had a mouth now! It opened it and a human hand made of wood came out of it.

“So, your name’s Blaze, huh? I’ll devour you!” The bush yelled as the hand grabbed Blaze’s leg.

“AAAAH! I’M BEING ATTACKED BY THE DEVIL! AN ALIEN!” He shouted as he struggled to free himself while crying.

Suddenly, the bush let go whilst a black smoke escaped Blaze’s mouth. Noticing he was free to move, Blaze escaped.

The bush started moving and Johnny exited it.

“That was so funny.” He said as he absorbed the smoke. “Thanks for the meal.”

While he was savoring his “food”, Blaze was running as fast as he could. Eventually stopping to hide in an old abandoned barn.

He panted, then hid behind hay. He looked around and saw a plank. He quickly took it and held it close to him.

“I knew there was something bizarre in this town. When I told them there were evil demons and evil monster, plus evil aliens, nopony believed me… This is… Evil!” He muttered while shaking and sweating.


“What did I tell you? The fun has been tripled!” Luna exclaimed happily as she shot a magic bolt at fake bat, taking it down successfully.

The owner of the stand she was at congratulated her and gave her a stuffed toy before heading towards another player.

“Well done, princess Luna. You’re very good at aiming.” Twilight praised her, impressed by her precision.

“You don’t have to call me princess, Twilight. You called me Luna earlier, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I forget every time. I’m sorry.” Twilight shyly apologized. It’s true she was a princess too now. Twilight looked at her friends to see how they were doing, and it seemed fine so far. They had fun at different stands, but they were close to each other.

“So, you see this isn’t so bad.” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy to calm her.

“Y-Yes… It’s nice… But don’t scare me with a thundercloud this time.” Fluttershy replied still shaking.

“Yeah, I know. I promised you I won’t.”

“So, what do you want to do next, girls?” Twilight asked as they all gathered in a circle.

“I saw an awesome stand not too far away! It was about giant spiders!” Rainbow exclaimed excitedly while smiling.

Before any of them could respond, they heard a shriek of horror. They looked at each other then ran in the direction the shriek was coming from. They ran through a large crowd of ponies, gathered around something. When they passed the bystanders, they finally saw they were all staring at a shaking foal. He was crying and hugging his mother. However, the most disturbing fact was that he was constantly repeating the word “monster”.

“What is happening? Is he okay?” Pinkie Pie asked, worried to see a little foal. He seemed terrified, and while for her it was fun to be scared during Nightmare Night, she didn’t want ponies to be that frightened!

“We don’t what put him in that state. But he isn’t even the only one.” A random bystander answered before pointing at three other foals in the same state as the first one was. Thought one of them was repeating the word “birdy” for some reason.

“What could have possibly done that?” Twilight wondered as she stared at the foals.

“They are completely traumatized.” Luna stated after inspecting them. She didn’t who or what did this to these poor souls, but she going to make it pay.

“Ah’m sure it was Discord. That’s the perfect opportunity for him.” Applejack replied to Twilight. True he was their friend now, but he still didn’t give up on some of his pranks. And this time, it went too far!

“I’m afraid it is not Discord” A new voice replied. They all turned around and saw Zecora standing not too far from them. She got closer, with a sinister look. “These creatures are way more terrifying than Discord and eviler.” Zecora said dramatically.

Twilight was about to respond, but Pinkie walked in front of her.

“What happened to you, Zecora?! Why aren’t rhyming!” She shouted shocked by the vision of Zecora not rhyming.

“I forgot my dictionary at home. And I think I am a little drunk. That would explain this weird stain; it looks like vomit.” Zecora explained before burping. “Oops, sorry.”

“Never mind that, but what creatures were you talking about?” Twilight asked, ignoring Pinkie’s exchange of words with Zecora.

“These monsters are called the feareaters. I read about them in a book, thousands of years ago, they were a prominent specie here. Their main food is the fear of other intelligent creatures. They used their abilities to take control of animals and objects to modify their structures and scare their victims. The most experimented ones learned to shapeshift and thus, didn’t need any host to transform themselves and possibilities were unlimited. Their main target was ponies, we were a so innocent specie that our fear had a better taste. Every night, they would attack the villages and terrify the inhabitants so much that they would be traumatized. Of course, the feareaters need to necessarily traumatize their victims, they just needed their fear. However, as I said before, they are evil and think it is funny to scare others to death. Eventually, the unicorns trained in light magic and slew them all. Well… they thought they did, because it looks like some are back.” Zecora explained while looking at every pony.

“Now that I think about it, my sister and I read about them, too. I think we heard of some ponies being traumatized during the night, before I got banished to the moon.” Luna added as she remembered that time. Although her sister tried everything to heal them, or at least try to help them talk about what they saw, they’ve never said anything. Furthermore, they have been grown adults, so they must have seen something even more horrifying than what the foals just did.

“Wait Zecora. How do you know that this is the feareaters’ work?” Twilight asked as she thought about it. If they were supposed to be extinct species, what would be the odds of seeing one of them here?

“Because I was there when they scared that kid. With the bird. It could have been a good prank if you ask me. So, as I was saying; there are three or more. They must be at the Everfree forest right now. They aren’t hard to miss, they look like mist.” Zecora said before going away. “Wait, dis this last sentence counted as a rhyme or I am still too drunk?”


Meanwhile Starlight was walking by herself in the dark. She didn’t succeed at making new friends, so she gave up and started searching, someone she knew, instead.

“Trixie! Are you there!?” She shouted as she looked around, hearing only the wind. She couldn’t deny that it looked like a perfect scene of a horror book where the character was going to get attacked. “Where is she anyway? I just look away for one second and she disappears!” Starlight grunted at her friend’s behavior. Suddenly, she heard a bump sound. She turned her head towards the sound and saw an old barn. She tilted her head. “It’s creepy, suspicious and looks dangerous… I should look at that.” She thought before sneaking towards the barn.

As she was close to the entry, she stepped on a small branch, breaking it in half. Suddenly, a plank came out of nowhere and hit her on the head. Everything blacked out for her as she collapsed.

Blaze stared at her and blinked several times. His face turned to shock.

“Oh, my Celestia! What did I do!? I’m sorry! I thought you were an evil bush! Please tell me you were at least evil!” He shouted at Starlight, who was on the ground. She didn’t respond. “Oh, no… I killed her!”

Starlight shifted and grunted in pain. She looked around and tried to get up.

“What happ…”

“AAAAH!” Blaze shouted in panic before hitting her again, so hard that the plank broke in half and knocked Starlight out. “I killed her… Am I evil now?” He asked himself as he started to cry. “I’ll put her with the evil bush.”


“So, how did you guys do?” Jack asked as he rested on a tree branch.

“I scared at least two foals at the same time!” Bean exclaimed, proud of himself. Furthermore, he even got to enjoy a good meal.

“And I ate a big unicorn’s fear. It was hilarious the way I scared him, big bro. But we still can’t shapeshift like you.” Johnny complained as looked down.

“I told you, you need to focus! It’s easy!” He grunted as he glared at his brothers.

“But…” Johnny started.

“Hey! I see seven ponies coming to the forest! Two of them are alicorns!” Bean warned them as he smirked.

“I’ve never eaten an alicorn’s fear! I’m sure it’s delicious! We’re still hungry, so you know what to do boys!”


“We’re here.” Twilight said as they all stood in front of the Everfree forest. “They’re dark so I don’t think flying above the forest will help us find them. Not while it’s this dark.” Twilight explained.

“So, what do we do, sugarcube?”

“Not that I’m complaining. But maybe you only need princess Luna.” Rarity said as she stepped beside Twilight. “Fluttershy and I are… a little scared.” She added while pointing at Fluttershy who was shaking in fear.

“No worries! When you see something scary; you just have to laugh, and everything will be okay.” Pinkie comforted Fluttershy and Rarity. Before they could respond, Pinkie jumped in joy. “Cool! They’re coming!” She yelled eagerly while Rarity and Fluttershy just had to accept their fate.

“Okay, listen… This is the Everfree forest, so it’s quite dangerous. There are numerous dangerous monsters. Furthermore, it’s dark and we’re searching for three creatures capable of shapeshifting and eat your fears.” Twilight summarized to her friends as they nodded. “I think we should split up.”

Surprisingly, nobody disagreed and simply continued to nod.

“I’ll go with Rainbow. Rarity and Applejack will be together while Pinkie and Fluttershy will go with Luna. We should head in three different directions to find them faster.” Twilight made the groups as Rainbow flew beside her.


Then, several minutes later, Applejack was walking calmly while looking around. And meanwhile, Rarity was holding her tight.

“You should look in the bushes while I inspect trees, Rarity. You’re bothering me by gluing your body to mine.” Applejack complained as she tried to get Rarity off.

“Are you crazy? It is out of question! The second we’ll get separated, I’ll disappear!” Rarity yelled as she gripped at her friend even more. Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the farm pony stopped. Rarity and her, stared at… a tree in the middle of the road. They carefully approached it. However, the tree opened, and dozens of arms came out of it while there was a loud piercing shriek. The tree branches were large arms and he started swinging them around while spitting a dark mist.

The two ponies howled in pure horror before running deeper in the forest. Trying to get far from that monster. Bean exited the tree and laughed while eating the fear they let out.


Twilight and Rainbow were both calms as they weren’t that afraid. Twilight was good at magic and had a great confidence, so she was sure it wouldn’t be hard to neutralize the feareaters. However, when she thought about it, Rarity wasn’t that great at offensive magic, and she didn’t even know if Luna used light magic.

“I wonder if splitting up was a good idea?” She said aloud as she put a hoof to her chin.

“Do not fear, Twilight. The fearless Rainbow is here to protect you.” Rainbow Dash bragged as she put a leg around Twilight.

“Thank you Rainbow, but I don’t need protection.” She replied.

The two of them continued to walk in silence for several silence, until Rainbow spoke up.

“Soooo, Boys or girls?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, not understanding the question. She opened the mouth and…

“Oh, I like both.”

She wasn’t the one who answered. The voice was deep and came out from behind them. They both stopped in their track and slowly turned around, only to see a large monster with a demonic head. It had several bloody faces on its body. He was grinning while there was blood between his sharp teeth.

Twilight shouted in fear while Rainbow stared at it with an impassive look. Suddenly, her mind snapped, and she went all pale. She howled with a high-pitched voice. It surely shattered Twilight and Jack’s eardrums as she let out the loudest scream ever.


Meanwhile in Ponyville

“This is the mirror labyrinth! Try it out! There are screamers inside but it’s funny.” A stand owner said as he pointed at the labyrinth. A pony was about to give him a coin to enter when they suddenly heard a scream.

The mirrors all shattered, startling the ponies around and inside. Even the windows around started breaking to pieces.

“Look, mom! I grew my last tooth!” A little foal exclaimed as he showed at his mother his teeth. Suddenly the scream made them shake before shattering them to pieces.


Meanwhile in Canterlot

Princess Celestia suddenly woke up from her wonderful dream about tea and looked around. She was in her room and it seemed there was nothing out of the ordinary.

“Strange. I thought I heard a weird sound…”


Back with Twilight and Rainbow

Rainbow Dash stopped screaming, then grabbed Twilight and threw her in the sky. Before Jack could do anything else, the rainbowed mare flew away too and grabbed Twilight in midair.

“Rainbow! Stay calm! Or we’re gonna crash!” Twilight yelled as rainbow started flying close to the ground.

Fortunately for the young princess, although Rainbow was flying at high speed, she managed to avoid every tree in their way.


Fluttershy gasped as she held Pinkie in her hooves and wings.

“What was that!? I’M SCARED! I WANT TO GO BACK TO PONYVILLE!” She cried while hugging Pinkie harder. The shriek she just heard wasn’t helping.

“Don’t cry Fluttershy, everything’s going to be okay. You should laugh instead!”

“It may not be a good idea this time.” Luna remarked as Fluttershy looked messed up.

“Hey, look!” Pinkie yelled as she pointed at a small squirrel standing in front of them. Fluttershy immediately stopped crying and smiled instead. She ran to the squirrel.

“Oh, you are adorable. I am so happy to see you; this forest is very dangerous.” The pony whispered while petting the little animal.

Suddenly, the squirrel opened its mouth and shrieked in a high-pitched voice while Fluttershy saw pure horror in its mouth.

“Here’s Johnny!” He shouted while grinning.

Fluttershy widened her eyes. And strangely, her reaction was the same as Rainbow’s, she didn’t even yell as she flew towards Luna and Pinkie, grabbing them both. Although she was usually slow; this time she flew even faster than the wonderbolts, excluding Rainbow. The yellow pegasus flew way too fast for Pinkie and Luna to say a word as the wind was blowing in their faces.

However, she was quickly stopped by breaking through a tree and crashing to the ground, knocking herself out. Pinkie sat up, looking fine at first but puke several seconds later.

“What happened?” Luna asked, still unable to believe that Fluttershy could fly that fast. However, nobody responded; instead, she heard two different sounds coming from each of her sides. “I think I know where this going.” She deadpanned.

Coming out of nowhere, Applejack and Rarity collided with Rainbow and Twilight while Luna was in the middle of all this. Fortunately for them, they weren’t knocked out and suffered of only minor injuries.

“You are all so pathetic!” Jack laughed while his two brothers chuckled beside him.

The mane six plus Luna glared at them. Jack opened his mouth to speak again; however, Twilight shot a large blast of light magic that the feareaters barely dodged.

“Are you crazy?! You almost killed us there!” He shouted dumbfounded. He dodged two other blasts and tried to hit the lavender pony. It was in vain because she dodged it easily, then used magic chains to restraint his brothers and him. They fell miserably on the ground.

“First tell me your names.” Twilight said as she got closer to them. They began shaking in fear as her horn was glowing.

“I’m Jack and they’re… Johnny and Bean.” He gulped before introducing his brothers and himself. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What? You expected something else?! We’re not some evil monsters. So, we wouldn’t have a stupid name like…. Uuh… Lord of Darkness, or Master of Sorrow… No, wait I have a better one, Discord! Seriously, who could be name like that, no matter how evil they are?” He asked. However, the ponies didn’t seem to give any sympathy.

“D-Don’t kill us! Please!” Bean yelled, struggling to get out of his restraints.

Even Jack couldn’t since the chains were made of magic, they pretty much nullified his shapeshifting abilities.

“Do you even know all the pain you’ve caused?!” Twilight scolded them as her friends rose to their hooves.

“You big jerks! I wasn’t afraid! I was simulating!” Rainbow Dash added as she dusted off.

“We’re sorry! Miss… Twilight, was it? We were hungry! If we eat enough, we should be able to sleep for a thousand year, but after that time is passed, we have only one night to fill our bellies or we die!” Jack yelled as he at Twilight in the eyes.

“I understand that you need to survive, but you didn’t need to traumatize innocent ponies!”

The three of them lowered their head in shame.

“That is true. But we felt so much anger, your kind has slain us all. We are the last of our specie. They described as emotionless monster, attacking and torturing them! It wasn’t our fault! We were born to feed of their fears! We…” Jack gritted his teeth. “We’re sorry, okay? I promise I’ll heal the ponies’ traumatism. Then, we’ll leave and die somewhere you won’t be disturbed.”

Twilight’s expression softened, and her horn stopped glowing.

“You can heal them?”

“Yes. We are the master of fear after all.” As Jack replied, the chains disappeared. The three feareaters looked surprised and looked at the ponies.

“Then, please do something for them…” Twilight started before looking back at her friends, she sighed. “If you do that… I’ll have a good way for you to eat, without anypony being traumatized for life and with every pony having fun.”

The brothers looked at each other, then nodded excitedly.


“That was a really good idea Twilight!” Applejack praised her friend as she stared at the castle of friendship. “We sure easily won the haunted house contest.”

“I think I’ll need a good rest after that night.” Rarity sighed, ignoring the screams coming from the castle.

They had used the help of Jack, Johnny and Bean to win the contest, and many ponies (including Pinkie) enjoyed testing out. While it was scary, it was far from completely terrifying.

“I’m just happy everything ended well.” Twilight replied while smiling.

“Hey, did anypony see Starlight?” Rainbow Dash asked as raised her eyebrows.

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