• Published 18th Jan 2019
  • 303 Views, 5 Comments

My New Life - Hardwired

This kid's life was like any other, until this portal changed his life for the better... or for the worse.

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Chapter 2: Where the hell am I?

I suddenly wake up, I realize I’m in the middle of the forest, I start gazing at all the Oak and Pine trees I see, but then, I actually remembered what happened. “Where the hell am I?” I thought to myself while still staring at the trees that went on for miles!

I start raising my hand, only realizing it’s a green hoof, that’s white on the top part, I slowly start to realize what is going on.

“G-G-GET ME OUT, GET ME OUT, GET ME O-O-OUT!” I screamed while flailing around everywhere, my glasses fall off, and I’m not able to see anything, after a while of searching frantically on the grass, I manage to find them, but I can't seem to pick them up.

"Do I need to pick them up with my mouth?" I thought to myself disgusted, "Maybe if I am really careful and grab them with my hands, I mean hoofs, I can put them on." So I did that, I was getting frustrated that I couldn't pick them up, but after many failed attempts, I finally managed to put them on.

I thought to myself “I know I hate walking, but I should probably start walking if I want to find civilization. Aaaand I should get used to walking on all-fours.”

I start walking in a random direction, still trying to find out where am I, it felt uncomfortable walking on all fours, but I knew I had to get used to it, I thought to myself "Am I in the Everfree?" I kept walking in that direction, stomping on all the autumn leaves I found… nothing.

“Am I just walking in circles?” I thought to myself, confused and mad, suddenly, I heard some rustling leaves, I assumed it was a big bear coming to attack me, so I did the only sane thing, run!

And then, I fell into the river, I knew how to swim, but I didn’t know I fell because I was looking behind me, I started choking on the water I swallowed, and could barely stay afloat as the river pushed me away, but then, a black and white striped hoof pulled me out of the water.

I started choking, but I managed to finally catch my breath, but when I looked at her, I immediately knew who it was.

“Looks like I saved you in the nick of time,” She said, “Come inside, even though you are covered in slime.” Zecora chuckled when she said that last part, I followed her inside, not saying a word.

As soon as I went inside, I looked at myself, and yes, I was covered in moss and algae, when I looked at it I tried to clean it off.

“I’m guessing you are not from these parts, but a cute stallion like you will surely melt hearts.” She said, looking at me with a small grin on her face, I started blushing, no one had ever called me cute in a long time.

I just gazed at her, amazed to have found her, she just shoots me a little grin, and keeps working on a potion. As I looked around, I saw all the magical ingredients she used to make the potions, I wanted to ask her stuff about that, but I was afraid I’d say something wrong, so I stayed quiet.

Zecora noticed this, and told me “It’s ok, no need to be afraid, I’m here if you need any aid.” Her voice had a soothing tone, which calmed me down, all of a sudden, my tail started wagging of excitement, I wanted to stop wagging it, but it just wouldn’t stop, Zecora just giggled.

I said, still nervous, but excited at the same time. “Uh… Z-Z-Zecora?”

Zecora looked at me. “Yes?”

“W-W-Where is P-P-Ponyville..?” I said, I was excited to be in Zecora’s hut, but if I wanted answers, I would have had to go to Ponyville.

“Ah, Ponyville, I see,” She said, “There’s no time to dilly-dally then, just follow me.” Then, she started heading towards the door, I followed her, I didn’t notice the door was still closed, so I just face-planted into it. Zecora chuckled and whispered. “Clumsy.”

Once we started walking towards Ponyville, I spotted some things I didn’t notice before, I saw some deer, I saw some beautiful flowers, Zecora picked up some of them, I thought she would probably use them for potions, I picked up a pretty orange flower on the way, and then, Zecora told me: “Here’s the road to Ponyville, just follow it, until you see a windmill.”

“W-W-Wow, thanks Z-Z-Zecora!” I said, quite surprised at her knowledge.

“You’ll know when you get there, as for now, farewell!” She said, waving goodbye at me.

And then, I just started following the path...

Author's Note:

As you can see, I like short chapters, but don't worry, I'll keep updating it!

P.S: Zecora rhymes were a pain, but they were fun to do. :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 1 )

This was cute.

I hope to see more soon.💝


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