• Published 1st Jan 2019
  • 542 Views, 2 Comments

The Two Royals (ChrysalisxSombra) - Duckyworth

An alternate universe romance story where Chrysalis and Sombra join forces, vowing vengeance on those who defeated them.

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I Brought You Hearth's Warming Dinner, Dear

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place after the Season 8 episode The Mean Six, so there will be some references and Season 8 spoilers here. As always comments and constructive criticism is welcome.

Wintry winds whipped and whirled around the land. A blanket of snow had completely covered the region, giving the land a serene sense of winter beauty. Undisturbed, pristine and wonderous.

All save for a single dark bodied construct of black magic, standing out among the arctic landscape like a drop of creeping oil in a body of water – choking the land of its life and colour. Even with the snow covering everything, this den of evil was like a sore on the land and would not allow itself to be held down by the laws of nature – as if rebelling against the ways of the land itself.

Drawing ever closer to the structure was, like the construct itself, a creature who stood out in the white snowfall laden sky, and one of the black hearted architects of this nightmarish lair. Skin dark and rough like charcoal, a sickly green glow emanating from her eyes, insectoid wings and a mangled and tattered dark blue mane being swept up in the wind. A monster with an appearance unsettling and unwelcoming as the nature of her black heart…

Her tattered translucent wings flittering about her in frustration, the creature prepared for landing on a balcony near the top of the crystalline hive. As her hooves landed on the ground, the creature gave out a wide exhausted yawn, her vampiric maw inhaling the wintry air. Closing her mouth, she gazed up at the sky, sneering. The journey had not been kind to her – as if the thought of her experiences in Ponyville wasn’t embarrassing enough for the former queen, the snowfall just had to start up when she was on her way back. Some creatures have all the bad luck….

Her old lair, the Changeling Hive, was not often susceptible to snowfall, so she still wasn’t used to this frozen weather. Her temper had managed to partially distract her from the cold on her journey home, but now she had returned and was calming herself, both to collect her thoughts and to make a better entrance for her partner waiting inside, a shiver passed through her body.

But with her calmer state of mind, a malicious grin came to her face. Today may not have gone as smoothly as she was hoping, but at the very least, she had gained some juicy tidbits of information that she knew that the shadowy stallion waiting for her would find most interesting indeed.

Inside the crystalline hive, the second architect of the monstrous lair, a grey stallion with a jet black mane and a blood red unicorn horn stretched his legs out as he yawned, stiffening his back until a satisfying crack was heard. Breathing in through his nostrils slowly, then giving a low growl as he breathed out, he looked up at the snowstorm through the porous walls, gazing outward in contemplation, as he shuffled his cape about his strong shoulders.

Today had been busy for him. His beloved had been travelling to far away lands for her own purposes, but he had also been hard at work – his duties for the day had left even someone as determined as him drained. He was used to this cold weather, true, but with his strength not quite restored, he wasn’t completely able to maintain his shadowy form for as long as he used to and couldn’t make as much progress as he would have hoped. However, despite his exhaustion, he was able to not only conquer a few small towns that were foolish enough not to flee when he and his partner constructed their abode, but he managed to bring some…. Souvenirs from his travels that he knew a certain changeling would like….

‘You brought this on yourselves – but don’t worry, you’ll be serving a greater purpose than your foolish little rebellion soon enough.‘ The former monarch chuckled darkly as he thought to what he had lying in secret downstairs.

His ears flicked as he heard a slow echo throughout the chasm, and his attention turned towards the makeshift staircase leading to the balcony outside. He gave a small smile as he saw black hole covered hooves coming down the stairs, their owner shaking her tattered mane about in an attempt to remove the excess snow. Lifting her head upward, and giving a slightly flirtatious smile, eyes half closed, she spoke as she looked towards her partner. Even with her energy drained, she still knew how to greet her king.

‘I’ve returned at last, Sombra.’

Sombra slowly trotted over to his fellow former monarch, and, looking at the snowy crystals still encrusted in her mane, gently used his hoof to sweep out the rest of white powder, before nuzzling her muzzle with his own, growling softly.

‘My apologies for the snow, Chrysalis – but I hope that the journey wasn’t TOO troublesome for you, my queen….’ Sombra grinned gently as he tried to comfort the monstrous insect horse – he didn’t have the changeling’s ability to sense and feed off of strong emotions, but even he could tell that she wasn’t in the best state of mind. He could simply tell by her shivering body that she wasn’t the best accustomed to the cold. When building their new lair, they tried to keep the elements in mind, but as powerful as both of them were, neither of them were completely immune to Mother Nature. When he attempted to regain control of the Crystal Empire, Sombra knew that he had to keep the Crystal Heart intact – it was no use having an empire under his command if a mighty blizzard were to destroy it, after all!

Giving a gentle smile, Sombra knew exactly what to do to keep his queen warm. He whipped off his crimson regal cape and wrapped it around Chrysalis’ body. Chrysalis couldn’t help but blush slightly at the caring gesture and breathed in slowly as she rested her cheek against Sombra’s. Sensing the love from the stallion, she felt her energy start to return as she literally tasted his affection for her. Closing her eyes, she slowly licked her lips as she hummed quietly and happily. ‘Still tastes as sweet as ever…’

Sombra couldn’t help but chuckle as they embraced. Despite his dark intentions, he still harboured concern for Chrysalis – raising his eyebrow as he looked back at her as he gently tousled her mane in his hoof. ‘How was your time among the foolish ponies, my sweet? You seemed exhausted when you came in – something befall you?’

Chrysalis slowly moved her head away and looked Sombra in the eye, as the memories of the day came back to her. She had almost lost herself in their loving embrace, but she knew that some events of the day would be of interest to him…. But some others would be rather… embarrassing. She couldn’t help but grit her sharp fangs and grown slowly as she rolled her eyes. This would be a tale for the ages…

‘The…. Grngh… PRINCESS of Friendship and her insufferable cronies have built the most repulsive establishment I’ve ever heard of. You won’t believe this – they call it the SCHOOL OF FRIENDSHIP. Have you ever heard something so laughable?‘ Chrysalis hissed in disgust, almost like she was struggling not to gag at the thought.

‘A SCHOOL. Of Friendship? Of all of the ludicrous concepts they could have come up with…. Of all of the educational establishments they could have built, they choose to teach something as foolish as that? Repulsive…’ Sombra placed his hoof on his forehead and shook his head.

‘They’re gathering creatures from all over Equestria to spread their…. Pfft, ‘teachings’ to them. The same kind of poison that turned my former subjects away from me – it’s all like they’re mocking us with its very existence. Speaking of which….. that disgusting Thorax had the nerve to enrol one of my former subjects there….’ Chrysalis shared in Sombra’s disgust. ‘But, I did discover something that would actually have some use to US – tell me, love, have you heard of the Elements of Harmony?’

Sombra’s attention perked up. ‘You mentioned in the past that Celestia told those servants of hers to retrieve them to try and attack you, but you prevented them from reaching them in time. They must possess unparalleled power if Celestia believed they could vanquish you. They used the elements to defeat Nightmare Moon and return her to her former self, petrify that chaotic draconequus and even drain that centaur of his power and banish him to Tartarus…. Curious weapons indeed. Who knew what they could be capable of if we were to wield them….’ Chrysalis noticed that Sombra’s voice became quieter and slower as he finished his thoughts, and judging by his wide demonic grin, she knew that he was plotting something sinister indeed. Chrysalis couldn’t help but chuckle when observing his sadistic expression – great minds truly think alike.

‘I was having similar fantasies you’re no doubt having when I heard of them during my reconnaissance in the Everfree Forest. And even better – and I know you’ll love this – I know their exact whereabouts…… And those poor simple fools don’t even know that I am in possession of this knowledge.’ Chrysalis’ eyes glinted with the familiar sickly green glow as she couldn’t help but give a light chuckle. Her glee only escalated when she saw Sombra’s eyes catch fire, the shadowy former king having an expression of elation on his face, as he drew closer to Chrysalis and stroked her cheek affectionately. Chrysalis leaned into his hoof and purred as she placed her own black hoof on his.

‘Who else but someone as cunning and devious as you could be able to find them without giving away your presence? You did come close to taking over Equestria twice, after all, you magnificent hellion…’ Sombra purred as he gave Chrysalis a light kiss on her forehead, smiling as she hissed with delight.

‘Hmmhmm, such a charmer.’ Chrysalis laughed, but then her expression fell into a frown. ‘But there were some…. Complications in trying to secure them for our own purposes. I came up with a scheme to gather them for myself, but there was one big problem that ruined my plans. Or, to put it more accurately…’ Chrysalis took a ragged breath and blew her mane out of her face as she felt a fire brewing up in her stomach at the memory. ‘….SIX big problems.’

‘The princess and her lackeys?’ Sombra enquired.

‘……In a manner of speaking. I came up with a ritual to create clones of them to find and use the elements. I figured that if they had their exact likeness, they could the elements in the exact same way. I… acted rashly, I can admit that now.’ As cruel as she was, Chrysalis couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed as she told Sombra about her failed plan.

‘Clones of them? It must have been very advanced witchcraft for you to do so!’ Sombra sounded impressed, something which made Chrysalis perk up slightly. ‘But… I take it that the clones didn’t exactly work out as you planned?’

‘Uuuuuuunggh…’ Chrysalis rubbed her temples. ‘They were hopeless… a disgrace to the forces of evil… Not only were they even harder to keep under my control than my old hive, but the clone of Twilight I made tried to challenge my leadership. I was able to create beings with the power of Twilight and her lackeys, but as for controlling them… let’s just say that they were more… unpredictable than the changelings were. However…. I have taken some comfort in the fact that they paid for their insolence. The Elements of Harmony destroyed them… I just wish that I could have killed them myself…‘

Chrysalis had venom in her voice as she thought back to the time that the clone of Twilight attacked her with her magical energy, and to Chrysalis’ surprise, was able to put up quite an impressive fight against her. She felt it served them right for betraying her when the Elements of Harmony robbed those treacherous clones of their life. As bitter as the taste left in her mouth by that experience was, she couldn’t help but have some sadistic glee in remembering them melt away and be transformed into sticks of wood by the Elements of Harmony…… sticks that she made sure to burn up with her magic slowly.

‘It may not have gone exactly as you planned, my dear, but you managed to pull off such an impressive feat of magic, and you’ve come away with more knowledge about the ways the Elements of Harmony can protect themselves, so it wasn’t a complete loss….‘ Sombra gave a small smile as he stroked Chrysalis’ back. ‘And from the sounds of it, it felt like those traitors suffered a rather fitting demise for betraying you. I just wish I could have seen it myself.’

‘There’s one more piece of information I have for you, Sombra, dear. It’s peculiar, but I have a suspicion that there’s a rather dark presence inside that accursed school. While I was spying on the students, I witnessed a rather…. Sickeningly sweet looking little pegasus filly flying about. I think I heard someone name her…. Cozy Glow, was it?‘ Chrysalis reminisced – the pink filly with the blue mane had caught her attention. ‘But despite her appearance, I didn’t detect a single shred of love from the child. Fillies of that age are usually so disgustingly carefree and whimsical, but with her…. I didn’t sense any love in the slightest I could feed off of. If I tried to capture her and feast on her, I’d most likely starve….. But to be honest, it’s surprising no-one is noticing – I think the child’s trying too HARD to come across as sweet and kind, personally. I’d praise her cunning if she wasn’t so transparent.’

‘A child devoid of any love or caring whatsoever. Most curious indeed…’ Sombra responded with genuine curiosity. ‘She’s one to look out for. But those ponies are much too foolish and trusting to not notice the danger right in front of them. But let the child have her fun… she won’t be having fun for long when we regain our power.’

Chrysalis had a sense of excitement in her voice as she stood up, wrapping her lovers’ cape around her and rested her hoof on Sombra’s back, gently flicking her tail across his chin. She let her voice take on a more playful tone. ‘But I think I’ve shared all of the information about my time away – how did your day fare, dear? Did you at least have fun today?’

Sombra gave a slight blush as he looked back at Chrysalis, a grin creeping across his face. ‘Well, you say that you had something that I would enjoy…. You’re not the only one who’s discovered something special.’


Sombra led Chrysalis down a small staircase down into a cavern deeper into their lair, a slight smile on Sombra’s face. Chrysalis could sense his anticipation for her reaction to whatever lay at the bottom of the stairs.

‘I wasn’t able to make quite as much progress today in conquering the nearby lands as I would have hoped, my love. I don’t think I’m quite ready to attack them with my full strength yet, but I was able to vanquish some foolish towns that dared to oppose us and refused to leave….. Oh, I wish you could have seen the panic on their faces when I attacked.’ Sombra laughed sinisterly.

‘I take that you brought back some… spoils of war?’ Chrysalis smirked. ‘I do know that you enjoy gathering the armour and weapons of the fallen for your collection…’

‘Oh…. You COULD say that.’ Sombra looked back in amusement. ‘While I don’t care much for those festivities those ponies celebrate, I do think you deserve a present, and I found something I think you’ll love.’

Chrysalis’ eyebrows rose in interest. And when they entered the cavern, Chrysalis’ interest rose into excitement at the sight that lay before her.

In the middle of the cavern were a group of crystalline trees covered in ice, coated with those signature dark crystals that Sombra could create. But Chrysalis looked at what else was trapped in the ice, and a delectable scent filled her nostrils. She sniffed deeply as she sensed love coming from them – there were ponies trapped inside the dark prisons that Sombra had created, and Chrysalis felt her mouth watering at the feast that lay before her.

‘The denizens of Hollow Vale were filled with love and affection for each other that they believed could help them through any disaster or misery that came their way…… but I thought that all that affection could be put to much better use… And I do believe that the kind of affection they share is a rare delicacy that you’ll surely love.‘ Sombra gazed at Chrysalis and felt elation at her reaction. The loving embrace that the two had shared earlier had merely whet her appetite, but she was still quite famished. But now she had this five star meal in front of her, and she couldn’t help but drool. Licking her lips with her forked tongue, she looked over at Sombra, who motioned over to the trapped victims inside the crystal as if to say ‘help yourself’. Chrysalis walked over to the crystalline trees and slowly opened her mouth as wide as it could go, her tongue hanging out as the pink cloud of love energy began flowing out of the trapped ponies and into her starving maw.

After the monstrous changeling was finished with her meal, Chrysalis closed her mouth, licking her lips and hissing in delight, feeling the energy return to her veins. Looking back at Sombra, she noticed the look on his face – a sly smirk on his lips as he watched his queen’s spirits return.

‘By Tartarus I love you…’ Chrysalis happily stated. As she walked back over to Sombra, Chrysalis rested her hoof in his jet black mane, stroking his head slowly. Sombra melted into Chrysalis’ touch and growled slightly – even with the holes in her hooves, Sombra found it to be the most comforting touch he had ever felt.

‘Seriously, though – I don’t know how to thank you for this, Sombra, dear. You really are the most chivalrous monster to have ever lived, you do know that, don’t you? Going out and enslaving foolish ponies just for me – you shouldn’t have.‘ Chrysalis licked Sombra gently on the cheek, smirking as she felt Sombra shiver at the touch.

‘Well, you do deserve something to show my appreciation for the company you’ve provided, my lovely demon.’ Sombra shot her a flirty look as he stroked her under the chin. ‘If I’m to make Equestria burn… I’d want to do it with someone as black hearted and beautiful as you.’

Chrysalis couldn’t help but blush again as she sported a bashful laugh. ‘Oh, cease and desist, you… I’ll have to think about something to get you return, you know.‘

Sombra looked her in the eyes and chuckled. ‘No matter what you get for me, my dear, I’m sure it will be lovely. But nowhere near as lovely as you.’

‘There is SOMETHING I could do to thank you this second, you know…’ Chrysalis flashed a wide, playful grin towards Sombra. Before Sombra could even react or think of an answer, Chrysalis pulled him into a deep kiss. Sombra couldn’t help but open his eyes wide in shock at how sudden it was - not that he didn’t mind it…

Moving her head back for a second, Chrysalis purred as she stroked Sombra’s head again. ‘Happy Hearth’s Warming, black diamond.’

‘You too, my mistress of evil.’ Sombra grinned.

The two closed their eyes and they leaned into a deep loving kiss. In the back of her mind, Chrysalis was beginning to think of what she could get Sombra in return for the dark love he had given her. Perhaps if she was the one to enslave a nearby town next time and bring something back…. But for now, the embrace that they had was something he valued enough…..

Comments ( 1 )

Awww I loved this fic so much! So evil and sweet. I'm looking forward to see how it goes from here!

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