Comments ( 11 )

Been 2 years but glad to see you posting again for the start of 2019

maaan you had me right until the end you amazing son of a bitch

"God if this isn't the year I write smut, I don't know what I'll do"
-Skirts, 2018

God damn it skirts

Being sad about growing up is hard. It's like being sad about living. After my brother died, I started spending a lot of time with my family again. I didn't know it at the time, but I had been drifting away from them, and it had made me sad in a way that I'm too dumb to be able to put into words. We should try hard not to slip away from the people we really love, because one day you may walk into trier bedroom one morning ready to watch the newest episode of mlp with them only to find out that they are gone forever.

God damn that ending though... I laughed so fucking hard.

Lord knows, I've tried. I've tried to be as pleasant as Sunset and all her friends. But I only end up faking it... and hating myself in the process. Not for being foolish but for making it harder for me to get up the next year... the next morning... the next second that I combat this questionable life. And I'm not sure what's brought me to such an overwrought point of regular contemplation. Did I read too much philosophic crap in high school? Was it one too many session of listening to Radiohead in the dark and pretending to be serious about being serious?

The chapter title and the last line here called me out yo.

You were everything that "friendship" meant to me, a magical thing that transformed the very fabric of my life... of all our lives. And yet—with each passing year—I discovered more things to regret than to rejoice in, and I could already see so many of you drifting away from the closeness that I once cherished... that I suppose I grabbed the oars and shoved off further across the dark waters myself in some valiant effort to own the downward spiral of it all.

Oh fuck.

The light at the end of the tunnel may be the headlamp of an oncoming train, or the torch of a freind searching. Either way, it means theres someone else there.:twilightsmile:

You forgot the lampshade. :moustache:

With the ending, I wasn’t even surprised.

So I guess the Flash from How to Disappear Completely eventually returned home...

And he's still hopelessly dour.

First I rolled my eyes. Then I started to squirm as the introspection got uncomfortably close to what seemed like an author's confessional. And at the end...

Goddammit, Skirts. Happy New Year.

Yeesh, this is nearly my every waking moment.

Even down to the self-aware jokes in the monologue

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