• Published 31st Dec 2018
  • 1,124 Views, 14 Comments

Want it Need it - ChillyKitty

The spell to use when your love life is so bad you literally have to do dark magic to find love

  • ...


“Why are you crying?” The dragon asked finally. It was a silent trek to the castle and they were about to enter. Lonely could only pray that there were no other ponies inside who’d judge her mistakes.

It was dumb really, how’d she think that she could get away with using dark magic? She sniffed and used a hoof to wipe away the tears on her cheek. “All my dreams just came true and then were immediately ripped from my grasp,” she said bitterly, “I think this is a natural reaction.”

“Having mind controlled worshippers was ‘all your dreams?’” Princess Twilight Sparkle asked skeptically as she opened the door to her grand crystal castle. Lonely didn’t respond, how could she? She just looked at the ground and followed the princess inside. “Well,” the princess said, “You’re not the first.”

The trio trotted inside and down a long hallway. Lonely’s tears had eventually stopped. Crying wouldn’t get her out of this mess… maybe being a suck up would? “Your castle is beautiful.” She said simply.

“Thank you.” Princess Twilight Sparkle responded.

Lonely winced, was that all? “Um..” she started, “Not to be weird or anything.. But may I ask what the um- punishment for using dark magic is..?”

No response.

Lonely sighed and continued to follow the Princess. They eventually reached an area that must’ve been the throne room. A strange table sat in the center, surrounded by seven chairs. Sitting in one was a purple unicorn.

“Oh, I didn’t know we were getting company.” The unicorn trotted over, “I’m Starlight Glimmer.” She reached out a hoof to shake.

A small smile reached Lonely’s face. She shook Starlight’s hoof and attempted to make her voice not shake, “Lonely Love, nice to meet you.”

“Um..” Starlight awkwardly glanced toward the princess and tried to speak without Lonely hearing, though of course she did hear, she was only an arm’s reach away, “Why is she crying..?”

“She was using want it need it outside.” The princess explained, “She’s under arrest.”

“Oooh..” Starlight responded, “That’s not good, what’d she use it on?”

Lonely tried to hide behind her mane from embarrassment. Ugh she was so stupid! Why’d she even consider using that spell? “My..self..” she said slowly, “I uh, used it on myself.”

Starlight stared in shock but then quickly tried to hide it.

“Okay I can’t be the first pony who used the spell on myself.” Lonely raised a hoof only to drop it to the floor again.

Twilight had a thoughtful frown on her face, it was only her for a moment before she trotted to the seat with her cutie mark on it and sat. “Please, sit down.” she said.

Lonely sat in place.

“... I meant in a chair...” she stated.

Lonely blushed, of course, how stupid could she get? She trotted over to a seat that had three apples on it. It must’ve belonged to one of the Elements of Harmony. She paused for a moment and then awkwardly sat on the throne.

The air around them was stiff and suffocating, nopony said anything until the princess, regal as ever, opened her mouth, “Why did you do it? if you don’t mind me asking.”

What is tartarus did she mean ‘if you don’t mind me asking?!’ Lonely was going to jail anyway right? Might as well lose some dignity to lighten the sentence. Her hoof traced a circle into the seat, “I um.. It’s my talents fault.” she said quickly, placing blame on her cutie mark? Yeah okay, she was pretty dumb today.

“And what is your talent?” the princess asked skeptically.

She breathed, “I can see..” what’s the quickest way to describe her talent? Her mind was drawing a blank under the pressure, “I can see love..?” she said finally and held her breath for a response.

“What does that mean?” Starlight tilted her head.

Lonely turned her attention to the unicorn for a moment but quickly looked back to the princess, would it be disrespectful to look away from her? She didn’t know. “When somepony- er any creature really.” she said as she glanced to the dragon, “Is thinking about someone they love romantically.. It’s like, something appears in their eyes and voice.” she shrugged.

“So..” the princess started, “You did it so you could see more love?”

“That’s the thing!” Lonely exclaimed, temporarily forgetting that she was in the presence of an alicorn, “Nopony has ever looked at me like that! I never heard it in their voice when they mentioned my name- nothing! I used to think it was because I couldn’t see when somepony loved me specifically but the spell just proved that theory wrong.” she sighed, “I’m destined to be alone.” she hung her head before laughing a little, “Maybe I’ll find somepony special in prison?” she joked and then immediately cut herself off, not the time for jokes. Definitely not the time for jokes. Tears stung her eyes yet again.

“Hey calm down.” Starlight cooed. Lonely didn’t even realize that she was breathing quicker than normal. “It’s not that big of a deal, I mean I enslaved a whole town and now I live in a castle.” she shrunk away as the princess swung her head around to stare daggers into the pony.

Lonely hardly notices the princess’ reaction, “Really?”

“Yeah, plus Twilight used that spell before and got off scot free.” Spike clearly didn’t see the alicorn’s reaction either.

Lonely gasped, “Really!?” she repeated.

Twilight scoffed at the two, “I was trying to be intimidating.”

Spike and Starlight laughed awkwardly in unison. “Sorry about that...” the unicorn said.

Lonely looked from the two back to the princess, the mood seemed to have lightened. She allowed herself to take a deep, albeit shaky, breath.

“So you can tell when somepony’s in love?” Starlight asked, Lonely nodded her reply, “Okay, try me!” Starlight grinned, then she laughed awkwardly again, “If that’s okay..” she glanced to the princess who just sighed in response.

“Um.. Then...” Lonely stated, “Think about somepony you’re close to.”

“Hmm okay.”

Lonely paused, “There’s nothing.”

“Alright- what about...” Starlight mumbled.

“Still nothing.” Lonely shrugged.

Starlight raised an eyebrow. Within a moment a mischievous grin appeared on her face. “Try it on Twilight!”

“What!?” the princess responded.

“I don’t see anything,” Lonely stated.

“What about that Flash guy?” the dragon asked.

“Spike!” Twilight blushed mildly to yell at him.

Lonely blinked, “Nothing- it could be only a crush though.” she explained, “Finding someone attractive and being in love are completely different.”

“Yes! That’s it.” The princess blushed further, “I met him once.” she said sternly.

The dragon laughed, “I’m just teasing you, Twi.”

“Okay! Well try Spike.” the princess was suddenly bent on revenge.

Lonely stared at the dragon, he shrugged and grinned, “I’m unreadable-”

“Rarity.” the alicorn stated.

“He-hey that’s not fair!”

“Yeah, he’s in love.” Lonely giggled, “Though I don’t think you need my talent to see that.”

Twilight and Starlight laughed at their friend and Lonely finally felt completely relaxed. She used both hooves to rubbed the tears off her face, “You really scared me you know, I thought I was going to Tartarus.” she laughed a little.

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof, “Well you’re still under arrest.”

Lonely shrunk back into her chair.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.” Starlight ignored the princess, “Where are you from?”

“Canterlot.” she said, “I came here for my job- I’m a reporter.” she laughed a little, “My boss told me not to even try to talk to the princess as she probably wouldn’t want to talk to me.” she looked to Twilight, “I guess breaking the law is a pretty quick way to get an interview, though I think you guys are the interviewers now.”

The group spoke for a while, joking about one thing or another. Lonely eventually had told her whole life story and explained how she got her cutie mark. One day, while she was a filly, she confessed to a colt, he turned her down and so she set him up with her friend. Since that day, she’d been cursed with that mark on her flank. Starlight also told the story about her revenge on cutie marks that lead to the enslavement of a town and world altering time travel.

“You know,” Lonely said as Spike just got done talking about the first time he met this Rarity pony, “I could tell you if she loved you back, I’d just have to meet her.”

“Really?” a big smile grew on his face.

“Not so fast,” Twilight laughed a little, “I have a question.”

Lonely nodded, “Ask me anything.”

“How’d you know the spell?” she asked.

Lonely paused and then chuckled awkwardly, “I’m what you would call desperate. After my hundred and twelfth confession I started studying love related magic. At first it was to use some brain washing stuff but then it became my hobby.” She shrugged, “It’s more interesting to study that stuff than being a lowly reporter.” she giggled.

A small smile appeared on Twilight’s face, “Then I know what your sentence is.”

Lonely swallowed, she’d forgotten about that.

“Lonely Love, I sentence you…” Lonely bit her hoof, “to be my new personal student!”

“What!?!?” Three voices said in unison.

Twilight just smiled and nodded, “Starlight was my first student and after she graduated I made my school but that’s all for teaching friendship and I think you’re fine in that department.” she explained, “I’d like to teach magic, only if you want to of course.”

Lonely sat stunned, “Want to?! Why wouldn’t I?!” she exclaimed rhetorically, “Thank you thank you thank you!” She cheered and went to hug Twilight. She only stopped herself in the last second, “Err.. May I?”

Twilight hid her giggle with a hoof, “Of course.” They locked eyes and for a moment, just a split second, Lonely could’ve sworn she saw something in Twilight’s eyes. The two new friends hugged, spike and Starlight were quick to join. Though blissful in the group hug, Lonely couldn’t help but think about that strange glimmer in Twilight’s eyes.

Could Twilight be..? No. That’s just silly. Lonely stifled a sigh. This had just been the best day of her life, she should be grateful for that and not find the need to look into something that was probably just a trick of the light... Right?

Author's Note:

eh buck it, I'll post the last chapter today, I was gonna wait till tomorrow but I don't wanna. I kind of want to make a sequel to this? IDK. If y'all like it I'll make another. also take a shot every time lonely calls herself dumb/stupid, you'll be drunk in minutes

Comments ( 8 )

I enjoyed this, nice read

I'm glad you liked it

Your welcome, any time

Poor Lonely...
But then.. Yay for Lonely..?

yes, yay for poor Lonely


I knew something like this would happen.

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