• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 894 Views, 4 Comments

The Return - Bright_Star

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Bitter Goodbyes

Bitter Goodbyes

Star was awoken by the loud knocks on his door. Groggily he got up and opened it. It was Twilight Sparkle. She had a look of fear on her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he stared at his friend in wonderment

“Quick we need to get to Canterlot, the Princess has sent a carriage for us and the others” Twilight explained quickly as she grabbed him and lead him to the carriage being flown by Canterlot Guards.

“Whoa hold on, what’s going on?” asked Star who was now fully awake

“No time to explain, we need to hurry”

Within twenty minutes they landed outside the throne room. Star still had no idea what was going on. Twilight was freaking out the entire way there and she refused to say anything. The others were just in the dark as Star was. They all ran towards the throne room as the doors magically opened. Inside were Celestia Luna Shining Armor and two other ponies. One Star seen around before the other was a complete mystery.

“I’m glad you all could make it” said Celestia “Something terrible has happened”
Great thought Star that’s what I get for hoping nothing would happen.

“Late last night somepony stole the Elements of Harmony” Celestia told them

They all grew silent when they heard that. Their looks told everything but Star was the one who finally asked the question.

It was Shining Armor who answered though.
“It seems due to the upcoming wedding, the elements chamber was left unguarded. The thieves broke in a took them”
“Do you know who stole them?” asked Twilight
“We have an idea, that’s why these two are here” Celestia said as she pointed two the two ponies next to Shining Armor “This is 8-Bit and Starstrung”

8-bit was a white mare Pegasus. She had Pink and Red hair with a star attached at the end. Her eyes where near the same color as Fluttershy. Star could not see her cutie mark

Starstrung was a deep blue colt Pegasus. His hair was spiked back with a light purple near the beginning but faded into white. His eye color was the same as his coat. His cutie was a guitar.
“Starstrung. As in the descendant of Starswirl?” asked Twilight
“The very same” answered Starstrung
“So do you know who took the elements?” asked Dash
“Well we believe that her sister Glitch” Starstrung nodded over to 8-bit “And my Brother Psycostrung stole them”
“And how did you guys come to that conclusion?” asked Star
“Well the other night” said 8-Bit “I overheard them talking. I didn’t hear all of it but I did hear something to do with the elements of Harmony. When I went to go talk with my sister about it last night she was gone. So I went to go find Starstrung to tell him what had happened and see if we could stop them but it was too late” she finished hanging her head
“You did the best you could” Celestia reinsured her “How would you have known they were being serious”
“But there’s something I don’t understand. Actually two parts” Star began to ask “One why didn’t you just come to Celestia in the first place and two even if they do have the elements they can’t use them”
“The reason I didn’t say anything was because my sister and his brother are highly unstable. I just thought it was their usual crazy talk but something they did say disturbed me enough to finally confront Glitch about it then again I probably would have gotten nothing out of her. The only pony she ever talks to is Pycostrung. The other times she’s just quite.
“And I can answer your other question” said Starstrung “Seeing as he is my brother he too is a descendant of Starswirl the bearded. The magic he contains is strong enough to fool the elements into believing they represent themselves.”
“So you’re telling us that not only are these two completely insane but that they now wield the most powerful objects if this world?” Star asked

The two nodded to his question. Star looked over to Luna who was just in enough fear as the rest of them were. This was bad. Star had never faced this kind of problem before
“What are we going to do?” Star asked finally.
“We are going track them down and take back the elements before they do any damage. 8-Bit has already told us where they are headed.” Answered Celestia
“Where” asked Twilight
“Our old castle” as she regarded Luna “Seeing as we are dealing with Pycostrung me and Luna will be going along with. Our powers combined will aid in the defeat of these two”

Seeing as it was Celestia word nopony disagreed even though Star thought he should just go himself. He thought he had a better chance getting them back.

Celestia looked over to Shining Armor as said “With my absence you and Cadance will rule until my return. This will be short I don’t want Cadance to overwhelm herself with raising the moon and sun”

Shining Armor nodded at Celestia. Within the hour all nine ponies where off deep into the Everfree forest.

The walk through the Everfree was quick this time. There were no obstacles to clear and challenges to be met. They arrived at the crumbling castle quickly. They all entered through the crumbling arches and saw the two thieves. They had all seven elements with them
“Look baby we have guests” said Pycostrung who was near identical too his brother except his coat was dark and the same with the mane. “Oh and it’s Canterlot Royalty. Shouldn’t we consider ourselves lucky”

Even they way he talked Star was sure this pony was crazy. He had heard that kind of voice back on Earth in crazy people.

His companion didn’t say a word which creped Star out of this world. Creepy silent types he didn’t like much. Then he saw her eyes. One eye was yellow the other looked like it was full of static. When Star stared into it he felt like he was going to go insane. She wore a shadowbolt uniform. Underneath her coat was a dark blue and her main was cyan.
“Return the elements and no harm will come to you” said Celestia
“I don’t think so princess” replied Pycostrung with a wicked smile
“Then you leave me no choice. Sister if you could please” together both alicorns rose into the air and closed their eyes. Magic filled their horns and shot magic towards them but the elements deflected it.
“It’s no use, as long as we wear these your magic can’t harm us”

And finally it began. Glitch moved around the room in speeds Star had never seen before. She knocked them all down and returned to her lover’s side.

Only Star got back up. He had been hit way worse then that.
“And I see the newbie wants more babe, maybe you should give him the double tap” he finished with a wink

Before Star could register the words he felt himself getting hit constantly. After the fifteenth strike he finally fell down.
Psycostrung and Glitch stared at star with menace in their eyes.
"Why are you doing this?" asked Star
"For absolute power" answered Psycostrung.
Glitch nodded her head. Star realized that she was a mare of few words. Even though at times she would attack with ferocity like he had never seen before. Not even Discord could compare to her
“We are sick of the Alicorns rule. We will bring forth the new age of the ponies.” Psycostrung “And unfourtanly you our not in that vision. Good-bye”

Psycostrung pulled out a bow. He notched an arrow and aimed at Star. He released it. Then Star heard it

Time seemed to slow down when he heard the voice he looked over and saw Luna jump in front of the arrow. It collided with her and she fell. Star could feel the world crashing down around him.

Psycostrung and Glitch fell down in laughter after this.

Star and the others moved closer to Luna. Star knelt down and held her.
“Why?” was all he could ask. He felt the tears beginning to sting his eyes
‘Cause I didn’t want to see you hurt” she replied as she raised a hoof to his face. Her hoof began to slide down.

Star stared into her eyes and began to see the light fading.
“No, don’t go” he begged holding back more tears. “I’m nothing without you”

She smiled at him. Her eyelids began to close
“I love you” was the last thing she said. Her eyes closing for a final time.

Star felt the world break before him. He had never experienced pain like this before. Never in his two lives has he gone through this.
“No, please come back please. I need you” he begged more as the tears began to flow from his eyes. He held his love in a final embrace “I love you too”.

All the others were in shock at what they just saw. Celestia was near tears herself.

Star began to tremble from the sadness but soon the sadness turned to anger. He looked up at the two ponies who caused his love to die. Anger filled his face. His teeth clenched
“Tia take Luna out of her and go”
“I said GO”

His voiced made it clear. Celestia took Luna’s body carefully and her and the mane six left.

Finally the two ponies stopped laughing and looked at Star
“Awww did we make you mad?” crackled Psycostrung

Star was still trembling in anger
“You. Have. No. Idea. What. You. Just. UNLEASHED.” As Star screamed the last word. He reverted back to his human form and held out his hand. His element flew from Glitch into his open hand. The moment his hand touched the element shadows burst from it.
“You will now experience true pain” he said as the shadows began to form a pillar around him.

After the pillar disappeared Fallen Star was standing there. He opened his eyes to stare down his enemy. They backed away a little in fear. Usually his eyes looked like crescent moons but now they were full moon and blood red
“I am Fallen Star, I am the Lunar Knight and I AM going to kill the both of you”