• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 894 Views, 4 Comments

The Return - Bright_Star

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An Unexpected Homecoming

An Unexpected Homecoming

It had been six months since Dan’s return to earth. Getting adjusted back to the human world was different. Sometime he would accidently slip Pony words when he was talking. He would play it off like he meant to say it without getting judged looks. He hated the looks people gave him. After twenty-four years of living among friendly kinds of creatures he had completely forgot humans were selfish beings. Not all but some of them

When he got back all he had to remind him of the place he loved so much was the necklace that had come back with him. He would wear it all the time. Even though the magic was gone in it he felt closer to his old life while he wore it. Even when he was down all he did was look at the necklace and remind himself what he promised to his friends.

Most people could see a change in him but they were not sure what it was. His parents noticed his diets changed. He never ate meat anymore. He always asked for fruits or vegetables. They did not know that he was now more use to eat plants then dead meat. He would do as he told without compliant or arguing either. He was more of a broken person than anything as people who knew him would say. He never told anyone what had happened to him.

He could barley watch the show anymore. He would break down in tears if he did. Sometimes when he was sure no one was around he would cry. He cried because he missed his family and friends. Though he would mostly cry because he couldn’t see Luna anymore. He missed her the most. The way she use to laugh at his lame jokes or how he could just be himself around her.

Sometimes he wished he didn’t have the memories. They were unbearable to think of and caused him to get depressed. Other times he blessed those memories. They shone through the darkness that he felt. Making the hurt subsided for a while. Not long but he was glad for it.

Today he found himself playing Skyrim. It was nearing midnight and he had planned something. He shut off his Xbox and TV and left his house. He started walking towards the park near his house. He pulled out a cigarette from his pack and let it up. As he inhaled the first drag he thought.
Tonight’s beautiful. But it’s nothing compare to Luna’s night.

He smiled as the last thought left his head. After reaching the park he sat upon the hill and looked at the moon. It was full tonight. He finished his cigarette and flicked it off in a random direction.
Well six month have passed and I still feel empty he thought to the moon I wish I could at least talk to you.

He looked at the night sky. He could name all the constellations in a heartbeat. He always thought it was weird that the star were the same here as it was in Equestria.

He closed his eyes as an old memory came into view
And that’s where Andromeda is said Star as he moved the Telescope into the right position. Twilight Sparkle looked through the telescope and wrote something down.
Wow your good at this exclaimed Twilight

Star blushed a little at that “well it sort of my talent knowing all the stars” he said with a smile.

Dan opened his eyes as the memory faded away. He always let some slip through. They made him feel whole. He went into his pocket and pulled out his necklace. He didn’t want to wear it today. Too many memories filled his mind today and he didn’t want it around until now so he could remember it when he wanted too. He looked down at the jewelry. The je, was the shade of Luna’s color and it shape was a star with a crescent moon behind it. He closed his eyes so another memory could fill his mind.
“I love you” said Luna
“I love you too” replied Star

They were both in her bed lying down staring at each other. He held her in his hoofs wrapped around her. It was nearing midday but he always stayed with her when she asked. Her sleeping hours kept them asleep usually during the day but he would always be there when she asked.
“How much do you love me?” she asked with a smile as she muzzled his face with hers.
“Well” he replied “You know how big the universe is?”
“Even the size of that couldn’t contain the love I feel for you” he finshed with a smile
“Aw” she said as she reached in for a ki—
No Dan thought. Just no.
He couldn’t bear to finish it. He opened his eyes a noticed that he was crying. He was still staring at his Element.
I want to go back he thought as tears splashed down on the necklace. I miss them. So much. He closed his eyes but refuse to play anymore memories.
But Sister I miss him
What was that? He thought wait I know that voice, before he could make a decision on what he heard his head split open and he fell to his knees his pain.
It’s not fair he heard the familiar voice again
I know dear little sister. This voice sounded older and also familiar
But something’s are just out of our hoofs. But this is the best way to honor him. Don’t you agree?
Yes, but I still miss him. Can’t I at least still feel that?
While yes but don’t live on it. Eventually you will have to let him go. Do you understand?
A little
Ok then, well come on everypony is waiting.
Dan opened his tried to open his eyes but the pain was too much. She remembered him. And with knowing that whatever was causing this pain can now kill him. He no longer cared as long as he knew she still loved him.

The pain eventually stopped. But he was still afraid to open his eyes. Was he dead? Or was he still alive. Before he decides to finally open his eyes he heard something. He listened closely to the noise

I sounded like rushing wind. Then he felt the wind pushing past his face. Finally he opened his eyes and saw that he was falling through the shy. He looked straight down and saw nothing but clouds. Instinctively he tried to flap his wings. But it didn’t work. He looked at his body and saw that he was still himself.
Right, no wings he thought. I’m was screwed.
Finally he broke through the clouds and saw what he was falling towards. It was Ponyville. From the looks of it there was a celebration going on.
Well this is gonna be a nasty experience for them he thought.

Even thought he was still high up he heard a voice shout.


Then he heard jets. But it wasn’t jets it was the wonderbolts. They were coming to save him. But they were too far away and he knew they wouldn’t make it in time. He needed to do something

Looks like somepony needs help he heard in his mind
That voice he knew that voice even though he only heard it once
Yes he thought back to the essence of Nightmare Moon.
Well then hold on it answered back

Dan looked down at his feet and saw shadows were wrapping around his feet. For a split millisecond he was worried but then remembered what was going to happen. He relaxed and let the shadows take him.

Celestia walked up to the post.
“Today marks the second year when Discord was defeated by the brave pony known as Bright Star. On this day we celebrate the peace and order that brave little pony that sacrificed so much to keep us all safe. We dedicate this monument to him”

In the center of Ponyville the new statue was unveiled. There were two images on the monument. One was of Bright Star. The other was a bi-pedal creature. Its name was Fallen Star.
“As you all know Bright Star used the essence of Nightmare Moon to vanquish Discord. Though at a terrible price. This momentum honors the two forms that he used to beat Discord, May he….”
“WHAT IS THAT” somepony shouted in the crowd. They were pointing to the sky. There was something falling through it. And it was heading right where they were. Celestia looked over to the Wonderbolts and nodded. But she feared it would be too late. Then something strange happened. Shadows began to surround the creature that was falling. It began to fall faster after that. Than the shadows disappeared around it. Though she still could not see it for it fell faster. Before she knew it the objects crashed a few feet away from the statue. A cloud of dirt was around the object. After a few seconds the cloud started to disappear. Finally the dirt was gone and her jaw dropped. There he stood, The Lunar Knight, his shadowy wings extended underneath his cape as he stood there.

Dan blinked as the dust finally settled. He looked down at his body. The Lunar armor had just saved his life. He looked at his back and saw his wings. He gave them a flop. They moved when his brain told them too.
Still got it he thought.

He looked to his right and saw the statue. He folded his wings under his caoe and walked over to the stature. He put a hand on it and looked uo. It was of him as a pony and Fallen Star. He smiled
So is that all you need? Asked the essence in his mind
Yes he replied and thank you
Anytime, we are a team. I would help you whenever

After that the armor disintegrated off him and blew like dust to the winds. He looked over and saw everypony staring at him.
“Hi every……UGH” he never got to finish his sentence. For something knocked him down and held him there.
“You’re really back” cried Luna as she buried her head into his shoulder. “I just knew you would comeback. I’ve missed you so much”. Dan could feel his shoulder getting wet from her tears. Until now he was just on the ground but he took his arms and wrapped them around Luna to return the hug she was giving him. HE inched back a little and took Luna’s face in his hands. He stared at her with a smile
“I’ve missed you more than you would ever know” he finally replied to her with tears in his eyes. Luna smiled and closed her eyes and kissed him and he kissed her back. At the moment he didn’t care that he was a different species then her. This was his Luna and nothing was going to stop him from enjoying this moment. Finally they broke apart and Luna let him get back up. He looked around, most of the ponies just stared at him. He guessed they were never told the truth.
“Star” said Luna as she touched his arm “Look over there”
She called me Star he thought as he looked over at where she was pointing. There they stood. His parents and his friends. So many emotions where going through him right now it was amazing. He smiled for real for the first time in a long time. There was no way to describe how he felt. He decided to walk over and say hello but he took two steps and fell down. He felt so tired and groggy. He looked back up before he lost conscious. The last image he saw was his friends running towards him