• Published 2nd Jan 2019
  • 308 Views, 1 Comments

A Theoretical Episode: Illusive Exclusion - SeraFur

Fluttershy and Applejack meet a different species other than the Kirin, with their own friendship problem that needs to be solved.

  • ...

Illusive Conclusion

The three ponies would meet up at a restaurant, it was quite famous and has been seen on almost every block in any city. It was called Jolly-Mite, a Twittermite but with a more old-fashioned cartoon smile on its face. Being a fast food restaurant, many ponies would take food on the go, some have the time to eat in the restaurant. Still, it seemed to be agreed universally in the Filyppines that Jolly-Mite is a really good fast food restaurant. Brave Flower seemed to act nicer, which is noticeable by the likes of Applejack and Fluttershy. He even allowed their orders to be on his tab, to which they ordered ice cream. Though, being more familiar with the menu, the tikbalang in disguise would order halo-halo, a sort of mixed ice cream with fruits and nuts, along with hay fries and nuggets. Out of the three, Brave Flower seemed to be the fastest in eating, mixing the ice cream and the fruit before scooping it into his mouth, which he moaned with delight.

"So...you're a Tikbalang?" Applejack raised her brow.

"Mhmm!" mouthed the Tikbalang, nodding as he takes another scoop.

"Are you...very skinny?" Fluttershy seemed hesitant of asking that question, perhaps because of the image of how skinny they were freaked her out a bit.

"Eh...sort of." the tikbalang shrugged. "It kind of varies between each of us, I'm just a bit more broad than the usual."

"Long limbs?"

"Oh definitely."



"Part plant?"

"That's a bit complicated to explain."

"Well..." then came the hard answered question. "What is this tradition that you have to keep up?"

The Tikbalang in disguise had fallen silent, looking at his fruit ice cream treat. "...I promised, right?"

Both ponies nodded. Brave Flower took a deep breath, calming himself as he began the story.

"Back then, we owned the entire Filyppines, like a dominant race. When your princesses came along, ponies began coming around from across the globe. But..." he gulped. "The more ponies came, the more land they wanted. The ponies that came around devised a way to...make us look bad. They spread awful rumors about our kind, and from there...it got worse."

"Hey..." Fluttershy quickly intervened, the Tikbalang almost looked like he was about to cry again. "It's okay, it must have been hard."

Brave Flower smiled from her kindness, regained his composure, and continued. "We...we tried to stop those rumors, but none of the ponies wanted to listen. Eventually, we had to go into hiding, erase ourselves from the world. Now, I'm not saying your princesses and the ponies that originally were settled in were bad, but I guess it's because we were in the way as they wanted to take more. None of them hurt us, but the rumors were just too much. We were the ones who lashed out." Brave Flower now refused to look at the two. "Out of anger and frustration, we brought our worst upon your kind. And because of that...all the rumors turned into facts. No one wanted to be our friends anymore, and the terrifying rumors are now cemented in place. We can't change it anymore."

Both pegasus and earth pony were awestruck, clashed with pity. Applejack summarized it from there. "I suppose your tradition was too keep those rumors true. You...gave up on changing it."

The Tikbalang nodded solemnly. "We all did, we all thought it was better to make our appearances look like monsters with our illusions, and do every single thing that the rumors told about us. It was a way of peace for us. If we were scary, then no one would ever have to bother us like back then ever again."

Applejack went silent, then spoke her mind. "Let me be real with ya here, I know your folk went through a lot. Heh, kind of reminds me when Granny Smith was making a settlement, which became Ponyville. But times have changed, ponies are a lot more tolerant than they were back then, I'm sure we can clear the name of your kind now."

"Yeah, but...these myths have been around for a very long time. How is doing them now going to change anything?" Fretted the Tikbalang.

"If growing apple orchards taught me anything, it's that all things start out small." Trying to give hope to the distraught creature.

"Well, you are right about that. But first I have to tell the others. Come with me." asked Brave Flower.

The ride would be longer than expected, the Tikbalang navigated the way to the countryside once again. Through offered rides, he would give bits to drivers in exchange to be taken to their destination. He occasionally had to keep paying the driver, along with the fact that the cities were crowded with vehicles, and every once in a while some other pony would take up more space, sort of squishing the group together. He didn't mind, and the two ponies tried to cope with the claustrophobic ride. As the ride finally got over to the countryside, the Tikbalang called for his stop, and ushered his followers to be with him as he gets off the van.

"Alright, we're here." to the ponies, it would seem that they were looking at some very dense untouched forest. Though a beaten dirt road seems to lead off somewhere beyond the sight of the ponies. A little sign would be labeled in front of this beaten path, saying "Keep Out Please".

"It seems pretty far away." Fluttershy squinted, trying to see if she can see the end of the road.

"It's an illusion. But, before I take that down so we can get in, I feel comfortable to show...my real self to you ponies. Though...are you okay?"

"Uh..." the earth pony and pegasus were still a bit nervous. The images of the scrolls were still a bit...unnerving. But Fluttershy nodded. "We won't judge you, promise."

A little smile can be seen on his face, sitting down on the road. Arcane circles manifest before his hooves, clasping his own chest as his form rippled, like light in water. In the place of the illusive pony, stood a creature, curled in fetal position. With a green mane, and tail tucked in behind, the creature stood up, towering over the two. He must have been 6 feet tall! The gold earring and blue pearl necklace remained the same, the clothes were different as it fits this bipedal form, albeit the pink shirt was a bit shorter to expose his belly. This true Brave Flower was skinny, but didn't look like he was starving at all. His limbs were long, as to be expected as well. Overall, he remained mostly the same, but this was his true self!

"Wow. You are quite an eyeful." It was no negative commentary, but it was Applejack basically expressing her surprise.

Brave Flower laughed. "Sorry if I'm so weird looking. I rarely ever show my real self to others."

"There's no need to be sorry." Fluttershy giggled.

"Well...welcome to my home town. In ponish, it's called the Secret Garden."

The path ripples, like how the Tikbalang unveiled himself by casting off his illusion. The town had been revealed to the ponies. The houses seemed to come in two ways, either the traditional old fashion house cottages, or these newfound creatures that are...just so bizarre! They looked like deer, though they seem to be made of vines and green bark, their eyes in a penetrating glow of gold. Their antlers were branches, sprouting entire groves of leaves that act as shade in the sunlight. Some parts of them seem hollowed out, where various Tikbalang have apparently made their housing. These creatures didn't seem to mind, they slowly smile, moving their heads. They don't speak, but the Tikbalang wave nonetheless and converse with these large creatures. The center of the town was some kind of five-piece plaza, the center-most being the largest, decorated with catered flowers and plant life. Though what was the most eye-catching, was the same three bizarre creatures in the distance, but MUCH bigger than the ones close by. On their backs, it seems that the Tikbalang have settled entire villages upon them! Their antlers reach above the clouds, and in the little space was some kind of carved mountain. It was very fancy, with plants and many flora carefully decorated around and on it. The populous of Tikbalang varied in size, but still clearly tower over them. Some of the Tikbalang were also part plant, part of them flora, but small glimpses of brown fur can be seen between the vines. Though others are completely made of plant, the same golden glows similar to the strange beasts around them.

"Whoa..." Applejack and Fluttershy were in awe of the sights of the Secret Garden.

"Mhmm, it's cool to show our town to others. How is it?" Brave Flower turned to the awestruck ponies.

"If Twilight were here, she would go crazier than Winona on a solar eclipse!" exclaimed Applejack.


"The Princess of Friendship." summarized Applejack.

"Oh. Should I give the tour?" offered Brave Flower.

"Of course. Lead the way!" The pair would happily follow along. Though through their tour, they would notice that some of the Tikbalang were...staring.

"Most of the houses are either the usual traditional cottages, or we partially hollow out some of our Kapre friends."

"Wait...hollow out? Kapre?" Fluttershy had her interest piqued, along with concern.

"They don't really feel pain, so don't worry." explained Brave Flower. "They're our friends for as long as we can remember, they once have aided us in darker times. Now, they're part of us, some of them have willingly become our homes. Others, have become more like us."

"So that's why some of the Tikbalang seem to be part plant." noticed Fluttershy. "They're actually Kapre."

"Indeed." But Brave flower added a bit more information. "Though in some cases, we use parts of our Kapre friends to replace limbs. If we're lucky, they can even revive and reanimate the fallen."

"That's...nice." Fluttershy turned a bit gloomy, Brave Flower noticed that the information he just said might have been a bit too much.

"Yeah...the plaza is in the center of the town." simply pointing to the five-piece plaza. "And over in the distance is the main collective of our village."

"Do the Kapre have names?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah, though they're pretty old. The center Kapre is named Bathala, the one on the left is Amanikable, and the right is Idiyanale."

Fluttershy was looking at one of the Kapre, it in return, turns slowly to the pegasus.

'Hello there. I haven't seen a pony in a few centuries.' Some kind of voice speaks within her head.

"Who was that?" Fluttershy turned around to try and see where that voice came from.

"Wait...what?" Brave Flower was the one to be surprised this time. "You...can hear what the Kapre are speaking?"

Fluttershy looked over to the Tikbalang. "Well...it was in my head. I think..."

"Holy...you must've had a Tikbalang Ancestor!"

"Wait what?" Fluttershy was just as surprised as the Tikbalang.

"All Tikbalang are capable of communicating with all things in the natural world. Either be animal or...even this rock." and then he mumbled. "It makes us look crazy though."

"But, I can only talk to animals." Said Fluttershy.

"Well, of all the pegasi that I've known, you certainly have a different cutie mark." Stated Applejack.

"A Tikbalang ancestor could certainly be the case. It could explain why you also have such an out placed cutie mark too." Added Brave Flower.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy pondered on such possibility.

Though as they carried onward, various Tikbalang were already closing in, mumbling to one another at the sight of ponies. The trio got rather nervous, especially Brave Flower. Beads of sweat drip from his forehead, as the mumbling grew louder. Though a pair of ponies have caused his heart to skip a beat. Two ponies with wearing formal clothing similar to eastern royalty, a palette of red and gold.

The Tikbalang parted ways for this pair, the broad and burly male and the gentle female have made their presence known, and Brave Flower had felt a lump clog his throat. Fluttershy and Applejack notice the two, and back away as well.

"O-Oh...hi Dad." The two ponies gasped in the background.

"Dad?" Both of then gawk in disbelief.

The strong male Tikbalang ignored them, his voice washes over the curious crowd like a flood over the tall grass. "Brave Flower? Who are these..." Though it seemed that as the leader acknowledged them, it seemed to be of contempt. "...ponies, doing in our town?"


"Name's Applejack." The cowgirl earth pony believed it was time to interject. "And over there is Fluttershy." To which the pegasus was cowering behind their new friend.

"Applejack." He repeats the name, as if it was like a sour apple. "How did you bring yourselves here, and brought my own son into this?"

The earth pony stood firm, showing that she will not he shaken by the authority of the male. "Fluttershy and I have come on a friendship quest, as the Castle of Friendship had sent us on this journey. From what your own son had told me, it seems that y'all have been keeping...unhealthy tradition."

"You call it unhealthy." Applejack felt relief, believing that Brave Flower's father would be offended on the spot. "We've lived with these traditions for many generations. It's not the best, but it has kept us safe from you ponies." Although Fluttershy could tell he was trying his best to not seem so...offended by their presence.

"Dad, please, listen to me." begged Brave Flower.

"I know what you want to say." the father said, almost as if he said this thousands of times. "Times have changed, they aren't like they were back then. And all the other things you have tried to convince me." It was almost like a repeat of everything the ponies had explained to the young son. "But you already know that we can't change a thing, all they do is believe in their stories and ramble on and on of our supposed dangerous deeds. I'm sick of it." the chief of the Tikbalang race huffed, while the wife sighed and nodded in agreement.

"And so?" Applejack continues to make her stand. "We're still here, and your son trusts us. If he is willing to give us a chance, then you should try too. What have you been doing to change things?"

"At first I wanted my son to be a warrior. Though he has more power when it comes to magic. While every Tikbalang is capable of creating illusions, Brave Flower has much more power to it. The reason why no one has even found this place yet is because of his illusions, they're quite powerful. We even tested it with some of your equestrian magic, ones meant to dissolve illusions..." the next two words were full of pride, as if he was delighted and proud of that. "They broke. All the ones we used to test have all failed when my son's illusions were put to the test."

"That's not how it's going to end." objected the cowgirl pony. "One way or another, you, and all the Tikbalang are eventually going to have to get into the real world. You sure you want those myths and rumors to stick around when that time comes?"

The wife turns, her eyes of interest into what Applejack has to say. Her own voice was like winds in the meadow. "She has a point Cross Heart, we can't keep this up forever. And our debt to the ponies, it will keep growing if we keep doing what we are doing now."

"Rainy Sun, honey, now's not the time..." Cross Heart's voice wavered.

"Wait...what debt?" questioned the cowgirl pony.

"Not everyone here goes out into the world to work." said Brave Flower. "Those that do have enough knowledge to blend in. Like me. But...it's kind of cutting corners if not everyone is capable of working. Especially when we're...this far behind the modern times."

"Um...Applejack." says Fluttershy, heading beside the earth pony. "I think this is going to be complicated. They've been stealing, because the workers can't provide for the whole village. And...well..." she points to the three massive Kapre in the distance. "This is a large village."

"Yeah, it all makes sense." replied Applejack.

Applejack continues her reasoning. "May I suggest somethin' for y'all?"

"You may." but Cross Heart seems uneasy with her making the suggestion for the whole village.

"What if you just simply help some of the ponies around your village? You don't have to go to the big cities, just start out small. The rumors would eventually go away, but you need to build up a good reputation before you can do that?"

"You believe it can work?" Cross Heart tests her belief in her plan.

'We do.' Three voices would sound across the mental plane.

Everyone in the village gasped, except Applejack, who could not hear what was happening.

"What the hay is happening here?" and she shows how confused she was, every Tikbalang was gasping towards the three Kapre in the distance.

"The Kapre are speaking." Fluttershy pointed that out for Fluttershy.

"But I don't hear nothin'!"

"Because you're not a Tikbalang, sorry." Brave Flower apologized.

Bathala, Aminakable, and Idiyanale all spoke in unison. The former two were holding a male voice, but the last had a female voice. 'Cross Heart, we have watched over this village just as you have watched over all the people of the Secret Garden. We are thankful.'

Cross Heart kneels, bowing his head down. "I have done what I can. I am honored to take this role in protecting our people from the ponies."

'You have every right to hold that honor.' But, the Tikbalang felt something, even Fluttershy. Even though the village bearing Kapre do not so much as budge, they felt them move. As if they were free from their willing bondage, bearing their unseen bodies to seemingly look down at the small creatures beneath them. 'But our ears and eyes watched the world change. Things are different as the ponies claim. They truly are the olive branches, a ray of hope to a path where things can be different. We believe...that it is time for a lost piece of the world to come back into the proper time.'

Cross Heart nods in agreement. "I understand..." but some kind of crimson mist begins to seethe from the tikbalang. "But it is a risk I am not willing to take." And faced Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Oh no..." Brave Flower knew something bad was going to happen, setting himself before the pair. "Whatever you do, don't interfere."

The two had obeyed, because they knew things might get nasty. In a powerful explosion that rocks the ground, the leader had been turned into a mystified horror. A horse of black, with a crimson aura blooming around it as anything within this aura had also turned red. Opening his eyes, Cross Heart had three, the third at the center of his forehead as this terrifying form roars with a shivering screech. But Brave Flower remained firm, as dark cerulean liquid seemingly oozes from his body. Surrounding their friend, he too becomes this illusionary form. His own version holds no mouth to speak and his mane growing down to his very back, but his two eyes were wide open, as if staring into one's very soul with an icy blue gaze.

"Son, you do not know what will happen if this plan fails." Said Cross Heart.

"And you fail to realize what will happen if we don't do anything!" Replied Brave Flower. "I want to make this work. Please, just understand."

There was silence, but Cross Heart kept staring right into Brave Flower's eyes. But he breaks that silence quickly. "...you are sure this will work?"

"No idea is a guaranteed success. It's trying that matters." Says Brave Flower.

"I see, but before I allow it..." Cross Heart sprints right towards the tikbalang! "Show me your resolve!"

Most Tikbalang use their illusions to scare off ponies. But in this case? It's like a sportsmanship, dueling through the sheer power of their illusions. And if their illusions are powerful enough, they can affect reality, but not in this sport. The crowd cheers and roots for their side, as Brave Flower and his father duel. Applejack and Fluttershy gawked at what they witness. Cross Heart was so fast! Literally, the ground was breaking apart from the raw speed he was moving! Brave Flower intercepted this speed with his own, equaling to his father as they speed around, clashing with one another as they make impact with both hands clapping with the other's, becoming a wrestle of dominance.

The two tikbalang were not actually intending to hurt one another, however, their was something that the ponies noticed. Their hairs shimmer with a single strand in their manes that glow gold. They suspected that whoever plucks this gold strand from their manes, will win. Cross Heart shows a lot more strength than Brave Flower, almost always cornering and constricting his young, but Brave Flower always manages to slip away before his golden strand was taken.
However, Brave Flower picks up his burly beast of his parent, and with a roar similar to a dragon, he throws him back, suplexing his head right onto the ground, the entire ground beneath him depresses into a crater. And as quick as the events came, they finish with Brave Flower picking off the golden strand from the mane of his own dad.

The crowd cheers, seeing the end victory leading to change. Both earth pony and pegasus cheered as well. "You did it!" Exclaims Applejack.

"Thanks, I never actually thought I would win." The tikbalang giggled nervously. "Now, about that prom-"

There was a visible crater spread throughout the floor, and Cross Heart groaned as his head ached. "Ah, I guess age is catching up with me." Mumbled the leader.

"Well, I plucked the gold mane." Stated the winner of the sport. "You know what that means."

"I'm aware." Said Cross Heart. "I have to do what you asked."

Brave Flower smiled. "Yup. Let's get this plan started."

"I'm...not sure if I can do this." muttered Cross Heart.

"You'll do fine." Said Fluttershy. "Now give it your best shot."

Slowly, the leader was pushed into the open, several farmer ponies were doing their daily business. Cross Heart sweats nervously, but he lost the sport, so it must be done. Calming himself, he begins approaching one of the nearby farmers. Fluttershy watches as the events unfold. It was only three ponies, but they scrambled in circles out of panic of seeing the tikbalang, as they try to put their shirts inside out. When they did, they were shocked to find Cross Heart wasn't even swayed! Soon, they begin begging to be brought no harm. While Cross Heart smirked, he sighed and simply says this:

"Do you need any help?"

The farmer ponies were definitely confused about this, but they hesitantly suggest for him to help with moving their cart full of vegetables to the farmer's market to sell. Nodding, Cross Heart heads over to the cart, and begins tugging it to move. The farmer ponies followed close by, though soon found themselves galloping as Cross Heart runs with surprising speed as he laughs heartily at their surprise. But the destination remained the same, the farmer ponies exhausted as they got to the farmer's market in a minute, which was seemingly miles away as Fluttershy flew in the air to survey the scene.

On the other end, Brave Flower was watched over by Applejack as ponies were panicking that one of their fields caught fire. They try to put out these raging flames, but it seemed that they were not dying out. Brave Flower steps in, casting magic with his magic circles projected from his hands to send a strong wind that snuffs out the fire. The ponies gawked at the sudden change in wind speed, only to find Brave Flower to be the one behind such mystery. They all seemed tense and very uncomfortable with the tikbalang around, but he smiled and waved.

"Let me help you out."

Brave Flower stepped into the ashen field, the wind sways around him as the ash and soil spin and mix together, before settling into the earth. Brave Flower, with Applejack's impression, had explained that the ashes of the crops will provide better nourishment for the newer plants when set in the soil. The ponies muttered with their perspectives definitely changed for the better, thanking the tikbalang for his kind gesture. Though Brave Flower giggled as he threw a little dirt into one of their eyes. And soon, they all joined in laughter of such mischievous banter.

Applejack and Fluttershy looked all around as the village of tikbalang had come around. All lending a helping hand with the ponies, though they sure seem to have fun make a bit of a scene too. They couldn't help but giggle at their antics as Brave Flower was with the two once more.

"Thank you for making this a reality." Said Brave Flower.

"Ah shucks, there was no need for thanks. This is all part of our quest." Applejack looks to see her cutie mark has glowed, marking their accomplishment of completion. "Expect Twilight to come around. She'll have a lot to study on her hooves this time, and she'll love every second of it."

Brave Flower giggled. "Yeah, see you next time?"

"Till next time." Applejack tilts her hat as she ushered Fluttershy to make their way back home.

Author's Note:

And that concludes this little project. It came with my own little explanations of why Fluttershy has a different cutie mark compared to any other pegasus out there, along with at least as many of the myths of the tikbalang that I could pack right into this project, based on a little research and some thought of which could work. I hope you enjoyed it!

Comments ( 1 )

Well...that is a description....though it looks more like a blog post.

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