• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 642 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Johnny: Fluttershy and Edward Scissorhands - VioletRose13

Fluttershy goes on a curious mission... and makes an unexpected friend.

  • ...

The Television Show

“Do you have your key or what?” Jim asked as he and Kim stood on the doorstep of Kim’s house.

“No.” Kim replied, searching through her purse for her house keys; she couldn’t find them anywhere.

At the same time, Fluttershy had finished walking one of the neighbor’s dogs around the cul-de-sac just as a car pulled up near her. She quickly opened the door and Edward climbed out.

“Goodbye.” Helen said.

“Bye-bye.” Edward said as the door closed and the car slowly drove off. He smiled at Fluttershy. “How was dog walking today?”

“It was great. Every pet here is so sweet and friendly. If only I could understand what they were saying here.” Fluttershy beamed as she and Edward went up to the Boggs’ house where Kim and Jim were still trying to get in.

“I wish I could talk to animals like you.” He said to himself.

“Hey, do either of you have a key?” Kim asked.

“No.” Edward said.

“Sorry, Kim.” Fluttershy shrugged.

“Well, we’re stranded.” Jim said, giving up.

Just as he said that, Edward leaned down, stuck one finger into the door lock, and jiggled it until the door unlocked.

“Wow, thanks!” Kim said with a grin, walking inside.

“Ed, what a guy. Good job.” Jim said. “You didn’t break it or scratch it or anything. Be a pal and yell when Peg pulls in, huh?” He walked in, leaving Edward and Fluttershy alone on the doorstep; he looked at her.

“What did he just say?” He asked.

“…I have absolutely no idea.” Fluttershy said before she took a hold of Edward’s wrist and headed inside with him.

More time went by and Edward and Peg were on a television show together. Fluttershy had no idea what television was, but she decided to be there and support her friend anyway. She wasn’t very comfortable standing on stage, but she stood right beside Edward as he told his story.

“Quite a story, yes?” The TV host said. “Any questions for Edward?”

One woman stood up. “What’s been the best part of your new life here in town?”

“The friends I’ve made.” Edward said into the microphone on stage.

“Have you ever thought of having corrective surgery or prosthetics?” Another woman asked. “I know a doctor that might be able to help you.

“I'd like to meet him.” Edward said.

“But if you had regular hands, you'd be like everyone else.” A third woman said.

“Yes, I know.”

“I think he'd like that.” The host chuckled.

“Then no one would think you were special. You wouldn't be on TV or anything.”

Fluttershy stepped forward and leaned closer to the microphone, putting a hand on Edward’s shoulder. “No matter what, Edward will always be special.”

He gave her a smile; she smiled back as the audience applauded.

“More questions?” The host asked.

“Your work is so interesting, distinctive, and unique.” A fourth woman said. “I wonder, do you have plans to open your own beauty salon?”

“Oh, there's an idea.” The host said. Peg, Fluttershy, and Edward smiled at each other at the thought. “Anyone else?”

A fifth woman stood up. “Are there any other places you’d like to visit?”

Edward smiled, but just as he was about to eagerly talk about what he heard about the land of Equestria, he remembered the promise he made to Fluttershy a few days ago. He remembered that only they know about Equestria and that he should keep it a secret from everyone else. He paused and leaned into the microphone.

“There is one place, but it’s a surprise.” He said.

“Oooh, a surprise, huh? How intriguing.” The host said.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” A sixth woman asked.

Edward suddenly froze and his face went pale. Fluttershy gave her friend a worried look and took a tiny step closer. At the Boggs’ house, Kim, Jim, and Kevin were watching the show at the exact same time.

“Sure, he does. Right, Kim?” Jim jokingly asked.

“Right, Kim?” Kevin added.

“Great, now you got him started.” Kim sighed.

“Knock it off, bubble-butt.” Jim said, smacking Kevin in the shoulder.

You did it.” Kevin retorted.


“How about it, Edward?” The host asked. “Is there some special lady in your life?”

Edward was at a loss for words; he couldn’t think of the right thing to say. Fluttershy patted his shoulder and gave him a nod as if to say, ‘It’s okay. Take your time.’ Reluctantly, Edward slowly leaned closer to the microphone, only for one of his fingers to catch one of the wires, spark, and send him falling onto his back in surprise. Fluttershy and Peg shrieked in shock and went over to his aid as a few other people started to freak out.

“Oh my goodness! Edward, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, kneeling down beside him.

“Uh, everything's all right, folks.” The host said, trying to remain calm. “We'll take a quick break, and we'll be right back after these messages.”

The show went to commercial before Jim and Kevin started laughing. Kim was shocked and disgusted by this.

“Why are you laughing? He got hurt!” She exclaimed.

“It was a little shock.” Jim argued.

“A little shock?” Kim scoffed.

“I wish we'd been taping that. I'd give anything to see that again.” Jim stopped laughing; she rolled her eyes and sighed as she looked away.

Kim felt rather sorry for Edward at this point… but at least Fluttershy was with him, right?

That evening, the Boggs family went out to for dinner. Fluttershy was with them, but Edward was running late. Then he came in as the group started to eat.

“Sorry I’m late.” He said as he sat down next to Kim.

“Hi, Edward. Sorry, we had to go ahead without you.” Peg said.

“Here you go.” Fluttershy passed him a menu.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” He said.

“So, Edward, did you have a productive day?” Bill asked.

“Mrs. Monroe showed me where the salon's going to be.” Edward answered, looking at Peg. “You could have a cosmetics counter.” He then looked at Fluttershy. “And you can even have a pet grooming station.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful!” Fluttershy beamed.

“Oh, wouldn't that be great?” Peg smiled.

“And then she showed me the back room where she took her clothes off.” Edward added; Kim, Peg, and Fluttershy all stared at him in shock while Kevin tried to stifle his laughter.

“She what?” Fluttershy asked in disbelief.

“Edward, I can't say how thrilled I am. I'm as pleased as punch.” Bill went on; he didn’t seem to hear that last part, nor did he seem to care. “This beauty parlor venture will teach you volumes. Nothing like running your own business. I've never done it myself, but from what I gather, it's the greatest satisfaction a working man can have. So I guess the bank's going to be your next step, huh?”

“The bank?” The young man asked.

“Yeah. Take out a loan, get yourself started.” Bill said confidently.

“Um excuse me, Mr. Boggs?” Fluttershy chimed in. “Are you sure it would be that simple? I don’t think Edward’s even been to a bank before.”

“C’mon, Fluttershy. There’s nothing to worry about. With his talent and reputation, it's going to be a snap.” Bill argued.

Edward smiled as Fluttershy kept quiet; she somehow knew it wasn’t going to be a snap at all.