• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 642 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Johnny: Fluttershy and Edward Scissorhands - VioletRose13

Fluttershy goes on a curious mission... and makes an unexpected friend.

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In Suburbia

Fluttershy was excited and slightly frightened at the same time; she was sitting in the back of Peg’s car with Edward sitting in the front seat and Peg at the wheel. Peg had decided to let Edward and Fluttershy stay with her and her family until further notice. Fluttershy couldn’t help but watch in awe as they drove by all of the houses; she was entranced by the simple beauty of the place and couldn’t look away.

“This must be the most pleasant place in the world!” She exclaimed; Edward smiled and nodded excitedly.

“You two have every reason to be excited.” Peg said kindly.

The car finally pulled up to Peg’s home; it was a single story house with pale blue walls and a gray roof and a plain brown fence surrounded what appeared to be the backyard. Peg got out of the car and led her new guests up to the front door. She let them into the house and they smiled.

“Oh my! What a beautiful home you have!” Fluttershy cooed.

“Thank you, dear.” Peg replied. “This is the living room and back there are the bedrooms.”

She suddenly noticed Edward shuffling over to a shelf with lots of framed photographs of Peg and her family.

“You want to see the pictures? Alright.” She said as she and Fluttershy joined the young man; she pointed out a picture of a balding man who looked to be about Peg’s age, if not older. “This is my husband, Bill. He’s a bowling champion. Do you know what bowling is?”

“I know about bowling.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Have you ever played it?” Peg asked.

“Maybe once or twice, but not very often.” The girl answered.

Edward didn’t say a word; he had no idea what they were talking about.

“Here they are down at the lake fishing.” Peg said, looking at a picture of Bill and a little boy holding a fishing pole. “I think Kevin looks a little glum because they didn’t catch anything that day. And here’s my daughter, Kim, all dressed for the junior prom.”

There was a picture of a teenage girl with strawberry blonde hair and wearing a pink dress; she was standing next to a blonde-haired boy in a pale blue tuxedo that was much taller than her. Edward stared at the girl; he thought she was the most beautiful creature that has ever lived.

“She’s a senior now if you can believe it.” Peg commented. “She’s camping in the mountains with some friends, but she’ll be back in a few days and you can meet her then.”

“She’s beautiful.” Fluttershy said before glancing at Edward; he was smiling at a portrait of Kim, which was most likely her high school photo. She tender rubbed his arm; he momentarily turned his head away from the picture and gave her a tiny smile.

“That’s my family.” Peg cooed, resting her head on Edward’s shoulder. “Now come along and I’ll show you two the rest of the house. Then you can freshen up and make yourselves at home, okay?”

“Thank you so very much, Mrs. Boggs. I really appreciate it.” Fluttershy said as she and Edward went down the hall.

“You’re very welcome, dear.” Peg said as she rummaged through the nearby closet; she was looking for some clothes for Edward. “Ah, this is perfect. Here, these should just fit you.”

She handed Edward a button-up white shirt and a pair of pants with suspenders when the telephone rang, startling Edward and Fluttershy instantly.

“Oh, don’t be alarmed. That’s just the phone.” Peg calmly said. “Now you go put these on in Kim’s room and I’ll be right with you.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Boggs. I’ll help him.” Fluttershy said, taking the clothes from Edward.

“Thanks, dear. I’ll be right back.”

Peg led her two guests to one room before she went into another room right across from it. Edward stepped into Kim’s bedroom and marveled at the sight.

“Oh my, what a pretty room.” Fluttershy commented as she went over to the mirror on the dresser ad set the clothes down on it; she noticed the many pictures cut from books and fashion magazines. “Hmm… interesting.”

Edward soon joined her at the mirror and stared at his reflection with a child-like curiosity; he acted like he had never seen his own reflection before. He poked the looking glass with one of his fingers, trying to figure out what he was seeing. But when he brought that same finger to his face, he cut himself almost instantly. Fluttershy quietly gasped and grabbed a tissue, which she used to clean the cut.

“Thank you.” Edward said.

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy kindly replied; she looked over at the clothes on the dresser. “Do you need any help putting these on?”

Edward nodded and shyly smiled. Fluttershy grabbed the pair of pants and knelt down; Edward put one foot through followed by the other and they both tried to pull the pants up and succeeded. The shirt was a little more difficult.

“Sorry, you two. I…” Peg said as she entered the room; she saw Edward attempting to get the shirt on with Fluttershy trying to help. “Oh dear. May I help you with this?”

“Thank you.” Edward said.

After a few minutes, Edward was finally ready. Peg smiled opened the closet door which had a full-length mirror on the other side; he looked like a completely different person, minus the blades on his wrists.

“You look perfect.” Fluttershy commented before he accidentally snipped the suspenders on the pants; she and Peg looked at each other in surprise.

“I can fix that.” Peg chimed in.

Down in the basement, Peg had already mended the suspenders with safety pins and she was now sewing a new button onto Edward’s shirt; he waited patiently for her to finish.

“Okay, now what did I do with my…?” Peg trailed off before looking at Edward. “Oh, Edward. Um, would you…?”

He didn’t say a word, but he gladly snipped the thread for her.

“You know, I have a doctor friend who I think could help you.” Peg said.

“Help him?” Fluttershy asked.

“Really?” Edward added.

“Yes. I can help with the scars, but I just want to consult the big Avon handbook before doing anything.”

She smiled and nodded; Edward smiled and nodded back before looking at Fluttershy. She reached out and gently put a hand on his forearm, not saying a word.