• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 642 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Johnny: Fluttershy and Edward Scissorhands - VioletRose13

Fluttershy goes on a curious mission... and makes an unexpected friend.

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New Friends

Over time, Edward had grown rather close with the Boggs family and most of the neighbors, except for Esmeralda of course. He trimmed hedges and bushes into whatever that neighbor wanted, and he felt proud, accomplished, and appreciated. But the person he felt the most comfortable with was Fluttershy; he felt so safe around her, like he could tell her anything. They started to grow very close and eventually, Edward started to view Fluttershy as his best friend… even though he still had his feelings for Kim.

One day, Kim was walking home from school with her boyfriend Jim. Fluttershy had joined them at school, since she did look like a teenager. As they were walking, a familiar voice called out.

“Kim! Fluttershy!”

It was Edward. Fluttershy turned her head, smiled, and waved at him before making her way over to him.

“Hello, Edward.” She beamed.

“How was school?” He asked.

“It was good.”

“Oh, Edward! You forgot your cookies.” Marge said as she came outside with a platter of cookies. “Oh hi, Fluttershy.”

“Hello, Marge.” Fluttershy greeted politely.

“Got back from school?”


“Would you like some cookies?”

“Oh, thank you.”

Edward and Fluttershy each had a cookie, too busy to notice that Kim and Jim had already walked away. At dinner that night, Jim had decided to join the Boggs family for dinner and they were suddenly talking about money and jobs.

“So Fluttershy, what is it you do for a living back home?” Bill asked.

“Oh, I work with animals. I even run my own sanctuary.” Fluttershy replied.

“Really?! Oh my goodness, that’s amazing! That must also be a lot of work.” Peg beamed.

“I admit it can get a little overwhelming at times, but it’s always worth it in the end.”

“Hey, maybe while you’re here you can become a dog walker or dog sitter.” Kevin commented.
“That sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy said. “And maybe Edward could help me on occasion.”

Edward paused and looked up at her. “Really?”

She nodded. He then offered her a piece of roast he just cut, but she politely refused. “Oh, no thank you, Edward. I’m a vegetarian. No offense, Mrs. Boggs.”

“None taken, sweetie.” Peg said with a smile.

Edward then proceeded to move the piece of meat over to Kim, who was sitting next to Fluttershy, and he accidentally dropped it into her lap. They both froze while Jim stifled his laughter.

“I’m sorry!” Edward whimpered, shrinking back into his seat in fear and embarrassment.

“Honey, do you need me to clean that up?” Peg asked.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll be right back.” Kim said before getting up from her chair and leaving the room.

Edward put his hands in his lap and looked down in shame; Peg put a gentle hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Fluttershy’s expression softened.

“It’s okay, Edward. It was just an accident.” She said; he gave her a tiny smile.

The next day, Fluttershy decided to accompany Edward while he was doing another hedge commission while the neighbor stood nearby watering some plants with her hose. Her dog was lying on the grass nearby and Edward quickly noticed how much shaggy fur she had. He looked at Fluttershy who was sitting next to the dog, waiting for her to respond. They stared at each other for a minute or two before Fluttershy finally spoke up.


“I have an idea.” Edward said before he started to snip at the dog’s fur.

“Um Edward, what are you doing?” Fluttershy nervously asked as she got up.

She watched in shock and fear as her friend continued to snip and snip away at the canine’s thick coat of fur until finally, he was finished. The dog barked and went over to her owner, who was very surprised to see her beloved pet look like a completely different breed.

“Alexis? This can’t possibly be, why Alexis! She’s so beautiful, look at you!” She exclaimed. “She’s gorgeous, thank you!”
Soon enough, the rest of the neighbors all lined up in the Boggs’ backyard with their own dogs, patiently waiting for Edward to trim their fur as well. Joyce’s dog, Kisses, was first and when Edward was finished, Kisses looked like a small lion with an enormous mane. Then Joyce got an idea.

“Have you ever cut a woman’s hair? Would you cut mine?!” She excitedly asked before she settled into a lawn chair.

“Um, Joyce? Are you sure you want to do that?” Fluttershy asked.

“You, stay out of this.” Joyce snapped before Edward started to cut. He cut and sheared until Joyce’s hair looked completely different… and she liked it, a lot. She sighed. “That was the single most thrilling experience of my whole life.”

Every single one of the housewives wanted their hair cut by Edward too. He gave them all such strange and unique hairstyles; as she watched, Fluttershy was starting to wonder what Rarity would think. After everyone had a turn, Edward turned to his friend.

“Would you like me to cut your hair Fluttershy?” He asked.

“Oh, no. That’s okay, Edward. I don’t want to overwork you; I hope that’s okay.” She said politely; she went over to him and gently led him to the door. “You must be exhausted. Come on. What do you say we go inside and take a little break?”

“Okay.” He then had a thought. “What kinds of animals do you take care of in Equestria?”

She smiled. “Lots of them. Like bunnies, kitties, doggies, birds, and even a few you’ve never even heard of.”
“Like what?”

Inside, Fluttershy told Edward all about her animal sanctuary and the different creatures she takes care of. Edward sat in silence, listening to every word; now he wanted to visit Equestria even more. He wanted to see her cottage and her sanctuary and he wanted to meet all of her friends, ponies and animals alike.

“Equestria sounds even more wonderful than before.” He cooed.

“It really is a beautiful place to live, especially if you have such good friends. And who knows? Maybe you will get to visit someday.” Fluttershy said.


“Maybe, but you never know. I really do want you to see it, though.”

Edward smiled at this response.