• Published 18th Nov 2018
  • 889 Views, 76 Comments

Bloons Tower Defense: Equestria - TheMajorTechie

Look guys, it's the crossover that nobody ever needed!

  • ...

Yellow Balloons look like bananas (but definitely shouldn't be eaten).

Luna and Twilight watched from the clouds as a mass of yellow balloons suddenly began to emerge into the opening. They rapidly overtook the slower green balloons that preceded them, and immediately began to wreak havoc on the town.

"Well," Twilight began, "looks like it's our time now."

Luna nodded, and the two swooped down from above, spells charging in their horns as they divebombed the yellow gravity-defying monstrosities.


Dodging the sudden obstacle, Twilight and Luna effortlessly swerved around the ranting monkey, spells ready to tear through the massive swath of oncoming balloons.

"Fine then," Edward pouted, slouching back to his cabin, "Be that way. See if I care if anything happens."

A distant crash echoed over the village as the two alicorns finally clashed with the balloons-- right over the banana farms.

"MAH BANANS!" Edward hollered, scrambling out the door towards the source of the noise, "Ooh, if those two horse girls think they can just destroy our crops, then I'm gonna sure give 'em a whuppin'!"

Short to say, his expectations were the polar opposite of reality. As he arrived at the scene of the battle, his worries were quickly dashed away by the sight of Twilight and Luna standing shoulder-to-shoulder, firing lasers through lines of some ten or so balloons at a time whilst the small army of dart monkeys tore away at the remainder balloons. Multicolored shreds of rubber littered the ground with every consecutive pop, punctuated further by the endless squeal of rubber-on-rubber as the balloons began to be pushed back by wind spells from the two alicorns.

"Great work, keep it up!" Edward yelled from the sidelines, "...But what happened to giving the b'loons a clear track through our defenses to avoid direct confrontation?"

"Aw, shut up about that stupid plan!" Craig quipped as he emerged from the banana plantations, "Do ya think it's a good idea to give 'em a path straight into the center of our village?"


Craig rolled his eyes with a groan and wandered off to find the dart-obsessed monkey from earlier. It was at this moment that he nearly had his eyes stabbed out as she suddenly popped up before him, a fistful of darts clutched tightly in one hand and a spiked ball in another.

"EVEN SHARPER DARTS!" she cackled, nearly dropping the spiked ball on Craig's foot, "I've already given several of our monkeys special contacts to help them see farther, and now, if they want, they can fling big ol' spiked balls of metal instead of darts! So, waddya think, eh? Eh? EH?!"

"Um... sure," Craig whimpered, slowly pushing the cluster of darts away from his face, "Do whatever you think needs to be done."

"I'll be right on it!" the inventor monkey saluted, scampering away with the weapons still in hand.

"Twilight, we must push harder against these rubber behemoths!" Luna shouted through the carnage of balloon-popping noise, "They are much stronger than we anticipated, and thus we must expend more energy on these vile balloons!"

Twilight nodded in agreement, strengthening her spells as balloon upon balloon continued to emerge from the forest surrounding them.

A shadow passed over the two mares, prompting them to pause for a moment as they watched a spiked ball of death soar overhead, landing and rolling over a solid line of balloons and popping them all. Turning around, they saw a dart monkey give a thumbs-up in return as they loaded another spiked ball into their catapult.

"We're starting to leak some through the lines!" one monkey yelled, still throwing dart after dart from some Celestia-forbidden pocket dimension that the inventor monkey girl from earlier had been dumping ammo into.

"Bring out the cannons, and tacks if we have them!"

Amidst the chaos and confusion, a garage opened up as a burly monkey carted out a heavy cannon, several mechanized tack shooters strapped to his back. He tore the pink machines away, flinging them like frisbees at the balloons as he gave the cannon a hard kick, sending it lurching forward into the battlefield.

Behind him was... you guessed it, the same inventor monkey who'd been behind the improvements in the dart monkeys' weaponry and skills.

"Well? Whaddya think?" she squealed as she caught sight of the exasperated Craig limping past, "Pretty neat to be able to crank out these things so quickly!"

Craig frowned. "Who's gonna be firing those tack shooters and the cannon, anyway?" he moaned, "Mister I'm Buff And I Can Prove It over there still can probably only handle two of 'em at the most, so what gives?"

The inventor smirked as she mouthed out automation.

A shell detonated far behind Craig, sending shockwaves over the village.

Edward waltzed in, followed by Twilight Sparkle.

"We've just about defeated this round of b'loons at this point," Edward proudly announced, puffing his chest, "I think I'm gonna give myself a promotion for my skillful leadership."

"But," Twilight added, "following the thinning out of the current 'wave' of balloons, I decided to once again take a look from the sky, where I spotted pink balloons."

"So?" Craig muttered, "New color, so what?"

"So," Twilight continued, "Based on the previous experiences we've had with new colors, I can personally assure you that these will be the fastest balloons we'll see... at least, perhaps until whatever color comes after them."


Comments ( 7 )

" So ," Twilight continued, "Based on the previous experiences we've had with new colors, I can personally assure you that these will be the fastest balloons we'll see... at least, perhaps until whatever color comes after them."

Hehe, the next bloons are slower... but have other special properties :pinkiecrazy:
(The black balloons and white bloons)

Yup. But Twilight doesn't know that yet. :trollestia:

Make you wonder how the crazy scientist is going to make ice monkeys tho

Or coolmathgames. BTD1 and 2 were the top two games on that site when I was in elementary school.

Ah, a crossover of one of my most prominent childhood Flash games! This is gonna be the bes- Cancelled!?

:applecry:Why must you hurt me so:applecry:

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