• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 2,128 Views, 17 Comments

Lost Memories - Holly-Heart-MLP

Male Alicorns are meant to be a myth. So what happens when Princess celestia finds one hurt and out cold in her flower garden?

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Chapter 7: Unisus

~The princess of the sun was amazed to learn that the Unisus have existed for many millennium~

Izar entered the throne room once the guards let him in. He was excited to tell Celestia what he had found. He did hope he wasn't bothering her. She had been rather busy nose of the day, but then again, she might want a break.

Izar smiled and approached Celestia who was reading a scroll. He cleared his throat to get the princess's attention. Celestia looked upat the sound. "Ah, greetings Izar. What brings you by?" She ask, question expression on her face as she waited for Izar to speak. Izar held up the book. It was a bit hard to see from where Celestia was sitting. Izar then spoke.

"I found this in your library and I think it might be useful to look into. And maybe Igniteus might know more." Izar spoke with an exciting grin on his face, much like a filly in a candy store. Celestia smiled, she could tell Izar was excited about something. She got up to see the book. It really was quite the find.

Celestia looked to Izar with a smile. But then she wondered out loud, "This is quite the find but why come to me? And I am the first to know?" she asked. Izar nodded. Celestia then looked at him with a questioning gaze."Why come to me first? Why not go straight to Igniteus with this? I am sure he can conferm the if the information in here is correct."She asked curiously. Izar froze for second. Why had he wanted to tell Celestia first? He couldn't find an answer no matter hard how he tried to think of one.

Izar then thought of something to say.”Well, you are trying to help us out right? So I figured you'd wane to know found. I also just happen to be closer to the throne room than Igniteus's bedroom."

Izar had actually not been close to the throne room when he left the library. He had seared to walk to Igniteus's room but the thought of Celestia popped into his head and before he knew it, he was heading towards the throne room. He still didn't fully know why this happend. He couldn't even figure out why thinking of Celestia made his heart beat faster. Even now, his heart was going crazy, but maybe that was because he was excited.

Celestia nodded a e Izar's response. "Makes sense." She said with a smile. She walked towards the doors of her throne room. "Well? Let's go talk to Igniteus." she said, moving to leave. Izar quickly followed after her, tucking the book under one of his wings.

Izar walked beside Celestia, worried look on his face. "What a bout your duties? I don't want to set you up to be behind." He said, concern in his voice. Celestia looked to him with a smile and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. I know this is important and this technicily falls under "Royal Duties'' any way. So no need to worry."

Izar nodded. "Ah alright then." He smiled at her sweetly. "If you say not to worry, I won't."

Celestia blushed a bit and smiled. "Let's go!" she then said and seared to walk a bit quicker as to not let Izar see she was blushing.

Celestia's heart was beating at a million miles a minute, or at least it felt that way to her. She knew Izar couldn't hear her heart beat but it was so loud in her ears, she believe he might hear it by chance.

Celestia and Izar continued towards Igniteus's room. For most of the way there, both Alicorns were silent. Neither said a word to one another. If anypony were to look at either of them close enough, they would be able to tell both were very nervous around one another. And neither of them could explain why if asked.

They soon arrived at the door to Igniteus's room. The silence that hung in the air was hard to ignore by the two royals. So to break the silence, Izar knocked on the door. "Igniteus, it is I, Izar and princess Celestia. I might have found something, mind if we come in?"

The door opened and Igniteus stood before the two royal Alicorns. He smiled at the both of them. "Please, by all means." He moved aside to allow the two to enter. Both walked in with Izar entering first and Celestia following behind. Igniteus took a seat in a chair. He pointed his hoof to two other chairs near by. "Please, do sit." He said with light smile on his face. Izar and Celestia did so.

Izar then pulled out the book he had tucked under his wing. He held it up to show Igniteus."This is a book I found in the library and I thought it would prove useful."He then opened the book to the page he had found before and held it out to Igniteus. "Is anything in here correct?" Izar asked, curious expression on his face. Even Celestia held the same expression.

Igniteus took the book from Izar and looked it over. After a bit, he spoke. "Some of this is true bae some is based on myth. The Unisus didn't abandon thier home, they were forced to leave."

The old stallion looked up at the two royals with a smile. "I'II tell you the full story of the Unisus and what happend to them but it is rather long, might take the rest of the day.” He looked to Celestia with a questioning gaze. "Is that ok with you?" he asked, "No pressing matters?" he added.

Celestia shook her head, her flowing mane moving with her. "My duties can wait a day, I'II just need to lower the sun in a few hours. And besides, it is important for a princess to know about acient kingdoms or races."She smiled to Igniteus. "And it is also Just good to know old history. "she added on.

Igniteus nodded." Very well. And well, the home and ancient kingdom of the Unisus used to be the land we are in now, the kingdom you call home, princess." Igniteus looked to Celestia with a light smile. Celestia on the other hand had a look of surprise on her face. She was shocked to learn of this information. She had always believed that the ponies that lived there now had always lived there. Izar was also surprised. Celestas home had once been the home of his race. It was very shocking to know this for both royals.

Igniteus chuckled upon seeing the two Alicorns before him have shocked expressions on their faces." I thought there would be surprising." He said with a soft smile on his face. He then continued to speak. "The Unisus,as you know,are an old race or where you can Alicorns. But while only female Alicorns exist here in Equeseria, both male and female Alicorns existed in the acient times of the Unisus kingdom. They were a very proud race and invented many of the magics you and your subjects use today. They also came up with a method to used what you see as evil or black magics for a good cause."

Igniteus paused for a moment to let both royals take in and absorb the information. He fully had their attention as both of them still had the look of shock an their faces. They looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to speak again.

Igniteus smiled and kept going. "The land you call Equestria and home used to have another name but it has long since been
lost to history, so not even I know it."

Celestia looked to Igniteus. "Wait, how do you know of this?" She asked.

Igniteus smiled. "As you know, I was taken in many moons ago by Izar's great grandfather and he is the one that taught me the history of the Unisus."

Izar was surprised even more. He had had a family where ever he had come from. This made him wonder it any of them were still around or if they were looking for him. He knew his parents were gone, but maybe there were some still out there.

Igniteus cleared his throat and spoke again. "As I have said before, the Unisus are responsible for the invention of many of the magics you use and the application of black magics for good. They also invented the magic to control the weather and even invented the magic you and your sister use to raise the sun and moon."

Celestia looked beyond shocked. She had always believed her and her sister’s magic had come from her mother and father. But then she thought, how did they get it when it was from an ancient, long forgotten race?

Just as Celestia wondered this, Igniteus spoke again. "I am sure you are questioning how you have your magics and how your parents had them too. Well, princess, it is simply because you are a descendent of the Unisus that stayed here in hiding after the most of them were driven out. Your parents were most likely children when the Unisus were driven one of their home However, not all the Unisus left. As I have said, a few went into hiding. It is not known what is it they feared enough to drive them from this land but stories say it was some ancient evil that struck down anything that tried to oppose it. After the Unisus left this land, no creature lived here a part from animals there made their homes here. Many moons passed before the pony tribes found this land and made it thier home with the creation of the holiday You call harthswarming. After the ponies of now populated the land that it this is today, the Unisus there were in hiding came out and over time, the new Kingdom of Equestrian became what it is today."

Both Celestia and Izar were quiet after Igniteus finished speaking. They were try 'ng their best to come to terms with what they had just heard. It was quiet a lot to take in. Celestia was trying to grasp the fact she was of Unisus decent and Izar was just trying to understand the history of what Igniteus just explained.

”I am sure this is a lot to come to terms with.” Igniteus spoke. “See the only reason the Unisus are now just myth and legend is because ponies for many years claimed to see them or to have caught them. But they mostly ended up being hoaxes.”

This sparked Celestia’s interest. “You know an awful lot about this kingdom.” She said. “Makes me think, have you been here before? In my kingdom I mean.”

Igniteus nodded. “I have been here in this kingdom before, yes but it was many many moons ago. You were maybe but a child or a new born when I visited.” Igniteus said.

Celestia was still in awe. After all she just learned more about herself and her kingdom in one day than she had in her thousands years of life. “I think...I need a moment.” She said. She got up and walked over to a balcony window and opened it and walked out onto it. Izar just kinda sat where he was, processing everything he just heard.

After a bit, Celestia came back in. “That...really is a lot to take in. Not even my parents told me anything like that. I mean I did grow up with the stories of Male Alicorns. My mother was the only other Alicorn beside my sister that I knew. My father was a regular Unicorn....I just....I can’t believe my mother was basically one of you, that I am one of you...”

Izar spoke. “You can me both, I can’t fathom this either, it is crazy....”

Igniteus chuckled. He then noticed how late it was. This conversation had lasted for quiet a while. “Princess, I believe it is getting late. You have to lower the sun correct?” He asked.

Celestia snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see that it was indeed time for the sun to be lowers. “Ah yes!” She went back over to the balcony and lower the sun with her magic. She then came back in. “I’ll have food brought to the both of you, I need to go talk to my sister about this and about something else.”

Igniteus nodded. “Alright princess, I wish you a good evening.” He said with a kind smile on his face. Celestia nodded and left the room to find luna and to tell her everything she had just learned. She just hopped her sister believed her.

Igniteus looked to Izar who was still sitting in hit spot. “Milord, it is late, you should head back to your room.” Izar nodded and got up silently and headed out the door to his room. Igniteus chuckled. “Maybe that was a bit much to tell them all at once. But too late, they already know.” He said to himself as he went to look over the book from before.

The night moved on. Celestia had told Luna about everything she learned and even Luna had a hard time believing it. After all, they both still didn’t know if Izar or Igniteus were really telling the truth about who they were, but then again, they hadn’t given the princesses a reason to doubt them or to see them as a threat. But still, it was a lot to take in.

Meanwhile, Izar just sat in his room, thinking about everything he had heard that day. So his race had lived in Equestria before is was what it is today and was driven out by an evil force, a crazy thing it was to know. And Celestia and her sister were descended from the ancient Unisus from before. It was crazy to know that too.

But in a way it made sense. Izar yawned. He had eaten the food that was sent to him as he thought about everything he had learned and now sleep was tugging at him. So he went to bed for the night.

And while everyone slept in the kingdom of Equestria, little did they know something was coming and none of it was good. What did fate have in store? Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Hey all! Holly/Edith here with Chapter 7 of lost memories. Ok Ok Ok, I know this is very late in coming out since Chapter 6 came out almost 7 months ago. And I am SUPER sorry about it. A lot has just been going on as of late. But with this whole Covid-19 quarantine and stuff and the fact that I can’t go to work right now because my job site is closed down, I have had a lot of time on my hands. I really hope you like this chapter, I personally like the twist I put in that Celestia is a descendent of the Unisus cause I mean why not? It is also my AU after all XD. Thanks so much for reading! Until the next chapter.