• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 2,131 Views, 17 Comments

Lost Memories - Holly-Heart-MLP

Male Alicorns are meant to be a myth. So what happens when Princess celestia finds one hurt and out cold in her flower garden?

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Chapter 2: Introductions

~The first thing the Alicorn saw when his eyes opened was the shine of a magical mane and a beautiful white Mare before him.~

Celestia awoke slowly, her eyelids still feeling sleepy. She let out a large yawn. After rubbing some of the sleep from her eyes, she looked around where she was. For a second she forgot where she was and why she was in a spare room of the castle. But then her eye fell onto the shape of the Male Alicorn and her memory of yesterday returned.

"Right. That happened." She said to herself in a soft whisper. She then walked over to a window and gazed out to the sky. She could see that the moon was being lowered. Luna was doing her duty so Celestia had to do hers. Her horn glowed the golden hue of her magic and slowly, rays of sunlight started to come into the dimly lit room from the window. It kissed the ground and also added extra shine to Celestia's Mane.

The Princess smiled softly. The sun was now raised and its warmth was now being shared all over Equestria. She stood looking out the window for a minute more before she heard a sound to her left that snapped her back to reality.

"Where am I?" Said a voice. Celestia turned. The male Alicorn was awake. She was both excited and relieved. She took a few steps over to the side if the bed and flashed a welcoming and friendly smile to the Alicorn in the bed.

"You're in Canterlot castle in one of the spare rooms. I found you outside in my garden and saw you were hurt so I brought you here and had your wounds taken care of." Celestia said. She figured this was ok to tell this Male Alicorn. After all, she didn't know if he was friend or foe. Just because he was a living myth didn't mean he had good intentions. But even if he had good are bad intentions, Celestia didn't regret helping him.

The male Alicorn looked at her confused. "Canter...lot? Where is that? What land am I in?" He asked. His voice seemed a bit panicky.

"It is alright..." Celestia placed a hoof on his to reassure him. "You're safe here. You are in my kingdom, the land of Equestria. And Canterlot is the capital City." She smiled at him again. "I am Princess Celestia. Who might you be if I might ask?" She added. She figured there was no harm in asking for the Alicorn's name. And Celestia didn't really want to insult him by calling him something like 'Hey you'.

The Male Alicorn didn't answer for a moment. He seemed to be thinking something over. After what felt like the longest minute ever, he spoke. "My name is Izar, Izar Comettrail. But just Izar is fine." He said.

[C]Celestia smiled, nodding her head. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Izar. Welcome to Equestria." She smiled at him for a third time.

The male Alicorn looked at Celestia, his brilliant Blue eyes scrutinizing her. Celestia semi blushed. "Um do I have something on my face? Or in my mane?" She asked confused. The male Alicorn shook his head.

"What...are you?" He asked, his expression showing his confusion and curiosity. Celestia smiled at him, happy to answer the question. It already seemed like this living Myth wasn't really a threat as of now so there was no harm in sharing such information.

"I'm an Alicorn." She answered. "That is what you are too, thought I have never in all my years seen a Male Alicorn. They are myths made up for fairy tales...and yet here you are." Celestia realised she was sharing her thoughts out loud. "Oh sorry. Thinking out loud." She let out a nervous chuckle.

Izar looks more confused. "Alicorn? I have never heard that word. I am a Unisus. Not whatever this "Alicorn" is." Izar seemed very set on that fact. He face even showed it in the sunlight. Celestia was even more surprised now. An Alicorn that didn't Know what an Alicorn was and went bay something else. How intriguing this was and it just seemed to get more interesting. The princess nodded. "I see." She said.

Celestia thought for a moment or too. "Where did you come from? If must be outside of Equestria because "Unisus" is not a word I have ever heard for what an Alicorn is." Izar looked away from Celestia.

"I...Don't remember." He said, his voice sounding a bit ashamed. "All I remember is my name, what I am...and that I was running away from something but I can't remember what it was." Izar sighed.

[C]Celestia found this even more interesting. First she found Izar Injured in her garden and now he can't even remember where he come from. This was shaping up to be quite the tale. Celestia smiled at him. "Well I am sure it will come back to you eventually." She said in a kind and reassuring tone.

Suddenly there was a growling sound in the room. "Oh, guess It is breakfast time." Celestia said with a small chuckle. "Hmm I am sure you need to eat something too. It will help you regain your strength." She said to Izar who in turn agreed for his stomach also grumbled. Celestia smiled. "I'll be back then, get some rest for now alright?" Izar Nodded as Celestia got up and moved to leave the room.

Before she left, however, she heard Izar's voice behind her. "Thank you, for helping me." He said. Celestia nodded. "Rest." She said kindly as she left the room.


Celestia Sighed as she walked to the main throne room of the castle. She had so many thoughts in her head going around and around. What she going to do about Izar and where had he come from? What was he doing here and is he a threat or not? While Celestia had already thought of Izar as not a threat, there was still a possibility he could be one.

The high princess sighed again. The questions she had swam around in her head, taking her Attention away from reality. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't hear some pony speaking to her.

"SISTER!!!!!" The princess of the night barked at Celestia who was now snapped out of her thought pool.

"O-Oh! Luna, my dear sister, I didn't hear you...I'm sorry." Celestia made a guilty yet apologetic expression. She smiled softly at her dear sister.

"You seem a bit preoccupied, sister. Is something on your mind that is bugging you?" Luna asked with a small amount of worry in her voice. Celestia shook her head. She smiled again at Luna as if to say nothing was wrong.

"No, it's nothing. Just something to do with political affairs of Equestria. No need to worry. I'm fine." The princess of the day tired her best to sound more cheerful and like her normal self. Luna looked semi relieved. She then smiled.

"Alright then. I do have to say sister, I haven't seen you in a day, have you been busy?" Luna asked. Celestia had been absent for a while. It wasn't a long while but it was a while. And Luna had started to worry and also miss her sister. She was happy to see her again thought she wouldn't admit to it.

Celestia nodded. "Yes. Busy. Very busy." It was sorta true, Celestia was busy but not with something like political affairs. Celestia had lied about that. It was mostly because she still wanted to get to know who Izar was and why he was here. She also didn't want to worry her sister. So Celestia had to stick with her white lie.

"Well I suppose that makes sense, you are the high princess after all. Always busy making sure our land is safe and free from any danger." Luna smiled. She flashed a look of pride to Celestia who in turn smiled back at her sister.

"Oh by the way, Twilight came by a bit ago. She seemed worried about something and wanted to talk to you about it. I told her you were not available but I would let you know. She said that she came across and Injured Pony on the outer edge of Ponyville. He said he came from out side of Equestria and that he was looking for his Lord or something." Luna relayed her message about Twilight as Celestia Listened. When the injured pony was mentioned, Celestia almost froze in place. Had another come from where ever Izar was from? Had they followed him? Did they follow Izar to hurt him? So many questions bounced around Celestia's Head.

"Thank you for letting me know Luna, I'll write a letter to twilight at once asking her to visit with this foreign Pony. I'll sort all this out." And that is what Celestia Planed to do. She wanted to ask this pony if they knew Izar and had followed him. Some of the answers she seeked were so close, she could almost grab them. With that, she bid her sister Farewell and went to her chambers to write the letter.

After writing the letter and sending it, Celestia decided to check up on Izar. She also wanted to tell him about the news she heard. She started to make her way to the room she had left him. She was really hoping that none of the staff or another pony had found or even checked the room. She didn't want ponies freaking out or spreading rumors.

She got to the room. The door was still shut and this made Celestia feel relieved. The gold hue of her magic illuminated her horn and then surrounded the door handle. The door opened and Celestia slowly made her way in only to find that Izar was not in the bad she left him in. She started to panic. Had he left the room? Was he outside the castle? Had anypony seen him if he was? Just as these questions came in to her mind, they were quickly chased out as Celestia soon saw movement over by the window. She still panicked a bit. She was lucky, however, that the side of the castle they were on where the the room was located wasn't a place any pony went. So no one would see Izar if he was on the balcony.

She walked ever so gracefully over and found Izar sitting on the balcony. Celestia couldn't help but stand where and look at Izar in the sunlight. His coat was a gray color but it shined like silver. His mane and tail were a darker tone of gray mixed with black. On his hooves were bronze shoes, much like what Celestia had on her hooves. Around his neck was an Amulet with a purple stone in the center. On his head sat a bronze crown. Celestia was now certain that Izar was somepony important from where ever he had come from, maybe even a royal.

She snapped herself out of it and shook her head. She had been staring too long and feel she was being rude. She walked over closer to Izar. "Are you alright? Shouldn't you be resting?"

Izar almost jumped at the sudden voice next to him. He had been lost in his own world. "Oh! Um yeah. I feel fine. I do recall that I can heal pretty fast. Though I am not sure why. But I am sure it will come to me with time." She looked over to Celestia with a cheeky smile to which Celestia returned it with her own friendly smile.

"Well I have good news, there has been a report that a pony was found injured in a town not to far from here. They said they were looking for someone. I have invited them here with the pony that found the injured one. It was also told to me that this pony said they were not from Equestria. So I am thinking, maybe they came from where you did." As Celestia told all she knew, Izar's eyes became wide with shock.

"So you're saying that there is a pony that might know who I am?" He said with a smile. He looked over joyed. He suddenly Hugged Celestia without thinking. "This is wonderful!!!" He said happily.

Celestia was totally caught off guard with the sudden hug. Her cheeks blushed a dark red and she felt her face get hot. "I-I am glad you think so." She managed to say. Izar realized he was out of line and let Celestia go.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I just acted without thinking. I was just so happy." He gave a apologetic smile. Celestia was still blushing a bit. She had never been embraced like that by any pony. Her heart was pounding and her face was still warm.

"N-No it is ok. I understand. Sometimes we get so happy we have to let loose." She flashed him her kind smile. "I believe my Student who found the pony and the pony in question will be here by tomorrow. So please stay here until then?" She asked. Izar smiled at her and nodded.

"Well I have things to do, um I am going to guess you might get hungry. I'll bring you something to eat then I'll be busy for most of the day. But I'll be back this evening." Celestia said, getting up from where she had sat down earlier when she had been telling Izar about the pony from outside the land. She started to walk to the door. "Oh and please get more rest? I don't want you to hurt yourself more than you already are." Izar nodded, smiling at her again. Celestia returned the smile and then left the room to first bring Izar some food and then again later to do the things she had to do today.

Celestia was hoping that tomorrow would hold the answers to the questions that still bounced around in her mind. The pony Twilight found was possibly full of answers to the questions Celestia wanted answered.

Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough. Celestia feel asleep that night filled with hope and anticipation. Who knows what would happen?

~End of Chapter 2~

Author's Note:

I already had this done so I am posting it ^.^ I do hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I have A LOT planned for this. I have the next 18 chapters all ready planned and I have the soundtrack for this story already written up in a note book XD. I hope you guys stick with me as I keep telling my story!