> Lost Memories > by Holly-Heart-MLP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The last thing the exhausted Alicorn observed was the scent and sight of flowers before everything went black~ It was a rather pleasant day in Equestria and even more so in canterlot. The weather was nice and the sky, clear as can be. Ponies were chatting, and going about their business. In the sky the noble sun beamed brightly. Canterlot castle was almost glowing from the sun's bright rays hitting the towers. Inside the castle, the sunlight lit up the hallways and various rooms and even brought some light to normally dark places. The sun's light has always felt like a warm hug to ponies everywhere. And the reason was because only one pony in all of Equestria was responsible for raising the sun and bringing it's light to others. That pony is the lovely and beautiful Princess Celestia. As an Alicorn, she was given the power to move the sun. Just like the sun, Celestia was just as warm and friendly towards others. She loved talking to her subjects and learning from them. And of course she loved getting letters from all around Equestria. This lovely day, Celestia was busy in her chambers. She had gotten a bit behind on answering a few important letters that had been sent by delegates from around Equestria asking if they could visit or talk to Celestia. She was currently working on getting caught up in peaceful silence. The only thing that made a sound was the soft sound of a quill on paper. About an hour passed. Celestia felt a little drained. She had been signing letters for an hour after all with her magic. She decided it was time for a brake. She got up from where she was and walked to her balcony. The fresh air was nice. The regal White Alicorn stood on her balcony looking over her kingdom. She smiled, feeling proud of herself. She sat down and gaze out at the land. This always made her happy. It was rather calming as well. The peace however was short lived. Out of the corner of her eye, Celestia saw something. She turned her head to get a better look. Something moved near by in her flower garden. Celestia couldn't tell what it was. She was cautious as she got up to go investigate. She was hoping it wasn't anything dangerous. But if it was an intruder, better to take care of it now instead of later. She flew down near where she saw the movement and stopped to listen for a moment. There was nothing but the small breeze that was in the air. Celestia prepared herself for whatever was in the area. She was ready to defend herself at any moment. She moved closer to where she saw the movement. As she got closer, she could see a figure of something. Still getting closer, the figure started to look like something more familiar. Getting closer still, Celestia soon was close enough to make out what was before her. And she couldn't believe her eyes. Celestia had seen a lot in her live time. She was, after all, over 1,000 years old. But this was something she never expected to see and it was unbelievable. Before Celestia, passed out on the ground at her hooves was a pony. But not just any pony, it was another Alicorn. But this was no common Alicorn. In Equestria, all the Alicorns were female. But this Alicorn before Celestia was...Male. She couldn't even fathom what she was seeing. It was impossible. Male alicorns were a myth. They didn't exist, they were invented for stories only. But here one was, right before the High princesse’s eyes. And she still couldn't believe it. While Celestia was stuck in shock, her pale purples seemingly glued to the very real male alicorn before her, he let out a pained groan while still out cold. This snapped the awestruck princess back to reality. She blinked a few times and shook her head. Even though she was still shocked that a myth had become truth before her very eyes, it was now evident that the Alicorn before her was injured. Her snap back to reality made her eyes now see the wounds he had. There was a large gash on his torso and many smaller lacerations around his body. Celestia's shock started to be replaced with worry and also wonder. She wondered how he got such grave injuries and also where he had come from. But now wasn't the time for that wonder. He needed help. And he needed it now. Celestia acted quickly. Her horn glowed a gold hue as the male alicorn's body lifted slowly and gently off the ground where he was passed out. Celestia was careful as she took him to the closest room in the castle. If she were to take him through canterlot city, Ponies would freak out and surround her. This was a lucky chance that there was a medic pony on the staff that worked at the castle. Once she got the male Alicorn placed in the bed of the room she was in, she called for said medic pony. Celestia meet the medic pony just outside the door of the room. "Thank you for coming so quickly." She said graciously. "Now I need you to swear you will not tell anyone about this alright? At least not until I have come to understand what is going on and can say it is safe for others to know." The medic pony nodded slowly. It was unlike Celestia to ask anypony to swear to secrecy. But that just meant whatever Celestia was hiding was very important that she didn't want other to know and she didn't want to freak others out. Celestia then let the medic pony inside. Upon seeing the pony laying on the bed, the medic pony at first thought nothing of it but as she got closer, her jaw dropped. She looked to Celestia, not saying a word. Her face said everything. Celestia nodded. "I know what he is and I know he should be a myth. But please. You have to help him. He is hurt." Celestia pleaded. The medic pony closed her mouth and shook her head to get rid of her shock. She did have a job to do after all. The Medic pony was quick to bandage the Male Alicorn's wounds and all without weakening him with the help of Celestia's magic. She told Celestia that he just needed to rest and would soon. Celestia nodded and thanked the medic pony. And then went over to one side of the bed and sat down. "I'll stay with him till he wakes." She said. The medic pony nodded then left the room. Celestia really hoped the medic pony would stay quiet. The worried princess looked at the passed out Male Alicorn with worry. She hoped he was ok and that he would recover. Her horn then glowed the gold hue of her magic. She figured if she was gonna be here for a while, She might as well read. There were a few books in this room after all. A book floated down from a shelf and opened before her. She started reading. Celestia realized the sun needed to be lowered when she was about half way through the book she was reading. She glanced over at the Alicorn in the bed. He was still not awake. Celestia sighed and got up and went over to a window. She closed her eyes and slowly Lowered the sun so her sister could raise the moon from somewhere else in the castle. When Luna crossed her mind, Celestia wondered if she should tell Luna about this. She could trust her sister right? Celestia sighed, thinking it over. In the end, she decided to wait until she knew the Male Alicorn was alright and made sure he wasn't a threat. The regal princess walked back over to the book she was reading and sat back down to keep reading. But as time continued, Celestia felt tired. Her eyelids had grown heavy and soon enough, she laid down and went to sleep, Not knowing what might happen when she awoke in the morning. ~End of Chapter one~ > Chapter 2: Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The first thing the Alicorn saw when his eyes opened was the shine of a magical mane and a beautiful white Mare before him.~ Celestia awoke slowly, her eyelids still feeling sleepy. She let out a large yawn. After rubbing some of the sleep from her eyes, she looked around where she was. For a second she forgot where she was and why she was in a spare room of the castle. But then her eye fell onto the shape of the Male Alicorn and her memory of yesterday returned. "Right. That happened." She said to herself in a soft whisper. She then walked over to a window and gazed out to the sky. She could see that the moon was being lowered. Luna was doing her duty so Celestia had to do hers. Her horn glowed the golden hue of her magic and slowly, rays of sunlight started to come into the dimly lit room from the window. It kissed the ground and also added extra shine to Celestia's Mane. The Princess smiled softly. The sun was now raised and its warmth was now being shared all over Equestria. She stood looking out the window for a minute more before she heard a sound to her left that snapped her back to reality. "Where am I?" Said a voice. Celestia turned. The male Alicorn was awake. She was both excited and relieved. She took a few steps over to the side if the bed and flashed a welcoming and friendly smile to the Alicorn in the bed. "You're in Canterlot castle in one of the spare rooms. I found you outside in my garden and saw you were hurt so I brought you here and had your wounds taken care of." Celestia said. She figured this was ok to tell this Male Alicorn. After all, she didn't know if he was friend or foe. Just because he was a living myth didn't mean he had good intentions. But even if he had good are bad intentions, Celestia didn't regret helping him. The male Alicorn looked at her confused. "Canter...lot? Where is that? What land am I in?" He asked. His voice seemed a bit panicky. "It is alright..." Celestia placed a hoof on his to reassure him. "You're safe here. You are in my kingdom, the land of Equestria. And Canterlot is the capital City." She smiled at him again. "I am Princess Celestia. Who might you be if I might ask?" She added. She figured there was no harm in asking for the Alicorn's name. And Celestia didn't really want to insult him by calling him something like 'Hey you'. The Male Alicorn didn't answer for a moment. He seemed to be thinking something over. After what felt like the longest minute ever, he spoke. "My name is Izar, Izar Comettrail. But just Izar is fine." He said. [C]Celestia smiled, nodding her head. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Izar. Welcome to Equestria." She smiled at him for a third time. The male Alicorn looked at Celestia, his brilliant Blue eyes scrutinizing her. Celestia semi blushed. "Um do I have something on my face? Or in my mane?" She asked confused. The male Alicorn shook his head. "What...are you?" He asked, his expression showing his confusion and curiosity. Celestia smiled at him, happy to answer the question. It already seemed like this living Myth wasn't really a threat as of now so there was no harm in sharing such information. "I'm an Alicorn." She answered. "That is what you are too, thought I have never in all my years seen a Male Alicorn. They are myths made up for fairy tales...and yet here you are." Celestia realised she was sharing her thoughts out loud. "Oh sorry. Thinking out loud." She let out a nervous chuckle. Izar looks more confused. "Alicorn? I have never heard that word. I am a Unisus. Not whatever this "Alicorn" is." Izar seemed very set on that fact. He face even showed it in the sunlight. Celestia was even more surprised now. An Alicorn that didn't Know what an Alicorn was and went bay something else. How intriguing this was and it just seemed to get more interesting. The princess nodded. "I see." She said. Celestia thought for a moment or too. "Where did you come from? If must be outside of Equestria because "Unisus" is not a word I have ever heard for what an Alicorn is." Izar looked away from Celestia. "I...Don't remember." He said, his voice sounding a bit ashamed. "All I remember is my name, what I am...and that I was running away from something but I can't remember what it was." Izar sighed. [C]Celestia found this even more interesting. First she found Izar Injured in her garden and now he can't even remember where he come from. This was shaping up to be quite the tale. Celestia smiled at him. "Well I am sure it will come back to you eventually." She said in a kind and reassuring tone. Suddenly there was a growling sound in the room. "Oh, guess It is breakfast time." Celestia said with a small chuckle. "Hmm I am sure you need to eat something too. It will help you regain your strength." She said to Izar who in turn agreed for his stomach also grumbled. Celestia smiled. "I'll be back then, get some rest for now alright?" Izar Nodded as Celestia got up and moved to leave the room. Before she left, however, she heard Izar's voice behind her. "Thank you, for helping me." He said. Celestia nodded. "Rest." She said kindly as she left the room. ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Celestia Sighed as she walked to the main throne room of the castle. She had so many thoughts in her head going around and around. What she going to do about Izar and where had he come from? What was he doing here and is he a threat or not? While Celestia had already thought of Izar as not a threat, there was still a possibility he could be one. The high princess sighed again. The questions she had swam around in her head, taking her Attention away from reality. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't hear some pony speaking to her. "SISTER!!!!!" The princess of the night barked at Celestia who was now snapped out of her thought pool. "O-Oh! Luna, my dear sister, I didn't hear you...I'm sorry." Celestia made a guilty yet apologetic expression. She smiled softly at her dear sister. "You seem a bit preoccupied, sister. Is something on your mind that is bugging you?" Luna asked with a small amount of worry in her voice. Celestia shook her head. She smiled again at Luna as if to say nothing was wrong. "No, it's nothing. Just something to do with political affairs of Equestria. No need to worry. I'm fine." The princess of the day tired her best to sound more cheerful and like her normal self. Luna looked semi relieved. She then smiled. "Alright then. I do have to say sister, I haven't seen you in a day, have you been busy?" Luna asked. Celestia had been absent for a while. It wasn't a long while but it was a while. And Luna had started to worry and also miss her sister. She was happy to see her again thought she wouldn't admit to it. Celestia nodded. "Yes. Busy. Very busy." It was sorta true, Celestia was busy but not with something like political affairs. Celestia had lied about that. It was mostly because she still wanted to get to know who Izar was and why he was here. She also didn't want to worry her sister. So Celestia had to stick with her white lie. "Well I suppose that makes sense, you are the high princess after all. Always busy making sure our land is safe and free from any danger." Luna smiled. She flashed a look of pride to Celestia who in turn smiled back at her sister. "Oh by the way, Twilight came by a bit ago. She seemed worried about something and wanted to talk to you about it. I told her you were not available but I would let you know. She said that she came across and Injured Pony on the outer edge of Ponyville. He said he came from out side of Equestria and that he was looking for his Lord or something." Luna relayed her message about Twilight as Celestia Listened. When the injured pony was mentioned, Celestia almost froze in place. Had another come from where ever Izar was from? Had they followed him? Did they follow Izar to hurt him? So many questions bounced around Celestia's Head. "Thank you for letting me know Luna, I'll write a letter to twilight at once asking her to visit with this foreign Pony. I'll sort all this out." And that is what Celestia Planed to do. She wanted to ask this pony if they knew Izar and had followed him. Some of the answers she seeked were so close, she could almost grab them. With that, she bid her sister Farewell and went to her chambers to write the letter. After writing the letter and sending it, Celestia decided to check up on Izar. She also wanted to tell him about the news she heard. She started to make her way to the room she had left him. She was really hoping that none of the staff or another pony had found or even checked the room. She didn't want ponies freaking out or spreading rumors. She got to the room. The door was still shut and this made Celestia feel relieved. The gold hue of her magic illuminated her horn and then surrounded the door handle. The door opened and Celestia slowly made her way in only to find that Izar was not in the bad she left him in. She started to panic. Had he left the room? Was he outside the castle? Had anypony seen him if he was? Just as these questions came in to her mind, they were quickly chased out as Celestia soon saw movement over by the window. She still panicked a bit. She was lucky, however, that the side of the castle they were on where the the room was located wasn't a place any pony went. So no one would see Izar if he was on the balcony. She walked ever so gracefully over and found Izar sitting on the balcony. Celestia couldn't help but stand where and look at Izar in the sunlight. His coat was a gray color but it shined like silver. His mane and tail were a darker tone of gray mixed with black. On his hooves were bronze shoes, much like what Celestia had on her hooves. Around his neck was an Amulet with a purple stone in the center. On his head sat a bronze crown. Celestia was now certain that Izar was somepony important from where ever he had come from, maybe even a royal. She snapped herself out of it and shook her head. She had been staring too long and feel she was being rude. She walked over closer to Izar. "Are you alright? Shouldn't you be resting?" Izar almost jumped at the sudden voice next to him. He had been lost in his own world. "Oh! Um yeah. I feel fine. I do recall that I can heal pretty fast. Though I am not sure why. But I am sure it will come to me with time." She looked over to Celestia with a cheeky smile to which Celestia returned it with her own friendly smile. "Well I have good news, there has been a report that a pony was found injured in a town not to far from here. They said they were looking for someone. I have invited them here with the pony that found the injured one. It was also told to me that this pony said they were not from Equestria. So I am thinking, maybe they came from where you did." As Celestia told all she knew, Izar's eyes became wide with shock. "So you're saying that there is a pony that might know who I am?" He said with a smile. He looked over joyed. He suddenly Hugged Celestia without thinking. "This is wonderful!!!" He said happily. Celestia was totally caught off guard with the sudden hug. Her cheeks blushed a dark red and she felt her face get hot. "I-I am glad you think so." She managed to say. Izar realized he was out of line and let Celestia go. "Oh I'm so sorry. I just acted without thinking. I was just so happy." He gave a apologetic smile. Celestia was still blushing a bit. She had never been embraced like that by any pony. Her heart was pounding and her face was still warm. "N-No it is ok. I understand. Sometimes we get so happy we have to let loose." She flashed him her kind smile. "I believe my Student who found the pony and the pony in question will be here by tomorrow. So please stay here until then?" She asked. Izar smiled at her and nodded. "Well I have things to do, um I am going to guess you might get hungry. I'll bring you something to eat then I'll be busy for most of the day. But I'll be back this evening." Celestia said, getting up from where she had sat down earlier when she had been telling Izar about the pony from outside the land. She started to walk to the door. "Oh and please get more rest? I don't want you to hurt yourself more than you already are." Izar nodded, smiling at her again. Celestia returned the smile and then left the room to first bring Izar some food and then again later to do the things she had to do today. Celestia was hoping that tomorrow would hold the answers to the questions that still bounced around in her mind. The pony Twilight found was possibly full of answers to the questions Celestia wanted answered. Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough. Celestia feel asleep that night filled with hope and anticipation. Who knows what would happen? ~End of Chapter 2~ > Chapter 3:Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The familiar unicorn before Izar made him question who he was even more~ Morning arrived slowly as Celestia raised the sun. The high Princess let out a long sigh. Today, questions that had been hanging over Celestia like a storm cloud may or may not be answered. That depended on if the mystery pony even had the answers or not to the pressing questions Celestia had. The lovely white alicorn sighed again and left her chambers to head to breakfast. Luna was sat at the table when Celestia arrived. "Morning dear sister, sleep well?" She asked the princess of the day. Celestia nodded, but in truth she hadn't, for questions about Izar had been on her mind all night. She didn't want Luna to know about Izar, not yet anyways. Celestia still didn’t fully know if she could trust Izar yet. Just because he was a living Myth didn't mean he had good intentions. "Well..."Luna began," I have received word that Twilight and the Outsider are on their way here. They should be here around noon." The princess of the night finished. Celestia nodded and gave her sister a thankful smile. "Very good." Celestia said. Again" the hope that this outsider held the answers she wanted came back. But there was also the chance they didn't know a thing. There was really no way to tell the outcome of the events to come. She just had to be hopeful. Celestia soon finished breakfast while also teleporting some food to Izar's room. She thought he might be hungry but she also hoped that the sudden appearance of food didn't startle him. If it did, she would apologize later. The princess of the day mentioned to Luna that she was going to head to the flower garden to catch up on some letters in silence so she could focus. Luna just nodded and went off to rest after the long night of dream walking she had done. Really though, Celestia was going to check on Izar. She had some time before Twilight and the outside arrived. It was still only about 10am. Celestia walked gracefully in the direction of the garden but when she neared it, after checking no pony was around, she changed direction to head to Izar's room. This time, Celestia was nice. She didn't want to barge in again for it might seem rude. She knocked on the door softly. "Hello? Izar? It's me, Celestia." "Oh come in, Princess!" Izar said from the other side of the door. Celestia did so and let herself in. Izar was laying on the floor with a book open in front of him. "Good morning, princess." He said with a friendly and welcome smile on his face. His blue eyes were calm and friendly as well. Celestia returned his friendly smile. "Same to you. I see that books in here have caught your eye." She stated. Izar nodded, closing the book in front of him. "Yep. They are very different than where I come from, where ever that may be." Izar said, letting out a small chuckle at the end. He got up from where he was to put the book back on the nearby shelf. He then walked back over to where he had just been laying down and sat back down. "Oh thanks for the food by the way." He said, his hoof pointing to the empty plate nearby. Celestia nodded. "You're welcome." She said with a kind smile. Celestia had walked further into the room at this point and was also sitting on the floor, across from Izar. Celestia then brought the conversation back to the books. "The books we have are very interesting. I used to spend hours reading." She smiled that the found memory. "Granted I had to since I was learning to rule a whole kingdom at the time." Celestia chuckled. Izar nodded. "Makes sense. A princess should know a lot to run a kingdom. If they didn't, the kingdom might fall to ruin." Izar's voice wavered for a second when he mentioned a kingdom falling to ruin. But it was only a second. "I am sure you are a great ruler." He said with a smile. Celestia blushed a bit at the comment. The high princess then recalled the event for today. "Oh! The outsider will be here soon. If I find out anything, I'll let you know." She said. She didn't want Izar to really notice her blushing. It was a bit embarrassing. Izar nodded at the news. "Hopefully they know who I am, but they might not." Izar said, his expression was very serious. Celestia nodded in agreement. The outsider might not know a thing. "Well I will wait here. I have a feeling if I went anywhere with seeing how you reacted to finding me, I might freak others out." Celestia nodded, her expression was thankful. She was glad Izar understood he should stay out of sight for now. "Wonderful, thank you." Celestia said with a smile on her face. "They will be here around noon. So I do have some time before I have to meet with them. So if you're ok with it, I'll stay here." Celestia wanted to talk to Izar more. In all honesty, Celestia was just still in awe that there was a living myth before her. It was just really crazy. But here he was. Izar, a Male Alicorn or what he calls himself, a Unisus in the flesh, sitting on the floor with a content smile on his face. "So you say you've read a lot growing up, princess?" Izar asked, bring Celestia back to reality. She had not realized she had been staring at Izar with a bewildered look. She nodded quickly, blushing a bit from embarrassment. "Yep, that's right. I believe I have read almost every book in the castle Library." Izar's face lit up a bit and his expression changed to that of excitement and interest. "A library huh? Boy would I love to see that. I bet it is huge!"Izar said enthusiastically, his blue eyes holding a look of longing. Celestia smiled at him. "Well maybe I'll show you one day. And I'll show you around everywhere else." Celestia would love to do that. It would be a lot of fun to show Izar around her kingdom. She'd show him all the different and unique places in Equestria. But, She first had to decide if Izar was to be trusted. And it so far seemed Izar didn't have any ill will at this moment. "Really? You will?" Izar said, a smile stuck on his face. "That is wonderful! I greatly look forward to it, princess!" He said excitedly. Celestia chuckled at Izar's reaction. She was certain. Izar wasn't a threat. However, she still wanted to learn more about what was going on before she told anypony about Izar. Celestia nodded. "By the way, there is no need to call me by my title. Just call me Celestia." She said softly. Izar nodded in concurrence. "Alright, Celestia is it." He smiled at her. Celestia didn't know why, but when Izar said her name, she felt like her heart skipped a beat. She had no idea why. She decided to just let it go for now. The two talked for a bit more to pass the time. Celestia told Izar about her favorite books in the library to which Izar said he would have to read them if her got the chance. Celestia was very happy to hear that. Soon, it was only about 5 minutes to noon. Celestia got up to leave and made her way to the door. "I'll be back ok? Wish me luck." She said with a smiled. Izar nodded, returning her smile. Celestia left the room, and headed in the direction of the throne room. There she would meet with twilight and this outsider. ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Celestia made it with one minute to spare. She sat on her throne, her magic mane flowing around her body softly. She waited for Twilight to enter. It felt like the longest minute ever. Soon though, it was announced that Twilight had arrived with the outsider. Celestia told a guard to show them in. The guard lead the two ponies in to the throne room. Twilight walked in front while the outsider was behind her. He looked aged but still had fit physique. His mane and tail were a white with a bit of pale, light green mixed in. He stood a bit taller than Twilight, if fact he looked to be about Luna's Height. His coat was a tone of gray with a bluish tone. As they walked closer, it could be seen the older pony was wearing spectacles and his eyes were a vibrant shade of golden yellow and he also had some facial hair. He wore a waist coat that was black and white with a bow tie. This unicorn was, for sure, not from around here but he also looked to be a servant of some kind. He had a few bandages around his legs and torso under his waist coat. He had been found injured after all. Celestia got up from her throne to meet them halfway. She smiled at Twilight and hugged her student. "Thank you for coming, Twilight." She let go of the princess of friendship. Twilight nodded. "Of course Princess." She then moved a bit to the side. "This is Igniteus. He is the pony I found in ponyville." Igniteus bowed before Celestia. He was very respectful. "Welcome Igniteus. I am Princess Celestia." She said kindly. "I welcome you to my kingdom." She added on. Igniteus raised his head and nodded. He smiled gently. "Thank you, your highness." He said with poise. His voice was semi deep but soft and kind. "I am grateful you have agreed to speak with me. I'll get right to it. I am here in your kingdom because I am looking for my prince. I lost sight of him when I was fleeing our kingdom. And I worried he might have ended up here in your kingdom. And that he might be hurt." His face darkened. It was like Igniteus was unsure if he should say more or not. After all, Just because Celestia Agreed to meet with him, didn't mean she had good intentions. In the end though, the thought of his prince in pain and needing help out weighed the risk. Igniteus hesitantly spoke again. "His name is Izar and he is what you would call a male Alicorn. I am very worried about him, Your grace." Upon hearing this information, Celestia almost froze in place. This was it, this pony did have the answers she was looking for. But, she didn't want to risk others knowing. And she wasn't ready for others to know. She looked to Twilight. "Thank you for bringing him here, Twilight. I wish to speak with him in privately." Twilight nodded. "I understand princess." Twilight made her way to leave. She was also trying her best to hide her shock at hearing that a male alicorn might be real and is somewhere in Equestria right now. But Twiight didn't know that he was very close by. "Please, Follow me." Celestia said to Igniteus after Twilight had left the room. He nodded and agreed to follow. Celestia lead him through the castle in the direction of where Izar was. This was a bit risky, for Igniteus could be lying. He could just be here to hurt Izar. But for some reason, Celestia felt like they wasn't his intention. His eyes had been sincere when asking about Izar. Soon they reached the door to Izar's room. Celestia Knocked. "It's Me." She said. A voice came from the other side. "Come in." Izar said. Celestia opened the door, holding it open for Igniteus to follow. "So how did it-" Izar started to speak but then stopped when he saw Igniteus. He was shocked. This unicorn before him looked so familiar. He just couldn't place it. "Do I...know you?" He asked Igniteus. Igniteus was shocked as he stood before Izar. "Milord. I am so glad I found you." He said. He then gave Izar a confused expression. "Know me? Milord, it is me, Igniteus, your Butler. I helped raise you after your parents died." Izar just looked more confused and then apologetic. "I'm sorry." He said, rubbing his hoof on the back of his head. "I don't know who you are..." Izar looked down, embarrassed. Igniteus looked horrified. "What has happened to Milord prince?" He said. Celestia walked over. It was now her turn to speak. She explained to the butler pony the events up until now. Igniteus was shocked. "I can't believe it." He said. He was at a loss for words to say to Izar. "I had hoped my second visit to this kingdom would be on a good note..." He said softly. Celestia looked confused. "Wait you have been here before?" She asked curious. Izar looked just as curious. Igniteus nodded. "I have but it was many years ago. Back when milord's Parents were still alive and a bit before you came to rule, princess." Igniteus said. Celestia looked a bit confused. "A bit before I came to rule? That was over 1000 years ago." She trailed off. It was just a crazy idea. Normal Ponies didn't live that long. But then again, Igniteus wasn't from Equestria. "Um Where is it that you come from if I may ask?" Celestia said, changing the subject. Igniteus glanced over at Izar then looked back at Celestia. "I come from the kingdom of Neozarria were milord was the ruling Prince there...at least he was before the fall." Igniteus seemed a bit sad to mention that Neozarria had fallen. Izar was just as shocked as Celestia. "So I am a prince?" Izar questioned. Igniteus nodded. Izar was surprised. "Wow. Well guess that explains the silver and bronze I have on. And the crown too." Igniteus nodded in agreement. He then turned to Celestia. "I am deeply grateful to you for finding Milord and helping with his injuries. We are truly indebted to you." Igniteus bowed. Celestia panicked a bit. "Oh um there is no need to bow to me. I just wanted to help when I saw him hurt." She said quickly, her cheeks a bit red from being flustered. Igniteus raised his head. "I think I'll stay here, if that is alright with you, princess. I am happy to have found milord again and I want to stay to protect him." Igniteus said. "I also want to help him maybe recover his memory." Celestia nodded. "As long as it is alright with Izar." She said, looking to Izar. Izar nodded in agreement. "I would like to you stay, Igniteus. You are the only connection i have right now to who I was in the past. I need and want to know who I was and what happened to me." Izar said with a kind look in his eyes. Igniteus nodded, a smile on his face. "Thank you Milord." He looked to Celestia. "And thank you princess for helping milord prince and for letting me be here." Celestia nodded. She smiled at the both of them. "I have a room for you set up." She said. "For now, You'll have to share this one, is that alright?" Igniteus nodded. Celestia smile. "Alright. Well I'll leave you two to get reacquainted. I have some things to do. I'll be back this evening." She got up to leave the room. "Thank you again, Princess." Igniteus said. He smiled, his vibrant golden yellow eyes showing he was grateful. Celestia nodded then left the room. As she walked away, it was now clear that this whole thing was bigger than Celestia thought it was. And this was the time to tell her sister what was going on. Celestia knew she couldn't fully sort this out alone. And the one other person she could trust more than anything was the princess of the night. So it was decided, tomorrow, Celestia would tell Luna about everything. Celestia went to bed that night after visiting Izar and Igniteus, hopeful about tomorrow. She hoped Luna would understand and would be willing to be a part of the secret that a myth had become truth. Hope was the only thing Celestia felt as she drifted to the dream world. ~End of Chapter 3~ > Chapter 4: Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The next thing Izar knew, he was dashing to save the regal high princess from the moutain of books falling towards her.~ Of course Celestia was nervous about today. Luna was going to learn the truth of what was going on. With Igniteus staying in the castle, it risked Luna finding out one way or another so Celestia just chose to tell Luna out right to avoid unnecessary chaos. But that didn't make it any less nerve racking. Celestia sighed as she raised the sun for the morning while in her chambers. She also planned to write letters to the other princesses of the news but also ask them to not say anything. No doubt rumors would spread like wildfire. Celestia didn't want that. It also might endanger Izar of it did. Celestia had grown to trust Izar just a little in the past few days. He hadn't really shown any signs that he was here to attack her kingdom and Igniteus was very respectful. So the princesses of the day decided to trust Izar just a little. The nervousness of telling her sister stayed constant. She could tell her sister anything but this was going to be a lot for her to take in. And Celestia didn't know if Luna could handle it. What if she took it the wrong way? No. Celestia had to trust her sister would understand that she kept Izar secret only to protect the princess if the night. She took a deep breath before leaving her chambers to go to breakfast. The butterflies in the high princess's belly were wild and untamed. Celestia had never been so nervous in her life. She reached the dining room to find Luna at the table. "Good morning dear sister! Sleep well?" Luna asked with a tired smile on her face. Celestia nodded slowly. It had been another restless night for Celestia. She sat at the table, tense from all the nerves. "Morning Luna." She said. Her voice was flat which wasn't like her. Luna looked at her sister with a confused expression. "Sister? Is something on your mind?" Luna asked, tilting her head, waiting for Celestia's Answer. This was it. The moment that had made Celestia so nervous that the butterflies in her belly went wild. "A-Actually..." She started. She hesitated to continue. Celestia took a breath to calm herself a bit. "Luna, I have something to talk to you about. It is very important. And you cannot tell a single pony ok? That is how important it is." Luna knew right away by how serious Celestia's expression was that she meant every word. The princess of the night nodded silently in agreement. Celestia took another deep breath. "You know that outsider that came to the castle yesterday right?" Luna nodded. "Well I found the pony he came here for a while ago in the flower garden. They have been staying in one of the spare rooms here. The pony I found that is." Luna listened intently but then opened her mouth to speak. "Ok. Um why tell me this? You showed the Outsider to the pony he was looking for and they went back to where ever they came from right?" Luna asked. She had really just assumed from what Celestia was telling her that what she has just said was what happened. She was also saying this because of the memory of the Storm King's assault on canterlot and Equestria. Celestia averted her gaze from her sister. "Er...not exactly. They are still here, the pony I found and the Outsider." She said. Luna looked at her sister. She wasn't really surprised. Celestia had always been super kind to others. Maybe the found pony had been injured. That is what Luna thought to herself. "Luna...do you remember growing up, the books we read about Alicorn's that were male and the legends about them?" Celestia asked. Luna nodded. But she couldn't help but give Celestia a look that seemed to say 'What dose that have to do with anything?'. Celestia sighed. "It is just better to show you. Follow me please if you would." Celestia got up from her spot at the table and walked towards the Exit of the dinning hall. Luna got up and followed. The two regal princesses walked the hallways of the castle with Celestia leading the way. Luna followed behind her sister, confused and also curious. Soon, they reached the door to the room Izar and Igniteus was staying in. Celestia stopped to knock. "It's me." She said. A voice was heard from the other side. "Please do come in." Said a male voice. Celestia opened the door and walked inside. She waited for her sister to follow her in before closing the door behind both of them. Igniteus sat in a chair on one side of the room while Izar was on the floor reading a book. It was Igniteus who greeted Celestia. "Good morning princess. I see we have another guest here." Celestia nodded. "This is my sister, Princess Luna." Celestia said. Igniteus got up from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to Luna and bowed his head. "It is a pleasure to meet you princess. My name is Igniteus. I am the butler to the royal family of the kingdom of Neozarria." Luna was a bit shocked. Kingdom of what? It was already a lot of information. She looked at her sister, even more confused. Her expression seemed to ask, 'What the heck is going on?' Celestia sighed. She then moved over a bit. Now it was Izar's turn to introduce himself. He got up from where he was and walked over to the two regal princesses. "Good morning Celestia." He said to Celestia with a smile. He then looked to Luna. "Good morning Princess Luna, I am Izar Comettrail. I am the Prince of Neozarria...or at least that's what I'm told." He half mumbled the last part. Luna was in complete shock at seeing what Izar was. Before the princess is the night's very eyes, a myth became real. And she was just awe struck. "You're....you're...." She couldn't even get the words out. They were stuck in her mouth like a brick. Luna looked to Celestia. "Explain. What the heck is going on?" Celestia sighed. She started to tell Luna everything, how she found Izar in the garden injured, and how she learned he had no memories of who he was and that Igniteus was looking for Izar after their kingdom fell. Luna was having a great deal of trouble keeping up and taking this all in. It was just so much information at once. The princess of the night looked at her sister, her expression that of one in awe. She then glanced at Izar and Igniteus. "I can't believe this is real." Luna's face then changed. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner! I could have helped you sister." She said a bit annoyed. Celestia looked apologetically to her sister. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away Luna. I just wasn't sure if I could trust them yet. I did to protect you." Celestia glanced at Izar and Igniteus. "But I trust them a little more now, enough to tell you about them." she added on. Luna sighed. "This is still just so much to take in. I mean a myth just became truth right before my eyes. It is all to surreal." Luna looked over at Izar and Igniteus again. "I think I need a moment." Luna then quickly left the room. Celestia sighed. Izar came over to her. "Is she going to be alright?" He asked. Celestia wasn't actually sure but she nodded anyways. Luna just needed time to process. So Celestia would give her that. "She'll be fine. She just needs space." Celestia looked to Izar with a smile. "She'll come round, don't worry. My sister is pretty tough." Izar's expression changed from worry to relief. He believed Celestia. Igniteus spoke up. "Princess, since your sister knows about us now, would it be safe to assume that the whole castle staff with know? And will we get to roam around the grounds? It is a bit stuffy staying in this room all day." Celestia nodded. "I'll be telling the staff at once. And I will make them swear to not tell anyone about you. I don't want to whole kingdom to know yet. You two could still be in danger and since you're in my kingdom, i have a duty to protect you." Igniteus smiled. "A wonderful. Well can we maybe go to the library? I am curious about these legends of Male Alicorns." Celestia nodded. "Alright. I'll go tell the staff about you guys. Just give me a few moments and I'll come back to take you to the library." She said as she made her way to the door. Izar and Igniteus nodded in agreement. With thay Celestia left to tell the staff of the castle. ✳❇✳❇✳❇✳❇✳❇ Telling the whole staff was a bit crazier than she thought it would be. Celestia hadn't expected for them to have so many questions. She was already mostly exhausted from answering them all. She made her way back to Izar and Igniteus’ room and knocked on the door. "It's me. We can go now." She said. The door then opened and Izar and Igniteus walked out. "The library is this way. Follow me." Celestia said. She walked gracefully down the hallway towards the library. As they made their way there, they did get odd and surprised looks from the staff. Celestia had closed the castle off the Aristocrat ponies for the day which was a good thing. They was have never been able to keep a secret. Soon, they reached the library. "Here we are." She opened the door and let Izar and Igniteus walk in. "The books we ar looking for are over here." She lead them to a bookshelf. "These are it." She pulled the books off the shelf and placed them on a table nearby. Igniteus took one and looked it over. "Hmm these are well read." He said. He opened it and started reading. "Hmmm everything in here is dead wrong." He said. He close the book and grabbed the next one and started reading it. "Wrong." He closed the book and grabbed the next one and also stated everything was wrong. "Do you have any others?" Igniteus asked. Celestia thought for a moment then nodded. "I might if I can remember where it is." Celestia flew over to a bookshelf and looked it over. Soon she found the book she was looking for and pulled it off the shelf. But as she tuned to god back, her back hoof hit a weak part of the bookshelf and it started to fall. Celestia was too shocked to use her magic. She closed her eyes expecting impact. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes to find Izar looking at her worried. "Are you alright?!" He asked frantically. Celestia nodded slowly. "I-I think so. Nothing is hurt." She then realized how close Izar was. And she blushed a bit. She got out of Izar's grip. "W-Well um, I'll get this to Igniteus...." She held the book up then she quickly when over to him. "Ah now this one has promise!" Igniteus said. He started reading. Celestia sat down to wait for Igniteus. But something else was on her mind. Her heart was still racing and her face still felt hot. And she felt something, deep inside her that she couldn't explain. She didn't know what this feeling was. Izar came over to them "Well I picked up the books from the book case and stacked them nicely." He said. Celestia nodded. But looking at Izar, her heart raced even more. What was this feeling? She just couldn't place it. "You sure you're alright Celestia? You look a bit red." Izar said. Celestia was brought back to reality with this question. She shook her head. "OH! Um yes...I'm fine. Thank you for saving me from the books of doom." She chuckled. She was really trying to play the feeling she had off, to make it go away. Feeling flustered like this was not normal for her so she took a deep breath to calm down. Izar nodded. "Good, I'm glad" Izar then turned his Attention to Igniteus who had been reading this whole time. "Soooo find anything?" Izar asked. Igniteus nodded. Igniteus half nodded. "Kinda. There are some truths in here but they are very played out and stretched into a myth." He closed the book. "You sure you don't have any more books, Princess? I also want to find one that talks about Memory magic." He asked. Celestia nodded. "Not out here though. Follow me." She got up and walked over to a boom shelf. She used her magic to pull on two books which lead to the bookcase moving aside and showing a doorway. "This way." She said as she walked down the steps. Izar and Igniteus followed. "This is the restricted section. Maybe what you're looking for might be here." She said. Igniteus looked around and nodded. There were so many old books here and a lot of ancient artifacts. The books here were older than Celestia herself. It was impressive. "Well, let's get to work looking." Izar said. So the rest of the day was spent looking for certain books. What information they might uncover in their research was unclear. But Celestia hoped to maybe get some answers. She helped the look for hours until she found about forbidden and forgotten Magic of the past. This was it, this book might hold the key to get Izar's Memories back. And she had to know what was inside. Who know what secrets it held. ~End of Chapter 4~ > Chapter 5: Legends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The thing that surprised the two royal Alicorns the most was that Black Magic had a use for good~ Celestia took a deep breath and opened the old book and started looking over and reading the pages. This books was very old and smelled as such. Each turn of a page wafted the scent of old books up into Celestia's nose. She sniffled and turned a page again. Written in the book was many things. Most of it was old information about old magics. Celestia knew most of this information as she had grown up learning it. However, some of the information on pages that were deeper in the book was new to her. She had never heard of the old magics written on them. It was surprising for her to find something she didn't know about magic. She let out a sigh and kept on reading. Page after page, nothing was looking like it was important or useful to what she was looking for. She was about the close the book when she saw something. She turned to the next page. The writing on it was old. She had never seen anything like it. "Hmm odd...." She said to herself. She then looked up. "Hey, Izar...I might have something." She motioned him over with her hoof. Izar came flying down from up above her as he was looking at books from a farther up shelf. He landed right next to Celestia, and he was close enough his shoulder almost touched Celetia's. Celestia was a bit flustered with how close he was. Her heart beat started to quicken a bit. "What did you find?" He asked. Igniteus came over as well and sat on the other side of the table. This brought Celestia back to the matter at hand. "A-Ah well! I found this." She showed the two stallions the page with the language she had never seen. "Ah! That is olden Unisus!" Igniteus said. Izar looked at him a bit confused as did Celestia. "Ah I image you want to know what it says." He smiled awkwardly and looked back to the book. "Well...this speaks of ancient Unisus magics...and, oh, now this is interesting." He put the book down and looked at the both of them. "Igniteus?" Izar questioned. He looked at the old unicorn awaiting an answer. Igniteus sighed. "Milord, Princess...this talks about and Ancient and cursed spell that gets rid of memories." Izar froze in place as did Celestia. This was something they were looking for. How lucky was it to find it here. Celestia shook her head a bit to Chase away her shock. "Does it say how the spell is cast or how to undo it?" She asked. Izar nodded in agreement at the question. Igniteus looked the page over again and shook his head. "Unfortunately, all it says that once it is cast, only the creature that cast it can uncast it. And then it just talks about how it is a cursed spell. Looks like it is some form of black magic." Celestia sighed. "Damn...I thought we had something..."she said. Izar looked to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. He smiled sweetly as if to say, 'It is ok, we can't give up yet.' Celestia blushed a bit and avoid his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat too. She then closed her eyes and opened them again. "Well maybe we can find something else?" Igniteus looked up from the book. "Actually this book holds a lot of information about the Unisus which surprises me but I was lead to believe all knowledge of us and the magic we could use was lost to history in Equestria." Izar looked just as confused as Celestia did. Igniteus nodded. "Well let me put it this way, what you call black magic here in Equestria, we call normal in Neozarria." Celestia looked shocked. Igniteus continued. "We had found a way to use it for the betterment of every creature in our lands. In fact, prince Izar, you could use it too and you were actually very good with it. I remember one time when you helped a mining town with Crystal production. They were very grateful to you that year. You were called the "'Crystal Maker' by the ponies in the village for a while." Both Celestia and Izar were still just as shocked at this news. "So you're telling me the "Unisus" can use...cursed magics...with no drawbacks?" Celestia said. Igniteus nodded. "By gods..." She put a hoof to her head as this was quite a bit to take in. Izar took a deep breathe in. "Igniteus...Was I a good ruler?" He asked. There was a hint of worry in his voice. Igniteus smiled at Izar. "My boy, you took after your parents well and you were an amazing ruler....well until everything happened..." He said with a somber look. Izar sighed and smiled. "Wait...when you say "Us"....Does that mean...you were are a Unisus too?"Izar asked. Celestia looked to Igniteus. She too was wondering that as well. Izar added to his question. "Forgive me if that is nosey of me to ask but just the way you say "us" makes it sound you are older that you look." Igniteus sighed and nodded. "Yes I am...well was a Unisus too a very long time ago." Izar raised and eyebrow. "I am will guess you want to know what I mean, well, I was a Unisus but I lost that right many moons ago due to a mistake I made. So my wings were taken." Izar looked at the old butler pony before him. Igniteus sighed. "I wasn't always a good pony. In fact when I was younger, all I wanted was power. And I'd do anything to get it, hurt others, terrorize small towns, you name it. Well your Great-Grandfather caught wind of what I was doing and well, he sent his men to capture me and for years I avoid it but one day I got careless because I had become cocky and well I ended up in the dungeons of Neozarria's castle. I was sentenced to death but you grandfather changed his mind, he told me it was because he saw something in me and that I had the potential for something good. I never knew what that meant until I was many moons older." Igniteus paused to take a breath. "Your great-Grandfather was a kind man and I will always be grateful to him for sparing my life for the truth was I didn't want to die. I was scared to. So instead, he took my wings." Igniteus lifted his tail coat up just enough to where Izar and Celestia could see the scars where Igniteus wings were. "Wow..."Izar said. "That...sounds rough....but, I can't picture you as being a power hungry lunatic..." Igniteus chucked. "Well I have changed a lot. I was given a place in the castle as a servant and worked hard to earn my keep. I was soon made a butler to serve your family. I used to be your father's butler and then when you were born, I was assigned to you, milord." Izar sighed. "Well...you know I am glad you're on our side." Igniteus chuckled. Celestia, who had been quiet for most of the conversation spoke up. "Well I do say that every creature deserves a second chance. We have quite a few reformed villains here in Equestria..." Izar looked to her. ”Really? You do? That is pretty cool. Did you reform them by yourself?” Izar asked. Celestia shook her head. ”Not really, they were all reformed by my student Twilight Sparkle and her friends.” Celestia looked away and to the ground. “I have only ever been a guidance to her. She has done all the work in protecting equestria. Heck, she has even saved my life a few times.” Celetia’s voice sounded a bit sad. And in truth she started to feel like she wasn’t that important to the kingdom. A princess should be able to protect her subjects, and yet her student is the one doing all the work.  She was proud of Twilight and her friends but sometimes Celestia wished she could be the one to save the day for once. Izar took notice to the look in Celestia’s eye that she wasn’t aware she had, a look of self-doubt. Izar place a hoof onto Celestia’s and used the other to make her gently look at him. His blue eyes looked at her with a soft and kind gaze. “Celestia, I am sure your student is amazing but she only is because you were the one guiding her. I am sure she is who she is because of you and your amazing guidance. So don’t fret and don’t doubt yourself. I am sure your student would feel lost if you were never there to guide her in the first place.” He smiled at her, he cheeks a bit red. Celestia felt her face grow a bit warm. She smiled softly and nodded slowly. Her heart was racing. Igniteus then cleared his throat. “Milord, Princess, this book might be of some use to us.” He looked to Celestia who had pulled away from Izar by this point. She was still trying to get her heartbeat under control when she turned her attention to Igniteus. “Princess, do you mind if I keep this book?” he asked. Celestia shook her head. ”No! Not at all. Go right ahead! If it can be of use then by all means, let it be useful.” She replied. Igniteus nodded. Just then, there was the sound of a clock chime. Celestia looked at the time from the clock in the room. “Oh my, is it really that late?” she sighed. “We should head back, I have to lower the sun soon. And I am sure you two might be hungry.” Izar’s stomach then growled. “I’ll take that as a yes to being hungry. Come, I’ll lead you to the dining room.” Celestia got up and headed towards the door. Izar and Igniteus followed behind. Izar caught up to Celestia. “Celestia, you said you had to lower the sun, what do you mean by that?” he asked. ”Oh right, I didn’t tell you did I? Well you see as a princess of equestria, it is my job to raise and lower the sun. My sister raises and lowers the moon. That is why we are the princesses of the day and night respectively.” she said. “It is the power we were given and so we use it to watch over our subjects and such. I handle the “royal duty part of the kingdom like all the meetings and such and my sister handles the dream walking. She helps our subjects with their nightmares and such.” Izar looked at Celestia amazed. “W-What is it? Do I have something on my face?” She asked. Izar shook his head. ”No it is just I am happy I was right. You are important to your kingdom. Who else would keep it running than you?” He smiled at her. Celestia’s heart skipped a beat again. She blushed lightly and nodded. Soon they got to the dining room and a meal was brought out. Izar and Igniteus ate it happily. Celestia went over to a window and lowered the sun slowly and soon the moon could be seen. She turned to face Igniteus and Izar. “So, I’m rather tired so I’ll have another pony escort you back to your room if that is ok.” she said softly. Izar nodded. “That is ok. I am sure you need some rest after today. Thanks for all your help Celestia.” He smiled at her, his cheeks a bit red. Again, Celestia’s heart jumped. She nodded quietly and left the hall, but ask a servant pony to show Izar and Igniteus to this room. Celestia made it to her room and sat on her bed. “No..Calm down.” she said to herself. “There is no way he is going to pick you. He is probably missed by someone back in his home kingdom. These feelings aren’t real. Forget them..” She sighed and laid down. Before she knew it, the princess of the day was fast asleep. Little did she know the forces of evil where moving and the things that were about to happen would change everything that she knew. The world she knew was about to be turned upside down and it was going to be a bumpy ride. ~End of chapter 5~ > Chapter 6: Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The things that Izar loved hearing the most were the stories about Celestia told to him by Luna~ Dawn broke and kissed the carpeted floor of the room Celestia had given me a month-and-a-half ago. I could see the soft sunlight through my closed eyes. No doubt this was Celestia. She was using her amazing power to wake up the land she ruled over with Luna. I would have never imagined that anypony could a power like that. It was remarkable. But if I was to tell the truth, it suits her for Princess Celestia is radiant like the sun. But then again, I don't remember ever seeing power like Celestia's since my memories were taken. I'm just glad Igniteus is here. In truth, it does feel like I do have a strong connection with him. I just hope with his and Celestia's help, I can find the answers to the questions I have. Who took my memories? What happened to me? And who was I before I lost my memories? As these questions flooded around my mind again for this morning, I open my eyes and sat up in the bed. A yawn is escaped my body. "Ah, young Master, you're up." I heard Igniteus' voice to my right and I looked over at the old unicorn. It was still hard to believe he once looked like me even though I had learned that fact about a month and half ago. But it didn't make it any less crazy to know. I nodded as I rubbed the leftover sleep from my eyes with my hooves. "Yes, I'm awake." I said as I waved a hoof in the air. I then stretched a bit just to wake up the rest of me a bit more. Igniteus move closer to the bed. "Princess Celestia sent word that she would be very busy today. But she did say that we are welcome to wander the castle grounds and that we are welcome to visit the library. You know normal everyday sort of thing." Igniteus told me as I got out of the bed. I nodded. That made sense, we had been taking up a lot of Celestia's time lately. " well I can understand that, she does have a kingdom to run. And helping us might have put her behind her duties a bit." I said, making my way to a mirror in the room to fix my mane. I could see Igniteus nod behind me from the mirror. It then occurred to me that ignitus might be able to answer one of my questions. I felt a bit foolish for not thinking of it sooner, After all, we have been here for a month and a half. With my mane now looking less messy, I turned to look at Igniteus. "Um, Igniteus, Who was I? Like before I lost my memories, what was I like? I know I probably should have asked this sooner but with everything going on, I guess it just slipped my mind." Igniteus seemed to smile and he waved his hoof in the air and shook his head. "It is quite alright young master. I understand that a lot has been going on." he said, smile still on his face. Young Master, you were a great Prince well up until the fall of the Kingdom. Not even I know why that happened. It is still a great mystery to me about the cause of what led to the fall of Neozarria." I nodded. I didn't expect Igniteus to know everything. Mostly because I believed after the kingdom fell, he might have been looking for me. So he probably didn't have a chance to look for answers. "Well hopefully we can find the answer to that." I said, hopeful smile on my face. I really was hoping that we could find out why my kingdom fell. And also why I lost my memory. And possibly who or what caused me to lose my memory. It really was a mystery, but a mystery I intended to solve. Igniteus nodded. "Well young master, what do you want to know? I can't tell you anything about yourself from the time you were small up until the kingdom fell and you went missing." Igniteus looked at me, waiting for me to answer. "Well what was I like as a child?" I asked, as I really wanted to know. Was I a good kid or bad one? Or was I a troublemaker? It was really something that was on my mind, since I didn't really know who I was at the moment. But I knew more now than I did over a month and a half ago. When Celestia first found me, all I knew was my name and then I was running from something. But now I know so much more. And I still wanted to know more about who I was before I lost my memories. Igniteus smiled. "When you were born, your birth was celebrated across the kingdom of Neozarria. All of the subjects loved you the day you were brought into the world. There were celebrations throughout the towns, and cities. Every creature in the Kingdom celebrated your day of birth." Igniteus smiled at the memory, which made me smile in turn. it was good to know that my people did love me. But that made me wonder even more why my kingdom fell. What it happened to me? I really wanted to know. As if he read my mind, Igniteus answered my question. " you were a good kid growing up and your mother and father really believed you'd be a great ruler one day. They were always proud of you. You are a fast learner and everyone in the kingdom was excited for you to take over when you grew up. However I do not know why the Subjects ended up turning against you. It is still a mystery to me as I had never heard anything bad about you from others." I smiled as Igniteus told me about myself. Hearing about who I was and what I was like was nice. But hearing that the subjects of my kingdom turned against me made me all the more curious as to what happened. But since Igniteus did not know, that was a question that would have to be answered later. "What were my parents like?" I asked. They had to have been good parents and rulers since I was a good kid. Igniteus wouldn't have spoken so highly of them if they weren't. That much I knew to be true. Igniteus smiled at my curiosity. It almost seemed like he had been waiting for me to ask. "Your parents were well loved by the ponies of Neozarria. King Jethro was well-respected and looked up to by so many. A lot of the citizens hoped you would be like him one day. And then there was Queen Cecillia who was well loved by all of the citizens of Neozarria. She was such a beautiful Mare and it was no wonder your father had fallen for her. She was kind to everyone. Together, your parents made it so peace reigned for many years in your Kingdom. And they loved you with all of their heart till the day they left this world. You were young when Jethro and Cecilia died. And is still mystery as to how they died. But nevertheless the people remembered your parents fondly. And when you took over a few months after they passed, the citizens really looked up to you." I was happy to hear about my mother and father. And it made me glad to know that they were well loved and respected by the citizens of my kingdom. And now I knew their names which brought me great joy. But learning their deaths were mystery was perplexing. Well I want to know more about my parents, I still wanted to know what happened to me. If I was so well-loved, how did my kingdom fall? I know Igniteus said he didn't know why or what lead to my kingdom falling but he had to know something at least. Even if it was just a little bit of information it would still be good to know. I look to the old unicorn. "What happened to me? You say I was so unloved and yet my kingdom fell. Is it because when my parents passed, I was not ready to rule? Or was I too young? Or did I do something to make the Citizens hate me?" I had more questions than just this, but at the moment I couldn't put them into words. Igniteus sighed. "Well I am not even sure what actually happened. For some reason, the citizens started to grow bitter towards you a year after you took over ruling the kingdom. I still don't know why and I never had a chance to find out." I sighed. I still wanted to know why things changed. What had caused the citizens to turn against me? Was it something I did? Or was it an unseen Force that I didn't stop in time? Igniteus walked over and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Don't worry young master. After your parents died, I helped raise you. You are very well behaved growing up and you are a great Prince. You are just like your mother, kind to everyone. And you were even betrothed to be married as well. She was the princess of a kingdom next to Neozarria. Her kingdom was smaller. but before your parents died, it was arranged that you two would marry to the unite the kingdoms. The citizens in her kingdom we're actually good Folk. And the princess herself was actually very nice. You and her actually got along very well, so well in fact that you let her have control over some of your duties." He smiled and took his hoof off my shoulder I smiled. "I must have really trusted her if I let her have duties of mine." I said. I then wondered, what happened to her? And right as I thought that Igniteus has answered the question. I'm starting to get a little spooky how it seems like he was reading my mind but I just shrugged it off. "It is unknown what happened to her really. At one point, there was a revolution in your kingdom and well that was going on, she went MIA. And after you went missing, the kingdom fell. I don't know what led to the revolution or why it happened. And I never found out nor did I have a chance to." Igniteus told me. I sighed. Something must have happened. Revolutions don't happen for no reason. But this was really not worth pondering over at the moment. And I knew possibly in time I would find out the answer to the question of why did my kingdom fall? I looked over to the window. The sun was on its way across the sky and it was now about mid-morning. I looked back over to the old unicorn. "Could I ask a bit more about myself later? I do wish to wander around the castle grounds a bit today." Igniteus nodded with a smile. "Of course. Also if you want to relearn how to cast your magic, I'm willing to teach you what I know. Then again I was also the one to teach you in the past." he chuckled. I was a bit amazed to learn that ignited had once been my teacher. I was happy to have learned a bit more about myself this day. And of course I had so many more questions to ask. But there were other things I wanted to do. "I'll head to the garden for a bit then. Seems like a nice day." I got up to leave. Igniteus nodded in followed me out, heading in the direction of his own room. I walked down the hallway of the castle heading in the direction of the garden. I knew my way pretty well around by now. After all it had been a month-and-a-half since I had come here. Igniteus had been given his own room but still came by mine every morning to make sure I was awake in case Celestia wanted to talk to me. I didn't really mind it and if I was being honest it almost felt like it was....normal. This last month and a half, I had spent quite a bit of time with the princess of the Sun. I've gotten to know her a little and she is an amazing Pony. The way she lights up when she talks about her student Twilight and how proud she is of her and also the way she lights up when she talks about her sister, it makes me smile. I do have yet to ask her about herself. And I'm still not sure why I hesitate as I wish to learn more about her. I have a feeling like I'm drawn to her and I have no idea why. Whenever the thought of Celestia crosses my mind, I can't help but smile and my heart seems to skip a beat. It is a mystery to me why I feel this way. And get this feeling makes me want to get to know her even more. And so, with the thought of Celestia in my head causing a smile to appear on my face, I arrive at the Garden. ✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳ It really was a lovely day. The sky was clear, animals were wandering about among the plants and trees of the garden and a soft Breeze flow through the air. This was the garden that Celestia had found me in a month-and-a-half ago. It was where everything had started. I smiled. I had grown to treasure my time here with Celestia and Igniteus and even the other ponies in the castle. I did still get some strange looks from other ponies in the castle as they were still not quite used to me. But I figured they would get used to me overtime so I didn't mind. I found a bench and decided to sit down and enjoy the gentle breeze in the air. I walked over and took a seat. I then leaned my head back and closed my eyes and listened to the breeze Flow by me. Not even 2 minutes later, I heard hoofsteps nearby. Are you opened my eyes to see Princess Luna. I smiled and got off the bench to go greet her. She looked over to my direction when she heard me walking over. "Good morning princess." I said, bowing my head a little. I was sure Luna wasn't really used to me yet either. After Celestia had told her about me, it had taken her a while to be able to talk to me. For a while I thought she didn't trust me very well and she had every right not to. But over the last month and a half, we have had a few interactions. And it seems like she's able to talk to me but easier now. She nodded. "Good morning to you, Prince Izar." she said kindly. she looked a bit tired. She must have had a long night walking through dreams. I always wondered how she could do it. One pony in charge of everypony's dreams, it seemed like a lot of work. And yet every night Luna was hard at work helping ponies battle their nightmares, guiding her subjects to the answer of the questions they had. It was all very impressive. "I might guess that you are coming back from dream walking? Are you all right? I don't really know how you do it, you walk through ponies dreams and you raise the Moon. It's rather impressive." I said. Luna nodded and smiled a bit. "Thanks and yes I am ok. And I've had a millennia and more to learn to master what I do. But of course I'm not perfect all the time. There was a time Twilight and her friends had to help me was something I created in one of my nightmares." I smiled. "Well it's still mighty impressive. Never would I have ever believed that there would be others out there that has such great power such as you and Celestia. Igniteus has told me that I'm pretty powerful myself but of course, I don't remember any of it." I chuckled. Luna did as well. "I do hope my sister is of help to you. She's always been kind of like that. Whenever somepony or creature is in need, She tries her best to help them." Luna smiled at the thought of Celestia. "I do of course worry sometimes. She can sometimes bite off more than she can chew. But she always has good intentions. And her heart is always in the right place." I nodded. "She's giving us more than enough help. And I am grateful to the both of you for your kindness. And I have to say, both of you really impress me. Like I said before, you walk through dreams and raise the Moon. And then Celestia raises the Sun and deals with diplomats and other political Affairs all day. I know I was a prince in my past but I don't even know who I was. So it's hard for me to imagine myself ever doing something like that. The thought of balancing all that work, it is a bit daunting to me. But I am sure it must have done it at one point." Luna nodded. "I'm sure you have." She said. She then frowned a bit. "It wasn't always mean Celestia ruling together though. There was a time that it was just Celestia." I looked at Luna, a confused and curious look on my face. "Well growing-up, Tia and I were very close. In fact we did almost everything together. but since Tia was the older one, she was favored more while I was cast in the shadows. I let the darkness get the best of me. And over time I grew to resent my sister. I hated how she got all the attention, how she was the one that everypony adored. Everypony loved her daytime, well Everypony slept through my beautiful night and that made me hate the fact she got all the attention even more. So I ended up becoming a monster. Celestia Had to banish me to the moon for a 1000 years." I was shocked. I never expected Celestia to be able to do that. But she must have had a good reason. And with how Celestia talked about Luna now, i must have crushed her to send her sister away like that. No doubt about it. If I was in the same position, I would have been crushed myself for sure. "Well How did you break free?" I asked. Luna smiled. "Twilight and her friends saved me. And I was able to reunite with my sister. There are still times we don't see eye to eye. But I know what Celestia did I can't blame her for. It was my mistake to give in to the darkness in my heart. And I have learned to come to terms with what I have done. Not to mention with Celestia's and Twilight and her friends help, Every pony in the kingdom has forgiven me now." I smiled. "That is good to know." I then thought about something. "What was Celestia like when you guys were younger?" I asked. Luna thought for a moment. "Well she was still pretty serious as she is now back then. But she did have a more fun side when we were younger. And oh man, did we get into trouble together. She and I loved pulling pranks on the castle guards, on the castle staff, and even our parents." Luna chuckled at the memory. I laughed as well. "Celestia a prankster? That seems hard to believe honestly." I said. But then again I don't only ever seen Celestia's serious side. Though now that I think about it, I have seen her flustered side as well. And man is it cute. I smiled. "What was your favorite prank you pulled growing up?" I asked. Luna smiled as she recalled the story. She sat down on the ground. "Well, back then, the castle guards had different uniforms. Instead of the gold they wear now, it used to be copper colored. Well Tia had the bright idea to go into the armory when no one was looking and to paint all of the armor in color changing Magic Paint. So when a guard was wearing the armor, as they went around the castle the color of the armor would change. Needless to say our parents were not happy. I think we were grounded for at least a month after that." I chuckled. "That is insane. Sounds like you two did have a lot of fun though growing up." I smiled. I did wonder if I had that kind of fun with my parents when I was young. I'd have to ask Igniteus later. Luna Yawned. "We did. But those days are far behind us." He said in a bit of a somber tone. I smiled at her. "Well thank you for telling me about your sister....Um is it alright if I ask you about her more later? I would like to get to know her. But it seems she doesn't much like talking about herself." Luna nodded. "Sure. I don't mind." She said. "Gives me a chance to relive the good old days." She added on with a smile. I nodded. "Win-win then." I said. She nodded in agreement. She then looked at the sky. The sun was about in the middle of the sky now. "Ah I am sure I have kept you longer than I should have and I am sure you wish to get some rest." I said quickly. Luna nodded. "Yes that would be Ideal. If you don't mind, I am going to excuse myself." I nodded and smiled at her. "Let's chat again some time." I said to her. She nodded and got up. I watched the princess of the moon walk away. "Hmm where to go next. Hmm How about the Library. Maybe I can find something else that is usefull?" I thought out loud to myself. I then turned on my back hooves and headed back towards the castle. Once inside, I headed in the direction of the library. My goal was to head to the Restricted Section, he secret area Celestia had shown me a bit ago. She told me how to open it and told me I was free to access it anytime I wanted. So I thought since the books in there were older than the ones outside in the normal Library, maybe I could find something that would be of use. Within a few minutes I reach the doors of library. I opened them and went inside and headed to the back where the entrance to the hidden area was. I had learned from Celestia how to use basic Magic. I could levitate objects, open doors, tidy up rooms, really just basic stuff. But it's those useful. I reach the back Shelf of where the hidden area was. My horn started to Glow a silverly hue. The books that lock the door were pulled down via my Magic. The door then opened and I descended the steps into the area. I spent maybe upwards of three hours looking over every Shelf. I was about to leave at one point just empty-hoofed. That is until I came across a book that looks so old, it was almost illegible. The author's name was completely missing as it had been worn off. but the book still caught my eye. I took it over to the table on sat down and opened it to start reading. The first page had me shocked. There, right on the first page was the picture of a male alicorn. Written above his head where the words " Legends of the Unisis." it was actually almost hard to make out the words since the book was so worn out. But once I did, I was immediately interested in finding out what this book contained. So I started reading. My mind was blown. I smiled. Igniteus had to see this. So I closed the book, and took it with me, promising myself to bring it back as I didn't want to upset Celestia for taking something. I then left the library and headed to my Butler's room. A smile was stuck on my face as I was excited to share with him my findings. Just then the thought of Celestia popped into my head. And I felt that I wanted to share this with her as well. So I change direction and headed towards the throne room. I couldn't wait to see her reaction. And yet I still don't know why I was wanting to tell Celestia about this first. maybe because she had been helping me so much? I just didn't know. Hopefully I would figure this out in due time. But for now, I wanted to learn what was in this book. So off towards the throne room I went, book under my wing, smile on my face. ~End of Part 6~ > Chapter 7: Unisus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The princess of the sun was amazed to learn that the Unisus have existed for many millennium~ Izar entered the throne room once the guards let him in. He was excited to tell Celestia what he had found. He did hope he wasn't bothering her. She had been rather busy nose of the day, but then again, she might want a break. Izar smiled and approached Celestia who was reading a scroll. He cleared his throat to get the princess's attention. Celestia looked upat the sound. "Ah, greetings Izar. What brings you by?" She ask, question expression on her face as she waited for Izar to speak. Izar held up the book. It was a bit hard to see from where Celestia was sitting. Izar then spoke. "I found this in your library and I think it might be useful to look into. And maybe Igniteus might know more." Izar spoke with an exciting grin on his face, much like a filly in a candy store. Celestia smiled, she could tell Izar was excited about something. She got up to see the book. It really was quite the find. Celestia looked to Izar with a smile. But then she wondered out loud, "This is quite the find but why come to me? And I am the first to know?" she asked. Izar nodded. Celestia then looked at him with a questioning gaze."Why come to me first? Why not go straight to Igniteus with this? I am sure he can conferm the if the information in here is correct."She asked curiously. Izar froze for second. Why had he wanted to tell Celestia first? He couldn't find an answer no matter hard how he tried to think of one. Izar then thought of something to say.”Well, you are trying to help us out right? So I figured you'd wane to know found. I also just happen to be closer to the throne room than Igniteus's bedroom." Izar had actually not been close to the throne room when he left the library. He had seared to walk to Igniteus's room but the thought of Celestia popped into his head and before he knew it, he was heading towards the throne room. He still didn't fully know why this happend. He couldn't even figure out why thinking of Celestia made his heart beat faster. Even now, his heart was going crazy, but maybe that was because he was excited. Celestia nodded a e Izar's response. "Makes sense." She said with a smile. She walked towards the doors of her throne room. "Well? Let's go talk to Igniteus." she said, moving to leave. Izar quickly followed after her, tucking the book under one of his wings. Izar walked beside Celestia, worried look on his face. "What a bout your duties? I don't want to set you up to be behind." He said, concern in his voice. Celestia looked to him with a smile and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I know this is important and this technicily falls under "Royal Duties'' any way. So no need to worry." Izar nodded. "Ah alright then." He smiled at her sweetly. "If you say not to worry, I won't." Celestia blushed a bit and smiled. "Let's go!" she then said and seared to walk a bit quicker as to not let Izar see she was blushing. Celestia's heart was beating at a million miles a minute, or at least it felt that way to her. She knew Izar couldn't hear her heart beat but it was so loud in her ears, she believe he might hear it by chance. Celestia and Izar continued towards Igniteus's room. For most of the way there, both Alicorns were silent. Neither said a word to one another. If anypony were to look at either of them close enough, they would be able to tell both were very nervous around one another. And neither of them could explain why if asked. They soon arrived at the door to Igniteus's room. The silence that hung in the air was hard to ignore by the two royals. So to break the silence, Izar knocked on the door. "Igniteus, it is I, Izar and princess Celestia. I might have found something, mind if we come in?" The door opened and Igniteus stood before the two royal Alicorns. He smiled at the both of them. "Please, by all means." He moved aside to allow the two to enter. Both walked in with Izar entering first and Celestia following behind. Igniteus took a seat in a chair. He pointed his hoof to two other chairs near by. "Please, do sit." He said with light smile on his face. Izar and Celestia did so. Izar then pulled out the book he had tucked under his wing. He held it up to show Igniteus."This is a book I found in the library and I thought it would prove useful."He then opened the book to the page he had found before and held it out to Igniteus. "Is anything in here correct?" Izar asked, curious expression on his face. Even Celestia held the same expression. Igniteus took the book from Izar and looked it over. After a bit, he spoke. "Some of this is true bae some is based on myth. The Unisus didn't abandon thier home, they were forced to leave." The old stallion looked up at the two royals with a smile. "I'II tell you the full story of the Unisus and what happend to them but it is rather long, might take the rest of the day.” He looked to Celestia with a questioning gaze. "Is that ok with you?" he asked, "No pressing matters?" he added. Celestia shook her head, her flowing mane moving with her. "My duties can wait a day, I'II just need to lower the sun in a few hours. And besides, it is important for a princess to know about acient kingdoms or races."She smiled to Igniteus. "And it is also Just good to know old history. "she added on. Igniteus nodded." Very well. And well, the home and ancient kingdom of the Unisus used to be the land we are in now, the kingdom you call home, princess." Igniteus looked to Celestia with a light smile. Celestia on the other hand had a look of surprise on her face. She was shocked to learn of this information. She had always believed that the ponies that lived there now had always lived there. Izar was also surprised. Celestas home had once been the home of his race. It was very shocking to know this for both royals. Igniteus chuckled upon seeing the two Alicorns before him have shocked expressions on their faces." I thought there would be surprising." He said with a soft smile on his face. He then continued to speak. "The Unisus,as you know,are an old race or where you can Alicorns. But while only female Alicorns exist here in Equeseria, both male and female Alicorns existed in the acient times of the Unisus kingdom. They were a very proud race and invented many of the magics you and your subjects use today. They also came up with a method to used what you see as evil or black magics for a good cause." Igniteus paused for a moment to let both royals take in and absorb the information. He fully had their attention as both of them still had the look of shock an their faces. They looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to speak again. Igniteus smiled and kept going. "The land you call Equestria and home used to have another name but it has long since been lost to history, so not even I know it." Celestia looked to Igniteus. "Wait, how do you know of this?" She asked. Igniteus smiled. "As you know, I was taken in many moons ago by Izar's great grandfather and he is the one that taught me the history of the Unisus." Izar was surprised even more. He had had a family where ever he had come from. This made him wonder it any of them were still around or if they were looking for him. He knew his parents were gone, but maybe there were some still out there. Igniteus cleared his throat and spoke again. "As I have said before, the Unisus are responsible for the invention of many of the magics you use and the application of black magics for good. They also invented the magic to control the weather and even invented the magic you and your sister use to raise the sun and moon." Celestia looked beyond shocked. She had always believed her and her sister’s magic had come from her mother and father. But then she thought, how did they get it when it was from an ancient, long forgotten race? Just as Celestia wondered this, Igniteus spoke again. "I am sure you are questioning how you have your magics and how your parents had them too. Well, princess, it is simply because you are a descendent of the Unisus that stayed here in hiding after the most of them were driven out. Your parents were most likely children when the Unisus were driven one of their home However, not all the Unisus left. As I have said, a few went into hiding. It is not known what is it they feared enough to drive them from this land but stories say it was some ancient evil that struck down anything that tried to oppose it. After the Unisus left this land, no creature lived here a part from animals there made their homes here. Many moons passed before the pony tribes found this land and made it thier home with the creation of the holiday You call harthswarming. After the ponies of now populated the land that it this is today, the Unisus there were in hiding came out and over time, the new Kingdom of Equestrian became what it is today." Both Celestia and Izar were quiet after Igniteus finished speaking. They were try 'ng their best to come to terms with what they had just heard. It was quiet a lot to take in. Celestia was trying to grasp the fact she was of Unisus decent and Izar was just trying to understand the history of what Igniteus just explained. ”I am sure this is a lot to come to terms with.” Igniteus spoke. “See the only reason the Unisus are now just myth and legend is because ponies for many years claimed to see them or to have caught them. But they mostly ended up being hoaxes.” This sparked Celestia’s interest. “You know an awful lot about this kingdom.” She said. “Makes me think, have you been here before? In my kingdom I mean.” Igniteus nodded. “I have been here in this kingdom before, yes but it was many many moons ago. You were maybe but a child or a new born when I visited.” Igniteus said. Celestia was still in awe. After all she just learned more about herself and her kingdom in one day than she had in her thousands years of life. “I think...I need a moment.” She said. She got up and walked over to a balcony window and opened it and walked out onto it. Izar just kinda sat where he was, processing everything he just heard. After a bit, Celestia came back in. “That...really is a lot to take in. Not even my parents told me anything like that. I mean I did grow up with the stories of Male Alicorns. My mother was the only other Alicorn beside my sister that I knew. My father was a regular Unicorn....I just....I can’t believe my mother was basically one of you, that I am one of you...” Izar spoke. “You can me both, I can’t fathom this either, it is crazy....” Igniteus chuckled. He then noticed how late it was. This conversation had lasted for quiet a while. “Princess, I believe it is getting late. You have to lower the sun correct?” He asked. Celestia snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see that it was indeed time for the sun to be lowers. “Ah yes!” She went back over to the balcony and lower the sun with her magic. She then came back in. “I’ll have food brought to the both of you, I need to go talk to my sister about this and about something else.” Igniteus nodded. “Alright princess, I wish you a good evening.” He said with a kind smile on his face. Celestia nodded and left the room to find luna and to tell her everything she had just learned. She just hopped her sister believed her. Igniteus looked to Izar who was still sitting in hit spot. “Milord, it is late, you should head back to your room.” Izar nodded and got up silently and headed out the door to his room. Igniteus chuckled. “Maybe that was a bit much to tell them all at once. But too late, they already know.” He said to himself as he went to look over the book from before. The night moved on. Celestia had told Luna about everything she learned and even Luna had a hard time believing it. After all, they both still didn’t know if Izar or Igniteus were really telling the truth about who they were, but then again, they hadn’t given the princesses a reason to doubt them or to see them as a threat. But still, it was a lot to take in. Meanwhile, Izar just sat in his room, thinking about everything he had heard that day. So his race had lived in Equestria before is was what it is today and was driven out by an evil force, a crazy thing it was to know. And Celestia and her sister were descended from the ancient Unisus from before. It was crazy to know that too. But in a way it made sense. Izar yawned. He had eaten the food that was sent to him as he thought about everything he had learned and now sleep was tugging at him. So he went to bed for the night. And while everyone slept in the kingdom of Equestria, little did they know something was coming and none of it was good. What did fate have in store? Only time would tell. > Chapter 8: Connctions (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~It was time for the truth of Izar’s existence to be shared with the whole of equestria.~ A few days had passed since Igniteus had told Celestia and Izar the lost history of the Unisis and that Equestria used to be an ancient kingdom before it was the kingdom it was today. Time moved forward and the two royal sisters had been discussing in that time what to do about Izar. Keeping him a secret from the rest of the kingdom didn’t seem the best course of action anymore. And not to mention it was unlikely to really stay a secret for very long. Canterlot Ponies were just known to gossip.  So in the end, Celestia and Luna decided to let the whole of Equestria know of Izar’s existence. It would be better in the end for Izar and the kingdom. After this conclusion was reached, the news about a Male Alicorn existing spread like wildfire throughout the whole of Equestria. Every creature and pony were shocked to learn about Izar and where he was from. Sure, it was now common knowledge that there were places outside equestria but a whole other kingdom? That was unheard of.  A week after the news of Izar being present in canterlot came to light, he was given permission to free roam the kingdom. And every creature and pony were just excited to meet him. Many ponies and creatures wanted a chance to get to know the Male Alicorn, it was a once in a lifetime chance. Everyone was very friendly to Izar and this pleased Celestia. She had been worried that her subjects might be scared or wary of Izar. But that worry was put to rest quickly. Izar even got a chance to meet Twilight and her friends. Izar was welcomed in the kingdom.  Later, a month had passed since Izar was introduced to the rest of Equestria. And then two months and then three. Izar was fully welcomed by the kingdom now. And he honestly felt at home. In the months that had passed, he learned more about himself before he lost his memories from Igniteus. And he spent whatever time he could with Celestia when she had free time. It was mostly to do research about where he had come from but now with the added help from Equestria’s resident bookworm and princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle. But, the more time Izar spent with Celestia, the more nervous he got around her. And he couldn’t figure out why. Every time he saw her or heard her voice, his heart would skip a beat. Every time he was around the princess of the sun, his face felt hot and he stumbled on his words. Just the mere thought of Celestia made him smile. And he had no idea what this anxious feeling was. Why did he feel like butterflies were having a party in his stomach every time Celestia laughed or smiled when he was nearby? It just didn’t make sense to him as this feeling was all new.  Izar decided one day to try to find out what this anxious feeling was. So he headed to the only place he knew where he could find information, the canterlot library. He searched for hours trying to find an answer to what this feeling was. But he couldn’t find anything. His search was fruitless. He sighed. “There is nothing in these books that tells me what this feeling is…Hmmm.” He thought for a moment. “Oh I bet Ignitues might know. He has been around longer than me from the way he talks.” After tidying up the library from the mess he made, Izar traveled to Igniteus’s room. The Male Alicorn knocked on the door to his butler’s quarters upon reacting it. The voice of his butler told him to enter.  “Milord Izar, what seems to bring you by?” Igniteus asked once Izar entered the room. The old unicorn could see the prince was troubled by something. “What has you so puzzled, milord?” He asked.  Izar sighed. “Observant as ever.” he said as he took a seat in a chair in the room. “Well, I need your help understanding something.” Izar explained the trouble he was having with the ticky and anxious emotions he was having when around the princess. “I just don’t know what to make of it. Everytime I am around Celestia lately, I just can't think straight. My words get stuck in my mouth and my mind just goes blank. Just the thought of her makes me smile…” He looked at the old unicorn. “Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick?” Izar had a very concerned look on his face. “I figured I’d ask you since you know so much…so can you help me?”  Igniteus smiled and then let out a light chuckle. Izar furrowed his brow. “This is something funny, Igniteus..I’m serious. Is there something wrong with me?” the confused prince asked again.  Igniteus shook his head. “Forgive me milord, but I was not laughing at you. I was laughing because I know what ales you.” Izar’s face lit up. It was like he was trying to tell the old unicorn, ‘Well then tell me!’  Igniteus smiled and walked over to the prince and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “My boy, The feelings that have you so confused is simply that you have fallen in love with the princess. You are in love with Celestia. Everything you have told me, you only have those feelings when around the princess, correct?” Izar nodded, not saying a word, for he was too shocked to speak at the moment. “Well then that settles it. You have fallen for the princess.” Igniteus smiled at Izar.  Izar looked even more confused now. “Wait, how can that be? I’m in love with…Celestia?” He questioned. Igniteus chuckled again.  “When two creatures or ponies spend enough time together, sometimes your feelings about them can change. And sometimes you can grow to love the creature or pony you spend time with. It is a normal thing. But I am sure this is new to you. You have only ever experienced this emotion once before and that was before you lost your memory.”  Izar looked at the old unicorn. “I was in love before?” He asked. Igniteus nodded.  “You were but she isn’t around. She vanished before the kingdom fell. But that isn’t important now. What is important is the love you have for Celestia. I think she would be a good fit for you in all fairness. She is kind and she has welcomed you into her home and kingdom. So I say she is a good match.” Igniteus chuckled.  Izar sighed. “This is all so new to me as you said…Should I…” He looked to Igniteus, “...should I tell her?” He asked, unsure of himself.  Igniteus chuckled. “That is up to you, my boy. But I recommend that you do. If you don’t, you might regret it later. And who knows, she might return your affections.” The butler smiled at his prince. “Whatever you decide, I am sure you’ll be fine.” He said with a smile.  Izar sighed. “I think I might need time to think about this…” He said as he got up to leave. Igniteus nodded. Izar left the room, his head spinning with so many thoughts. Was he really in love with Celestia? But why would he be? It occurred to him that he knew almost nothing about the princess. Sure he had spent a lot of time with her but he didn’t know anything about her childhood or what her life was like before she became the ruler of Equestria with her sister. And he was too nervous to ask now. But just then, something dawned on him. Celestia did grow up with someone, Princess Luna! Of course! He just had to ask Luna all his questions! With that thought in mind, he set off to find the princess of the Moon.  Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Celestia was talking to her former student. “So, has your search for anything about Neozarria yielded any results?” The princess of the sun asked the Princess of Friendship. Twilight shook her head and looked rather dejected.  “I searched everywhere, Princess. I looked over my whole library and I looked over the canterlot library and even the restricted section many times and nothing.” Twilight said with a disappointed look stuck on her face. Celestia sighed and placed a hoof on the shoulder of the smaller Alicorn.  “It is alright, Twilight. I know you did your best.” She sighed and thought for a moment. “Hmm well the kingdom is said to be outside the borders of Equestria…” Celestia turned to look back at her student. “What if we ask others outside the kingdom? I know you have friends outside the kingdom. Maybe they might be able to find something out?” Celestia suggested. Twilight’s face lit up.  “Ah I should have thought of that! Well I can try. I know Tempest is still traveling outside the kingdom currently as the ambassador to Equestria. She might be able to help. And I’ll contact the others I know as well as soon as I can. Thank you princess!” Twilight was out the door before Celestia could even say a word. But the princess didn’t mind, she was used to her former student being so excited like that. She chuckled to herself. And Twilight kept her word, she sent letters to her friends outside Equestria asking them to help find any information about Izar’s kingdom. Her friends had all agreed to help. But it would take time and news outside Equestria was slow to travel. So all the kingdom could do was wait.  And wait they did. Celestia continued to do her royal duties like always in the week that had passed since she and Twilight had spoken. But she had taken notice that Izar was spending less and less time with her. It didn’t bother her at first, she was rather busy most of the time. Being the princess of the day was a lot of work. But as days passed, Celestia came to notice that Izar was spending more time with Luna. She was happy that Izar and Luna got along and were becoming friends, but something about Izar spending more time with Luna than with her bothered her. But the question was, why? Why did it bother her? But this wasn’t important to worry about now, there were more important things to worry about. The information about Izar’s kingdom was coming in slowly but it wasn’t really much use. It was pretty much just local legends and stories.It would be a while before anything useful came in.  End of Chapter 8 part 1 > Chapter 8: Connctions (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a small rundown town outside the borders of Equestria, a dark raspberry colored unicorn with a broken horn wearing a cloak had just walked into town. Under the cloak, gold plated armor could be seen. She was rather intimidating in the way she carried herself. The various creatures around seemed to avoid her or move away. But the unicorn just shrugged, this was normal out here. Trust in others was hard to come by.  The unicorn made her way to a nearby inn. If she wanted information, she knew inns were the best place to ask since travelers were a common thing to find in an inn. She opened the door of the inn and walked up to the counter. The inn keeper turned to see who had walked in and smiled. “Fizzlepop! It has been a while since I have seen you here. Ah but word is you go by Tempest Shadow now correct?”  The unicorn’s expression softened a bit. “You have always been nice to everyone, even me. It has been a while. But I am not here to play catch up. I have come here seeking information about a kingdom called Neozarria. Ever heard of it?”  The innkeeper thought for a moment and placed a claw to his chin. “Can’t say I have.” Just then, the sound of a throat being cleared could be heard. The unicorn turned to the sound.  “I know the kingdom you speak of.” said a figure at one of the tables. They wore a cloak themselves and had a hood over their head. But Tempest could tell they were a pony from the shape of their body. It wasn’t uncommon to see other ponies here outside the borders of Equestria but it was a bit rare.  Tempest walked over to the other pony. “You have information?” She asked. The hooded pony nodded. Tempest took a seat at the table across from the other. “Please, tell me what you know.” She said with urgency.  The mystery pony smirked. “Sure. I’ll tell you what I know.” She said, leaning back a bit in her chair. “I am from a kingdom that used to be neighbors with Neozarria. And I was there when the kingdom fell.” Tempest looked at the other in shock. The shady pony continued. “I was the princess of the sister kingdom, Darkholm. And I was betrothed to the prince of Neozarria. I was to marry him to unite our kingdoms. But tragedy struck both kingdoms when word got out that the kings and queens were both assassinated.” The shady pony sighed. “It was the prince’s fault that mine and his parents were killed. He was like a tyrant and tried to control me and his kingdom. And that is why the kingdom fell.” The shady pony finished speaking. It was hard to see her face but if one could see it, they would see a sinister grin upon it.  Tempest sat back and couldn’t believe what she had heard. Was any of it true? Neozarria was no longer around, that much was true. But was Izar really the reason it had fallen? Tempest knew Izar had no memory of who he was, but…maybe he was faking it? She had so many questions.  “I’m sure you have questions. But I’d like to ask a few myself.” The shady pony said as she leaned forward. The little light that entered from a nearby window fell on her face. The shady pony had Scarlett red eyes and a dark gray coat. Her horn could be seen. And the mane that was showing was back and red. “How do you know about this kingdom and why do you ask about it?” She said, her voice calm but laced with a serious tone. Tempest could suddenly tell something about this unicorn before her wasn’t right. There was a nagging feeling that she couldn’t trust the unicorn. “Oh, a friend of mine asked me to do some research for her outside the borders of Equestria. She had found an old text about the kingdom and wanted to know more.” Tempest hoped that the shifty Unicorn would believe here. Something told her this unicorn was not to be trusted.  The shifty unicorn nodded. “I see.” She looked at the other unicorn with the broken horn. “And where is this Equestria?” She asked, Her tone of voice growing cold and sly. Tempest swallowed the lump in her throat. “Oh it is really far from here. It took me days to get here.” She lied. Tempest knew if she told this pony the truth, things might end up badly. And she needed a chance to warn Twilight about what she found out. But that chance wouldn’t happen.  The shifty pony stood up. “So you think lying to my face is going to help protect your kingdom, Tempest Shadow? That is laughable.” She let out a sinister chuckle. “My dear, you don’t know who you’re dealing with.”  Just then, Tempest was on the ground, pushed down by some powerful magic. Everyone else in the inn had fled and the Innkeeper was leading others out the back. Tempest grunted. “You…won’t get away…with whatever…your planning..” She managed to say.  The shady pony smiled and lowered her hood to show her sly yet sinister grin along with her long black and red mane. “Oh…that is where you are wrong.” She leaned down to be in Tempest’s face. “I have already won. And you have just given me the information I need to finish what I started. So just try to warn your friends. They won’t know peace for long.” She then laughed wickedly and before Tempest could say anything else, the other unicorn was gone. The magic holding Tempest to the ground was gone. She knew what she had to do. It might be pointless but she had to warn Twilight and Celestia of what was coming. And she had to do it now otherwise, there would be no hope of stopping whoever that wicked pony was. Danger was coming to Equestria yet again. And this time, it wouldn’t be as easy to defeat as past dangers had been.  -------- Back in the kingdom, three days had passed before the news about Tempest being attacked outside Equestria had reached Canterlot. Celestia was worried about this unknown Unicorn that was likely now a threat. It was clear from the information gathered that the mystery Unicorn knew something about Izar and his kingdom. Celestia even speculated that this Unicorn was the cause of Izar’s Kingdom falling into ruin and maybe the cause of his memory loss. But she wasn’t fully sure since the Information was so limited.  But Celestia had to decide if she should tell Izar about what she found out. Someone was after him, that much was clear. But if she told the prince, what would happen? How would he react knowing someone was hunting him down? Would he leave Equestria? Where would he go if he did leave? To Celestia, the thought of Izar leaving was…hard to think of to say the least. She had gotten so used to him being in her castle and being around. And her kingdom adored the Male Alicorn. Why would she take that away? Izar couldn’t leave. And Equestria could protect him. Celestia nodded to herself at her own justification of keeping Izar in her kingdom.“Right, I won’t tell him. At least not right now. This is for the good of my subjects…yeah, that’s why I won’t tell Izar.” Celestia muttered to herself while she walked down a hallway, still trying to justify her reasons to herself..  She didn’t even notice Izar was walking down the same hallway.  “Tell me what?” Izar said from behind Celestia which caused the princess to jump. She turned and looked to Izar, her face red from embarrassment.   “O-Oh nothing! It isn’t important!” She said quickly. “I was just talking to myself about something.” She said, trying to move on from her muttering before. “S-So! Izar, how do you like my kingdom?” She asked, trying a bit desperately to change the subject. Izar rolled his eyes and chuckled. “I like your kingdom a lot. The ponies and creatures here are so welcoming and kind. And not to mention friendly. If only my kingdom could have been the same.” He sighed. “Well uh, I better get going, I told Luna I’d meet with her this afternoon for tea.” He said. He flashed Celestia a smile and then walked past her down the hallway.  Once Izar was out of view, Celestia’s facial expression changed. When Izar had said he was meeting up with Luna, Celestia felt a pit in her stomach. Her heart sank and she felt annoyed again. But she still couldn’t figure out why this annoyed her. After all, Izar was just friends with her sister…right? They just had to be really good friends…that had to be it…right? But the fact that Izar was spending almost every day with Luna now bothered the sun princess more than she would like to admit. And she just couldn’t in the name of herself figure out why it bothered her so much. But this wasn’t Important, not right now.  She took a deep breath to collect herself then made her way toward the guard quarters to speak to the guard captain about upping the security measures around the castle and canterlot. Celestia told herself that protecting her subjects was what was important right now. Not some silly annoyance she didn’t understand. With the guard now upping their forces and the kingdom going on alert, Celestia was sure the mysterious pony she heard about wouldn’t be able to get into her kingdom, not without being spotted by a canterlot guard. But how mistaken she would be. Unbeknownst to the princess, the mysterious pony had powerful magics at her disposal. And those magics would be what she used to sneak under the princesses’ and prince’s nose before they could even find her.  What lies in store for Equestria? Only time will tell.  End of Chapter eight (Part 2)