• Published 21st Oct 2018
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Secrets and Lies (phase one) - keithsterling

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Chapter 8

January 14 2026, 14:30 hrs Equestria standard time, Office of President Luna Silverlight, Presidential Palace, Capital City of Mare Serenitatis, New Lunar Republic.

Hovering and watching through an outside window into President Luna Silverlight’s office at the Presidential Palace was Emperor Justice Silverlight who was using his ‘hide in plain sight’ ability. His sister-in-law, Luna, was attired in a black night pant suit and pewter black wedge sandals. Equestria was still whole at the time after a horrible misunderstanding with then Princess Celestia which landed him in the dungeon for several weeks in the Grand Royal Palace after being accused of betrayal by a rival.

Justice left the service of the Princess and joined the ranks of Princess Luna’s Night Guard as her Princess’s Protector, or more to the point, the Princess’s companion. During that time, under the command of Princess Luna, the two ponies became close to the point of starting a short term relationship.

As the relationship was starting to blossom, it came to an abrupt end when a kidnapping case in Ponyville occurred. Princess Celestia needed the help of her Royal Investigator Justice Silverlight to solve the case and put it to an end. That one event left lingering doubts in both ponies’ minds as to what the future would have been if that event never happened.

‘It had been many years since we ended that relationship between us. Your highness or should I say, Madam President. if that kidnapping case in Ponyville never happened, those foals of Celestia’s would have been yours. I would say a fitting reward for a mare who fought the darkness inside her and won. But I can’t complain, you treated my only son as your own foal.’ Justice thought as he waited for Luna to finish her paperwork for the day.

‘According to Somnus’ agenda for Luna. Between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm she finishes up her paperwork for the day and when she’s done she closes her office door and doesn’t allow anyone in other than Somnus himself. That’s when the two begin discussing important matters. Somnus said, that’s the best time to see Luna. because she is alone in her office.” Justice thought after a brief discussion with the guard outside her office door. Justice flies into the office, still using his ‘hide in plain sight’ ability to remain hidden from Luna.

“Sir Silverlight, dispel the ability you are using to stay hidden from my sight. I set this little play up for your benefit. Do you really think I would stick to such an obvious pattern like this. Plus if you cared to ask Somnus about how I dressed he would have told you I never wear dress sandals during the work day. I wear only pumps when I am working.” Luna explains as Justice dispels the hide in plain sight ability reappearing in front of Luna.

Suddenly her eyes moist with joy upon seeing Justice. Since Justice’s death, Luna has always regretted writing the Royal dispatch that reassigned Royal Investigator Justice Silverlight back to her sister’s command. But at the time, she did it for the good of her subjects and not for her heart. With no other words, Luna runs up to Justice, wraps her arms and wings around him. It’s been too long since she felt the strong embrace of her former Princess’s companion Justice Silverlight. Soon Luna’s face is etched with sorrow knowing that Justice can no longer be hers, as he is now married to Celestia.

“I am sorry my love, but we could never return to the past, your future is with my sister, Celestia. She needs you more than I do. besides your son Somnus has allowed me to see the future I could have had with you. He is as loyal to me as you were.” Luna comments as she strolls back over to her desk and sits down on top of it.

“I bet you are wondering how I know, Justice?” Luna inquiries as Justice shook his head.

“As I said Somnus is ‘very loyal’ to me. On his return to Mare Serenitatis from the Friendship Kingdom. He spoke to me at the Presidential mansion and told me that his father had been reborn as an Alicorn.” Luna explains as Justice walks up to her and touches the end of her snout with his finger.

“You have too much pull on that colt of mine, Luna, But I could not have it any other way or wanted it any other way.” Justice commented as Luna giggles knowing that this is what his parents wanted.

“But you didn’t come to reunite with me just for that, did you Justice. How can your Princess help her loyal knight?” Luna asks as it feels a bit strange to refer to herself by her old equestrian royal title.

“After I saved Twilight from her captive, she kept repeating in her unconscious state the word ‘Harmony’. I am wondering if it could mean something to do with a dream. Since you are the Princess of Dreams and the Night. I am hoping you have the answer to it, Luna.” Justice asked as Luna thought for some time trying to figure out what the word ‘Harmony’ meant.

“You know something Justice, the word ‘Harmony’ might have nothing to do with a dream. (Floating a piece of paper out of her desk drawer) It could have to do with this.” Luna comments as she floats the paper into justice’s hand. In his hand, he held what looked like the plans to build an advanced dreadnought. The name on the paper was ‘FKS Harmony’.

“Huh? The FKS Harmony?” Justice said puzzled as Luna figured her sister had no idea that this vessel even existed, which meant that Twilight was keeping the existence of this vessel secret and gathered the rest of the components covertly from each land.

“What’s the meaning of this Luna?” Justice questioning as Luna message Somnus to come to her office ASAP.

“Let’s wait for Somnus to arrive, Justice. Till then let’s just talk.” Luna suggests as the two Alicorn just have a long conversation together as they wait for Somnus to arrive at the office.

It’s an hour later as Somnus arrives in his aunt’s office. Upon his arrival, Somnus sits down on the chair in front of Luna’s desk. Luna hops back up on to her desk again, as Somnus’ father leans against the desk next to Luna.

“You sent for me, auntie and Greetings father.” Somnus said politely

“Yes, I did Somnus. Could you explain to your father how the NLR came about discovering the ‘FKS Harmony’.” Luna asked as Somnus shook his head.

“It was about a year after mother sent me to live with Auntie as I was fairly new to the NLR customs. Auntie appointed me her executive assistant so I could learn the customs of the NLR. During a tour of NLR foundries in the City of Selene, I was handed an invoice for a huge quantity of armor plates the buyer of the armor plates was Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Friendship Kingdom. Because I was her executive assistant, I approved the sale to the Friendship Kingdom. But it seemed strange to me after approving small quantities of the armor plates to the Friendship Kingdom that they would order such a huge amount, so I asked for a copy of the bill of sale.” Somnus explains as Luna takes over the story from Somnus.

“That evening Somnus brought me the copy of the bill of sale. He aired his concerns to me and I reassured him I would look into it. To put his mind at ease, I told him I would start in the morning. That morning I looked into the records of past sales to the Friendship Kingdom and like Somnus said it was unusual for the Friendship Kingdom to buy that amount of armor plate for any reason. That evening I brought what I uncovered back to the mansion with me. As I was taking my shoes off, a worried Somnus asked me what I discovered through my investigation, I took him into my study and set out everything I uncovered.” Luna explains as Somnus takes up the story again.

“As I feared it was not normal for the Friendship Kingdom to buy that much armor plate from the NLR. Auntie and I continued to discuss what she uncovered through her investigation. That’s when she decided to dispatch her Shadow Guard Secret Agents to the Friendship Kingdom to find out why they ordered that quantity of armor plates the only thing they were able to uncover was the plans for that advanced dreadnought of the ‘FKS Harmony’.” Somnus explains as Justice wondered if the project was started.

“Do you know if the project was started?” Justice asks as Luna and Somnus look at each other for awhile.

“To be very honest, Justice, we have no idea if the project was started. After receiving those plans from Shadow Guard, everything went quiet in the Friendship Kingdom.” Luna explains rubbing her chin with her hand.

“I see, do you mind, if I take these plans with me, Luna?” Justice asks as she looks at Somnus who shrugged his shoulders.

“Before I say ‘yes’ Justice, what are your plans for them?” Luna inquiries as he had a smile on his face.

“Your armor plate is just one component of this ship, she needs weapons and instruments still. Plus I know who to ask about the weapons.” Justice comment as he looks at Somnus.

“You are referring to Aurora, correct father?” Somnus answered as Justice shook his head and left the office.

January 14, 2026, 17:00 hrs Equestria Standard Time, Family room: Private living area, Old Grand Royal Palace, Capital City of Canterlot, Solar Empire.

Soaking her tired feet in a warm water solution, in the family room, wearing a cardinal red lace fit and flare dress and her Princess’s regalia was Imperial Solar Princess Aurora Silverlight. A pair of unbuckled light gold heeled sandals rest next to her chair. With her mother, Solar Empress Celestia Silverlight in the Principality of Dream Valley, waiting for Princess Twilight Sparkle to recover, the Imperial Solar Princess’ has taken over temporary rule of the Solar Empire.

By mother’s light, ruling the Solar Empire is exhausting. but I wouldn’t have it any other way, one day I will be the Solar Empress.’Aurora thought as she sank deeper into the comfortable chair, as the wonderful warm water solution works away the soreness of her submerged immaculate feet.

“EEK!” Aurora exclaims as her heart pumps spontaneously in her chest as her father instantly appears from a wormhole portal in front of her.

“Father! Are you trying to scare the hay out of me? Or worst give me a heart attack?” Aurora said sourly as she placed her hand on her chest trying to get her heart beat under control.

“I am sorry Aurora.” Justice said apologetic as he bent down and placed a kiss on his daughter’s cheek.

“But I need your help Aurora, does your mother allow you access to past invoices of goods bought from the Solar Empires?” Justice inquiries as Aurora begins to pull her feet out of the small tub on the floor, and begins drying them with a nearby towel.

“Yes father, she does, may I ask you why?” Aurora answers drying off her whole foot and between her five toes.

“I am looking for huge quantity of weapon components bought by one land.” Justice said as Aurora gets to her feet and padded in her barefeet toward the records room of the Palace with her invisible father followed right behind her. In the records room, from a nearby file cabinet, Aurora brings out a huge ledger of invoices and sets it on a table before pulling a chair in front of it for her to sit down.

“Could you tell me the land you are interested in, Father? It will go so much easier if I knew the name of the land.” Aurora inquiry as she places a pair of reading glasses on her snout.

“I’d rather not say Aurora, I just want you to see if you come across any unusual number of weapon components bought from the Solar Empire.” Justice explains as she begins to flip through the ledger looking for any unusual activity with weapon sale components.

(An hour later)

“I am sorry father, but I have found nothing unusual with weapon sale components, except for one thing.” Aurora comments as it gets her father’s attention.

“Like what, Aurora?” Justice asks

“The Concord Company bought a number of Gauss Cannon components over a number of years.” Aurora comment

“A Gauss Cannon?” Justice said confused as Aurora stood up and walked over to the maximum security door toward the far back of the records room. After pressing her thumb onto a glowing box, followed by scanning her eye, the door opens up and she walks in. A moment later, she exits the door carrying a file with her and handed it to her father.

In his hand, were the plans for a magnetic acceleration weapon. It had a solid base and two solid rods with two shorter rods sticking out of the base. It could be mounted on an armored vehicle or mounted in a fixed position.

“What’s this, Aurora?” Justice asked looking at the file in his hand.

“This is Project ‘Magnetic Charge’ or file number 1291GC, A Gauss Cannon. This weapon accelerates a shell to hypersonic speed using magnets this weapon is very deadly when fired. When it hits the target, it cause maximum damage by sending out a shockwave in all directions. But when combined with a highly explosive shell, this weapon can level a whole city block in one or two shots. But this project was a failure after the first shot, the weapon is useless. The Electromagnetic pulse it produces fries all instrumentation. Making it unusable for a weapon.” Aurora explains as Justice continues flipping through the file.

“If this project is a failure, why buy the components for the weapon, Aurora?” Justice ask

“Pretty simple, father. All the Solar Empire scientists agree by specially designing the instrumentation for that weapon it could be a very viable weapon. But that would cost a lot of time and bits to make that happen. No land wants to spend that much time on fixing a bug that big.” Aurora explains as she picks up the ledger and file, she re-files them where they belong before walking back over to her father.

“Now your turn, father. I did as you asked, now I wish to know why?” Aurora comment as she leans against the table.

“Indeed Aurora. But do we have a more private place to talk than this file room?” Justice inquiry as Aurora shook her head and gestured her father to follow her again.

Its few moments later, Aurora and her father stand in a small office away from the main part of the old Grand Royal Palace. In the room, Justice unrolls the plan for the advanced dreadnought called the ‘FKS Harmony’. Aurora’s face grows haggard with worry as she sets her eyes on the plans for this deadly vessel. Soon her expression switches to furious expression as the name on the plans read ‘Friendship Kingdom’.

“What is the meaning of this, father!?” Aurora said acidly slamming her fist on the desk on top of the plans.

“Is this vessel operational!?” Aurora said indignantly as her sleek equine muscles tighten to a dangerous level.

“Aurora please calms yourself. That is what I am trying to find out.” Justice concerned as he lifted his daughter’s hand off the desk and gently pulled his daughter toward him to hug her. Soon he feels Aurora’s muscles slowly relaxing throughout her whole body. Before letting go, Aurora kisses him on his cheek to thank him for it.

“What do you know father?” Aurora ask calmly

“What I know right now is, the Friendship Kingdom bought huge quantities of armor plates from NLR. If the pattern holds, they bought the weapon components from the Solar Empire so that only leaves one thing.” Justice comment as Aurora knew what was left.

“The instrument components. Those you can buy from the Crystal Empire. So your next stop, father, is with Princess Cadence and Blueberry. I shall keep what I know secret from Mother. Good luck father.” Aurora said honorably as she once again kissed her father on his cheek.