• Published 21st Oct 2018
  • 827 Views, 6 Comments

Secrets and Lies (phase one) - keithsterling

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Chapter 1

December 28, 2025, 16:30 hrs Equestria Standard time, Presidential Palace, Office of President Luna Silverlight, capital city of Mare Serenitatis, New Lunar Republic.

President Luna Silverlight’s office is a huge, lushly carpeted room with dark paneling and subdued lighting that gives off a slight hint of ultimate power. Sitting behind an oak desk, finishing up a conference call, wearing a gray pant suit was President Luna Silverlight. A moment later, the double wooden door opened and in enters a young, handsome 6ft 2in light blue unicorn stallion with a crimson red mane and tail. He was attired in a light gray uniform of a soldier in the New Lunar Republic Military. Upon seeing the stallion President Luna ends the call and stands up to walk over to him.

As she approaches, the alicorn mare towers over him by several inches. She gestures for him to wait right there. She walks back over, next to her desk, removes her pumps and walks back over to him. She wraps her arms and wings around him in a loving embrace.

“You know you are the only one I can accommodate this way, but I guess that’s the perks of being related to me, isn’t that right, nephew.” Luna comments as she puts her arms behind her back and gestures him with her head to walk beside her so they can talk.

This unicorn stallion is Solar Prince Somnus Silverlight and nephew of President Luna Silverlight. After the birth of Celestia’s three foals, many years earlier, in an attempt to maintain a peace treaty with her sister’s New Lunar Republic she sent her only son (when he was old enough) Somnus to live with her. This incredible political maneuver executed by Empress Celestia Silverlight (his mother) solidified the peace treaty between the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic.

Empress Celestia has done a similar political maneuver with her youngest daughter Solar Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight by sending her to live with her cousin, Princess Cadence Sparkle and her family in the Crystal Empire. Her eldest daughter, Solar Princess Aurora Silverlight travels between all the lands as the ambassador from the Solar Empire. These three foals of Celestia maintain the peace treaty for all the lands

“You sent for me auntie?” Somnus said walking beside the barefooted President Luna

“That I did, Somnus. Latest intelligence says, an unknown group is planning something during the New Year. My shadow guard has been unable to learn any more about the plot.” Luna said, worried as she hops up onto the balustrade of a balcony, overlooking the courtyard of the presidential palace.

“Do you want me to handle it, Auntie?” Somnus suggests leaning against the balustrade beside President Luna as she folds and unfolds her wings on her back.

“Not just yet, Somnus, I don’t want to endanger my shadow guard secret agents that are investigating these groups that seem to pop-up every year. I thought I should bring the information to your attention, Somnus besides you’ve been running covert ops for the New Lunar Republic since your mother sent you to live with me as part of maintaining the peace treaty I barely see you around the Presidential manor anymore, I kind of miss, you and I want you to spend New Year’s Eve with me this year.” Luna said, with a hitch in her voice as Somnus leans over and kisses his aunt on her cheek.

“All right, Auntie I’ll spend New Year’s Eve with you. Besides, I completed all my covert missions with the intention of surprising you with me attending Mare Serenitatis New Year’s Eve ball that you host every year at the Presidential Manor. Plus, you must give me the first dance with you.” Somnus explains as Luna’s eyes brim with joy at hearing the news.

“Oh, of course, Somnus you may have the first dance with me and any other dance you would like with me.” Luna explains as she returns her nephew’s kiss on his cheek.

December 28, 2025, 17:30 hrs Equestria standard time, Old Grand Royal Palace, Office of Empress Celestia Silverlight, Capital City of Canterlot, Solar Empire.

The Office of Empress Celestia Silverlight is a medium sized room, lushly carpeted with a dark wood paneling. The subdued lighting gives off a hint of power, leaning against the front of her oak desk. Wearing a blue green colored slightly below the knee length dress with gold sporty stacked cork sandals was Empress Celestia Silverlight. To round out her outfit, she was wearing her Imperial’s regalia. Standing in the same room with her, was a beautiful 6ft 4in younger, light blue Alicorn mare with a crimson red mane and tail. She was attired in a peach color, lace fit and flare dress with light gold heeled sandals. She was also wearing her Princess’s regalia. This younger Alicorn mare is Solar Princess Aurora Silverlight, the eldest daughter of the Solar Empress Celestia.

“I am sending you to the Friendship Kingdom for the New Year, Aurora.” Celestia comments as a bothered look appears on Aurora’s face.

“What! Mother? You told me that I would have the month of January off to catch up on my royal duties. I have so many appointments during that month that I can’t leave the Solar Empire to go. I was not expected to visit the Friendship Kingdom till sometime in February.” Aurora said indignantly as she shot a frigid stare towards her mother.

“Aurora, don’t give your mother that look. Last I checked, I am the Empress of the Solar Empire my word is law and plans can be changed, you, Solar Princess Aurora Silverlight are my subordinate. I have the right to send you anywhere I like. Do I make myself clear.” Celestia said imperious as Aurora storms out of the office fuming.

A moment later, from the small balcony, just outside the office, enters a majestic dark blue 6ft 6in imperator alicorn stallion anthro with a crimson red mane and tail. He was attired in a gray striped business suit with black dress boots. Resting against his back, was a pair of gold biomechanical feathery bird wings. This imperator alicorn stallion is Emperor Justice Silverlight, Celestia’s late husband and the father of the Royal Foals.

After dying many years earlier, his spirit return to his home in the stars. Over the next few years (which is shorter than anyone thinks for species born from the stars) Justice was reborn into his current form of Golden Paramount. Upon recovering all his lost memories, he seeks out his beloved Princess Celestia and found her still remaining loyal to him. Upon reuniting with him, the broken heart that Celestia had mended and the love between them was rekindled. To keep the existence of his species a secret, he asks his beloved Celestia, not to tell anyone that he’s returned, not even their own foals.

“How long have you been standing there Justice?” Celestia inquiries as she walks over to him so she can embrace him.

“Long enough, Celestia.” Justice answers as he returns his wife’s hug before placing a kiss on her lips.

“Now tell me Celestia, why were you so nasty toward our eldest daughter? That mare is very loyal to you as our other foals are.” Justice comments as his wife takes hold of his hand and walks him over to the sofa in her office to talk.

“I wouldn’t have to be so nasty towards any of our foals if they didn’t have some of your personality in them.” Celestia comments, sitting down on the sofa as she reaches down with her hand and unbuckles both her sandals from her sore feet.

“Meaning?” Justice inquires as Celestia scoots further down on the sofa (her legs are longer that any other pony breed other than an imperator Alicorn).

“Meaning, if you had a lot of royal duties to perform in the giving month would you leave the Empire and go to the Friendship Kingdom. If not ordered by Empress of the Solar Empire.” Celestia comments resting her white plushy bare feet on Justice’s lap.

“Probably not, Celestia.” Justice answers as he begins to massage his wife’s sore feet this relaxes her, making her more open to talk about anything.

“Point taken, Mr Silverlight.” Celestia said relaxed

“There’s more to sending our daughter to the Friendship Kingdom isn’t there, Mrs. Silverlight?” Justice asks probing covertly his wife’s relaxed state of mind, a trick he picked up when he first married her to get her to talk about something she wanted to keep secret.

“Our Solar Guard military intelligences intercepted a communiqué from an unknown group saying they are planning something during the New Year and it involves the Friendship Kingdom the transmission stops before they could learn anything else about the plot, Huh!!” Celestia exclaims, realizing that her husband got her to spill the beans why she was sending their daughter to the Friendship Kingdom.

“Oh!” Celestia exclaims, as she yanks her feet off Justice’s lap and sits on them, before wrapping her hands around her snout to keep her from laughing. She forgot how good her husband was at getting her to spill the beans by doing something so sweet for her. It always gets her.

“You’re so rotten, Justice get me to spill the beans by doing something as innocent as rubbing my feet but that’s one reason I love you so much (planting a kiss on his lips).” Celestia said loving and forgiving as she lies down on the sofa and places her head on to his lap as he floats her imperial tiara onto her desk. With that, the two Alicorns begin to talk as Justice holds his wife’s left hand in his.

December 28, 2025, 19:30 hrs Equestria standard time, Crystal Garden of Crystal palace, Crystal Palace, capital city the Crystal City, Crystal Empire.

In the Crystal Garden of the Crystal Palace, Princess Cadence Sparkle is attired in a lemon colored top of the knee length dress with light gold gladiator sandals. She observes a light anomaly from a small balcony attached to the palace. Intrigued, Cadence spreads her wings and flies down to the entrance of the Crystal garden to investigate the strange light.

‘My uncle is the only one that knows how to use that signal to get my attention. But he died so long ago taking that secret with him. It could be nothing, but the northern lights’ playing tricks on my eyes but I must know for sure. if the signal is from my late uncle, the answers can be found at the Crystal Statue of Princess Amore, the first ruler of the Crystal Empire’ Cadence thought continuing down the path.

As Cadence reached the fountain, standing next to it, with his back turned towards her was her late uncle Justice Silverlight. He was sporting a pair of gold, biomechanical, steel feathery bird wings folded on his back. Upon sensing the approach of his adopted niece Princess Cadence Sparkle, Justice slowly turned around to face her.

“I see you have not forgotten about the signal we used when I wanted to speak to you alone, niece.” Justice said friendly as Cadence’s breath quickens in her throat believing this alicorn was not her uncle.

“No! you can’t be my uncle Justice he was a unicorn and not an Alicorn. I was present at his funeral when he was buried It took me so long to get over his loss Who are you, using my uncle’s likeness against me!” Cadence said violently as she charged a magic beam and fired it at the Alicorn stallion.

Faster than Cadence could perceive the movement, the Alicorn stallion slapped away the magic beam and sent it skyward. Before she could charge a second magic beam, a powerful gust of wind knocked her off her feet. A moment later, magic bindings formed around her curvy figure, locking her arms to her side and her wings on her back.

Soon the magic bindings locked her ankles together, making her unable to run. To add more anxiety to her already frayed mind, a magic rope forms around her snout making her unable to scream for help. The Alicorn stallion walks over to her and picks her up off the ground. He sits Cadence down on the edge of the fountain before kneeling down in front of her.

“I am truly sorry for this, my dear niece but something tells me until I prove that I am your uncle Justice you will not listen to me.” Justice said sorry as Cadence’s eyes narrowed in contempt toward her captor. For the next few minutes, Justice thought for a long while trying to remember something that only he and Cadence would remember. Then he remembers something.

“Last time we had lunch together in Canterlot, the bands on your sandals broke. You didn’t want to walk back to the palace barefooted (blink with surprise), so we stopped at a shoe store to find a new pair for you. You looked at all the displays in the store and found a pair like your old ones (shook her head). You asked the sale pony to see if he had your size in stock. He went into the back to look (shook her head again). As we were waiting for the sales pony to return, I teasingly said how much fun it would be to tickle the feet of the Princess of Love.” Justice explained as tears began running down her cheeks, realizing it was her uncle.

“You saw the fear in my eyes because I didn’t know if you would do it In that moment, you promised me you would never do anything like that to me. because you loved me too much and didn’t want to hurt that.” Cadence explains as Justice dispels the magic binding allowing her to hug him.

“The shoe store was empty that day so there was no way any pony other than my own uncle would know that story. but that brings up another question. Celestia said you died a week after our last lunch. That’s one reason it took me so long to recover, that day you look so healthy. Then a week later, Celestia informed me of your sudden passing I was devastated because I was in such a hurry to get home I never said ‘good-bye’.” Cadence said guilty as her beautiful face lost all expression.

“Now Cadence stop with beating yourself up about it. You had no way of knowing that I would have suddenly died. It was a surprise to me as well plus I felt you said good-bye without saying a word.” Justice said reassuring as Cadence cheered-up.

“Thank you uncle I forgot how much you embodied what I represent and I thank you for that.” Cadence said, as she once again, hugged her uncle.

“But uncle what happen to you? You were a unicorn when you died. But you returned as an Alicorn.” Cadence ask sitting back on the edge of the fountain, crossing her leg over the other and resting her elbows on her knee.

“Nothing happen Cadence, the form you see standing before you is my true form. I am an Imperator Alicorn (raising his hand to stop her from asking the question). All you need to know about an Imperator Alicorn is that we are born from the stars, my species goes back further than Celestia and Luna species does.” Justice explains as Cadence shook her head.

“You didn’t come to visit me just to tell me that. Did you uncle?” Cadence comment

“You are right, Cadence, I came to give you a warning.” Justice said

“A warning? about what?” Cadence ask

“Solar Guard Military Intelligences discovered a plot from an unknown group that involves the Friendship Kingdom. It will happen during the New Year and that all I know. Since your Crystal Empire is the closest. I brought you this warning because I don’t want you to get hurt in this plot. I would never forgive myself if you get hurt, Cadence.” Justice explains as Cadence stood on her tip-toes to kiss the much taller Alicorn on his cheek to reassuring him.

“I thank you for worrying about this Alicorn, uncle. I’ll be careful.” Cadence say reassuringly as she flew back to the palace.