• Published 21st Oct 2018
  • 828 Views, 6 Comments

Secrets and Lies (phase one) - keithsterling

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Chapter 7 -last chapter for 2018

January 11, 2026, 11:00 hrs Equestria standard time, long abandoned castle, Friendship Kingdom Territory, Friendship Kingdom

During a quiet day at the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville, Harmonia created a distraction that drew the bulk of Twilight’s Royal Guards Forces from the castle to investigate the disturbance in the city. In that split second, Harmonia created her wormhole portal and snatched Princess Twilight Sparkle out of her castle. As she hoped, the system shock caused by Twilight’s terran alicorn physique rendered her unconscious for several hours. This allowed Harmonia to finish preparations for the interrogation of Princess Twilight Sparkle to get her to cough up the location and command codes she needs to activate ‘FKS Harmony’, the ultimate final solution weapon of the Friendship Kingdom.

With all the preparations for the interrogation now complete, Harmonia used her telekinesis ability to float the floppy and limp, purple Alicorn Princess onto the table. The four clamps on the table lineup perfectly with the 5ft 5in Alicorn figure of this purple mare, even her wings slotted perfectly into notches cut into the surface of the table. Before waking up the terran alicorn princess, she slides a bar across the wings, locking them in place.

Slowly, Harmonia places Twilight’s wrists into each clamp and locks them. Then down by her feet,Harmonia first removes her gold pumps from her small plush and smooth, purple colored feet with mint green colored nail polish and tosses them aside, clamping her ankles. Before she forgets, she casts the stasis lock on Twilight’s horn negating her magic use. With malicious delight on her snout, Harmonia begins to create two small energy balls in both of her hands. When they are complete, she sets them on a table beside Twilight’s feet.

After waking up Twilight, she inserts the magic balls into the soles of Twilight’s barefeet. These magic balls will cause Twilight’s feet to become more sensitive to a light stroke, the first step in weakening her resistance to Harmonia’s interrogation and coughing up the information she needs. With a satisfying grin on her snout, Harmonia creates a small bucket of water, sufficient enough to wake her up but not drown her. Before dumping the contents of the bucket on her helpless, victim she activates her 'hide in plain sight ability' to enhance Twilight’s anxiety.


Soon the moderate violet eyes of Princess Twilight Sparkle become saucers. As panic sets in, she can’t move her arms, legs and wings in any direction. She next tries to use her magic to escape but it fizzles out because of the stasis lock on her horn. A few moments later, Princess Twilight Sparkle stops trying to escape and lies down on the table defeated; resigning herself to meek whimpering hoping some pony will come to save her. Five minutes later, Harmonia dispels her 'hide in plain sight ability' and reappears. Upon seeing the other mare, Twilight’s face flushed with happiness.

“Please, can you help me?” Twilight asks, as Harmonia, in silence, walks down to her feet and picks up one of the balls. She gently pushes back Twilight’s five toes, making the sole of her foot taut; she pushes the energy ball into her foot and does the same with the other.

“What did you do to my feet?!” Twilight said sourly as she felt something being inserted into the taut soles of her feet. With that, Harmonia walks back next to Twilight’s head.

“Now we just wait, your highness.” Harmonia said.

The spell begins its work inside Twilight’s feet. Like a popped balloon, the magic energy begins coating all the nerve endings in her feet exciting them and making them more sensitive.

On the outside, there is no visible change to Twilight’s small purple feet. It’s not until a number of light breezes from a crack in the wall blow across the soles her feet that she quickly bites down on her tongue to keep herself from laughing.

Harmonia blinks with surprise, as Twilight begins to recite numerous book passages she has read in her lifetime, trying to block out the horrible tickle sensation happening to her exposed feet.

Harmonia points her finger toward the crack and seals it with her magic. This allows Twilight to calm down and begin to catch her breath. Very curious, Harmonia moves back down toward Twilight’s feet. She waits for Twilight to completely compose herself, before testing her hypothesis.

She crouches down toward her feet and lightly blows in the center of her right foot. This causes Twilight to arch her back and she screams as loud as she can ‘No’. To make sure it was not a fluke, she blows in the exact same place on her left foot and gets the same results.

“Well my-my-my. It looks like this simple spell I was planning to use to weaken you will serve my purposes perfectly.” Harmonia comment

“Your purpose?” Twilight says exhausted

“What do you want from me?’ Twilight responds with a hoarse voice

“Oh nothing, other than the location and command codes to activate ‘FKS Harmony’ your ultimate final solution weapon.” Harmonia explains as Twilight shakes her head.

“I will never give you the command codes or location of the ‘FKS Harmony’ no matter what you do to me.” Twilight said bravely, knowing full well that the whole speech is nothing but hot air. As the light tickle on her foot weakens her resistances, it’s only a matter of time before she will cough up the location and command codes.

“Shall we get started, your highness, and see how long it will take for you to cough up the location and command codes for me?” Harmonia said ominous as she twists a real white feather between her fingers in full view of Twilight.

“NO!!!!” Twilight lets out a strangled cry as Harmonia begins to run the very tip of the feather across Twilight’s hyper sensitive soles. The effect is instant as gales of laughter escape Twilight’s lips, which slowly chip away at her resistance and her strong will.

(4 hours later)

“Pleeeheeaseee, Stop this, I can’t, take anymore of thissss.” Twilight shouts as Harmonia allows the feather to continue teasing Twilight’s poor feet.

“Pleeeheeaseee, Pleeeheeaseee, whatever you want, but Pleeeheeaseee, ceases your tickle torture on my helpless feeeeet!” Twilight cries feeling defeated as tears streak her cheeks.

“So your highness, if you want me to stop, location and command codes.” Harmonia asks as the broken Twilight shook her head slightly in agreement.

“You must input the command codes in this exact order to activate the ship’s systems.
1. Magic
2. Honesty
3. Kindness
4. Generosity
5. Laughter
6. Loyalty
Elements of Harmony execute royal activation.” Twilight explains as the free floating feather continues to tickle her feet, a constant reminder of how weak she is.

“FKS Harmony, is located in a hidden cove about a mile from the borders of the Crystal Empire, My sister-in-law Cadence has no idea we stashed our ultimate final solution weapon that close to her borders.” Twilight explains as she passes out from the exhaustion.

To add insult to injury, Harmonia creates a second feather to tickle both her feet at the same time, this causes the unconscious Twilight to develop an involuntary twitch as each feather strokes the underside of her feet.

January 11, 2026, 15:00 hrs Equestria Standard Time, Half Moon Hidden Cove, Secret Naval Base for the Friendship Kingdom, Friendship Kingdom Territory.

After several hours of searching the Half Moon Hidden Cove, Harmonia located the secret Naval Base of the Friendship Kingdom. Berthed at a heavy fortified wharf on the south side of the cove was an 860 ft long, heavily armored, dreadnought with the most formidable armaments known in Equestria. The two most notable armaments were the two Gauss Cannons located on the bow and aft of ship. When fired, the Gauss cannons accelerate the shell to hypersonic speed on impact. It left no doubt that target has suffered tremendous damage, if not destroyed.

Walking from bow to aft of the ship on an irregular patrol route were two earth ponies wearing the standard combat body armor and armed with the standard assault pulse rifle. While walking along the pier were a group of four unicorn ponies wearing standard combat body armor and armed with PMP 5. Patrolling the cove were two patrol boats with four pony crews armed with pulse chain guns. After concluding the initial reconnaissance mission, Harmonia set to work figuring out a plan to take the FKS Harmony. She figures she has several days before Twilight’s Royal Guard Forces will locate their missing Princess in the abandoned castle in the Friendship Kingdom territory.

January 11, 2026, 16:00 hrs Equestria Standard time, Long abandoned castle Friendship Kingdom Territory, Castle dungeon, Friendship Kingdom Territory, Friendship Kingdom.

Meanwhile, flying over the outer territory of Friendship Kingdom was Emperor Justice Silverlight. He was on his way back to the Principality of Dream Valley where his wife, Empress Celestia Silverlight is still recovering in the hospital after using a one way wormhole portal to escape Harmonia in Canterlot. As he passes over the ruins of an ancient castle, a sudden lighting storm kicks up. As metal wings on his back are a wonderful lighting rod, Justice decides it best to land and wait out the storm.

Justice comes in for a landing and walks into the ruins to get out of the rain. The interior of the ruins were pitch black so Justice switches over to his thermo sight to navigate his way through the ruins. As he walks through the chilly ruins of this ancient building, the drip drop of raindrops echoes loudly in the empty corridors of this castle.

A sudden lighting flash causes Justice to revert back to his normal vision. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of something like gold on the floor. He moves towards the object as a second lightning bolt flashes, lighting up the area. Haphazardly tossed on the floor was a pair of mare’s size 10 gold leather pumps. He activated his unicorn light spell so he could examine the shoes a little bit better. In the glow of the light spell, he sees a pair of shoes that look fairly new. Wondering how the pumps could end-up in the ruins of the castle, Justice begins to search for the owner of the shoes.

“Twilight!”, Justice exclaims. His light spell falls on the unconscious figure of the purple alicorn mare lying on the table. She was attired in a green short sleeve sheath dress, still wearing her Princess’s regalia. The only thing missing were her shoes as her bare feet were exposed to the air.

Two small feathers continue to stroke her feet causing her to twitch after each stroke. With a wave of his hand, he dispels the magic feathers. He places his ear onto Twilight’s chest and can hear a weak heartbeat. After finding out she’s still alive, Justice begins to remove the clamps holding her to the table. He carefully lifts the unconscious alicorn mare and holds her in his arms. He opens a wormhole portal to Dream Valley to seek immediate medical care as the chill inside the ruins drop Twilight’s body temperature below a normal mare’s temperature.

January 11, 2026, 17:00 hrs Equestria standard time, Horsehead Nebula hospital, Princess Twilight Sparkle’s hospital room, Capital City of Chimera, Principality of Dream Valley.

In the hospital room of Princess Twilight Sparkle was Solar Empress Celestia Silverlight and her husband Solar Emperor Justice Silverlight. Standing in front of the hospital window looking outside was a glum Celestia. Suddenly a pair of strong dark blue arms slips underneath her arm and close around her underneath her perfect breasts. It feels kinda of strange to Celestia; she normally is the one that tries to make her husband feel better, but this time the roles are reversed as Justice tries to make his wife feel better. He whispers something into his wife’s ear and she nods her head in agreement with his suggestion.

In the bright sun of the Capital City of Chimera, exiting the front door of the hospital was Justice. He was attired in a leaf green short-sleeve wrinkle-free oxford dress shirt and timber wolf brown pleated pants with black dress boots. He was holding the hand of his wife Celestia. She was attired in a sapphire blue slightly below knee length dress and gold heeled sandals.

Both their wings were folded on their backs as they strolled down the sidewalk of this Capital City. Everywhere the couple walked, the Imperator Alicorn population would show them the upmost respect by bowing and greeting them as friends, an ideal gesture that has been long forgotten after the death of the Tree of Harmony in this new Equestria.

In a small park about three miles from the hospital, Celestia sits down on a bench to rest her feet after walking around the Capital City of Chimera for about half an hour with her husband. The terran alicorn mare was waiting for her husband to return with two bottles of water for them to drink from a nearby cart.

She is approached by a small group of young Imperator Alicorns, both fillies and colts, who are fascinated by the look of the Terran Alicorn mare sitting in front of them. A comment from one of the colt causes Celestia to blush as he said ‘she looks like a goddess’. The only response Celestia could muster was nervous laughter from the comment. Soon the group breaks up and runs off. Justice returns carrying two bottles of water for them. Celestia unscrews the top of the bottle and takes a good drink of water before turning to Justice to ask him a quick question.

“That colt called me a goddess, Justice, But if you look around here, I am nothing special, I look a lot like some of these mares around here, Why did that colt call me a Goddess?” Celestia inquires taking another drink of water from the bottle.

“The answer is simple Celestia, you are perfect in form and shape. Most imperator alicorn mare are not as perfect as you.” Justice comment.

Before Celestia could respond Justice unbuckles her sandal and tickles the underside of her fairly large foot. She laughs for a few minutes before she able to get her foot away from Justice, who was trying to hold her foot still.

“Oh Justice, I am just perfectly ticklish, that’s all I am.” Celestia comments as she rebuckled her sandal back on her foot.

“But anyway Justice. You wanted to ask me something, that’s why you suggested this walk.” Celestia inquiry as Justice shook his head.

“When I brought Twilight through the wormhole portal to Dream Valley. She kept repeating ‘Harmony’ over and over again as in some kind of a dream. Do you have any idea what that word means, Celestia?” Justice inquiry as Celestia thought for some time until she finally answers the question.

“In the old Equestria Twilight was an element of harmony, her element was magic. It’s the only context I can think of for the word ‘Harmony’. But if you are talking about dreams, best go talk to Luna about it. She is the princess of dreams and all things night. That’s my suggestion Justice. Plus, I think it’s about time you reunited with Luna.” Celestia comment as Justice shook his head.