• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 15 Comments

When Runes Come - deathisupon

humans have come to Equestria by accident and have to save the world from darkness (KH crossover)

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Chapter 23: interrogating plus the return to crazy

The first thing I did when I got to the castle was go to where we would interrogate the assaulters. I'm going to call the hoods for now cause I'm too lazy to say the whole thing. Once i entered i got in the chair and started writing down ideas for integrating spells. Since everything magic related comes from the same source then there must be a way to get any combination of spells. But the problem is how the Keyblades convert the magic on the outside into Mystic Arts.

The first thing I noticed when I started experimenting with magic that it's the keyblade somehow converting magic. lets put it like this so people who don't understand the complexities of magic is that the magic in the air all around the world of Equestria is a more 'pure' form while the magic in the keyblade is converted to 'diluted' magic. it's like trying to mix salt water with fresh water. It just doesn't help because unless your dehydrated the salt will just get rid of the water in the body. So there is a couple of ways to solve the problem but... I'd rather not kill a Unicorn or Alicorn just to upgrade my magic capabilities.

So while jotting down ideas I got a good guess of how to solve the unicorn issue. But for now they will have to wait seeing as how the hoods are waking up. So I put the paper away and looked at the hooded people with caution. "I see you are awake. So let's start with the easiest questions and then you can leave and do whatever. Just know the next time you get caught you wont be so lucky." I said. That seemed to wake them up since I doubt they remembered getting knocked out. They just seem to stare at me before shaking their heads.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I ask. I know they were probably sent to attack me. "..." One of them mumbled. I couldn't even register the words he said. "Maybe talk louder instead of doing a Fluttershy impression." I deadpan at them. I'm guessing the other one spoke because it changed from female to male. "He said we were sent here to kill you. and we aren't comfortable sharing names." the male one said. I nod my head and lean forward to rest my head on the table. "Ok then, How about the whole 2v1 thing? Did he send two solo or are you two a packaged deal?" I ask them while wiggling my eyebrows.

Both of them started to sputter and after they calmed down the female one yelled "We aren't together! we met each other a year ago!" I laugh at how defensive they got and shake my head. "I'm just messing with you. plus you don't have that couples vibe going for you. Beside all that has happened do you think I would just let you get away with the best ambush so far?" I say making them look at each other before asking "That was the best ambush on you so far?".

I think back to all the other times i got ambushed (and no i don't count heartless.) "The only other one that stands out is when i first got attacked but that doesn't even count as a ambush." I say waving off the encounter. What i said judging by how their body signs are showing is that they are proud at being the best ambush. "Why did he send you two together? Usually he only sends one. So what changed? my best guess would be he's getting impatient.". i say to the two. It looked like they weren't going to respond then the female one said "We aren't actually sure but he sounded pretty mad. And he was planning on sending three but the other guy convinced him not to.".

I was a little surprised by what they said. I decided that I will let them go and head up to the princesses. Since I finished the investigation before dinner would start I went and took a shower. the bad thing about the Dragonlands is that there is no showers so you had to deal with the grime. After a nice and relaxing shower i noticed that dinner is about to start. I went to the dining hall and noticed that the princesses were already there.

"Hi Celestia, Luna." I greet as I take a seat.

"Hi Jake. How did the interrogation go?" Luna asked.

"It went swimmingly enough. I decided that it would be best to let them go. So they are wherever they are." I said as they nod and hum. Not long after that the chef walked in to ask what we'd like. Luna got a salad with tomatoes and cheese with French dressing, with a moon pie for dessert. Celestia got stir fry with all sorts of veggies, and a slice of cake for dessert. "And what about you Mr. Jake?" he asks looking at his sheet of paper. "I'll take a sandwich and baked potatoes, with apple pie as a dessert." I tell him and pull out a piece of paper.

"What you got there Jake?" Luna asks while Celestia looks up a bit.

"I'm trying to integrate a feature into the keyblades. what I'm trying to integrate is a surprise though." I tell her and start writing ideas as to how to incorporate magic into the keyblade. When I notice Luna trying to peak I swat her on the nose with a folder causing her to back up and scrunch her muzzle. She is now very clearly irritated by that and goes to pouting in her seat making me and Celestia chuckle. That is when I noticed that Merlin was about to enter and got up with the paper to ask him a question. When he opened the door he greeted everyone then noticed I was here.

"Hi Jake, How did it go?" I shrugged and said "It's alright. I brought some guests to Equestria and got ambushed on the way here. Good thing my experiment worked in my favor there. But I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask really quickly And here is the paper with my ideas on it." I then passed him the paper regarding trying to get a magic reservoir inside a keyblade for regular magic. He looked over the paper then I saw the curiosity in his eyes start turning to imagining it.

"I can see what your trying to do. Do you mind if I keep this paper and any others you might have on the subject and get back to you?" He asks with what I think is determination. I think about it for a second and nod my head. Giving him my research ideas and then pull out a list. "This is the only page that is out of the question on doing. I'd rather not have enemies in the public." I tell him and hand him the page. When he reads about the stuff on the page like using a unicorn horn and other morbid stuff he agreed with what I said.

My students started entering one by one in for dinner and once everyone was there i filled them all in. The thing that caught Merlin's attention was the mention of a artifact. "So what was the Artifact you found? A lot of Artifacts used to power up people with all of them powering runic arts to unforeseen levels of power.".

I shrugged and said "It was Morality. And let me tell you the bish set up different trials depending on what you chose. I pressed both buttons at the same time and went through the trials. And I'm not explaining the first trial at all.". Once i finished the dining room door opened and in came Tracy. "Hi Tracy! how have you been since you got here?" I ask him. "It's alright... though i don't know how someone like you got on the princesses good side." He responded. "Says the nut job." I shoot back. "Touché." Tracy said as we laugh. "Oh Tracy! my family is here. I forgot to tell you when i found you and figured you'd like to see them." I say as I point behind me.

he looks over my shoulder and waved. "We can talk during dinner. so what are you going to do? i assume you finished your dinner?" He asked me. "I'm about to start training again and yes i had finished my dinner. Once you finish your plate and catch up I will see you whenever." I say to him before turning to the rest of the people here and saying "Luna do be a dear and come to the guard camp~" I then left them wondering what I would need her for.

I've decided to play a war general for a second in the war room as I waited for Luna. I am currently looking at a map of Equus. Luna shows up and asks "What's wrong? you seem... Nervous?". I took a deep breathe and exhaled. "You realised that because of the Dragonlands I learned that there are heartless attacking other places on Equus. Therefore about to have to go out again right?" I state. I let the info sink in for a minute. "Then why don't you finish our training before you go so we can worry about the while you travel the universe?" Luna asked.

Then an idea popped into my head and i nodded. I turned to Luna and stated proudly "Princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria and guardian of the Moon and Dreams! I, King Jake, Ruler of the Between and Protector of balance challenge you to a duel!" I say and slam a keyblade into the ground. Sending out a shockwave to draw attention from everyone in a 5 km radius. Luna took a minute to steel herself. Not expecting the formality from me, the use of titles, and the force of the command to decide. " I, Princess Luna, Accept your challenge." She says and also slams her keyblade into the ground in front of her.

Sending out her own shockwave. Once that happened a contract appeared before both of us telling the rules of said battle. It is happening tomorrow at daybreak where ever the challenger wants it. "I will meet you at the Everfree Castle, until then." I say then leave with a wicked grin on my face. We're about to get messy. And we get to show off how much we learned. But I'm no fool.

For now I'll show just how much of the fool people think I am... after all no one expects a king to do nothing while there's imbalance in the world.