• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 15 Comments

When Runes Come - deathisupon

humans have come to Equestria by accident and have to save the world from darkness (KH crossover)

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Chapter 13: Some more lessons

When I got to the training ground, I see everyone but my Mom there. Which is weird because usually she is always here. "Hello everyone. How are you guys doing today?" I asked. They all look and yell they are doing fine. I went over to Merlin. "So how is their Mystic Arts coming along?" I asked. "Their are doing pretty good. your Mom is better than the others as she has already got the 3rd tier of the spells I'm teaching." He told me. I was shocked because I only got the basics and never came back for these lessons because they were talking about stuff I already figured out.

"Where is she now? I am going to give everyone a lesson on heartless and she would need to hear this." I told him. He shrugged and looked out the window. "She told me she was going out and thats it." He said. I knew what that meant. She wanted to explore the city a little bit. "Ah, thats her way of saying i'm going to explore be back in a hour. So how long has she been gone?" I asked him. He chuckled and said "She has been gone for about two hours now." I started to laugh. "All that means is she found a couple of good people or she is shopping. Finding a good store in this place would be something my Mom would do.".

"So what is this lesson your gonna give?" Merlin asked me curiously. "Its just the same old. Show them Some of the heartless's weak points. And tell them of which magic works best against the Magic heartless." I told him. This got him to nod."I think I can help you with your lesson. since magic is my specialty." He told me and I nodded my thanks while thinking. "I'm gonna go make sure Mom isn't lost or buying out businesses." I half joke while walking away which got a chuckle from Merlin.

When I got outside and into the city I noticed that the ponies were livelier around an area I decided to check it out. When I got to where I could see the middle I see mom fight of drunk guys. I chuckle and knocked out two of the guys while Mom got the other two. When she turned to finish off the other two she only saw me and froze. "So this is what you do on your spare time?" I ask jokingly. She laughed and played along "Well someone has to teach the drunks a lesson." This made me laugh. Which started to make her laugh. "Well come on. I have a lesson and I think this will help you with some fighting. Especially against drunks." We both chuckle and started to walk back to the castle. I look around and noticed something strange. It seems like everyone disappeared.

"Mom I want you to go to the castle and to the training room. I have to check something." I tell her when I turned to the right and walked that way. After walking a bit away I checked to see if something wasn't right with my senses. There is a very faint signature but it was there. And its coming right for me. I jumped to the side and summoned my keyblade. "Well I guess this will be fun after all." The guy said right behind me. I turn and see another guy with a black cloak. "So who are you this time? I mean your obviously a org 13 ripoff. But which one?" I asked him. He was fuming with rage.... Literally fuming with rage. "I see we have a jokster here. Do you know what a knuckle sandwich is?" He asked me with venom as he charged I chuckle and leap back a bit to get out of the way.

"So whats your name baby face?" I asked while insulting him. "Stop talking and take the hits already!" He shouted and threw another punch. I sidestepped and threw a punch of my own. Nailing him in the face and sending him flying. So this guy tried to do assassin jobs because he can't go one on one. I can tell because instead of facing me directly he tried to throw throwing knives at me. which had his mystic signature on it. And when he missed he tried to punch me. but he was too slow or too weak. that means one thing and this guy is a joke.

"So you gonna tell me your name or are you gonna try to hit me again?" I asked him. He looked up and sighed while slumping. "Why does everyone I end up fighting want to know my name?" he asked himself but said it loud enough for me to hear it. "Because if you fight you learn more about your opponent. only thing fighting doesn't tell you is their name. that's your choice. My name's Jake." I told him. He stared at me dumbly and my hand as if his brain shut down. then he shook his head. "How did you know where I was?" He asked me and I chuckled. "If you did some research then you would have figured out I can sense people with mystic signatures." I told him. "So thats what they meant by assassinating you would be hard. How did you know my knives were coming?" He asked me which made me chuckle and turn to him. "If you want to find out come to my class. Speaking of my class I need to catch up with my Mom to make sure the lesson is done." I said while waving and turning back around.

When I noticed there was no other footsteps I turned back to him. "Well aren't you coming?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked "You mean to tell me I can join your class now?" He asked as if I just spoke an firework spell with him as a Kid. "Well yeah. But you gotta let the hood down. It makes people suspicious of you." I told him. He hesitated and lowered it and what I saw shocked me. it was my friend Will. "Will? You were trying to assassinate me?" He looked away and nodded. "They lied about you trying to take over the world. when they said you wore a black cloak I was surprised to see you here. But without the black cloak. all of us got the email. but some of us landed in different universes." He explained. I nodded understanding that. I figured that was what happened when My mom said they received an email like the one I had gotten. "Do you know where our other friends are?" I asked him. He shook his head and sighed. "I've been hoping from universe to universe to find everyone. But I only stayed in the light universes. where they are about the same as the MLP we know." He said and I nodded.

We finally arrived at the gate to see Mom and Merlin there. They both saw Will and looked at each other. "So your gut feeling was right again?" Mom asked and I nodded. next thing I know I'm dodging punches from Mom. "Why didn't you tell me! I could have helped you! what if it wasn't will but some jerk that would be able to kill you!" Mom yelled and this is happening right in front of the guards. Will went over and asked a question to which the guards nodded to. "Stop talking about me behind my back!" I yelled out as I dodged another punch and took off down the road with Mom following.

It stopped when we got to the training ground where everyone stopped Mom from trying to beat me up. "So why is your Mom mad at you? Luna asked and everyone looked at me while Mom smirked. "Oh another fight happened and I sent Mom away before it began." I said with a smirk of my own going right back at her just to tease her. "And you forgot to mention you fought a hooded member again since no one here knows what to call them!" Mom yelled out which made everyone glare at me. "What? It was just an assassin." I said. This made everyone, And even the guards glared at me.

"Why is everyone glaring at me. he wasn't even able to land a direct hit. He only got punched in the face and went flying." I said. The only ones glaring at me were my students now. "Now let us ask a very simple question. Are you gonna get help when the next hooded member comes or no?" Luna asked. I sighed. "Whelp now's the time where I teach you guys something." I tell them. They leaned in and looked eager. "I learned how to teleport... so cya!" I told them as I looked up and yelled "Ianuae Magicae" and teleported to the rooftop where I started to run for my life. When I turned I see Luna and Celestia coming after me and I turned and started to move faster using the haste spell. When I got to the edge of the roof I turned to see them land and start walking to me. "What do you have to say for yourself Jake?" Celestia asked. A idea popped into my head and I grinned like a mad man. "You shall never take me alive coppers!" I yell as I jump "LABOR!" I yell and start gliding. I turned to see their reactions and see them shocked. I laugh and yell to them "It'll take a lot more than cornering me to beat me up!". This shook them out of their shock and glared at me harder. I think I made them angrier than before. and their gone.

I look around frantically to find them When I looked down I see them charging at me. They used the drop to gain speed! oh this is really bad! They will catch up in no time. I gotta try to find a way to slow them down. Then I remember something and face palmed. I summon my keyblade and cleared my mind to talk to it. "Can you please transform into a glider?" I asked it. "Sure thing Jake. Just as long as you get out of the trouble of making all this happen." It said in a jolly voice. I laughed and saluted it. When i threw it in front of me I watched it glow and transform into a glider and land on it. "To twilight's place!" I yell to it as it takes off. leaving the sisters shocked.

Author's Note:

Everyone tries to cover up their demons or let them out. This here chapter was Jake letting his Demon take control. His demon isn't a bad one. But he becomes more of a jerk Bye teasing the people around him into beating him up.