• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 15 Comments

When Runes Come - deathisupon

humans have come to Equestria by accident and have to save the world from darkness (KH crossover)

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Chapter 11: Explanation


Location : Jake's bedroom
P.O.V. Jake

I was sitting by the bed bandaging him up. When I heard the door open and heard someone walking towards me.

"How is he?" Luna asked. I shrugged and waited a second before answering. "He should recover by the day after tomorrow. But he's in a kind of comma." I said. I hear her sigh out loud, then I feel arms wrap around me and her head rest on my shoulder. "We all thought we lost you in that explosion you made. How did you survive it anyways?" She asked.

"It's simple really. I just had to strong of a will to give up." I said while looking out the window. "I also have everyone I love to care about. And I couldn't imagine what you would do without your master here." I said a little jokingly at the end. We both laughed for a little bit before she released her hold on me. "Well I'm going to go let everyone know that your both okay."She said as she started walking out.

"You know something Luna?" I ask before she closes the door. she peeks back in near the end of the sentence. "I'm so tired of fighting and holding back my fears, but I'm of what would happen if I stopped."I turned to her and she gasps. I have been running on Adrenalin for so long that it's slowing down. As soon as i fully turned to her i blacked out.

Location : Jake's bedroom
P.O.V. Luna

When he started to fall I quickly reached him and caught him. He looked so tired that it was like he hasn't had any real rest. I take him to my room and set him on the bed. I started heading to where everyone is waiting at. I walked into the room and everyone looks at me. "Their both alright."I said. Everyone released the breaths they were holding."But Jake was so tired he couldn't hide it anymore. he even confessed he was tired of fighting with the Heartless and his fears." They all gasp. "Right now he's resting in my bed till he's better."

"What should we do while he rests?"Tia asked. I shrugged and walked to sit at the table. "How about we get everyone here better with the Mystic Arts?" Merlin asked. I looked at Tia with a questioning look. She shrugged as well. "I'm fine with the idea. If it means we can give him a little break from fighting." I say. everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Location : Luna's bedroom
P.O.V. Jake

I wake up and noticed Immediately I wasn't in my room. Then I remember the fight with Dak and sighed. Looks like someone knows how long I've been fighting my fears now. I get up and take in the room I'm in. It's all night themed with stars and the moon. I guess this is Luna's room.I exited the room and went to find everyone. when I got to the garden I heard fighting. but not like the fighting for your life fight but sparring. I chuckled silently and followed the noise.

"Alright everybody. It seems like your starting to get the hang of the Mystic Arts." I heard Merlin say. "It looked pretty good to me too!" Everybody turned to me but Merlin. "It seems you have learned how to sense my Mystic signature huh?" I asked Merlin as he chuckles. "You need to be sneakier than that to get me."He says as he turns." So how are you Jake?" He asks with a hint of concern. I chuckled "And I take it Luna told you all what I've been fight my fears?" She looks away sheepishly. I chuckle lightly "It's honestly better you did Luna. Otherwise I wouldn't have told anyone." My family starts laughing and nods. Showing that I wouldn't have. "Whelp i"m a go check in on Dak. I'll let you know if anything happens." I say while walking away. I hear them murmur to each other then I heard footsteps running to catch up to me.

"So you're not going to let me leave any of your sights now aren't you Luna?"I say as she starts to catch up. She laughs as she now caught up. "Who will help you if no one is there to watch you?" She asks jokingly. Making us laugh again. It seems she's getting better at joking around. I've been to much of an influence "So what is the main reason your here?" I ask her. she looks at me confused. "I know you wouldn't have come here if you didn't have something to tell me. so come out here and say it." She blushes and looks away.

"First of all how can you be so young but so wise still?" She asks me. "I've read a lot of books with these types of scenarios." I say. "Okay now stop trying to step around the bush and say it." I told her as we stop outside the door. She sighs and turns away murmuring. "What was that?" I ask her. "I said hat I..." She murmured the last part. I leaned in a little bit and say "Care to say that a little louder?" "I said I love you!" She yelled out and immediately covered her mouth while I stood there slack jawed.

She loved me... I can't really stop myself from rubbing my head as if I had a headache... "You love me huh? What makes me so special?"I ask her. "The way you immediately jumped in to save us from heartless. even though you haven't met us. You know how to stop something that some people struggle with easily. Your always trying to protect the innocent. Whenever you laugh it sounds lovely."That part made me blush a little bit." There is also the fact that you look lovely while fighting." Now I was really blushing wildly. so I turned away from her to look at the door.

"I don't know what to say..." I told her. She started to turn away and walk away slumped over. "But I do know one thing." Her ears perk up. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask her. She turned to me and tackled me to the ground in a hug. "Sure thing Jake" On the Inside I was freaking out but on the outside I acted cool. "How about we go check on our new friend, shall we?" I asked her. She nodded and started to get up. then she reached a hand out to help me up which I graciously accepted.

I open the door enough to fit my head in and look at the bed. He's still sleeping from the looks of it. "Hey Luna, How long was I out?" I asked her. "About two days. why?". "He's still asleep." I told her as I opened the door and went to change the bandages. When I grabbed the roll of bandages I heard Dak Groan. "Hello sleepy head. did you enjoy your rest?" I asked him. "Yes I did thank you very much." He said with sincerity. I smiled and walked over to him with the bandages. "You ready to change your bandages?" I asked him. He nods and sits up.

"So what did you do on your world?" I asked him. He looked down and sighed. "I wasn't exactly a good guy at the time. I was so full of rage that I went on a rampage and pretty much destroyed my world." He said. I hummed and still continued. "Huh... This is where someone would back away in fear as Luna did. Why aren't you afraid." I looked at him in the eyes and I saw loneliness. "Because I was thinking the same thing when I first arrived. But then the heartless arrived. And found a way to take away the rage." I told him.

then I finished with the bandages and hugged him. "You also look so lonely. That I can't stand the thought of leaving you alone." I whispered to him. Making him go wide eyed and look at me in surprise. Making me smile and start laughing. "Plus why would the heir of the king be scared of anything." I said while walking away. Both Dak and Luna went wide eyed at my words.

Author's Note:

So I finally decided to have Jake tell someone about him being an heir to a king. so let me know if Anyone is reading this crappy story would like to do an crossover with me. just send me a message and I'll decide who I will do a crossover with.