• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,760 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

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Author's Note:

Sorry for such a short chapter

Spike and Scramble sat in the library, five feet apart from each other. Scramble chewed on a teething ring, staring at Spike. He put his arms out for her to reach.

“Come on, you can take a few steps.” Spike encouraged. Scramble stood up and took half a step before falling over to her side. She let out a whimper, getting ready to cry. Spike let out a sigh and walked over to her.

“Don’t cry.” Spike said while poking her nose. She let out a soft giggle and continued to gnaw on her teething ring. Stormy Cloud walked into the room, wearing a fast food uniform.

“Hey Stormy, when did Lightning Bolt learn how to walk?” Spike asked. Stormy Cloud thought for a moment.

“He learned how to walk when he was a month old, why do you ask?” She questioned.

“Scramble can’t walk yet. She’s almost five months and still can’t walk. I’m getting worried.” Spike explained. Stormy shrugged her shoulders.

“Remember she’s a changeling, they may walk later then ponies.” Stormy stated. Spike thought to himself for a moment.

“That could be true, Twilight told me that I couldn’t walk until I was one.” Spike said. Stormy smiled and put a hat on her head.

“I’m glad that I can be a help. I need to get to work now, see you later.” Stormy Cloud said before walking out the room. Spike looked at Scramble who was cuddled into his chest, chewing on her teething ring.

“I should write a letter to Thorax to make sure.” Spike said to himself. He picked up a scroll and a pen.

”Dear Thorax, I’m very worried about Scramble. She still can’t walk and she’s going to be five months in a three days. Babies her age can walk by now. Do changelings walk later than ponies? Also how powerful are baby changelings? Scramble has sent so many things to the void. Please respond soon.

Spike the Dragon.”

He put the pen down and rolled up the scroll. He blew on it, making it burst into flames and evaporate into thin air. Scramble stared in awe at the disappearing flame.

“Did you like that?” Spike asked. Scramble smiled and clapped her hooves together. He chuckled to himself. A thought popped in his head.

“I haven’t written a letter to Gabby in a while, she would probably like to know how you’re doing.” Spike said while booping Scramble’s nose. He grabbed another scroll and started to write.

”Dear Gabby, sorry that I haven’t sent you a letter in a while, I’ve been really busy with Scramble. She’s been getting big now and is learning to talk. I’m thinking about getting a job so I can support Scramble on my own without any help. I might even save up for my own house! How has your mail job been going? Making any knew friends? Write back soon!
Spike The Dragon”

He rolled up the scroll and blew on it, sending it away. Scramble let out a laugh at that. He let out a burp and a letter dropped onto the floor. He picked it up and started to read.

”Dear Spike, she should definitely be walking by now. Most changeling can walk between the time they were hatched and when they are three months old. Try doing little leg exercises to build up her muscles. Try to get things that she’ll like to encourage her to walk. I hope that helps!

Yours Truly,
King Thorax :)”

Spike read out loud. He found it adorable that Thorax put smiley faces at the end of his letters. He put the letter on the table and placed Scramble on the floor, her wings touching the cold tiles. He held both of her hind legs in each and and started to move them in a motion as if she were riding a bicycle. He had seen Rarity and Rainbow Dash do this exercise a few times before. Scramble laughed and reached her front hooves in the air.

“You’re such a silly baby.” Spike said with a laugh. Scramble seemed to be enjoying this activity a lot. Her horn sparked with joy from the attention that she was getting. The loved getting attention from everyone, especially her dad. Scramble managed to flap her wings a bit, propelling herself upwards. She landed on Spikes chest and let out a giggle.

“Daddy.” Scramble said, nuzzling into his chest. Spike let out a sigh and held her up.

“Do you want to walk or not?” Spike asked. Scramble blew a raspberry and put her hoof on his cheek. Spike let out a sigh and held her close to his body.

“This is going to be hard.”

Spike sat in front of Scramble with three items sitting in front of him. They items were her stuffed raccoon, a pacifier, and a rattle with butterflies on it. They were all five feet away from Scramble. She had an anti magic ring on her horn and a small piece of yarn wrapped around her wings. It would stop her from flying or using magic front getting what she wanted.

“Okay Scramble, just get up walk over to the thing you want.” Spike said through gritted teeth. He had been trying for hours to get her to walk and he was getting frustrated. He didn’t want to yell at his own daughter, she did nothing wrong. Scramble looked at the various items and looked at Spike. The doorbell rang, making him turn around. Spike looked at Scramble. She would be fine by herself for a few seconds. He stood up and flew to the front door. He opened the door to see Derpy standing there, holding a small stack of mail.

“Thank you.” Spike said before closing the door. He walked back to the library, sorting through the mail. He beamed when he saw a letter from Gabby. He placed to rest of the mail onto a table in the library. Scramble let out a whine and put her arms up to be carried.

“Give me a second Scramble, I just need to read this.” Spike said as he opened the envelope. The whole letter written in glitter pen and perfect cursive.

”Dear Spike,
I’ve been doing great! In a few months, I’ll be coming to Ponyville every day to deliver mail from Griffonstone! I can’t wait to see you and meet Scramble for the first time. I bet she’s as sweet as you say she is! And I know you can get your own job, I can even help out! I’ll write back soon!

Gabby The Griffon.”

Spike smiled at the letter. She always wrote a lot of exclamation points in her letters. It made him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Spike heard small, slow hoofsteps, making him look down. Scramble wobbled over to him with tears in her eyes. She took large steps and stumbled a lot before she finally reached Spikes foot. She looked up at him, pouting.

“Daddy...” Scramble whined out. Spike grinned and picked her up.

“You did it! You took you first steps!” Spike exclaimed while hugging her closely. Scramble let out a soft sniffle and hid her face in his shoulder.

Spike was so happy.