• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,760 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

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Frustration and Apologies

Spike stood in the shower with his head pressed up against the wall. He watched the water swirl down the drain. He had been working nonstop for two weeks with barely any break.

As soon as he got off of work, he would have to pick Scramble up from daycare and calm her down because she had been crying all day. Then he would help clean up the school when the day was over. His back and shoulders were sore from swinging around a pickaxe and shovel for hours without a break. To top it all off, Scramble had been extra clingy and would barely do anything without him. It was exhausting. Spike turned off the shower and stepped out, rubbing his eyes a bit.

“Daddy!” Scramble shouted from the other side of the bathroom door, banging her tiny hooves on the door. Spike let out a groan. She must have noticed that he left the room. He set up a pretty good distraction that should’ve kept her busy for a while. He loved his daughter but she had been becoming too clingy for him to handle. Spike quickly dried himself off and opened the bathroom door, revealing Scramble. She stared at him with her big multicolored eyes and put her arms up to be carried. Spike let out a sigh and picked her up, bouncing her a bit.

“Are you ready to go back to daycare?” Spike asked. Scrambled eyes widened and she shook her head. Spike walked down the hallway as Scramble tried to wiggle from his grasp, not wanting to go to daycare. He carried her in one arm as she kicked her legs around. She let out a loud yell and bit onto his arm. She barely had teeth and Spike had hard scales, so it didn’t hurt. He poked her on the nose.

“Don’t bite people, that’s mean.” Spike stated. Scramble looked up at him, pouting a bit. Spike walked into the kitchen and placed her into her high chair, strapping the buckles around her stomach so she couldn’t escape. He put a green bib across her neck and pulled out a container of mushed peas baby food from the fridge and opened it. He got a spoon full and held it up to her mouth.

“Open wide.” Spike said in a sing song voice. Scramble crossed her arms and stuck her nose up into the air.

“No.” Scramble stated with a huff. Spike let out a soft groan, his grip tightening on the small pink plastic spoon.

“Scramble I don’t have time for this, just eat your food.” Spike said, trying not to yell. He had been so frustrated lately with all of the work he has been doing without any break. Scramble stuck her tongue out, refusing to eat. Spike let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He closed the container of baby food and took her out of the high chair.

“Okay, I guess you’re not hungry then.” Spike stated while picking up her backpack. Scramble gave him a confused look as they walked out the kitchen. She was always fed before she left for school. Scramble tugged on his arm and pointed towards the kitchen.

“Scramble you chose not to eat so this is what happens.” Spike stated in an angry tone. Scramble let out a whimper. He had never gotten angry at her before. Today was going to be a terrible day.

Spike stood in a large field, cracking open a rock with a pickaxe. His mind was blank as the rock broke into pieces. He picked up the sapphires that were inside the rock and placed them in the cart. His mind wandered back to that morning.

He had been a little mean that morning. He didn’t give Scramble kisses like he usually did or said that he loved her before dropping her off at school. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t been giving Scramble the affection that she needed for the past week. Changelings needed affection more than any other creatures. He dropped the pickaxe and let out a gasp.

“That’s why she’s been so clingy!” Spike exclaimed in the empty field to himself. Guilt dropped to the pit of his stomach. He almost yelled at her for being stubborn, which is was babies do. He sat down on the ground and buried his head in his hands. He said he could do this all by himself with no help and he was failing.

“I’m a terrible dad.” Spike muttered to himself. He felt himself tearing up. How long has he been neglecting her? He had been working so hard that he had forgotten what was important. He looked back at the cart which was half full. He stood up and wiped his eyes, sniffling a bit.

“I’ll just finish my work for the day and then make sure Scramble feels loved.” Spike said as he picked up the pickaxe. He swung the pickaxe at another rock. Time to be the best dad ever.

Spike entered Scrambles classroom, only for something to ram into his chest. He looked down to see Scramble hugging him tightly.

“I know I’m a little late but were you just standing by the door?” Spike asked with a small chuckle. Hugged her back and waved to one of the teachers, making sure they knew that he was leaving with Scramble. She had tried to escape a few times so he didn’t want them to panic. He took her backpack out of a cubbie and walked down the hallway. Scrambles stomach growled and she looked up at her father. Spikes scales flattened. She must have not eaten lunch because she was crying. That made him feel even more guilty than before.

“When we get home, you can eat as much as you want, okay?” Spike reassured. Scramble looked at him and nodded her heads, leaning into his chest. Spike let out a sigh.

Spike placed Scramble in her high chair and pulled out a container of baby food.

“Look, I got your favorite.” Spike said with a smile. It was honeysuckle and nectar baby food, which was a common favorite with changelings. Scramble smiled widely and opened her mouth, ready to get a bite.

“I didn’t even open it yet.” Spike said with a chuckle. He opened the container and picked up a small spoonful of food. Scramble ate it in one bite, wiggling happily at the taste. She opened her mouth again, ready for another spoonful. He gave her another spoonful. In less than five minutes the whole container was empty. Spike tossed the glass container in the trash, which isn’t safe at all.

“Do you wanna watch your favorite movie?” Spike asked. Scramble grinned and clapped her hooves together. Spike smiled and took her out of her chair. Her favorite movie was ‘The Little Seapony’, which Spike likes watching too so it was a fun family moment. He had already set up the projector after work so everything would be ready. He walked down the hallway and Spike looked at Scramble who was grinning happily in his arms.

“I know I haven’t been the best lately but I’ll try extra hard from now on. Every week we can watch your favorite movies and I’ll kiss and cuddle you every and make sure to always love you.” Spike said, tearing up a bit. Scramble stared at him for a few moments.

“Kiss?” She asked. Tears dripped down Spikes cheeks and he nodded his head with a smile. He gave her a soft peck on the forehead, making her giggle. Spike looked around to notice that he was in the room with the projector and screen. There were pillows and blankets all over the floor to make a large soft nest. Spike pressed play on the projector and sat down into the nest. Music from the movie started to play, making Scramble squeal in excitement. Spike smiled.

“I love you Scramble.”

Author's Note:

How would you guys feel if I gave Spike two more kids in a future chapter? It’ll take place when he’s an adult. I’m not sure if I should make it apart of this story, or a story without Scramble. Also sorry if this chapter seemed rushed