• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,760 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

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New discovery

“Bye Rarity, See you later!” Spike shouted as he flew away from the boutique. Dark clouds covered the sky. A storm would happen any minute now. He flew close to the ground to make sure that he wasn’t strike by lightning. Little drops of rain started to hit the ground. A drop hit his nose, making him sniffle at little.

Spike started to speed up, not wanting to get caught in the rain. A loud crack of thunder echoed around the town, causing him to speed up. Rain started to pour down.

“Almost there!” Spike exclaimed. A soft green glow came from a tree, causing him to slow down. He tilted his head in confusion.

“What’s that?” Spike asked to himself. He flew towards the tree and gasped at what he saw. A small green egg leaned against the tree, glowing lightly. It wasn’t a birds egg, it was too big.

“Did anyone leave an egg!?” Spike shouted. When there was no response, he touched the side of the egg. It was freezing cold. The creature inside would surely die in the storm. He scooped the egg up in his arms.

“You’re coming with me.” Spike said. He held the egg close to his chest, blocking it from the rain. Soon he approached the castle and swung the front door open. He closed the door and shook the water off of his body. He looked at the egg.

“What creature are you?” He asked to himself.

“Let’s get you warmed up first and then I can figure it out.” Spike said to the egg.

Spike looked through the library, looking for a book on creature eggs. Books were scattered all over the floor. The egg laid on Spike’s throne, huddled in blankets.

“Aha!” Spike exclaimed. He picked up a book with the title ‘Creature Eggs and How to Care for Them’. He flipped through the pages of the book until he found an egg that looked the same. On the top of the page it read ‘Changelings’.

“So it’s a changeling egg.” Spike thought outloud. He scanned through the page.

”Changeling eggs are only found in the changeling hive, which is laid by the queen. They are dangerous when they hatch and are born to follow there queen.” Spike read out loud.

“This book is outdated.” He said, putting it back on the shelf. He walked over to the egg and picked it up.

“Who laid you, the only other changeling in town is Ocellus, and someone would have known if she laid an egg.” Spike said to the egg. “Let’s get you to my room.” He said while walking towards the door. He tripped over a book and the egg stumbled out of his hands and onto the floor.

“I guess you can say that this egg is scrambled!” Spike exclaimed with a laugh. He looked around and frowned when he got no response.

“No one laughs at my jokes anymore.” Spike said with a sigh. The egg started to crack, making Spike gasp in fear.

“I BROKE IT!” Spike screamed in fear. The egg continued to crack and shake. The eggshell started to fall apart, revealing a small yellow changeling. She had an orange under belly and large floppy ears. She also a small jagged horn and had small purple wings on her back.

“Oh my Celestia...” Spike muttered to himself. He started to pace around.

“What am I going to do? I can’t take care of a baby! Twilight and Starlight are in the Crystal Empire until afternoon and there’s a storm, so I can’t go and get help. I could send a letter to the Princess, but she probably wouldn’t be able to make it due to the storm.” Spike panicked. He stopped pacing when he felt something touch his foot. He looked down to see the changeling curled up against his foot, shivering.

“You must be cold.” Spike said. He scooped the changeling up into his arms, who leaned against his chest.

“Let’s get you in a diaper first.” He said, walking down the hallway. They had a room filled with things for whenever Flurry came over. He opened the room door to reveal baby stuff everywhere. He placed her on the changing table and pulled out a diaper and some baby powder. Luckily he had changed Flurry’s diaper a few times, so he knew what he was doing. He poured some baby powder on and slipped the diaper onto her.

“All done!” Spike said. He went into a bin where Flurry’s old clothes were from when she was first born. He pulled out a pair of purple hoovsies pajamas. This should keep her warm. Spike walked back over to the changeling foal and picked her up. He slipped the sleeves over her arms and legs and pushed wings through the little holes in the back. He zipped it up and smiled.

“There, all done!” Spike said happily. The changeling cuddled into Spike and her stomach growled. She let out a whimper before crying loudly.

“How do you feed a new born baby?” Spike asked himself. He looked around the room for any type of answer. He spotted a book next to a bag of baby bottles. He quickly picked up the book and flipped through the pages. He landed on a page about feeding.

”If you aren’t able to breastfeed, use baby formula. Mix it with water and put the bottle in hot water until it is hot enough to give to the foal.” Spike read out loud. He grabbed a bottle and a container of baby formula. The changeling continued to cry in his arms.

“You’ll eat soon.”

Spike scooped some baby formula into a bottle. He then poured some water into bottle and closed it before shaking it.

“Good thing I’m a fire breathing dragon.” Spike boasted to himself. He lifted the bottle up to his lips and let a small flame shoot out. The bottle instantly heated up. Spike put the bottle into the crying foals mouth, causing her to quiet down eat. She guzzled down the bottle quickly.

“Woah, slow down.” Spike said, pulling the bottle back. Once she finished, he tossed the bottle into the sink and patted her back, causing her to burp.

“I just realized you don’t have a name yet.” Spike said to the foal. He thought for a moment, tapping his foot. “How about Scramble!” He said. Scramble yawned, nuzzling in to him.

“Scramble it is. Let’s find some books on how to take care of you.” Spike said as he left the kitchen.

Spike flew around the library, looking for some parenting books. He had found a handful of book already, which was great. He could take care of her until he found her some real parents. Scramble started to squirm around in his arm, letting out another yawn. Spike grabbed a few books and laid down on a couch that was near the window. Scramble fell asleep instantly. Spike picked up a book and started to read.

”Being a new parent can always be hard, but can be achieved properly in these 10 simple steps.” Spike already felt himself yawning at the first page. He put the book over his eyes.

“I can just close my eyes for ten minutes.” Spike muttered as his eyes dropped closed.