• Published 9th Oct 2018
  • 235 Views, 0 Comments

Additional chaos - Chaotic Mentality

Cults and chaos. Plans and Ponies. Betrayal and Gods. Who said worship has to follow your rules?

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An infusion of chaos

The scene started outside of a small town, long after night fall had come, the moon ablaze high in the sky and the stars playing their twinkling dance of lights no sensible being, or at least sensible sapient being would be awake to see.

It was a small town. Surrounded by beautiful landscape on all sides but one, far out from Canterlot, a scene that nearly seemed to exude peace. It was a town that in most cases would've been insignificant, that even in this case its name, a Ponyville to be exact, carried little meaning to nigh-all outsiders, yet this town was a location of the greatest significance in the entire kingdom, how it somehow remained so unacknowledged was a mystery in itself.

The world's entire fate had fallen upon the shoulders of 6 who lived within the small town multiple a time, an occurrence that should have more than prompted some recognition, yet it still remained so mundane, a place of peace, kindness, friendship, the inevitable explosion or otherworldly happening, but most importantly it was a place that flowed ripe with the energies of chaos just a ripe for the plucking.

From the outskirts a figure could be seen approaching, a cloak draped across their quadrupedal form, and only the illumination from their horn, all but the tip having slipped from the cloak as it glowed with a sickly yellow light, allowing for their form to be distinguished, much less sighted in the oddly encompassing darkness that nearly seemed to be following with the beings steps to descend upon the town of Ponyville despite the brightness of this particular night.

As the figure neared it nearly seemed to become hesitant, a hoof hovering as if just above some invisible line severing Ponyville from where it stood before practically slamming it down, a resounding clop echoing lowly in the nearby vicinity as the figure stiffened. Yet the figures sudden tensing seemed less to do with the possibility of being overheard than it was with a sudden euphoria if the pleased groan emanating from its hood, confirming the figure to be male by its masculine depth, as it arched its back low, and neck high.
Just as quickly as the figures sudden pleasure hit it faded, a slight shivering, and quick shake of the stallion's head, a flash of pure white fur, and a purple, near ethereal mane flickering with bursts of green appearing as his hood lifted in his shifting before settling back into its all encompassing cover.

"Ahhh, its been so long since we last tasted such pure Chaos hasn't it?" The stallion said in a low, questioning tone, as if speaking to himself. His voice carried a rasp and gruffness to it, similar in its ways to shifting stones, and the voice of one who has traveled for long without drink, yet still retained their voice to its full intensity. Along with that was a low, unnerving undercurrent of a more feminine voice, one that carried a youthful humor despite its age, in a disturbing, unnatural dual-tone very few beings should have, especially considering the noticeable split between male and female.

"Mmmm, yes, yes, I do agree we were quite fortunate to finally come across this town. I was worried we'd just 'die' of boredom in those other miserable towns we've been forced to travel through. To think they're just so content to live with in such dull places. Why, I bet if we had never shown up they wouldn't have ever even had a taste of Chaos in their dull lives. Ah, but finally a location worthy of living in! A town so permeated in chaotic occurrences I can practically taste it leaking up from the ground through my hooves!" The stallion said as he chattered excitedly to himself, seemingly uncaring if anyone would hear him as he disturbed the quiet of the night, which oddly enough had yet to apparently wake any despite the sudden increase in outside volume if the lack of lit windows meant anything.

"Its a tad shameful to how little knowledge of this town seems to exist though isn't it? I mean, come on ponies! Wake up and smell the burning huts and hovels! What? The fact its literally home to the 6 elements of Harmony isn't enough? Nor the fact one is the prize student, and semi-adopted daughter-thing of Celestia, their most 'magnificent, wonderful and oh so beautiful' ruler of the sun ain't doing it? Not even the fact they suffer crazy, world-shattering events nigh bi-to-weekly? I mean, talk about disappointing amIright? Eh, doesn't matter much now, if anything it'll probably make this all go a whole lot smoother, and hey! If anything we can get 'em up and running in the country wide newspaper for days!" The stallion chirped before letting loose a burst of form shaking laughter, crazed cackles rolling from his throat as he shook.

"Oh but fun times are a-coming!" The stallion said as he calmed down, flipping up his hood to brush a tear from his eye, fully revealing what was once only given a minor flash. He looked similar to your standard stallion, jaw/face structure wise at least, perhaps a touch more rounded to his jaw, a mildly feminine, or at least childish look to it along with his soft cheeks, not fat and round, nor sharp and hard, just a comfortable level in-between. His fur was pristine, a snow white that only could be matched by that of the enchanted white of Celestia's guards, or even perhaps herself. His mane was... odd to put it simply. It was a deep purple through which sudden flashes of dark, sickly green energy would flare across and within before dying out as it floated around the stallion's head, and flowed down his back in an ethereal fashion, similar to such as the princess's manes, just lessened in a way. More strands remaining clumped together and giving them oddly tentacle-esque looks at times.
but it was his horn and eyes that truly stood out.

While his horn itself could be seen as normal, just your standard white ivory, the magical energy currently pulsing around it and acting as the Stallions light-source was not. It was a sickly yellow, nearly seeming to exude a feeling of sickliness, of wrongness, of Chaos. Arcing and pulling from his horn in beams as if attempting to wrest control. Small sparks flickering off to quickly dissipate or suddenly fly back in and rejoin as if magnetized to the energy surrounding his horn.
His eyes on the other hand could not be passed off as normal. while the right was close the large scar that neatly bisected his eyelids in half on its journey from his crown to his chin, and its slight pale glaze kept it from being seen as such. The fact such an injury on a stallion was rare enough as is, the populaces 1:4 stallion-mare split generally ensured that unless said stallion was a guard large injuries would be a rarity, and even then debilitating injuries of near all kinds would somehow find themselves having a hard time reaching a guard. His left on the other hand was 100% wrong. The sickly yellow sclara, off sized, bright red iris, and similarly off-sized pupil, oddly ringed with a thin line of purple, made sure that no one would ever mistake said eye as natural. Much less normal.
Both managed to carry just a tinge of madness to them. A sort of crazed intensity that gave anything said the appearance of carrying the Stallion's full focus no matter how inane the drivel he may have spewed or actions he took. Along with that was an aged mania, as if having seen everything the world could naturally give, and that which it could not, yet still wishing to view it all again.

"She may have taken everything from us once, given only lies, pain, and broken promises, but now its our turn! We'll see how much she enjoy's losing it all to one she trusted, and to think that the means to do so would be given to us in the same village her precious pawns reside. Oh my dear, we'll have such delicious fun, and this time, this time we'll emerge victorious. This time we'll be the winners, not her! We'll get what we want, what we deserve!" The stallion crowed as he continued to walk through town, none awakening despite his boisterous voice and lack of secrecy as he walked through the streets, not even bothering to attempt to keep himself less visible.

"Soon my dear, soon you'll get back that which was stolen. You'll be free, just like you deserve, and I'll finally get to see her suffer, even if it will never match with mine own." He said, chuckling as his lips dragged back into a wild grin, revealing a disturbingly carnivorous build to his farther back teeth.

"Soon we'll be together. You'll live the life unknowingly stolen from you, and I'll live the life I foolishly forfeit for a goddess of false faces. But away from all that now! As we both agree, it's pointless to plan for the future when the present already demands your concentration! Life's a life, the future will always be the child of chaos, the past is long dead beyond the scars it leaves upon your psyche, and the present's a land of uncertainty! Now then, I do believe this place will work perfectly for our newest business venture, don't you agree?" The stallion said as he stopped in front of an apparently abandoned (it's fairly run-down state certainly pointed to that conclusion) house.

"Hmm, yes, yes, I do agree. It will require a good bit of work, especially for that color scheme. Ugh, so drab. A confectionery such as ours will require a much, much livelier look than, 'urp', mud-brown. Ah, but the challenge is always what makes the effort all that much sweeter to expend once your work is accomplished. Now then, first we'll need to acquire 3 gallons of elbow-grease... no wait, better make that 4. At least 20 model paint kits, in a variety of differing colors and shades of course, 3 markers of yet to be determined size and color, a hoof-full of pastels, and at least 2 packs of jalapeno gum... Oh yes, right, better make sure to put that letter into the mayor's office. Preferably hidden below the largest stack of incomplete paperwork she has at that. Makes our excuse more believable." The stallion said as his horn flared slightly brighter, his tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth as he took on a look of slight concentration before a letter suddenly pulled itself from his mane, surrounded in a matching glow to his horns own.

"Perfection! Now then, ta-ta, au-revoir, goodbye, and good luck our soon to be place of business. For we must be off to start our quest of breaking into the Mayor's office, and mustn't delay a second later! Moonlight is wasting, the sun shall soon replace, and we must be done before or suffer a terrible fate! Of homelessness that is!" The stallion chirped as pushed himself up onto his back legs, giving a bow towards the house as he swept a foreleg in front of his chest before spinning, dropping back into his four-legged stance, and proceeding to walk off at a quick gait, whistling nonsensically to himself all the while.

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