• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 724 Views, 8 Comments

The Great Prank Challenge - RebelNarrator45

Discord. Rainbow Dash. Prank war. Need I say more?

  • ...

Pranks Keep Coming.

After the pepper spray, butterfly wings, and malosses and feathers, Dash and Pinkie retaliated with the full force of their pranking arsenal. Over the course of the next several days, Discord found himself on the recieving end of all the classic pranks, such as itching powder, whoopie cushions, and stink bombs. And some pranks he had to admit were pretty clever. Such as one morning when he opened his upside down fridge and found all the contents staring intensely at him with their newly developed googly eyes and smirking ink mouths. How they had pulled that off without his knowing(given the fact that they literally had to enter a different dimension to do so, not to mention enter his home), he had no idea. He walked out of his door only to be instantly greeted by a very large bucket of water falling on his head.

"I was wondering when they might get to that one." He said aloud sarcastically. He dried off and snapped his talons. He materialised in front of the bakery...Dash and Pinkie's prank planning headquarters. He smiled. Time for some payback! He glanced up. It was still early enough in the morning...he teleported into the bakery, specifically the hallway outside Pinkie's room. He reached to open the door. Somewhere in his head he heard the disapproving voice of Fluttershy.

Discord. Its not polite to enter somepony's home without knocking! He huffed.

'Well, I'm sorry, but this is war!!!' So thinking, he opened the door quietly and peeked in. Pinkie was sprawled on her back on the bed, surrounded by all sorts of prank material. Dash was sprawled on her back on the floor, one foreleg clutching a bottle of superglue close.

'Super glue??' Discord thought. 'Do I even want to know??' He studied them intently, not moving. The steady rise and fall of their chests with each deep, slow breath they took indicated both were asleep. He grinned and began cautiously setting up his pranks, checking the two now and then to be sure they were staying asleep. Once he finished, he quietly left the room and teleported out of the building and to a good vantage point outside Pinkie's window.

'This is going to be good!'

"Indeed. Though I am disappointed you forgot me!!" Discord Two said, having appeared beside him.

"Oh, bother! Do be quiet!" Discord huffed. "I'm trying to watch what happens!!!"

Dash and Pinkie awoke at the same time, yawning and stretching. Dash sat up...and immediately shrieked. The floor was covered in rows upon rows of plastic cups. Filled to the brim with water. One wrong move would cause a massive spill.

"Wow! Discord is good!" Pinkie announced with a giggle.

"How the hay do we get out of here?!" Dash demanded. She looked up and her eyes grew wide. "What...the...????" Pinkie followed her gaze. There were rows of cups hanging from the ceiling as well. Not only would they have to attempt to escape without knocking over cups of water, but they would have to do so in a fairly crouched position.

"Whoa. He is good." Pinkie said in amazement.

"Pinkie, focus!!" Dash said. "How do we get out of here?!" Pinkie giggled.

"Patience, Dashie! Let me ponder this perplexing and puzzling predicament." Dash rolled her eyes at the alliteration. "Aha! Lets just plow right through it!"

"Yeah...I'm pretty sure the whole idea is to get through without spilling any water." Dash said. She shut her eyes. "Lets face it. We're stuck. We can't spill the water so, we're stuck."

"Tada!!!!" Pinkie yelled. Dash's eyes flew open and she saw Pinkie standing clear across in the hallway...without a single spilled cup in her floor.

"What?? How?? Huh???" Dash said, stunned.

"Its easy!" Pinkie said. "Just crouch and watch your step. No biggie! You can do it!" Dash gulped, and started to move. Five minutes later, she stood beside Pinkie, sweating profusely. "When this is over, I will never challenge Discord to another prank war again!" Pinkie giggled as they headed downstairs to eat breakfast. Outside the window, both Discords pouted and spoke simultaneously.

"Oh poo."

Discord's next prank was more interesting. Not to mention epic. He did it overnight, while his victims were sound asleep, and then he and Discord Two ate popcorn and discussed the possible reactions of the two ponies.

The sun woke Dash up first. She stretched and yawned and rubbed a pink hoof through her poofy and springy mane.

Wait...pink?? Poofy??? Springy???? She looked down at herself and very nearly fainted. A glance across at Pinkie confirmed her worst fears.


The scream woke Pinkie instantly. She bounded up and looked at her friend in concern.

"What's wrong, Dashie? Why did you-?" She broke off and her eyes widened. "Oh wow. You look just like me!"

"No, you look just like me! Or at least, you look like I looked last night." Dash was trembling. Pinkie looked down at her cyan body, then glanced back at her now rainbow colored mane.

"Oh my gosh!" Was all she could force out. Dash nodded."He switched our bodies!!" A burst of hysterical laughter from outside caused them both to turn. Discord and Discord Two were howling with mirth.

"Discord!" Dash said angrily.

"Oh, your faces are so priceless!!" Discord panted. "This is so much fun!! Don't you agree, Two?" Discord Two nodded vigorously, unable to speak for his laughter.

"Glad you're enjoying it so much." Dash said furiously. She then looked at her giggling pranking partner and sighed. "Ok, I guess it is a little funny...but only a little!! Now switch us back!!"

"Ohoho!" Discord snorted. "It was never a rule that I had to undo any of my pranks on you! So, no. I won't switch you back. Enjoy yourselves!" He snorted again, then both he and his clone vanished with the snap of his talons.

"Gah! That...that..." Dash spluttered. "How are we supposed to fix this?! Oh, he is SO going down for this!!"

"We can go ask Twilight to fix us!" Pinkie giggled, waving her butterfly wings...er, Dash's butterfly wings...and bouncing all over the room.

"Ugh. As embarassing as it is, I guess we'll have to." Dash grumbled. "I want my wings back. Even if they are butterfly wings!" She sighed. "Come on." Pinkie bouncing and leaped, fluttering her wings and throwing herself onto the bed and jumping to the ceiling and back.

"Weeeeee!"she squealed. "Can't we play some first? Then go? I have wings!"

"No, I have wings!" Dash retorted. "You just happen to be wearing them for a very short time. Lets go." As they headed out the door, Pinkie bounded ahead, leaping, bouncing, jumping, toying with the wings on her back and admiring her athletic figure before bounding down the stairs and crashing into a wall. She giggled.

"This is fun!!!" She bounded out the door, nearly bumping her head.

"Pinkie Pie, watch it! That's my body you're playing with!!!" Dash shouted. Then she paused and frowned. "Ok. That just sounded totally wrong..." She walked on out the door, shaking her head.


To say that Twilight and the others were amused at their plight would have been a gross understatement. It took them a full five minutes to stop laughing long enough for Twilight to grab her book on spells. Finding what she needed, she aimed her horn and lit it up, blasting them with a yellow glow. After a minute, she stopped, and the two examined themselves.

"Yes!" Dash cried, flexing her butterfly wings. "I'm back!"

"Meeee too!!" Pinkie shouted excitedly, bouncing up and down.

"I take it this prank war has escalated a bit?" Twilight asked.

"A bit?!" Dash growled. "Try a lot! Pinkie Pie!"


"Lets go. We have some draconequis rear end to kick." Pinkie followed her out of the castle, giggling, and the others exchanged looks. Twilight sighed.

"Oh boy."

Author's Note:

Ok. I guess I am on to another chapter. I only intended this to have two at the most.

Oh well.