• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 723 Views, 8 Comments

The Great Prank Challenge - RebelNarrator45

Discord. Rainbow Dash. Prank war. Need I say more?

  • ...

Prank War Declared

Author's Note:

Discord and Dash seemed too perfect for a tale like this.

I figured it would be highly interesting and fun to write.

It is. It definitely is.:pinkiehappy::ajsmug::rainbowlaugh::raritystarry::twilightsmile::moustache:

Twilight and her friends stood watching the scene before them in a mix of amusement and concern. Discord and Rainbow Dash were locked in an intense staring contest.

"Say it one more time, Discord! I dare you!" Dash growled. Discord smiled patronisingly.

"Oh please, Rainbow Dash." He said. "I have said it once and that should be plenty. But, if you insist..." his smile widened. "I am far, far better at playing pranks than you are."

"Uh oh." Applejack said. "Ah don't think that was smart at all." Dash apparently agreed. She snorted.

"You listen here, you mixmatched wingbat!" She snarled. "If you think you're so much better than me, then prove it!!" Discord tsked, shaking his head.

"Resorting to petty insults, Dash? I am suprised at you." He chuckled. "And challenging me, the Lord and Master of Chaos, to outprank you? That is quite definitely the worst idea of your young pony life."

"Put your pranks where your mouth is, Discord!" Dash snapped. "And I mean it! Me, you, prank war."

"Shouldn't we be stopping this?" Spike asked, looking up at Twilight. "You could order them not to do it." She snorted.

"Quite honestly, I'm curious to see how long this will last. Dash may well give up after one round with Discord."

"I wouldn't bet on it!" Pinkie giggled. "Dashie is really good at pranking! Better even than me!" She beamed. "Ooh! I could ask to be her helper! Dashie!!" She trotted over to her friend.

"What?" Dash asked, still glaring at Discord.

"Can I be your pranking assistant? Can I? Can I? Huh?"

Well..." Dash hesitated. Pinkie bounced.

"Please??? Pretty please?? Pretty, pretty please??? With a great big stack of your absolutely top favourite rainbow colored cupcakes topped with rainbow sprinkles and cherries???" Dash caved instantly.

"Welcome to the team, Pinkie Pie." She said, shaking hooves with her.

"Yayyyyy!" Pinkie yelled. She grinned up at Discord. "We are so gonna beat you!!" He scoffed.

"Yes, well, I doubt that." He said. "But who knows? Perhaps you will astonish me and at least prove yourselves worthy opponents. But I say that without the slightest bit of belief it will happen. You two couldn't possibly outprank me. I am good. Very, very good." He snapped his talons and a spider that happened to be close by suddenly grew bat wings, tiny goat horns and a lizard tail. It gave a very tiny squeak of terror.

"Discord!" Fluttershy said disapprovingly.

"What?" He said innocently. "I was just practicing!"

"Change it back. Now." Fluttershy's voice was soft but firm.

"Oh bother." Discord huffed, snapping his talons again. The spider looked itself over to be sure it was back to normal, then shook one front leg at Discord before scurrying to safer surroundings. "Hmph. Arachnids have no sense of humor."

"Ok." Twilight spoke up, stepping forward. "If you are going to have a prank war, there needs to be some guidelines."

"Absolutely not!" Discord and Dash said simultaneously.

"Don't interrupt!" Fluttershy said, frowning at Discord. "You too." She looked at Dash.

"As I was saying," Twilight said firmly. "This needs to be made a fair war."

"Ha! There is no fair when it comes to a prank war!" Discord said. "Anything goes!"

"Yeah, what he said!" Dash said. "Wait. Why am I agreeing with you?! You're the enemy!!"

"Rainbow Dash, I am deeply hurt by that." Discord said, conjuring up both fake tears and a handkerchief to dry them with. He tossed it up in the air and it turned into a bird, flying off. "However, since this is a war...I am going to forget it."

"Ugh! Twilight, what do you have in mind for rules?" Dash asked.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Discord's sudden burst of laughter earned him quizzical looks from Rarity, Applejack, Spike, and Twilight; a disapproving stare from Fluttershy; and a fierce scowl from Dash. Pinkie just giggled.

"What is so Celestia-darned funny??" Dash growled.

"You are!" Discord snorted. "I was trying to picture you playing by the rules. I don't think you could do it. You are a notorious rule rebel."

"I can keep to the rules better than you!"

"Ohho really? Well, now, this will be fun! Two challenges in one! I like it!"

"Twilight, Ah'm not sure we ought to encourage this." Applejack said.

"Indeed!" Rarity agreed. "Somepony could get hurt!"

"If they'll stick to the rules, that shouldn't happen." Twilight said. "Are you two ready to listen yet?" Dash and Discord focused on her, the former scowling and the later smirking. "Thank you. Now, first rule. Discord, you are not allowed to any form of magic that could cause even the slightest amount of harm."

"Oh poo." Discord pouted.

"Alright, rule two. The pranks will remain between the two of you. Er...three, of you, since Pinkie is helping Dash. Which means that you may not try to gain extra points by pranking other ponies. Stick strictly to pranking each other."

"With pleasure." Dash glared at Discord.

"I don't think two against one is quite fair." Discord said. "Hmm..." He snapped his talons, and a slightly shorter version of himself appeared beside him, looking quite smug. "There! That's better! Now the odds are more even."

"Seriously?" Dash gumbled. "One Discord is bad enough..."

"Ahem." Twilight cleared her throat. "I could make up all kinds of safety rules for this..."

"Oh of course you could." Discord said drily.

"However," Twilight said, pinning him with a glare. "All I will say is this: don't kill each other and please try not to destroy all of Ponyville."

"Oh, as if I could be killed!" Discord scoffed. "I am a spirit, Twilight. I can't possibly be killed."

"Wanna bet?" Twilight said, eyes narrowing. "I could figure out a way..."

"And risk Celestia being upset with you after you all worked so hard to reform me? Please, Twilight, I thought you were smarter than that."

"I think she'd understand perfectly." They glared at each other.

"Ok, could you please snap out of it so we can get on with this??" Dash demanded.

"Fine." Twilight drew a deep breath. "Who has an idea for a prize for the winner?"

"I do! I do!" Pinkie giggled. "Winner gets to be declared Prank Master of Ponyville!!"

"That has a nice ring to it." Discord said thoughtfully.

"That is so awesome!" Dash grinned.

"Alright then." Twilight said. "Prank Master of Ponyville it is."

"I say we take one hour to relax and prepare." Discord announced. "And then, we meet. At high noon."

"Its already noon." Dash deapanned.

"Oh, yes, right. So it is." Discord sighed. "Very well then. Shall we make it one?"

"Agreed!" Pinkie giggled.

"I'll see you at one." Dash said, glaring at Discord.

"Yes. Indeed you will." Smirked Discord, leaning in. "And may the best prankster win."

"Oh, I will!" Dash growled. Discord gave a snicker and vanished with the snap of his talons. Dash took off towards the bakery with Pinkie. The others looked at each other, then at Twilight.

"You do realise you just unleashed the full power of Discord, Dash, and Pinkie Pie on a very unprepared Ponyville, don't you?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. I am beginning to realise that." Twilight replied.

"Twilight, Ah don't wanna say this," Applejack said slowly. "But sugarcube, Ponyville ain't likely to survive this."

"Discord can be very...um...chaotic, but he won't go too far." Fluttershy spoke up. "Um...I hope."

"Fluttershy, how much do you trust Discord?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy met her gaze squarely.

"I gave my word to never use my element against him. That took alot of trust. And faith."

"True." Twilight sighed. "Alright then. Let's just take a deep breath and hope this town comes out of this in one piece." She looked around and groaned.

"Oh, who am I kidding! Its Discord and Rainbow Dash. And Pinkie Pie. I've doomed Ponyville to utter chaos and destruction!"