• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 727 Views, 8 Comments

The Great Prank Challenge - RebelNarrator45

Discord. Rainbow Dash. Prank war. Need I say more?

  • ...

Let the pranks begin!

Dash and Pinkie were in Pinkie's room, discussing prank plans.

"They've got to be good!" Dash said, pacing. "I am going to beat Discord or die trying!"

"Oh Dashie, you can't do that! We need you!" Pinkie said. "You'll beat him! And I'm helping!" Dash smirked.

"Thanks, Pinkie." She stood tall. "What pranks do we have to work with?" Pinkie bounded to her closet and dove inside. There was crashes and bangs galore until her muffled voice rang out.

"Found it!" She popped out of the closet with a rather impressively large case that she threw onto the bed and opened. Dash examined its contents.

"Wow. This is alot." She said. "Itching powder, sneezing powder, whoopie cushions, dribble glasses, love potion, hoof buzzer, fake snake....wait, LOVE POTION???!" She swung her astonished gaze to Pinkie. "Pinkie, why in Tartarus do you have love potion??"

"In case I need to make somponies fall in love, silly!" Pinkie giggled. Dash blinked.

"But...but why would you...?" She stopped and shook her head. "No. Uh uh. No way. Never mind. I am so not going there. I need all of my sanity for Discord." She rubbed her head and looked back down at the prank kit. "Hmm...buzz buttons. What the hay is that??"

"I dunno." Pinkie said with a giggle. Sge picked up one of the little buds and some leaves. "Says on the package it only works if you chew it and eat it." She held it out to Dash before taking one herself and popping it into her mouth. Dash, though hesitant, folowed suit. Thirty seconds later they stared at each other in astonishment.

"I canth feel my thongue!" Dash spit out, her mouth totally numb. "Ith thotally numb! I canth sthpeak too good."

"Me either!" Pinkie said, giggling. "Ith to funny! You thound funny."

"I feel funny." Then Dash giggled rather dumbly. "Ith thith awthome or what?? I feel tho good..." she giggled again. Then she frowned. "Whath wrong with me?!"

"I think ith thith plant!" Pinkie said. "We need Twilight! I think we poithoned ourthelves!!" As if on cue, Twilight came in.

"Girls, we need to...what in Equestria?!" She gaped at the two who stood there giggling stupidly.

"We canth feel our tongueth!" Dash said. "And we are tho thupid and thilly but we don't care! Ith thith plant!!" Twilight hurried to read the package. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you two! You'll live. Give it ten or fifteen minutes and you'll be fine."

"Whath the plant called?" Dash asked with another stupid giggle.

"Its what it says it is: buzz buttons." Twilight said. "Also called toothache plant. Its real name is Sichuan. Of the species Acmella Oleracea."

"Uh...in Englith pleath?" Dash said.

"Its a plant that numbs your mouth and also makes you feel like you just took too many painkillers."

"Oh!" Dash looked at Pinkie, who stared back with a grin. "I think we have our firth prank."

Discord smiled to himself as he walked along to the bakery. Liiterally smiled to himself...his clone was right beside him.

"This is going to be so easy!" He told himself cheerfully. "Like taking candy from a baby. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have no idea who they are dealing with. I have hundreds of thousands of years of pranking experience, and I am not going to be undone by two ponies. Take me on in a prank war? Ha! How utterly laughable. Well, I am going to end this quickly...but not too quickly. I want to have some fun first." He started to push the door open, then paused. "Hmmmm..." He snapped his talons and teleported himself, and his clone, inside, gazing at the door. "Hm. No buckets of water or confetti or sticky goo...interesting. i would have thought they would snap up such a great opportunity. Oh well." He turned as his two currently ex-friends entered the room.

"Hey Discord!" Dash said. "Pinkie and I thought we could all use a snack before we really get started pranking. So, we made cupcakes!" Pinkie produced a small platter of delicious looking cupcakes...all decorated with icing images of Discord himself. He eyed them suspiciously.

"Just how gullible do you believe I am??" He demanded incredulously. "You've obviously spiked these with pepper, or salt, or hot sauce. Or perhaps they're not cakes at all, but chunks of dirt!"

"Dirt??" Pinkie gasped. "Discord, how terrible! I would never feed anypony dirt cupcakes...not even you, not even in the middle of a prank war. That would just be too mean meany pants of me!" Twilight appeared at that moment.

"Discord, trust me. They didn't put any of those things in it."she said, before walking out the door.

"Why should I believe her?" Discord huffed.

"Maybe because she's telling the truth." Dash said, scowling. "She's not a part of this war, Discord. Remember? She's not taking sides either." Discord frowned at the cupcakes.

"Oh, very well!" He said, taking one. He popped it into his mouth. "Mm. I must say, this are quite delicious." He downed three more without hesitation. Dash and Pinkie hoof-bumped each other behind their backs.

"So, how do you feel??" Pinkie asked with a giggle. Discord blinked at the random question. He would have chalked it up to the fact that it was just Pinkie being....well, Pinkie. But suddenly he felt an incredibly odd feeling. Sort of...buzzy, and tingly. Like maybe he had just had too much hard cider and was becoming very relaxed. To top it off, his mouth was becoming alarmingly numb. He blinked.

"What did you put in the cupcakth?!" He demanded. "Did you poithon me?? Ooh. Who careth?? Thith ith the greateth feeling..." And he started laughing hysterically. "You put thomething in thoth cupcakth, didn't you??? Wath it hard thider?? Why ith my mouth tho numb???" He sounded ridiculous, and Dash and Pinkie were howling with laughter. "Whath tho funny?!"

"B...b...buzz but...but...buttons!" Dash gasped out with great difficulty, tears in her eyes as she continued to laugh hysterically.

"Buth what??!"

"Buttons!" Pinkie panted, holding her sides. "They make your mouth really really numb and make you feel almost drunk! You sound sooooo hilarious!!" Discord glared at them.

"Really??" He said. "You put thoth thingth in cupcakth and then you laugh yourselvth thilly at me?? How very inconthiderate and...thith ith not funny!!" He was trying to sound indignant, but it was very, very hard to sound indignant when you were literally spitting your words out and you were feeling quite intoxicated...even though you had had no hard cider. Realising this, he gave up, and even started to find slight humor in it.

"Ok, ok. You guyth got me. Very nithe job. Now can you pleath make it thop??" He laughed.

"It'll wear off in about ten minutes or so." Dash said, breathlessly, wiping her eyes. Sure enough, a little bit later the effects wore off. Discord was presented with an undoctored cupcake, which he insisted each of them take a small piece from first...just to be safe. Once he finished, he stared them down.

"Prepare yourselves." He said. "This war is on!" He snapped his talons and Dash let out a shriek as her wings were replaced with rainbow colored butterfly wings.

"Hey!!" She scowled. Pinkie giggled.

"Good one, Discord!"

"Oh, I'm so glad you approve!" He said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Pinkie? Might I trouble you for a glass of water?" He smirked. Pinkie trotted to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and turned on the sink to fill it...only to get hit full force with the sprayer, which had been taped and aimed to spray. Only instead of water, she got drenched in pepper sauce.

"Gah!" She shrieked. "Water! Water! Ooh!!! Hot! Hot! Too much pepper!" She was relieved a second later when a large bucket of icy liquid was dumped over her head...courtesy of Discord. It wasn't water though. It was molasses. And he followed it by dumping a torn feather pillow over her. She blinked. Then she burst out laughing. Dash was not amused.

"We are going to get you for this, Discord!" She shouted. "You messed with the wrong ponies!!" She tried to fly, only to drop back down with a thud...the butterfly wings unable to hold her weight. "Gah!" Discord laughed heartily.

"There are lots more pranks where those came from." He said, before vanishing.

"Oh!!! I am SO gonna kick his..." Dash broke off and looked at Pinkie, who had stopped giggling and had adopted a rather fierce expression. A battle helmet sat on top of her sticky and feathered head.

"Rainbow Dash," she announced. "We have a draconequis to beat!! Lets put our heads together and figure out our next pranks!" She hopped over and plunked her head against Dash's.

"Pinkie Pie..." Dash groaned. "That's not meant to be taken literally!!" Pinkie tried pulling back, but it was too late. The super sticky molasses had stuck her head to Dash's like glue.

"Well, I guess we'll have to clean up first!" Pinkie stated with a giggle. "Bathtub's big enough for two!" Dash reddened slightly, but there really wasn't a better plan. She nodded her head...which also nodded Pinkie's. The two of them somehow maneuvered upstairs to get a good hot bath and plan their next pranks on Discord.

He was not going to get the best of them!!

Author's Note:

Ok...this is gonna take at least one more chapter....

I may need to resort to doing some quick research on pranks. I'm really low on ideas...

Does anyone else have any???

Also, I did not make up the buzz buttons/toothache plant/Sichuan. Its very real. It's also called electric daisy and something else I forgot...

Anyway, it makes your mouth very numb, and can give you a 'buzz' type feeling. But I think you have to eat a good handful before you got any sort of "high" from it. Not sure. I'm not an expert.

I just thought it would be hilarious to use it as a prank...

But word of caution?
Do not try this as a prank in real life! It could potentially be dangerous.