• Published 24th Sep 2018
  • 303 Views, 1 Comments

The equis union - white1498

takes place in the far future were the races of equis has finally achived space flight but at what cost to the planet and others?

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chapter one

Far north base, Eques, Faust

Bridge of the Sharo

“This is the carrier vessel Sharo coming in for the pick up of the lost heroes. Requesting permission to land on site, over.” says a white mare with ginger hair, blue eyes, brown scales on the back, and a white horn into a headset microphone as the vessel flew over a basecamp surrounding several dark crystals.

“Carrier vessel Sharo, this is site aero-space command proceed to landing pad alpha-one for pick up and Tahlen I know it’s you. Please, you don’t need to talk in accordance with protocol, sis.” Says a blue mare with red hair, blue eyes, red scales on her back. “You know that.” Says the mare.

“(Sigh) I know, sis, but this is basically the only thing that doesn’t end with me writing a report that can be summed up as, “everything is just as it was, like yesterday. Nothing of any real note”, you get that right, sis.” Says Ava into her headset.

“I get it, sis. It gets boring up here but you still have a responsibility to keep the flights that go in and out orderly. Besides, the pilot heard me get confirmation too land at landing pad alpha-one that is also pretty close to the, what fifteen crystals that hold the heroes of the pre-great war age, right. You the ones who slew that dark unicorn who called himself a king.” says Tahlen into her headset looking at her nails with little interest.

“Tahlen, I do have some good news for you though…I’m going to become your co-communications officer on board the Sharo. Isn’t that exciting?” says Ava holding her arms to her chest while clutching her hands into balls.

“Oh! That’s great news. When are you going to get onboard?” says Tahlen now excited to be working with her sister onboard the same vessel.

“I’m being transferred today and don’t worry I already packed so I should be onboard before the last of the IIMs are loaded up into the cargo bay and are secured.” Says Ava into her headset turning to look out a window to see the carrier vessel move to land at landing pad alpha-one.

“I am happy and excited that you're joining the crew but I must ask, what does IIM stand for. I get that it’s an acumen but still what does it mean.” Asks Tahlen into her headset unsure as to what IIM stands for.

“Oh, it stands for Important Imprisoned Mares, because the only documents that were salvageable after the war indicated to the group being made up entirely of mares and before you even ask when your stuck in a frozen Tartarus forsaken hole with only A: work to do and B: read whatever documents you are cleared for then you know how boring things can truly become at one of these posts.” Says Ava into her headset but now she is standing on her hooves and picking up a duffle bag and swinging it over her shoulder.

“I see well. See you soon my shift on the bridge is almost over. I’ll be waiting for you at the barracks, later sis.” Says Tahlen into her headset before she got up after feeling a hand tap her shoulder. Turning around she saw that it was one of the other communications officers a dark brown pegasus stallion with white fur running from his lower jaw to his lower body, green eyes, and brown hair. “Hey, Piper it’s a bit early for you to start your shift isn’t it.” Asks Tahlen after turning off her headset.

“Yes, but you should meet with your sister when she comes on board. Besides, I’ll cover the rest of your shift for you.” Says Piper to Tahlen in a tone that hinted at something else but what.

“Piper, are you doing this just to get at my hot, sexy half kirin-earth pony sister.” Asks Tahlen looking Piper straight in the eyes before folding her arms under her own generous breasts.

“Is it really that obvious.” Asks Piper to Tahlen who simply nods. “Oh, well could you put in a nice word for me, please. I actually want to paint a portrait of her to help fund the vessel when it comes time for a retrofit and you know those can get very expensive those can get.” Says Piper rubbing the back of his head.

“I’ll see what I can do…” says Tahlen and Piper gets a hopeful look on his face, “…but no promises that she will be willing to take a raunchy pose while you paint a portrait of her.” Says Tahlen taking off the headset and handing it to Piper who now had a little bit of a disappointed look on his face.

“(sigh) the things I do to help keep the vessel running smoothly.” Says Piper before putting on the headset, turning it on and taking the communication officers seat.

Sharo’s Cargo Bay

Tahlen stood near the exit to the cargo bay waiting for one equine that she is all too familiar with. She waited even while the IIMs were loaded up and secured to the vessel she waited. “Where is she. She knows if she misses the vessel she’ll be transferred back to here until further notice.” Says Tahlen to her self-crossing her arms looking and waiting for her sister.

“Tahlen, over here. You silly filly.” Called Ava to Tahlens’ left as she ran up to Tahlen and gave her a bear hug. “Sis, it is so good to finally be on a vessel. I mean we can…you know braid our manes and tails, and have our filly talks when we aren’t working at our station.

“I fully agree with you there, Ava.” Says Tahlen before turning towards the exit and motioning for Ava to follow. “C’mon, I’ll show you to our bunk and get you squared away before hitting the showers to get cleaned up.” Says Tahlen with Ava trailing right behind her heading to the vessels’ showers.

“So, sis, do you really think that six of those crystals holds the elements of harmony because you know… that’s what the few surviving documents from the war say. Do you think there is any truth to those papers.” Says Ava following Tahlen to the Sharo’s showers.

“Honestly, I don’t believe it for a second.” Says Tahlen still looking ahead. “The mere thought of a group of equines with “magic gemstones” sounds way to far fetched to have even a grain of truth to it.” Says Tahlen before stopping in front of a door with an icon of a showerhead. “Anyway, we’re here. Oh, and as a heads up all the showers are mixed sex. So, expect the stallions to stare at you.” Says Tahlen before opening the door and entering followed by Ava.

Meanwhile in the Sharo’s cargo bay

“What's happening...Why am I so cold…why can’t I move my arms or legs…where am I even…and why am I so tired.” Thinks a purple form from inside one of the crystals before falling once more unconscious.

Author's Note:

sorry for not updating or giving a rather long over due explenation but well i just lost my insperation for this fic that and my stellaris game files for this fic were lost when my computer froze and i had to manually restart the the system.

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