• Published 24th Sep 2018
  • 303 Views, 1 Comments

The equis union - white1498

takes place in the far future were the races of equis has finally achived space flight but at what cost to the planet and others?

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Several forms moved through a blizzard five of the forms had golden necklaces with a colored gemstone as its centerpiece, one had a golden tiara crown with a gemstone as its centerpiece as well, while fifteen more forms followed the six leads and one taking the very front of the group. All of them searching for something or rather someone.

"Where is that coward...I just want to punch 'em in the face for forcing us to wonder in a bucking blizzard of all things!" says one of the forms wearing cyan blue thermal winter clothes with a golden necklace with a red gemstone as its centerpiece. Yet still walking with the group not wanting to get separated and lost in a blizzard.

"Dash, complaining about the cold and how you want to punch the one we're out here to stop won't make things better you know that." says a form with orange thermal winter clothes with a similar golden necklace but with a lighter orange gemstone as its centerpiece and sticking with the group just like the cyan one.

"Girls... He's here. Get ready for a fight." says a form in deep purple thermal winter clothes, however, this one had golden tiara with a purple gemstone for a centerpiece. All of the forms got into a combat stance but the six leads were the ones that took up the front while a form in tan thermal winter clothes moved to be with the fifteen bringing up the rear.

"So you brought the elements to me?" says a dark voice from a swirling mass of black clouds. "Good you saved me the trouble of going south and laying siege to Canterlot to get the elements." says the dark voice before a green and black beam of energy was shot but was stopped by a lavender energy barrier. "So you learned a new spell, big deal once I get those CRYSTALS I shall take control of Equis and then the galaxy for all crystals are MINE." says the dark voice with the appearance of green eyes with black slit pupils.

"Alright girls lets do this and end this monster." says the purple form before all six of the forms in the front start to lift up into the air.

"No, I will not be denied MY BIRTH RIGHT." yells the dark voice before dark crystals appear and freeze the rear forms in the dark crystals all while the six floating forms fire a beam of rainbow-colored light to the dark cloud and the dark voice begins to fade while only ash and dust is caught in the wind and is blown to the far ends of the frozen land. However, the dark crystals capture the six forms meeting them just a mear foot from the snowy, permafrost ground.

Meanwhile two weeks later

"Sister, it has only been two weeks and things are only getting worse." says Luna looking over a map of Equestria's military deployments before picking up several reports. "The yaks have closed their borders and are beginning a re-armament campaign, the hippogriffs are gearing up for conflict, the kelpies are increasing their raids on the coastal cities, my thestrals are beginning to get eager for bloodshed, the changelings are starting to stockpile any and all resources they can find in their lands, the zebra tribes are starting to train up their warriors, the griffons are selling military equipment to everyone and to top everything off the public is starting to get riled up about the military buildup that will end with a full-blown war with new weapons of killing taking center stage." says luna before flipping to another report."(sigh) Sister, we should start preparing for the worst. Though I suppose there is one silver lining the kirin have yet to show any sign of a military of any kind though there are massive amounts of almost every race heading to the kirin from dragons to breezes, earth pony, pegasus and unicorn to zebras and changelings, even kelpies of all things and the more tamer of my precious thestrals. They're all heading to the kirin, but why?" says luna before placing down the report.

"Luna, did I ever tell you I killed a pony once." asks Celestia looking out a window. When no answer came up the shuffling of papers Celestia continued. "She was just a filly no more than maybe eleven I was walking down the hall when she bumped into me I helped her up and just like that we spent time together. She was like the daughter I never had but one day as I was helping her with her homework she started coughing up black blood. I didn't know it was ion-monoxide poisoning at the time but myself and the very best doctors did our best to help her. I ended up making a spell that everyone even myself believed would cure the disease but it ended up killing her... Even now I still grieve for her that filly that I couldn't help, but I will not make a repeat that mistake again." says Celestia before turning towards a desk with paper on it. Celestia starts walking over to the desk picks up a pen and writes an order to all of Equestria then signs her name at the bottom.

"Tia, sister, you know that ever since my return that a law of the magnitude of what your thinking of will require my signature as well if it is to take effect." says luna before Celestia moves to the side and Luna sees the law and indeed this law would require not just their signatures but the approval of both the public and the nobility and both would agree to it in a heartbeat. "Sister...We have work to do." says luna before signing and having it sent to the parliament and the house of the public.

Canterlot, five years later

The sound of fighting and explosives could be heard everywhere not even the animals outside of the havens and bunkers were excepted from the fighting between all factions each one fighting for control over the world. However, in the end, the most forbidden of orders was given and the use of balefire warheads was used and in the blink of an eye, the world was forever changed. Where once stood a beautiful house now a smoldering ruin, a field of crops waiting for the harvest that never came now a field of barbed wire waiting to ensnare a soldier for death to lay claim to their soul. On the ground lay the dead and the dying many of whom ended their own lives from the futile effort of fighting a world that now resented their mere existence. The streets now filled with races of every kind from the naval kelpies to the mighty dragon all now laid on the dead ground as one.

Inside a burnt-out building

"Sister, is it now day or night... I can't anymore." said a mare dressed in a dark blue uniform with an environmental-mask on clutching at a pistol that long ran out of munitions with a rifle strapped to her back with a bayonet attached to it looking out a burnt out window.

"I don't know sister, but (sigh) the war is over signal that the fighting is over and that all leadership of the past is dead." said a mare in a uniform that was once white now blackened from the ash that fell in the place of both rain and show. Looking to the sky while loading two bullets into her own sidearm.

"Sister, do you think that we maybe reincarnated at some point in the future." says the dark blue mare now looking at her sister with now silver eyes.

"I wouldn't know, because we never would have remembered our past lives." says the once white mare priming her sidearm while taking out an all-clear signal transmitter.

"Sister." says the dark blue mare before she closed her eyes for the last time.

"Yes...Luna." says the once white mare while taking aim at Luna's forehead.

"I love you, Celestia... More than a sibling ever should have the right to." says Luna not even moving from her spot.

"I know, Luna...I feel the same way." says Celestia before a bang was heard and Luna's body fell limp. "Maybe, I'll remember this past life." says Celestia before activating the transmitter. "Well, it was nice while it lasted." says Celestia before aiming her sidearm to the side of her head looking to the sky and closing her eyes, then a bang and she to fell limp to the ground.

Meanwhile, in the ruins of Ponyville and many other towns and cities, great doors opened for the first time in five years and the inhabitants walked out to see what became of their world. While in the kirin haven the signal that the war is over was met with cheers all while great caravans of supplies were sent out to the war-torn cities. While in the changeling hive a new race appeared and this new race helped the changelings to distribute materials to rebuild the cities. However, it will be many years before the world will be anywhere close to habitable again as many were beset with disease and injury just to die days later. However, the races endured and after nearly three hundred years of near leaderless hardship an explorer team sent to the far north made an amazing discovery.

Upon the team's return a council of three had been assembled to create something akin to a governments leadership and was told of their discovery and so it warranted the dedication of every single scrap of all remaining resources to achieve space flight and the extraction of the sixteen heroes who banished the last of the original dark evils of the old world.

Author's Note:

hope you enjoyed this opening chapter because I am writing this alongside a game of stellaris, enjoy.