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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 45 )
Dan #1 · Sep 16th, 2018 · · ·

I hope she gives out actual balloon animals as a memento of the encounter.

Epilogue/potential continuation pending.

*Strokes my . . . chin, because I haven’t a beard.* Hmmm. This pleases me. This pleases me, and gives me ideas. This was, quite possibly, the best Pinkie Porno I’ve ever read, not that I’ve read that many, but, still. Good job, man!

How many times have you gone off chasing after Lyra now?"

"That's not fair!" Bon Bon defended, her eyebrows knitted. "Me and Bon Bon were actually in a long term relationship

Is she Trixie? Or am I reading that wrong?

"That's not fair!" Bon Bon defended, her eyebrows knitted. "Me and Bon Bon were actually in a long term relationship, you just swoon over every mare that so much as buys you a drink."

Bon Bon, you can’t date yourself... (excluding changelings and mirror world counterparts.)

>tfw you two caught this at the exact same time. Like literally to the minute. Will fix shortly, thanks!

I’ll be honest, I forgot I’d noticed that once I’d read the story because I was laughing to damn hard.
This story is magical.

I'll never look at a giraffe the same way again.

"Nooo, not here. Children might be present!" (But they aren't. Children just don't exist 'on screen' in my stories.)

That got me.


She'd twisted your still hard cock into a fucking balloon animal.

A fucking balloon animal.

"Told you it'd be a giraffe!" Pinkie sing songed

Wait a minute.


"That said... I think you'll be a long one." She stole a glance at your jeans, where a bulge was already hardening, forming. "Maybe a giraffe!"


Well. That was... magical.

Fucking glorious.

The repeated phrase made me think of Tahiti

I knew Pinkie was good with her tongue, what with the insane talking speed, but holy balls! :pinkiegasp:

Gonna guess she does.
At every party thereafter.
With much eyebrow-waggling.

I actually lost control of myself laughing at the end there. GG dude!

The three of them nodded and then potentially fucked.


You cut the cue and headed inside, spotting Pinkie Pie as quickly as you could and walking up to her as she served a pair of customers. "Anon! Have you finally come here for a Special Limited Edition Pandora's Box Pinkie Pie Blowjob?"


"Nooo, not here. Children might be present!" (But they aren't. Children just don't exist 'on screen' in my stories.) Pinkie gestured to an open door leading to a set of stairs. "We'll go to my bedroom, I find it's where I do my best work!"


"You bitch!" Thunder gasped, brandishing his glass so loosely that it looked as if it might fly out of his hand at any moment. Bon Bon gasped too, which caused Caramel to gasp, which proved to you that gasps are as contagious as yawns.

Thunderlane suddenly grew a hand.


honestly not to shocked.


what? fuck it, that


When she gives you a deep throat

The three of them nodded and then potentially fucked.

"Potentially fucked" is hereby a thing, because it was all hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

"That said... I think you'll be a long one." She stole a glance at your jeans, where a bulge was already hardening, forming. "Maybe a giraffe!"

At this point, I already knew how it was going to go.
Died anyway.

Seriously, you caked that bedroom, and not in a weird incest family pun way.

And boom goes the dynamite.

Another fic for the Clomedy bookshelf.


At least it wasn't one of those screaming rubber chickens, the stuff of nightmares... Then again, maybe that's Cheese Sandwich's "special" for the mares?

Pinke Pie you devious little scamp you :pinkiehappy:
LOL love the descriptions man. Pinkie Pie is always a "fun" time im sure

Schrödingers fuck. :ajsmug:

i expected a different twist at the end, and was pleasantly surprised that i didn't get it.

hey intricate. ive been reading your stories ever since Vantage Point. and im very happy that your quality hasnt gone down since.


Dude. This seems like something Anonpencil should do a seque- oh.

Collab when? <3

Fucking amazing story.


This was the most in-character Pinkie porn :pinkiehappy: I've ever read. Bravo.

Thank you for posting.

I honestly think this fic just made Pinkie that much more terrifying.

Lmao! Jesus Christ. Just got around to reading this, and I think I'm gonna have to re-read it just to catch all the hints about the ending. GG.

It's a magical place.

What I can get out of this story, is that Ponyville is fucking weird

The three of them nodded and then potentially fucked.

I like moments like these, when the story just fucks with itself. :D

I have to admit, I half-expected Pinkie to pull a stunt like that. It's just so Pinkie... Good thing she doesn't leave it at that, though, because if it were me, I'd probably smother her with my blue balls afterwards.

Which she probably would've liked, anyway.

I was expecting her to literally blow into it and tie it like a balloon animal. So I suppose I got half of what I expected. I don't know what it says about me that I predicted balloon animal dick...

Truthfully, I was very much expecting the exact same thing. Still, it was funny. :D

The three of them nodded and then potentially fucked.

It's the only option after that conversation.

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