• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 765 Views, 13 Comments

Adventures of Obie - Psycho2cool

Join Obie as he travels Equestria.

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Sleepover, Party, and Goodbye Ponyville

Adventures of Obie
A Sleepover and a Party

Obie was caught up in his thoughts. Why am I getting so worked up? It’s just a favor. She’s obligated, for some reason. The stallion shook his head and glanced at his guide. Rainbow Dash had a hopelessly bored expression on her face. She had to slow down a lot so Obie could keep up. Obie hadn’t noticed how much he’d slackened and thought about how she obviously wasn’t concerned with the childish notions he was. So, he shouldn’t either.

A few more shakes of the head somehow straitened the jumbled up mess of Obie’s mind. A large bunch of clouds with what looked like streaks of rainbows in it slowly came into view. The two were heading straight for it so that was the clear destination. Obie Smiled as he thought out a fun little prank.

He slowed down just enough to be out of Rainbows eyesight and he rose in the air. He then dove for a sudden boost of speed and rocketed past the unprepared mare. “Race ya!” managed from his lips as he flew ahead, pumping his wings hard. In no time, however, a rainbow maned face began to overtake him. Flying backwards and still slowly gaining ground, she blew him a raspberry, turned and took off. Obie bit back his awe and struggled in vain to increase his speed. There was little he could do, however, as the mare raced far ahead of him toward her home. She’d been waiting on her cloud homes floating patio. On which, Obie landed sprawled out. Rainbow Dash laughed at him as he caught his breath.

“Hahaha! What was that about?” Rainbow Dash almost choked.

“I’d always beat my sister.” Obie smiled dumbly.

“Yeah, I bet your sister isn’t one of the fastest mares alive.”

“Still,” Obie stood, “It worked just the same.”

“What?” Rainbow asked.

“You don’t look so bored now.” Again, the stallion smiled dumbly.

“You’re a riot, you know that?” She chuckled.

“I consider myself pretty plain.”

“You’re anything but, Obie.” With that, Rainbow opened the unlocked door to her cloud home.

It appeared to be made out of compressed cloud, most all of the house was. What wasn’t cloud appeared to be rainbows and or rainbow waterfalls coming out of more natural looking cloud decorations. The building proper is a two story building of moderate size. It was loosely cylindrical shaped with parts of it appearing to melt into the clouds the building rested on. A classic Pegasus keyline design separated the first and second story and decorated the door. The roof appeared to be loose cloud slung across arbitrarily but was to perfectly so to be true. Where the cloud roof tendrils out, it had aesthetic pillars to support it. Cirrus ‘vines’ crawled along the building and along the cloud yard. They blew in the wind slowly, giving the building a more lively feeling then the unnatural steadiness of the cloud material allowed. The entire thing was a classic example of pegasus architecture. Obie had no idea about that. This was his first time looking at such, but was impressed nevertheless.

“What are you staring at?” Rainbow’s words shook Obie from his thoughts a little.

“Your house. It’s amazing.”

“I thought you’ve been to a cloud house before?”

“I lied,” Obie stated shamelessly, “It’s beautiful.”

“Oh man, I’d love to see the look on your face if you ever see Cloudsdale.” She gestured through the doorway and added, “Come on in.”

Obie followed her inside. The interior of the building was similar to the exterior but was far less flashy. The living room had a few cloud couches draped with some kind of cloth surrounded the center somewhat sporadically. A rainbow colored rug somehow supported a table decorated in the same Pegasus Keyline design on the houses exterior. The pattern also lined the bottom of the walls. Aside from two doors parallel from each other and a hole leading to the second story, the rest of the inside was off-white walls, ceiling, and floor. Light seemed to just seep in from nowhere and anywhere.

“You have a nice home.” Obie mentioned as he passed through the entrance.

“Yeah it’s cozy,” Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly, “Just relax on the couch and I’ll be back with something to eat.” She closed the front door and started to float to another portal across the room.

“Say, do you have a pla-“ The stallion stopped speaking as a realization came to him. Obie groaned. “I forgot my saddle bags at Sugarcube Corner. I have to go back.”

Rainbow paused midflight, “Nah, don’t sweat it. The Cakes will make sure your stuff is taken care of.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave my things with just anyone,” Obie stated, unsure.

“Look, the Cakes are among the best ponies in town about things like that. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ve put it back for you to come get your stuff tomorrow before the party.” She thought for a moment and added, “Nopony wants to interrupt anypony during supper anyway.”

Obie exhaled a defeated sigh, “I’ll trust your judgment on that, then.” The stallion then trotted to a couch and sat down as his host continued to the door that he was sure was the kitchen.

He did not wait long before Rainbow Dash returned, balancing two simple bowls of salad in her fore hooves as she flew. She sat the salads on the table one across from her and gestured Obie to join her. The guest stood and joined the host.

“You know, you really didn’t have to do this. Thank you.” Obie detailed to his host. In response, Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously. This was noted and ignored by the stallion as the two began to eat. The two pegasus finished in silence and Rainbow took the bowls up in her hooves again.

“Oh man, you’re probably thirsty too. Water fine?” She was obviously preoccupied.

“Yes, please.” Her guest smiled at her, but Rainbow Dash turned without response and left the room. Obie mumbled to himself, “What’s wrong with her all of a sudden?”

She returned with a glass of water and offered it to her guest. Rainbow then took her place opposite from Obie at the table. Awkward silence. “Uh…” the spectrum maned pony let out suddenly, “What brings out to Ponyville. I never got a chance to ask you.” She seemed anxious.

“I’m traveling Equestria. I want to see what the world has to offer, you know?” Obie made a gentle grin.

“I guess.” Pause. “I- uh…” Pause. “Umm…” Pause. “Well… man.” She sighed and rubbed at the back of her head.

“Rainbow Dash, is something wrong? If you’re uncomfortable, I can leave. You’ve done plenty enough, trust me.”

“It’s not like that. I just…” Pause. “I just… don’t have many guests, you know… Don’t know how to act.” She chuckled nervously. Obie just gave her and understanding nod. “I hardly stay at home as it is. Most nights I just sleep on a cloud enjoying Lunas’ moon.”

The stallion pegasus sympathized with that. “I understand and I know I’m making this awkward,” Obie suddenly felt like he was on a cloud and he was and he didn’t like the feeling as per usual, "I can get my saddle bags and be out of your mane.”

“No!” Rainbow quickly placed a hoof on the table. It made a unique type of clop noise on the cloud. “Really, Obie, I know it’s weird, but I really want to make up for what I did earlier. It’s something I’d like to prove to myself.”

“And what is that?”

“It’s personal.”

“I guess I understand.” He didn’t.

“Yeah. Uh… Thanks.”

“No problem.” Awkward silence.

Looking around, Obie noticed the walls beginning to change from the off-white cloud color to a light orange. He began to look around busily, and questioned out loud about the color change to nopony in particular.

His host laughed, “The suns setting. The walls reflect light weird… Twilight could probably explain better. It’ll turn white again when the moon gets a little higher in the sky.”

“Wow… You know I don’t like being on clouds, but I could get used to living in a place like this. Walls that change colors… That’s cool.” Obie Smiled stupidly while looking at the slow change through the colors of the twilight sky.

“You’re so weird.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “We still got some time… You wanna play a board game or something?”

“Sure.” In response the mare suddenly flew up and shouted something about her favorite game. In no time, she returned with a box which bore an image of two young ponies playing with a board game. Rainbow quickly explained the rules, which were fairly simple made complex by the speed at which she spoke. It didn’t help much that the mare rambled off immediately about ‘strategies’ and ‘skill’. The advice seemed pointless as the game seemed to amount to guessing numbers and letters. Obie didn’t pay much attention as a consequence.

They played twelve rounds and he didn’t win at all.


Obie woke the next morning on the cloud couch. He’d tossed around most the night. Sleeping on a cloud had been more uncomfortable to him than just standing or sitting on one. Rainbow Dash had lied about a cloud house being more comfortable than normal clouds. Obie considered it just deserts for lying about seeing a cloud home before. Groggily the pegasus stood.

The walls had returned to their off-white color again which put the time at least past early morning. There wasn’t a way to tell without going outside to see the sun or looking at a watch. Not that Obie really took notice. He was thinking about how to go about getting his things from Sugarcube Corner. Or he was lazily waking himself up and occupying his mind with stupid situations that would never happen just to get his bags back.

He rolled lazily off the bed and turned to remove himself from the cloud couch and plant all four hooves on the floor. A sense of vertigo attacked him as he felt like he’d begun to fall back to earth. Wings extended in panic, Obie fell to his knees and yelped only to soon after realize that he couldn’t fall through the clouds. Relief and embarrassment flooded his face with red as the thought of how humiliating it would have been for Rainbow to have seen it. She probably could have. She probably did. Obie looked around.

Nopony in sight. The pegasus breathed a sigh of relief. He could only margin a guess at how long Rainbow Dash mocked him after every lost game last night she’d probably do the same had she seen his performance. Obie didn’t mind it. From afar, she could seem cruel but there was honesty in the way she went about her teasing. She was like how a sibling would treat another.

Obie walked about the room. A look out a window revealed the time of day to be mid-morning. Was this window here yesterday? Obie thought first and then Is Rainbow Dash awake? Inconsiderate for any pony that may be sleeping in for their day off and birthday, the pony called out for her. No answer.

She was probably out or refusing to wake. Either way he wouldn’t get to thank her for giving him a place to sleep until the party. Which was when? He thought. Not bothering to dwell on what he’d forgotten, the large winged pegasus made his way to the exit and then back to Ponyville.

The ‘closed’ sign on the door of Sugarcube Corner betrayed the buzz on the inside. A buzz created by one pony who was zipping about, setting up shop for the party. Pinkie Pie wore a content smile while she rushed about undisturbed. Obie viewed the scene through the window with a perplexed face. She moved about all quirky and erratic yet the pink pony seemed completely relaxed and at ease. There was no way a pony could move that fast in a trot but there she was. In aw the pegasus watched until he was interrupted.

“Enjoying the view?” a mares’ voice chided. Obie turned quickly to the voice, immediately embarrassed how he must have looked spying on Pinkie Pie like that. He was facing the Orange maned pony from yesterday. Whose name was…? Obie had completely forgotten.

“Oh, Hi! Uh, I wasn’t looking for any bad reasons! She’s just so, uh… I mean, she’s really, oh man.” Obie looked at the ground, unable to come up with a reason for staring at Pinkie that didn’t make the mare he was talking to think badly of him. She’s just so weird, he thought.

He couldn’t see the brief pang of emotion on Golden Harvests face. She quickly recovered and asked, “Are you, um, crushing on Pinkie Pie?”

At this Obies’ head shot up. “What? No. It’s just that I’ve never seen anything like it… It’s kinda, um, weird. Look at her.”

She looked past Obie to see the pink mare trotting back and forth at ridiculous speeds between setting tables and decorating the walls with various ‘happy birthday’ decorations. It’d be easier to finish one then the other, right? Then again, this was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Golden Harvest knew this and, like most ponies in Ponyville, was used to it. She looked back to Obie who bore the most foalish pleading expression she’d ever seen on a stallion. The pegasus was heartily laughed at.

Not quite sure how to respond but fairly certain that he was in the clear, Obie smiled. Pinkie Pie stuck her head out the door of the confectioner’s shop.

“Hi, Golden Harvest!” That’s her name! “Hi, Obie! I was wondering how long you were gonna watch me so I decided to ask. When you coming in?” Forward like what he appreciates.

“Right now, thanks,” Obie replied, ignoring any harboring embarrassment. He began to trot to the door of the shop but Pinkie hadn’t moved from her spot occupying it.

“You coming in too, Goldie?” Pinkie Pie asked. Obie turned to the aforementioned mare to see her wearing a look of surprise for some reason. She nodded. Pinkie moved to hold the door for the ponies. Obie entered, followed by Golden, then Pinkie.

“I guess you know I came here for my saddlebags,” started Obie, “They around here somewhere?”

Pinkie tapped he hoof on her chin while looking away in thought comically. “Hmm… I remember! I gave them away to a pony I didn’t know in the street.” She stood firm and smiled proudly.

“What!?” Obie raised his voice in panic, “What’d they look like!? Where’d they go? I thought you knew everypony in this town?!” The desperate stallion pleaded with the pink mare wearing the same foalish begging expression he wore for Golden.

At this Pinkie Pie fell down laughing. Through the snorting and neighing she managed to say, “I do! I was just fooling with you, silly-willy!”

Golden Harvest joined in with the party pony, sitting down on her haunches and covering her mouth with her hoof in an unsuccessful attempt at stifling her laughter. Obie also sat down, confused. He stared at the laughing mares wondering exactly what was so funny. His bags were okay, right?

Pinkie began bouncing around the confused pegasus. “Hey now! Don’t be bummed! It’s all in good fun, Obie. Mr. Cake put away your things as soon as we left yesterday.” The pink party pony stopped bouncing and stared at Obie. Behind her, Golden Harvest wore a halfhearted smile.

Obie slipped onto the floor, wings spread out weakly. He sighed in relief and said “You’re horrible.” He then blew her a raspberry and smiled with his tongue still hanging out of his mouth, prompting a new laughing fit from Pinkie Pie. Golden smiled more wholeheartedly as she giggled.

After a quick moment, Pinkie calmed. “I’ll get your saddlebags for you.” Pinkie trotted quickly past the blue pegasus and into a door behind the service counter.

Obie stood and looked at Golden Harvest who swiftly looked away. The stallion found this awkward and so also turned his head in a different direction to examine the store a little. Streamers, balloons, and a cleared stage ready for some kind of entertainment decked the shop. Continued silence filled the shop like a smell Obie couldn’t ignore. He looked back to Golden Harvest.

Golden had her mouth open, ready to speak. She closed it. Open. Close. Open, “Um… You excited for the party?” She smiled sheepishly.

Obie was happy to have something to talk about. “Yes, I am. Also, I’m kinda nervous. The whole situation is very unusual and sudden to me. Will Pinkie Pie really make an effort to introduce me to everyone she knows?”

In response, Golden chuckled and said, “The only reason she didn’t throw you a party is because of Rainbow’s birthday party, I’m sure.”

“What? Really? Why?”

“It’s something she loves to do,” she shrugged, “She does it for most everypony.”

“That’s… daunting. I don’t see how she could manage it.”

“Neither does anyone else…” Golden spoke in an annoyed tone.

Silence followed the short conversation until Obie broke it again. “Pinkie sure is taking her time… Makes me wonder if my things are even here.”

“Yeah.” The yellow mare seemed blue, as in sad.

“Can’t help but think this will cut into her preparation time.”

“Oh! You’re right!” A high pitched voice piped in from just out of sight. The pink party pony popped in from the portal she’d exited before. She had Obie’s saddlebags slung across her back. “I guess I’ll have to get back to it soon.”

“Were you just waiting there?” Golden Harvest asked.

“Yuppie doodles!” Pinkie Pie responded cheerfully.

“Why?” Obie asked.

“I was waiting on Golden. She’s so slow.” The pink mare lay her burden on the ground next to the items owner. “There ya go, Obie.” She had maintained a perfectly happy smile the entire conversation.

Golden huffed. “Well, I uh… Urgh! I’ll see you at the party later.” She left the store abruptly without waiting for a reply.

“’Kay! See you then!” Pinkie called out anyway, still sporting a smile.

Obie Looked at the door then to the mare still with him and sighed. “I’m confused,” he said, “what’s going on?”

Pinkie patted him on the head and said “Aunty Pinkie’s got it all understood. It’s nothing to worry about.”

Obie accepted this and smiled. His smile faded as he thought aloud, “You don’t seem to be older than me.”

“Don’t ask a mare her age,” Pinkie teased. “Wanna help me set up the party?”

“That sound’s great. I won’t even have to worry about being here on time.”

“See? Auntie Pinkie always knows what she’s doing.”

The party pony was surprisingly meticulous about decorating party favors. Certain things had to be a certain height. Others needed to be ‘rightly but a little leftish’. It was a weird kind of eccentric fussiness that, despite its slight annoyance, kept a smile on Obie’s face. Keeping him from boredom and ensuring they had fun with their now shared chore seemed to be all that Pinkie cared about.

When they’d finished, Pinkie Pie went on talking about anything and everything. From her friends to her family and just about any related subject. Obie tried his best to pay attention but the little pony with a mouth just had too much to say for him to be able to remember it all, which made his side of the conversation rather useless.

What he did manage to pick up on was the time of the party; soon. It would be over before or around dusk. This seemed a little early to Obie who thought parties were supposed to start late and go into the night. When he voiced his thoughts, Pinkie responded with a laugh and a snort and said “It’s a weekday, silly. Ponies need their sleep for work and stuff.” She then proceeded to go on about other things to do with partying. And boy, did she have a lot to say.

Time passed this way for a relatively short time. Ponies began to show up at the doorstep of the confectionary shop. The first was a white unicorn with a spiky blue and cyan mane who was to be the DJ for the event. Her name was Vinyl something or other but her stage name was DJ Pony 3 or Pon3 or something to the effect. The pegasus had a hard time following the machine gun fire of facts about the white pony who took the strange situation with a practiced nonchalant attitude. She barely acknowledged Pinkie and Obie before she was off to the stage to set up the equipment she’d brought in on a small cart.

The next pony to come in was an all blue earth stallion named, apparently, Blues. His talent was also music but he wasn’t going to perform tonight. Also, a mountain of other facts Obie couldn’t catch up on. More ponies arrived. Each and every time somepony opened the door they were immediately met with Obie, who could barely utter a hello before the host began to speak for both parties.

Everypony seemed to be used to such a spectacle. Most simply smiled or gave a gesture of greeting before finding their place at the beginning of the party. Soon ponies were starting conversations over the music that began playing. Pinkie eventually left Obie to his own devices so that she could handle some party thing or another. This suited the pegasus just fine until he realized he didn’t have the nerve to casually mingle about with the any of the small town ponies who knew each other intimately and he not so much. He was about to make himself comfortable with sitting off like a wall flower and enjoying the atmosphere of the party when an orange maned, yellow coated mare took him by a hoof unexpectedly and pulled him away from his search for an empty seat to take.


Rainbow Dash was resting uncomfortably on a cloud a while away from Ponyville. She’d been there all day. She’d woken surprisingly early and left her guest alone without a note or anything. She mentally kicked herself. Some host she was.

Just what kind of point was she trying to make for herself? Obie seemed like a nice enough stallion. Was it unfair and selfish for her to ask him to stay the night for the reasons she’d had? Would the mare that’s been plaguing her mind have felt any better? They were two different ponies, neither of whom she knows very well. Maybe she was an immature pony that really hadn’t grown since junior speedster’s flight camp.

The only thing she’d succeeded in doing last night was have an awkward conversation. It was stupid to begin with. He’d already forgiven her for the misunderstanding, why have him stay the night as means of apology? And now she felt bad. Could she have treated that mare better? Would she be as forgiving as he was?

Rainbow Dash continued to think herself in circles as she lay on the cloud. As she lay, a party for her continued without her.


Golden Harvest was keeping Obie busy and engaged at the party. The carrot marked mare was a most welcome change of pace compared to the constantly fierce social momentum of Pinkie Pie. Golden had more casually introduced the stallion to some of her friends, most of who immediately sympathized with Obie about Pinkie. None, however, had anything else negative to say about the party pony. Apparently, she was far more considerate and involved than she led on to Obie originally.

Time passed as the party waited for the mare of the hour. Obie was enjoying himself with Golden Harvest as they both relaxed at a table. The music set a rather lazy atmosphere as the DJ repeated a slow ‘pre-party’ song meant to provide some kind of ambiance as the ponies waited for Rainbow Dash. The two’s conversation on the topic was cut short when a hoof tap on Obie’s shoulder took demand of his attention.

Pinkie Pie stood along with Twilight Sparkle and an orange and blonde mare with whom Obie hadn’t yet been introduced. All of them bore concerned looks. Pinkie bade the pegasus to follow the trio for a more private conversation. Feeling the urgency of the situation, Obie left Golden Harvest with an apology and left to a more secluded area in the shop.

“Is something the matter?” Obie asked cautiously. He was pretty sure he’d done nothing wrong.

“Yeah,” Pinkie started, “Rainbow Dash hasn’t arrived yet. She’s a full hour and a half late.” Obie hadn’t realized how fast time had passed. It sure is concerning that the mare be late for her own party. Pinkie pie continued. “None of us have seen her at all today and now that she’s late we’re starting to worry.”

The orange mare spoke up, “We figured since you was the last to see her, you might have some idea where she might be.”

“Oooh!” Pinkie Pie sounded, breaking from her concerned demeanor and replacing it with her usual one, “You haven’t been introduced. Applejack, Obsidian Shield. Obsidian Shield, Applejack.” She’d either forgotten or ignored giving Applejack Obie’s preferred nickname.

The two exchanged greetings before Twilight asked, “Well, Obie? Do you know anything as to where she could be?”

“No, sorry. She had either gone or was still asleep when I left her house this morning. So I guess I haven’t seen her either.”

“Well, shoot!” Applejack let out and then sighed, “Thank ya, anyway.” She then turned to Twilight, “I’ll give a quick search around.”

“That’s a good idea,” she replied and added after a short thought, “If Fluttershy shows up before you return, I’ll have her search about the cloud layer. If I know Rainbow Dash, she’s probably napping somewhere.”

“Good thinking, Twi’. See ya in a bit.” Applejack made a timely exit from the confectionaries shop.

“I’ll keep the ponies entertained until she comes back with Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie hadn’t lost her chipper attitude since she’d introduced Obie to Applejack. “Come on, Obie!” She gestured for the stallion to follow her back to the party area.

He did not respond to her immediately and stood idly shifting his hooves. After an awkward moment, he said uneasily, “I’d like to help look for her.”

Twilight gave Obie an understanding look, “Thank you, but it’s not necessary. I’m sure she’s just napping in a cloud somewhere. It isn’t the first time this has happened. You can just enjoy the party and wait for her.”

“I know I could, but I feel like if there’s something I can do I should.” Obie smiled, “Besides, it’s kinda in my nature to worry uselessly.” He turned and lifted his wing, presenting to Twilight his cutie mark.

The purple mare sighed, “Fine. Just look around the clouds a bit. I promise that you’ll wake her up and she’ll rush straight here and everything will be okay.” She thought for a second and added, “And I understand you, Obie. I know a guy with a fairly similar cutie mark.”

Obie nodded and let the mares alone as he left Sugarcube Corner. Standing outside the entry to the shop, the stallion looked up at the sky. There was still some time left in the day as dusk hadn’t quite made its appearance. As yesterday, the clouds were mostly cleared except for a few which, although they must have had some more useful function Obie new nothing about, seemed mostly aesthetic. He turned his head to look in the direction, or at least the direction he hoped was the correct one, that he’d seen Rainbow Dash fly off toward the day before. There was a small patch of cloud far apart from any other. He took a guess that is where the missing mare would be.

Obie took to the air and flew into the direction of the cloud patch. After flying some distance and rising above the cloud layer, he saw the pegasus mare was indeed laying there. She noticed him as he approached.

“Oh, uh, hey Obie. What’re you doing here?” she asked with ease as he landed roughly on the cloud.

“Looking for you. You’re late for your party and your friends are worried.”

“Oh, man!” Rainbow Dash jumped up and looked at the position of the sun, “I totally lost track of time. Shoot.” She then immediately took off toward the place the party was being held. Obie followed.

Rainbow wasn’t flying nearly as fast as she could have. She seemed to wait up for Obie.

“Hey, uh… Can I ask you something?” She questioned to the stallion as he closed the distance between the two.

“Okay. What’s up?” he answered.

“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot lately… Kinda why I was late and all, you know. All caught up in my thoughts.” She paused, fumbling to think of words. Obie let her continue, “Uh… What do you think of me? You know, like, as a pony?”

“Oh, uh… You seem really nice,” He responded, “Truth be told, I don’t know you very well at all. It’s only been two days. Why do you ask?”

“I just wanted a stranger’s perspective…” She didn’t seem to like his answer much.

“Don’t be sad!” He didn’t mean to make her upset, “I mean, you let me, a stranger, stay in your own home! You’re more than nice, you’re… uh, awesome? Yeah! Really cool.” Obie gave Rainbow Dash a goofy smile.

The cyan mare laughed at that. “Relax. It’s not like you did anything wrong.”

“Something’s got you in the gutter, though.” Obie spoke with an alarmingly straight face.

“Yeah, well, uh…” Rainbow sighed, “Is it so obvious?”

“Kinda. Honestly, you seem to have some really caring friends. They’ve probably noticed you this way if I have.”

“I doubt it ‘cause you’re the one that got me to thinking about it. Why’d they send you, anyway? I figured they’d send Fluttershy.”

“Actually, I volunteered because that pony hadn’t arrived yet.” Obie suddenly became very confused. “So… it IS my fault that you’re down?”

“What? No,” Rainbow rubbed her hooves together nervously, “Not exactly.”

“Then what is it?” Still confused.

“I, uh, know this mare… She’s moving to this town soon. I picked on her as a filly and feel bad about it. You got me to thinking yesterday about how she might see me now.” She crossed her forhooves and looked away dejectedly. “I’m worried she’ll not forgive me.”

“Huh,” Obie thought aloud, “Well, that explains a lot.” Rainbow looked his way, annoyed. “Sorry.” He gave her a stupid grin. “Anyway, if you’re genuinely sorry, I don’t see a problem. I don’t think I’m very good at that kind of thing, really. You’d probably be better off confiding in one of your friends.”

“Yeah… Sorry about treating you weird.”

“Nah, you’re alright.” Obie smiled a goofy grin and the conversation ended there.

They arrived at Sugarcube Corner shortly after. Waiting for them outside the door of the confectionary shop stood Twilight Sparkle and Applejack who noticed their approach and waited there for them. After some thanks and welcomes they entered the doorway to the party.

The four ponies were immediately bombarded with confetti and a roar of ‘surprise’. Pinkie Pie jumped out of seemingly nowhere to give Rainbow Dash a vice grip hug stating, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know it’s not a surprise party but it doesn’t mean I can’t surprise you!”

The rest of the party was fun and engaging for Obie. Golden Harvest had found him again and insisted they dance. He agreed, happy to have made a friend in Ponyville who was nice enough to ensure he had a good time. The music was different for Obie who wasn’t used to the electronic, bass heavy music but he soon came to enjoy it has he learned some dance moves from Golden as she encouraged him on. It seemed to matter less how he ‘danced’ but more that he just kept in motion and swayed with a rhythm that he really couldn’t find in the music.

The pair took frequent ‘cool down’ breaks to take in the refreshments of the party. There were no alcoholic drinks at this party, much to Obie’s liking. It seemed that Pinkie never allowed such things at her party. Obie was more than fine with this as he’d never been heavy on drinking. Golden was on the opinion that it would liven up the party a bit but didn’t dwell on it.

At the peak of the party, Pinkie Pie asked the DJ to stop the music so everyone could witness Rainbow Dash getting a present. Five mares, including a pink maned yellow pegasus he assumed to be Fluttershy and white and purple unicorn he didn’t recognize as well as the three he knew to be Rainbow’s friends, surrounded the birthday girl in a semi-circle and presented her some tickets to a show off somewhere. They must have been the perfect gift because Rainbow immediately gathered her friends up in a group hug and thanked them generously. After that the music continued and ponies danced and spoke with each other.

As the event began drawing to the close, ponies began leaving Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie took post by the exit to give them all farewells. The party mare had already explained that it was a weekday and that the party started early and ended early so accommodate for working ponies. Obie could appreciate the amount of thought and work that she went into her parties after spending the day helping and attending this one. In a way she seemed a very work orientated mare, even if the work made her seem less than that.

Obie had spent most his time at the party with Golden. She was such a kind and polite mare, always complementing him and laughing at his flat jokes. Between her and Pinkie Pie, he felt truly welcome in Ponyville. Such good and fun friends aren’t made this quickly or readily and Obie sure cherished them. The revelry would be over soon, however, and he would have to leave them.

Most party goers had dispersed. Left behind were Golden, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Obie. Rainbow was helping Pinkie with the cleanup and Golden had just extended to Obie an invitation.

“So, Obie, would you mind coming over to my place to continue with our own party? It won’t be as showy as one of Pinkies, but at least I’ll have some real drinks. You could also, you know, crash over if you need. What do you say?” Golden was wide eyed and hopeful.

The pegasus hesitated in thought for a moment. In truth, he didn’t much care for drinking but he couldn’t just deny the kind mare outright. Before he had come to a decision and answer, Rainbow Dash had come over with Pinkie and had spoken up.

“Of course he will,” she stated cheerily, “Because I want to, too and if he doesn’t then I don’t.”

The earth pony mare looked at Rainbow apprehensively. “You, uh, want to come with?”

“Hay yeah!” she responded as she jumped into the air excitedly and began to hover, “It’s way too early for this birthday girl to call it a night and nopony else is drinking on a weeknight. I figure ‘the more the merrier’, you know?”

Golden gave Obie a dejected look. To the stallion, it seems she was seeking his approval on the matter. So he simply and dumbly smiled as he said; “Sounds like fun.”

As if Rainbow Dash asked permission, the earth pony gave a meek sigh and stated flatly; “You can come.” Rainbow did a backflip as she landed on the floor in celebration. “Do you want to come along too, Pinkie?” she added.

“No thanks, Goldie.” Pinkie stated cheerily. “Got stuff to take care of in the morning. Have a good time!”

The three after-party goers bade the smiling pink pony a farewell and made the short trip to Golden Harvest’s house. When inside, the hostess left the two in her living room to retrieve the alcohol. It didn’t take long for her to return with a fairly large bottle of hard apple cider and three glass mugs all precariously balanced on a tray she had held in her mouth. She passed each mug out to all of them after filling them up generously.

Rainbow immediately toasted to good company and a great birthday and began to chug her own. Golden and Obie simply gave small gestures with their cups as to agree and drank from their own cups. The earth pony was quick to refill the pegasus mare’s glass who had quickly finished drinking all of the warming liquid.

Golden continued drinking with more enthusiasm after she refilled the glass. Rainbow took notice and remarked about it being a race; thus issuing a challenge. The earth pony, who was strangely cross about it, accepted the challenge.

As the drinking contest ensued, Obie quietly sipped his own drink and enjoyed the two bickering mares as they began to make crude and, oddly, not very insulting remarks about the others mane. They were only funny in that they were becoming more slurred as the contest continued on. Somewhere between ‘prism head’ and ‘carrot top’ the bottle had run dry. The mares each stared confused at the bottle as Golden tried in vain to coax some liquid out of the empty bottle.

“Well, hey. I thhhink I win.” Rainbow Dash smiled lazily in triumph.

Golden gave her a cold stair through her half-lidded eyes and said, “You did not. I jussh ran out of booze. I’d drink you under sha table ish it were jush you an’ me. I only got enough for two jush for tonight.”

“Wha? So, you don’t hash any more?”

“Thash what I jush said, shpectral locksh.”

“Oh,” Rainbow responded absently. She scratched her chin for a moment. “You know. We’ve been here a while and it’s late. I thhink I’m gonna go hit hay at my housh.” This comment made Obie take a glance at the clock Golden kept hanging in the room. The sun was just starting to set and the current time was half past eight. They’d been there a little over an hour. It had neither been long nor was the time late in the usually sense. The stallion couldn’t set the feeling in his gut that time was passing both fast and slow at the same time.

“Alright. I’ll show you the door. Guess I’ll find someshing elsh for Obeh and me to do,” Golden groaned.

“Actually,” Obie spoke up, startling the mares who just realized he hadn’t spoken since they’d arrived, “I think I’ll fly Rainbow home.” He sat down his mostly finished glass and stood.

“But, but,” Golden fretted, “why?” Her eyes were no longer half-lidded but were pleading.

“It’d dangerous to fly when you’re drunk,” Obie stated simply. “It’s been a lot of fun.”

The earth pony stared at Obie for a few moments longer before she nodded and turned to the exit. Rainbow said nothing and just smiled as she watched Golden Harvests reaction and followed the yellow coated mare next to Obie. After exchanging goodbyes, the two pegasi left the portal of the house. As the door shut Rainbow burst out into laughter and began to trot happily away. Obie followed, confused.

“What’s so funny?” Obie asked.

“Oh,” Rainbow chuckled out, “It’s jusht that mare. If it’s not one shtallion, it’s another.” Whatever the joke was, Obie didn't quite get it.

After she’d calmed down, Rainbow took to an unsteady flight in the direction of her home. Obie also took to the air, cautiously reminding the mare to keep low to the ground and not to fly fast. Rainbow mocked his cautions and deemed them unnecessary. Curiously, she heeded his advice. Obie didn’t know if she intentionally did this or not but was glad for it nevertheless.

The two arrived at Rainbows cloud home without incident much to Obie’s relief. The mare charged through her own door as if ready to confront someone behind it. She’d shouted ‘My humble home!’ before stumbling across the house near to the hole that lead off to her room.

She turned to her guest and blurted “I’m tired and shtuff. Don’t break anyshing and find your own way out. Or shleep on the coush. Whatever.” With that being said, she turned to her elevated door way and lazily flapped her wings. The mare floated slowly into the portal and Obie heard no other noises after a comforted sigh.

Alone, Obie thought for a moment on whether or not to leave. Though he could easily rent a room at the supposed inn Ponyville had, it would be simpler yet to make himself comfy on the cloud couch he’d slept on the night before. Choosing the lazy option, the stallion closed the door Rainbow Dash had left open and made himself at home on the couch. He wasn’t quite tired and still was getting over the unease he had of lying on a cloud so Obie let his mind wander over the events of the day to pass time until he became tired.

Thoughts of the three mares he’d met today filled his mind. Pinkie Pie, the only-seems-crazy party pony, Golden Harvest, the all to kind and talkative carrot farmer, and finally Rainbow Dash, the abrasively nice high flying mare. Every one of them did her best to make him feel welcome in this town. It blew Obie’s mind to think about how forthcoming they had all been. Starting on his journey, he’d thought about how most would distrust a wandering stranger and, by all right, ignore them. This town maybe proved that not everywhere he’d go there would be only strangers. He smiled to think that his plan to travel around and make friends and have fun over all of Equestria would truly work out.

After a long while of lying down and thinking on how awesome his day was, Obie fell asleep.


Immediately after waking, Obie tried to stand but fell crouching on his stomach as the feeling of falling took over him. He recovered quickly as he remembered he’d done that exact thing the day before. He quickly looked around the room and found, like yesterday, no pony had seen his embarrassing spectacle. Shaking off the feeling of déjà vu, the stallion made his way to the ceiling-door to Rainbows room.

“Rainbow Dash?” he asked toward the room. He could hear a light snoring emanate from inside. “Rainbow Dash,” he said loudly, “I’m going to leave now. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay and being so hospitable to a stranger like me.”

“I’m sleeping!” came to Obie from beyond the door. The short silence afterword was replaced by loud, almost defiant snores. The stallion chuckled and left the home, being careful to shut the door silently. He was instantly stopped by the queer thought that a slamming cloud door probably wouldn’t make any noise to start.

Obie turned away from the cloud house to face the morning. It was very early and a fair amount of different hues of orange and blue blend in the sky. The pegasus took a deep breath and began his slow paced flight back to Ponyville.

It was a beautiful morning. Celestia’s sun hung early in the sky and the air was crisp and clean. Flying wasn’t so bad. Though faster paced than walking, there’s something to be said about how the sun or even moon seem to be floating alongside a spectator instead of looming impressively overhead.

As soon as he reached Ponyville proper Obie landed and commenced a happy trot through the streets. Various vendors had their shops open selling one particular food per vendor. Some sold fruits like apples, oranges, and cherries, others sold vegetables like celery, lettuce, and carrots. Stopping for a moment, Obie recognized the mare vendor to be Golden Harvest. She was looking groggy and bored. She saw the pegasus and immediately waved him over gleefully. Obie gladly made his way over with a smile. There were no customers at the moment.

“Hi ya, Obie!” Golden greeted him cheerfully, “How are you? Having a good morning?”

“Hello! Fine and yes,” He answered in turn with a dumb smile.

The mare giggled and asked, “What are you doing today?”

“Well, I’m going to leave today,” Obie responded, keeping his smile but anticipating some kind of sad retort.

“What?” Golden asked in surprise then stammered out, “But, but, you’ve only been here a few days.” Her eyes were pleading and she was visibly dejected. Obie knew that it would be sad to leave new friends behind but he never thought it would be this bad.

“I know. It’s just that there’s a lot of Equestria to see,” Obie rubbed at the back of his neck, “I hadn’t planned on an extended stay in Ponyville.” Actually, he thought, I haven’t planned on what to do when I got to any other place I want to go.

“I guess,” Golden Harvest mumbled. She sighed and took on a pouting face like that of a child. “I guess I’ll just see you around never then.” Just as Obie was beginning to feel a little annoyed by the attempted guilt trip, a familiar, high pitched voice rang out a greeting.

“Hi Ya, Obie! Goldie!” Pinkie Pie yelled out from fairly far away. This made many ponies look her way and to the two ponies who she called out to. Obie felt embarrassed for a short moment before sending a wave in Pinkies direction. The spectators quickly went back to their business as they were used to the party mare’s antics.

She then made her way toward Obie and Golden Harvest. Obie noticed she was carrying his saddle bags. He inwardly cursed himself for forgetting his every worldly possession for a second time. After a long and awkward trot, Pinkie joined the two ponies.

“I had a feeling I’d find you here,” Pinkie stated, giving Obie a broad and prideful grin.

“That’s a lucky feeling,” Obie responded.

“Not luck if my feelings are always right.” Pinkie didn’t lose her grin in the slightest.

“Uh, Okay,” he ignored the odd comment, “Thank you for bringing my bags. I really shouldn’t be so forgetful.” Obie motioned for Pinkie to return his belongings. In response, the mare just continued to smile at him. This made the pegasus nervous. “Um, Pinkie? You alright?”

“Sure am,” she answered then added, “Where you headed off to next?”

“Well, uh, I don’t know where I’m going to stop on my way but I know I want to head to a large city. Probably Trottingham since it’s close.”

“No.” Pinkie chirped, still smiling.

“No?” Obie mimicked her quizzically.

“No,” she repeated, “If you’re going to a big city, it should be Manehattan.”

Obie chuckled at her blatant yet cheerful suggestion and asked why.

“I have a sister who lives there,” she stated matter of factly, “And I want you to give her a letter.” The pink mare just smiled and waited for Obie to respond. He didn’t get a chance to.

“What are you, some kind of quest giver?” Golden Harvest injected harshly, “Just use a mail currier like a regular pony.”

Pinkie Pie didn’t seem to register the insult at all, “That sounds so cool! Pinkie Pie the quest master!” she giggled before continuing, “Well Obie? Will you do this favor for me?” Her eyes clearly showed how excited she was.

Obie suddenly burst out with laughter. He quickly managed to calm down and said, “This is such an odd request and I know that it’s so much farther out of my way then Trottingham. It’s so very weird but I like it! Sure, Pinkie Pie. I’ll deliver the letter to your sister.”

Pinkie cheered and thanked Obie. She then bucked his saddled bags off of herself and up over her head. Before the stallion could react, his saddlebags landed perfectly on his back over his wings. Obie stood in silent shock for a moment before he began to stammer out an explanation on exactly how she was able to perform such a feat but was interrupted by the party mare.

“The address is written on the envelope which is already inside the bag compartment that you keep your maps in. Also, I left you a cupcake in there.”

“Wow, thanks,” Obie said. After a moment of thought, he added, “Wait… You went through my things?”

“Yup.” Back to that broad and prideful smile she went.

“Okay… I’ll just not worry about that then.” Obie situated his belongings and said, “Well, looks like I’m off to Manehattan. Thank you, Pinkie, for the wonderful party invite.” He turned to Golden, “And thank you for treating me so well. You have no idea how much it means to me to meet such nice ponies like you and Pinkie. I had a lot of fun. Again, thank you. Bye.” With a small wave, Obie turned toward the west exit of Ponyville and began a happy trot out of Ponyville.

As soon as the stallion was out of ear shot, Golden said to Pinkie, “There goes another perfectly good stallion.” She sighed. “Well, almost perfectly good. Or maybe too good. I don’t know how somepony could be so thick headed.”

“Aw, it’ll be okay, Goldie,” Pinkie reached across Goldens stand and patted her on the shoulder, “Not everypony picks up on that kind of thing easily.” Golden only sighed in response. “You know, I hear Written Script is available.”

The yellow mares’ eyes immediately lit up. “Oh! He’s cute!”


Just outside of Ponyville, Obie fished out the cupcake from his bag. He removed it from the small cardboard box it was kept in and took the entire treat in his mouth. He savored it as he managed the box back into his saddle bag. After swallowing, he searched through the compartment he kept his maps in. He fished out the correct one, laid it out in front of him, and, after making sure he was on the right course, returned the map to its place. Obie gave it a moment of thought before he went back to his bags to retrieve the letter to Pinkies sister.

A quick examination of the envelope showed that it was addressed to an ‘Inkie’. The letter was also covered in cartoony hearts and ponies, who, Obie guessed, were supposed to be Pinkie and her sister.

Obie put the letter back in his bag and looked back at Ponyville. I’ll definitely need to find my way back here again, he thought. He then faced his intended direction and began walking. He began to hum as he took in the beautiful day.


Author's Note:

Muahahahahahaahahahaha! They told me I wouldn't do it... But here I am... FINISHED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No one can stop me now!

So hear it ais. Enjobs.

For the maybe 2 people who care, from now on, All my chapters in this will consist of Obies time spent in a place without breaking it into chapters. So... It would be like his current ponyville adventure would be all put into one chapter and shit, jI dont know.

Also, I couldn't make mah stupid lines show up. So Blagargle.

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3704258 Yur gait.
Berry gait.

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