• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 415 Views, 0 Comments

This Is Your Day - CalmingNature

Amidst his rapidly aging life, a changeling finds himself at odds with certain individuals. Namely the local would-be villains of his city.

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An Unprecedented Collision

For once in a long while everything is in a state of quiet. Not a single echo of mayhem anywhere within city limits. Maybe

today is an off day for villains? Guess I didn't need a short cut. Standards for me are low, so harsh living conditions are

no problem. Just a five minute walk from my place, and you'll find an abandoned district. Elements still breathed images of

past normalcy. No ideas on who, but something rampaged through here. Each step I take only reveals more rubble. Another

move sends a hoof beyond my leg. In the aftermath of my ignorance, I find a road-wide footprint. I swear this city has more

monsters than it does people. Hopes are everybody stays in hiding.

Echoes disturb the silence. "Dangit! I missed the bus!", says a kiddish voice. Footsteps accompany excess complaints. In

time a small dragon drifts his latest corner, suit being donned along each fumble. Throughout his little passing speech

bubbles make way for an evidently bad day. Said time almost drops further below.

"You a power pony?", he shoots me a scowl.

"Duh! You're the fifth guy today who hasn't recognized me! I've been with them long before their upgrades, doesn't that

count for anything?!" Images flood through my brain....



......"Hum Drum?", his expression receives it's happy relief.

"One and only! You need help?", he finishes with his second boot.

"No, I don't.", his whole stand deflates at my response.

"Of course, stay safe civilian." Maybe I should've gone with my original choice. Poor guy's head is drooping along his

route. Reminds me of my first years inside the hive.

In any case might as well continue with my to-do list. New saddlebags, check! Got a hoodie from a contest there,

though I wish they had different choices. Purple goes against blue. Asparagus-, next move lands my hooves deep under


I feel like a swan. Smoke trails point out what made the crater. First thing I see after my escape is a certain little

dragon. Shivers plague his entire body, also causing shakes in his stone cover. Fear has the kid in such panic, he doesn't

notice me at his side. Once he does see me, he points over his spherical cover. When I try looking at his monster, two

separate forces tug my hoodie. Words never escape his chattering teeth. Despite his quiet protest, my senses carry me

beyond safety.

Craters decorate the entire boulevard. Foremost dent has a mysterious creature, seated along it's rim. Both eyes widen

upon a more in-depth look. She's actually cool looking. Taps mimic each step. Instead of hooves catching attention, its a

loose pebble. With an ear twitch our mysterious entity faces me.

"Hi.", my first words incite a head tilt. "Pleasure to meet you, name's Proxa." For awhile she stares at my gesture. At once

both of her ears jolt upward.

"Hello pleasure to meet you too! Oh, you would not believe how hard it is to find any quiet in this place. But, hey! That's

why I moved here." Oh no. Further behind a noise interrupts our one-sided conversation. Sure enough Hum Drum holds

steady in his defensive stance.

With a twitch I refocus on my previous meeting. The mystery creature appears behind our paralyzed hero. Safe to

assume she's dangerous. If she does anything he's as good as deceased. Four hooves incite my own defensive stance.

Dragon looks upward, his every move suffering from intense shakes.

Vapor trails from her nostrils. "Hello, it's so nice to meet you as well! Are you on your way to a costume party!? Oh! You've

got to tell me details, it's been so long since my last party! Unless it's invite only...", she doesn't take any breaths. Space is

maintained between either combatant, though one half never loses his center field position. In time her breathless rambles

wear my psyche. Maybe she won't notice my disappearing.

Not a moment post turning, "Excuse me, Proxa! You have a moment?"

"Sure.", because honestly I really have nothing else to do. For once today a serious look forms on her face.

"That guy over there says your a real piece of work. Tell me, ever hurt anyone before?"

UHM...Tough question. If I say yes, will she singe me again? No probably gets me a buck in the face, if past experience

says anything. At last my inner self reaches a conclusion.

"No." For awhile she merely gazes at nothingness. Perhaps dots will appear over her fluffy, orange mane. Hoof taps

gently against her muzzle.

At once her entire posture gives way. In her deep thought, she completely forgets both visitors. The super kid finally

calms down, enough so he manages to resume his stroll.

"Somehow I don't believe you.", her sudden resurrection startles me, "Say are you with that guy? What're they called

again? The Power League?" Never heard of such a name. Probably cause I don't talk to a lot of people. "From what I've heard

they seek out heroic characters, no superpowers required.", she gestures toward her recent moping spot. "I've been

demolishing fiends left and right, but nobody's seen me. Which is actually okay considering my isolation. I did just come from

a location where literally nobody speaks! For awhile we just accepted the fact we'd never speak again, but I don't believe

them! There is a cure somewhere out there in this crazy world! When I find it I'll-"

"Okay I get it! You don't need a complete monologue! Just say I'm on a mission for my village!" Next thing she gives is an


From here we go along with the flow of destruction. Upon reaching our destination, she discusses her actual plan.

Apparently members get access to secretive files, in her case exotic materials. "Cool", is my only response. Maybe if she told

me about her village, I'd have more investment. Eventually we arrive into an unusually desolate park. Beside wind currents

rustling green and brown, no other sound arises from our surroundings.

Story gets finished on a park bench.

"...So why are you wandering in an abandoned district? Majority of equestrians avoid monster hot spots.", she asks.

"I don't have many fears. Even then I mostly just end my fights moments after it begins. Why are you wandering?", I ask

in turn.

"Like I said, I'm hoping the Power League notices me. With a recent crime wave, they're bound to notice when well known

criminals are already subdued.", fire shoots from her dark green hooves. No doubt a flashy power like hers will get

recognition, plus she's a chatterbox.

Wonder if she gives lessons? Another hoof brings me fifteen feet into harsh reality.

Ground is spat from between teeth. Explosions incite my next swerve, and consecutive wide eyes. Wings buzz against

either side. Droplets water surrounding earth, certain drops become steam. Perhaps in my biggest surprise yet, a familiar

green blob flies inches aside my head. In front resides a drenched beast. An oval shadow flies directly over my location.

I hate seafood. Per usual events my opponent is sent far into the sun. Water splashes upward from it's landing zone.

Rainbows are cool though. Gasps bring my attention behind me.

Sure enough Autumn Blaze sits, evidently shaken by recent events. In her eyes I make out the bay's lovely scene.

Following a long silence, she walks away without any goodbyes.

So much for a quiet day. Without anything keeping me here, I leave for home.

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