This Is Your Day

by CalmingNature

First published

Amidst his rapidly aging life, a changeling finds himself at odds with certain individuals. Namely the local would-be villains of his city.

It's a universal law that all sentient beings long for joy. Be it good or evil, everyone is willingly fighting if only for that state of peace where they feel happy both inside and outside. Proxa isn't excluded from this statistic. Despite his complex appearance, he's no different from anyone else.

In fact observers can easily say he's another face in the crowd. Everyday for the past two years has been a single monotonous time period. Perhaps today he will break his streak, maybe he'll finally get his life back in order.

...Maybe he'll find meaning in his life...

You Start Here

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Rooftops are favorites whenever you desire a good view. Of course in a place loaded with villains, most everyone stays on

ground level. Further below car horns sound off, paired with their accompanying motor sound effects. Not far off a

neighboring top floor remains under siege by numerous pigeons. All twenty-seven scatter in a simultaneous fashion, creating

worry for any street level passerbys. In mere seconds following the sudden evacuation, a plain clothed stallion takes position

on nearby railing. Within little time he sets up a sniper rifle from his personal backpack. No seconds are wasted in scoping out

his target. From behind metallic work resounds in my ears.

Another supposed dragon thug steps out under broad daylight. Cloudless skies meant both identities are on full display.

Our eyes meet, and his dark yellow scales immediately become a live fire hazard. At once his breath melts surrounding

elements. Smoke will never be my friend. Upon notice of my unscathed status, he goes for a sucker punch. Fire connects

with my face, and we exchange blows. Nasal issues aside the fight ends in almost record timing. Smoke forms a tunnel, which

in turn ends with my recent opponent. Across from me a now frightened pegasus scrambles for his victim. Since nobody

else is coming, guess I'll wrap things up.

Only a single bullet leaves the chamber, before plastic experiences an instant backlash. You already know what happens

to the gun's equally shot wielder. In contrast though he looks at his precious firearm, and curls into a ball. Despite everybody

panicking down below, an echo can be heard amidst foreign pollution. Overhead wing flaps catch my attention, not to

mention agony. Memories of the last encounter gain instant relevancy. Both ears deflate on contact with each image of

humiliation. Air pockets fall away in every leap.

Wings go into use, once my hooves tire into submission. Today is supposed to be my day off from work, so why do

assassins choose Friday of all days?! In front sunlight reflects directly into a nearby dragoness's beautiful ring. Perchance her

orange scales match her jewelry taste, which apparently yields her blue eyed acceptance. Not a few seconds later my glance

breaks away. From inside a sigh escapes between teeth. With no exact use for an early shoreline view, I quit towards my

home. Maybe today isn't a good day for sightseeing.

Around me citizens go about daily businesses. Upon turning a corner, my old foes are now in a police car. Don't get me

wrong, Maretropolis has been my home for about ten years. Crime isn't anything new for anybody here, but still...I haven't

grown immune to violence. Despite my efforts the numbers only go up. In short my new powers haven't assisted me outside

combat. Back in reality a stone bounces off my forehead. Laughter calls my attention further upward.

Amidst countless other illegal sightings, meta-crimes definitely take name as worst. Sure most are comical acts, but can

inadvertently have lasting effects. In time a familiar green mane pulls a mare into plain view. Within either hoof two bags of

gems maintain a fake balance. Oh horse feathers, I don't wanna deal with her right now! Not another pair of eyes

nearby, my hooves lead into a nearby alleyway. Lightning flashes signal a fight outside. Sure enough a pony gives the Mane-

iac enough of a hard time, mainly smoothing out her static mane. Do I walk away from this battle? They sound like they've

got control of the situation. Not momentarily after that idea, a thump strikes me from overhead. Any sight is destroyed by

a yellow pegasus, his gold plate armor clearly nothing more than extra weight. On the other hand. Strands form choke

holds on us. Once face to face she rambles about vengeance on somebody else.

Oddly enough I don't remember ever being paralyzed by fear. Even since my old hive days, bullies never got to me. No

matter who any threat has always received the same ending.

Whips force me back into reality. Between her latest monologue, it becomes apparent how much weight came off her

neck. Amidst green strands her focus breaks, long enough for a drop kick. Either wing buzzes in a presently settled

environment. Behind me a few bolts scatter from the unconscious stallion. Grunts accompany his rising action. Life shows me

only a single opportunity for escape. Both wings help me buzz off.

You know pegasi are born with the best view? From high above they see humongous buildings as- well, humongous

obstacles- though from way over horizon limits. With such logic any flight gifted creature sees everything in a bigger way.

Guess there's one reason for the existence of wings.

By my homeward arrival sunlight is behind local skycrapers. Hopes are the land mare at last fixed my electrical problem.

One night without lights is enough for any creature. Of course beforehand...



.......Where are my keys? Where are my saddlebags for that matter?! Surely I would've noticed if they fell off pre-flight! Oh

no! Losing stuff in a city is among the worst accidents in all existence! Both wings take me on a retrace of my steps. Along

the way a familiar yellow pegasus is seen talking alongside other ponies. Good to see he's alright. In time my stuff is

found within another's grasp. Shuffles make themselves audible even from atop nearby balconies. Not a particularly tough

looking character, but his two extra wings incite suspicion. They would anyway, if somebody else were here.

Sure I could take him out with a single kick, but since he's only another thief- "Excuse me, sir or madam? Thank you for

keeping my bags safe from harm. I'll be taking them back now.", my only words. In all steadiness the quadruplet pegasus

faces me head first. Upon looking into the colt's eyes, it was easy to see he wasn't your average thief. Either iris shone

burning white, only complimenting his rapidly fading coat.

"You're not a power pony. You're not any recognized target. Witnesses must never see me.", he prepares for a sudden

leap. Instead of going ahead with his attack plan, he instead looks at me in full disbelief. "On second thought, pretend you

never saw me.", with that he returns my things. Everything looks to be in order, list including my ID. Upon looking back up, my

purse snatcher is gone by all definitions. Evidence of his presence existing only in the form of hoofprints. Rogues gallery will

now include a slightly crazed experiment, hopefully operating without higher authority. In any case I have all my stuff back in

one place.

For quite possibly today's first positive change, airspace grants me a couple seconds of free time. Noise traps itself far

beneath my current altitude. Right now all my senses are cornered by drowsiness inducing scenery. Anybody who complains

about war, should take up flying lessons.

Explosions flow into my hearing range. Sure enough multiple smoke plumes arise from nearby road. Around me entire

fleets of creatures retreat past my location. With no breathing room, I land on a sidewalk. Flames incite a bad scent from my

chitin shell. At least my stuff's in one piece. In front two equines send debris into nearby glass. Left side has a flaming

unicorn-like character, her voice growling in a wicked tone. Right side has a superheroine, as told by her dark violet purple,

gem decorated uniform. The enforcer is on defense, her purple shield revealing numerous cracks. Despite her best the

opposition sends her clear across town with another explosion. Upon notice the living fireball does a 180 towards me.

Inside my chest receives an electric signal. Adrenaline starts up a thought process, Maybe today will be enough.

Perhaps today will have something new!

With a pyrowave my hopes lose any hold. Behind me a store finds itself on a sudden close out sale. Glass melts alongside

surrounding metal, leaving me without any damage.

From behind at least five thick spheres engulf the living flame. This round it eventually loses oxygen.

"Radiance calling headquarters! I need a pick up on my location! Pyro-type!", says a well beaten heroine. Not even a

second later I get a look from the same changeling. No physical quality signals any particular look, it's just plain eye contact.

"You okay?", she lifts an eyelash.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Two vigilante encounters in four hours? Any further thoughts are interrupted by the heroine. From top

to bottom a transparent light scans me for whatever reason. Soon as her findings get a check, she gives me a long analysis.

"Well, uh, you stay out of trouble tonight. Please?", she gets out with minor shakiness. In all steadiness my hooves begin

a long trek home. Soon enough a large cyberpunk helicopter comes onto scene.

Now inside apartment thirteen, my next few steps involve sleep. For tonight my television remains one step ahead, and

for once I'm left on until midnight. Radiance...Never heard of the name., are my last thoughts.

You're A Hero Now

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You know heroes suffer from overration? Practically everyday the news features a sequence, each time showcasing daily acts

of justice. Today a hulking character smashed through a robbery from behind, on-screen a name below reads 'Saddle Rager'

in bold lettering.

Knocks call me out beyond my television. At once I lay my plate of food on soft floorboards. "Who is it?", I ask through a

slightly open door. Paper slides between the sunlight. Outside more letters float downwards, all from a single mailmare.

Next time just use the mail slot. Mail in hoof my next stop is back on a stool. Nothing besides junk mail, save for a lone

bill. Further back an emergency broadcast cuts through environmental peace. On-screen a lone reporter is spilling out

warnings, as masonry lands all around her position. The camera shakes, which isn't a farfetched deal when you see a massive

dragon overhead. For awhile longer they run in an opposite direction, camera view bobbing with every dodge. Something

knocks them off balance, and for awhile viewers only see grey.

Okay news, for once you have my investment. Wow me.

The camera rises just in time for a collapsing green eyeball. In all steadiness our camera shows a completely stunned

newsmare. Words summon forth a courageous stallion into view, airborne silhouette inspiring everyone around his latest


"Is everyone okay?! How many need attention right away?!", his questions don't go without answers. Around him citizens

search for any survivors. Even our reporters get involved, and we cut back to our studio.

"Oh darn, I let my eggs get cold.", why oh why did I get distracted by a television set? Not even ten steps opposite from

my old seat, a harsh truth comes back into mind. Can't believe they let me go after only two months. Granted I'm set up

with another position, but I don't have enough bits for such a long waiting period. Another look inside my fridge confirms

my worst fears.

Head at it's unhealthily low angle, my hovering form is of a flying tortoise. Time slows down for the next hour of my

temporary job hunt. Someone out here surely needs a temporary barrista, or something. Citizens pass around me, clearly

interested solely in their own problems. Scarce any of them pass on a look, except for some younger passerbys. In a sudden

motion I'm signaled from a distant enforcer. Sure enough my wings carry me below no flight zone limits. Between eye contact

my hooves alone wield a static position.

Next stop is a lone emporium on the nearby corner. Shades of wood decorate the backgrounds of various goods. Around

me people browse as equestrians do, most customers being plagued by wrinkles. In front a lone grandmare stands with arms

filled up in glass objects. Beyond her position a clock sits, it's taunting features clearly aimed towards my sight. For awhile

longer she takes her precious time moving items. From behind me an old stallion raises his eyebrow, inciting confusion from

his target. By coincidence my rear left hoof is tapping with constant motion. Upon looking forward aforementioned mare

leaves through open doors.

"Excuse me sir? Where's the mare who was here before?", says a jittery employee. Appearance immediately strikes me as


"She just left.", one hoof points towards open doors. In front a changeling's gasp signals her immediate shut mouth.

"Yona! Could you please take my shift?! I gotta check on something!" Inside a thought occurs, inciting me to check my

belongings. Uh-oh... Without my knowledge, my saddlebags are no longer in place.

Another character exchanges places with first counter girl. From out behind a doorway emerges another creature.

With enough time our yak wedges herself into a comfortable position. Maybe her lips moved, I didn't stick around

beyond one more second.

"Ma'am, I don't know why you stole my things, but please return them now.", a familiar grandmare spins around with my

demand. Mission having been accomplished, she tosses aside my looted saddlebags. Among other glass novelties she's

apparently fancied herself with a stain glass cube. No joke she's breaking a good few just for her single choice.

"I don't know who you are...", she holds aforementioned cube over herself, "...but you're too late!" Light begins spilling

into our street. Much like water it splashes my vision enough for blindness. Cries ring out from passing victims, until only two

are left high and dry. Heh- In front the grey haired mare is no more, instead replaced by a more radiant unicorn.

Butterfly wings adorn either side, complimenting her light yellow coat. "With my restored powers I'll finally wrestle my title

back from that petty Platinum Queen!" Passion ignites literal embers on her body. The new form apparently grants her flight

capability, as she's currently floating about ten feet above ground level.

No way on Equestria am I getting caught up in her nonsense. "Really? Well, good luck with that.", with my saddlebags

back there's no reason for my being here. Probably should apologize for my quick exit. I did skip out in the middle of a

sentence. Heat consumes my every thought. For so long orange decorates an entire city block.

"Nice try, 'Radiance'. Care for another try in your used outfit?" Ashes float off my back, forcing my sight into a slow

realization. Teeth grit in hopes of at least calming newly founded anger. Upon turning a full 180, orange again fills up our

surroundings. Battle cries pierce through a never ending firestorm, undaunted by circumstances. In execution the next effect

is a comedic bong. Another look reveals a finished battle scene, with a familiar heroine magically clinging onto her

transparent warhammer.

As with last night she repeats her call, well, if not for her noticing my burnt presence.

"Oh my Celestia! Are you hurt sir?! I should've finished her off with my first hit, but then she caught me-", her eyes

narrow, "Wait a second, didn't we meet last night?" For awhile she browses through 3D images. I've actually seen a couple

of these guys. Can't remember any of their names though. "Here you are. Proxa, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Will this girl ever leave? She's been asking questions for a whole hour now. Surely my acquaintance doesn't have

anything left. Granted we had to postpone our interrogation, as numerous kids came out from nowhere asking for her

autograph. So she's a big deal then? There was another like her yesterday, wonder if they know each other? "It amazes

me how you're alive, right now our city repair teams are dealing with an entire liquefied block.", no more words. For awhile

only sound around is crunches. Once past aforementioned silence, I meet eye per eye with my acquaintance. First noticeable

thing is a raised eyebrow. "What I wanna know is, how did you get so strong? If you've been here longer than our computer

system, then you've been at this for-"

"All my life.", my ears drop. Hopes are she won't ask, despite the fact she will. Only response is a sigh.

"Anyway." Yes! "I should get back to work. Can't leave everything to my co-worker!" With her peace done, she takes

her leave. Glad that's over with. At once something chisels into the foreground. Wasn't there something I needed to do?

Hmm...Guess it wasn't important.

Though now I might lose sleep over the question.

Gotta be close to home by now. Probably should get out more, I'm unfamiliar with this seaside district. Moonlight

illuminates surprisingly dark buildings. Everyone here have an early work schedule? The very next step kicks a tiny piece of

rubble. Cement is found per step, each pile leading towards a specific place. Yikes, this bank took a hard crash. Between

earth litter resides a hole twice my size. Wait...Oh yeah! Earlier they showed a hero busting through a robbery. Is this the

same place? It's then a thought occurs.

"I should've asked if they were hiring. I can do superhero work."

An Unprecedented Collision

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For once in a long while everything is in a state of quiet. Not a single echo of mayhem anywhere within city limits. Maybe

today is an off day for villains? Guess I didn't need a short cut. Standards for me are low, so harsh living conditions are

no problem. Just a five minute walk from my place, and you'll find an abandoned district. Elements still breathed images of

past normalcy. No ideas on who, but something rampaged through here. Each step I take only reveals more rubble. Another

move sends a hoof beyond my leg. In the aftermath of my ignorance, I find a road-wide footprint. I swear this city has more

monsters than it does people. Hopes are everybody stays in hiding.

Echoes disturb the silence. "Dangit! I missed the bus!", says a kiddish voice. Footsteps accompany excess complaints. In

time a small dragon drifts his latest corner, suit being donned along each fumble. Throughout his little passing speech

bubbles make way for an evidently bad day. Said time almost drops further below.

"You a power pony?", he shoots me a scowl.

"Duh! You're the fifth guy today who hasn't recognized me! I've been with them long before their upgrades, doesn't that

count for anything?!" Images flood through my brain....



......"Hum Drum?", his expression receives it's happy relief.

"One and only! You need help?", he finishes with his second boot.

"No, I don't.", his whole stand deflates at my response.

"Of course, stay safe civilian." Maybe I should've gone with my original choice. Poor guy's head is drooping along his

route. Reminds me of my first years inside the hive.

In any case might as well continue with my to-do list. New saddlebags, check! Got a hoodie from a contest there,

though I wish they had different choices. Purple goes against blue. Asparagus-, next move lands my hooves deep under


I feel like a swan. Smoke trails point out what made the crater. First thing I see after my escape is a certain little

dragon. Shivers plague his entire body, also causing shakes in his stone cover. Fear has the kid in such panic, he doesn't

notice me at his side. Once he does see me, he points over his spherical cover. When I try looking at his monster, two

separate forces tug my hoodie. Words never escape his chattering teeth. Despite his quiet protest, my senses carry me

beyond safety.

Craters decorate the entire boulevard. Foremost dent has a mysterious creature, seated along it's rim. Both eyes widen

upon a more in-depth look. She's actually cool looking. Taps mimic each step. Instead of hooves catching attention, its a

loose pebble. With an ear twitch our mysterious entity faces me.

"Hi.", my first words incite a head tilt. "Pleasure to meet you, name's Proxa." For awhile she stares at my gesture. At once

both of her ears jolt upward.

"Hello pleasure to meet you too! Oh, you would not believe how hard it is to find any quiet in this place. But, hey! That's

why I moved here." Oh no. Further behind a noise interrupts our one-sided conversation. Sure enough Hum Drum holds

steady in his defensive stance.

With a twitch I refocus on my previous meeting. The mystery creature appears behind our paralyzed hero. Safe to

assume she's dangerous. If she does anything he's as good as deceased. Four hooves incite my own defensive stance.

Dragon looks upward, his every move suffering from intense shakes.

Vapor trails from her nostrils. "Hello, it's so nice to meet you as well! Are you on your way to a costume party!? Oh! You've

got to tell me details, it's been so long since my last party! Unless it's invite only...", she doesn't take any breaths. Space is

maintained between either combatant, though one half never loses his center field position. In time her breathless rambles

wear my psyche. Maybe she won't notice my disappearing.

Not a moment post turning, "Excuse me, Proxa! You have a moment?"

"Sure.", because honestly I really have nothing else to do. For once today a serious look forms on her face.

"That guy over there says your a real piece of work. Tell me, ever hurt anyone before?"

UHM...Tough question. If I say yes, will she singe me again? No probably gets me a buck in the face, if past experience

says anything. At last my inner self reaches a conclusion.

"No." For awhile she merely gazes at nothingness. Perhaps dots will appear over her fluffy, orange mane. Hoof taps

gently against her muzzle.

At once her entire posture gives way. In her deep thought, she completely forgets both visitors. The super kid finally

calms down, enough so he manages to resume his stroll.

"Somehow I don't believe you.", her sudden resurrection startles me, "Say are you with that guy? What're they called

again? The Power League?" Never heard of such a name. Probably cause I don't talk to a lot of people. "From what I've heard

they seek out heroic characters, no superpowers required.", she gestures toward her recent moping spot. "I've been

demolishing fiends left and right, but nobody's seen me. Which is actually okay considering my isolation. I did just come from

a location where literally nobody speaks! For awhile we just accepted the fact we'd never speak again, but I don't believe

them! There is a cure somewhere out there in this crazy world! When I find it I'll-"

"Okay I get it! You don't need a complete monologue! Just say I'm on a mission for my village!" Next thing she gives is an


From here we go along with the flow of destruction. Upon reaching our destination, she discusses her actual plan.

Apparently members get access to secretive files, in her case exotic materials. "Cool", is my only response. Maybe if she told

me about her village, I'd have more investment. Eventually we arrive into an unusually desolate park. Beside wind currents

rustling green and brown, no other sound arises from our surroundings.

Story gets finished on a park bench.

"...So why are you wandering in an abandoned district? Majority of equestrians avoid monster hot spots.", she asks.

"I don't have many fears. Even then I mostly just end my fights moments after it begins. Why are you wandering?", I ask

in turn.

"Like I said, I'm hoping the Power League notices me. With a recent crime wave, they're bound to notice when well known

criminals are already subdued.", fire shoots from her dark green hooves. No doubt a flashy power like hers will get

recognition, plus she's a chatterbox.

Wonder if she gives lessons? Another hoof brings me fifteen feet into harsh reality.

Ground is spat from between teeth. Explosions incite my next swerve, and consecutive wide eyes. Wings buzz against

either side. Droplets water surrounding earth, certain drops become steam. Perhaps in my biggest surprise yet, a familiar

green blob flies inches aside my head. In front resides a drenched beast. An oval shadow flies directly over my location.

I hate seafood. Per usual events my opponent is sent far into the sun. Water splashes upward from it's landing zone.

Rainbows are cool though. Gasps bring my attention behind me.

Sure enough Autumn Blaze sits, evidently shaken by recent events. In her eyes I make out the bay's lovely scene.

Following a long silence, she walks away without any goodbyes.

So much for a quiet day. Without anything keeping me here, I leave for home.