• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 807 Views, 2 Comments

DISORDER - grayblossom

I thought that dreams never came true. Until i met her. She calls herself - Princess Celestia.

  • ...

Chapter Two - Like no one else

Air. I need air. I’m choking. Too much water. Water everywhere. I can’t see anything. Where I ‘am?
- Wake up Gray. – A girl’s voice. Somewhere nearby.
The girl stands near. I know her. She was there; I tried to save her. Did I succeed? Did I die?
- Who are you? – I asked. I can speak…
I didn’t know it. What a strange feeling. I can’t feel the weight of my body. Am I flying?
- Wrong question. – She is looking. My eyes getting wet. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to cry anymore! Stop it! STOP! Come on Gray. All this… It’s only a nightmare. Get a grip!
- What? – I can’t hear my own voice.
- Don’t worry Gray. Your life in my hands. Everything will be fine from now on. Let me in.
Her voice was so unnatural and beautiful. What a strange but familiar feeling. It’s certainly feels like death. Everything seems to be unnatural and gray. Like me.

* * *

- Wake up silly! – Yelled Simon and punched me.
- ARRRRWWWGGGG!!! – Jesus what a pain!
Damn, my body is a full of pain! Yesterday fight will leave a mark. Hands shanking, head fuzzing and I can barely feel my legs. But somehow I feel refreshed. “Tyler D.” you were right after all.
- Sorry bro, but I tried to wake you without this. And I failed. – He is smiling. Jerk.
- It’s fine. Jesus I need to take a shower. – Oh, my legs, my elephant legs! This is going to be a nightmare.
But ten minutes later I was fresh and full of energy. The pain was gone, head was crystal clear and I was ready for a new beginnings. Thanks to my training i guess.
- Okay what do we have today Simon?
- I don’t know man. – Said Simon.
- Okay whatever.
Another five minutes and we are in route to university. The bus was full. Morning bus is a really extreme experience. Especially in winter. Too many people in one tiny bus. It feels like I’m inside some sick meat train.
Another ten minutes and I’m standing in the hallway of my university. I almost can feel this morning mood around. Everyone is so sleepy including the teachers. Like everybody asking themselves – “What I’ am doing here for the god sake?”
There is one tendency in the "modern" people. Wait, did I say "modern"? Well fine, let me rephrase that. I noticed that most of the students are sitting all by themselves looking in their smartphones. And in instant they have a “barrier” aura. I just can’t talk with them. Sometimes i like to watch them. But why they are doing all this? Someday they gonna miss all the fun! Of course a bit of high-tech is good but spending all of your time in the net…I was like them. Enjoying my slumber. Living inside an endless dream. Oh no going sentimental again.

Simon and I parted ways because I’ve had different lectures today. Okay, the first lecture – “Modern Society and Science – 403 aud.”. Wow, sounds interesting. Okay, let’s find auditory 403.
While I was searching I overheard a conversation. Two girls were arguing about something. I like to hear other people conversations. It’s fun and interesting.
- Listen, Katya, you can’t stop now!
- Sorry, but I have other things to attend.
- But second season of MLP, is much better that first. And you liked first, right?
- Yeah, but…
- Come on girl! Let’s watch together the second season today!
- But, I have a lot of studies today...
- Forget about your studies! Let’s go!
- Hey but…
The first girl grabbed the “Katya’s” hand and both of them headed to the exit. “Cute”. They were talking about something called “MLP”. MLP? Is that a videogame? Oh wait, she said “watch”, I guess it’s a sit-com or something.
Auditory number 403! I found you! Some folk is nearby, I guess they with me.
- Hello everyone. – Being nice is nice I guess.
- Silence. Okay got it. “Morning mood”
- Ermm…Hi. – Said a girl with the red glasses.
Wow. Someone alive in this county of sleepyheads. It was small girl with dark-blue hair.
- Hello there. I was starting to think that everybody is dead or something.
- Yeah... I ‘am Twilight. -
- Nice name. And i… - I didn’t finish it.
- Gray. I know your name. – She smiled.
- Strange. She knows me. But I can’t remember her.
- Have we met? – I asked.
- Maybe…”Your tears becoming a sea” – She whispered.
- What?
- Ou… nothing. And don’t ask about my name. My parents were hippies. – I sensed a bit of disappointment in her voice.
- Got it. About my question…
- 42, bye. – She ran off. Jesus girl let me speak with you.
- What the hell? Why did she do that? And why 42?
- Attention everyone! – It was the professor Lebedev. The lecture was about to begin.
Everybody awakened and headed inside the class. But I was still in the hall. I don’t know why, but for a moment I think I felt something that I can’t describe. Who is this girl anyway? I have a feeling like i know her. But i just can't remember.

* * *

After the two lectures, I’ve got the phone call from Simon. He was waiting me in the main hall.
- Hi mate. – He was drinking coffee.
- Hi Simon. Hey did you know the Twilight? – During the lectures I can’t stop but thinking about her.
- What? You about those silly vampire movies? I watched all them. – Simon made a serious face.
- Ha-ha. Funny. No, girl with the name Twilight. – I grow impatient.
- Yeah I know her. What about her?
- I’ve told him about my morning. Simon face changed rapidly and it was clear. He knows something.
- Wow Gray. “My tears becoming a sea” What is that mean?
- I don’t know. – I wish I knew it.
- Really poetic and stuff. You should talk to her Gray.
- Why?
- Because you’re a nice person you dumb.
- “Thanks” for advice. Whatever, let’s go find someplace to eat.
Students finally wakened. Gloomy morning mood is passed and now air was filled with energy and cheap perfume. I love this mood. Really help to wake up. Someone there is laughing; someone there is talking, arguing or just kidding around. Atmosphere of the youth I call it.
We bought a two bottles of cola and some fast food and headed to our favorite place. It was university fifth floor. Place usually empty and quiet. And it has a really beautiful garden.
- Listen, Simon do you know about MLP?
- Holy cow Gray! Are you one of them? – He almost choked.
- One of them? What a dumb question. One of whom? – What a weird reaction. Like it was disease or something.
- You know…Bronies? Ponyfags? That hyperactive and crazy folks. They hiding among us and one day they will conquer the world with their power of friendship. – Said Simon while hysterically waving his hands.
- What? Like illuminati but cuter? Quit fooling around and tell me about MLP.
- LSP? – Asked Simon.
- LSP? MLP? RWWW, Simon you jerk! Shuriken toss! – I tossed an empty cola bottle to Simon.
In my surprise, he actually dodged my “Shuriken” and I scored a perfect shot in some girl’s head. Shit, I didn’t notice her.
- Shit! Cast “vanish”! – Said Simon and ran off.
Oh no. Troubles at my twelve. That girl was going for me or for my head. She has nice clothes I say. And face of a model. Jesus, what I ‘am I thinking about? Judging by her eyes my life can end now.
- You! Did you toss it? – She was really angry.
- No. – Poor me. Yesterday I was on really epic fight, with dead serious guys, but now I can’t do a shit against girl.
- No, it was you! – Now she was yelling at me. Got to say something funny or I be killed!
- No it was Gondar. – This is getting ridiculous. But hell the show must go on!
- What? Who is Gonder? – I managed distract her.
- It’s Gondar. And sorry but Gondar casted invisibility and ran off. – I said with dead serious face.
- Rarity! Come on we’ve got to go! – Someone from behind called her.
- Oh whatever. But I have my eyes on you! Got it? Bye “Gondur”. – She walked off.
- It’s Gondar…
She is gone and my head saved. And it was kinda fun. Rarity? What a weird name.
- Nice, Gray! You make me proud. Got two girls in one day. – It’s was Simon. Did he was watching me?
- You puss. Why do you run off?
- It was part of the plan. – Simon “evil” laughed.
- Okay. What next. Do you have more lectures? – I asked.
- Nah…I want to skip them. Do you?
- Yeah. Let’s go. – I replied.
- Where?
- To the Stray-Sheep bar of course! - And we headed to our little heaven.
In that moment I didn’t noticed but Twilight overheard our conversation and followed us. There is gonna be some show today!

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