• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 6,160 Views, 473 Comments

Sunset Shimmer The Pony of Earth - luckyboys121

Now that Sunset Shimmer is able to be a pony whenever she wants she is excited to start her new life with her friends by her side. Now though she has to deal with how others will react and learn just how poorly she has thought this life choice out

  • ...

The Pranking Pony and A Siren Finally Sees Her Goal

After several long hours of having to power through Zephyr's nonsense Rainbow Dash finished the Daring Do book as she stood up saying, "Oh my gosh that was so AWESOME! The way Daring Do tricked Caballeron and his men into triggering all the booby traps before she even set foot in the temple so she could just waltz in and take the idol without any trouble was just so cool. I mean just walking in and taking it like that is just so.... you know." She then turned to Zephyr with a huge smile on her face looking for confirmation.

Unfortunately she was looking at the wrong person as he scratched the back of his head in confusion and said, "Yeah that sounds neat Rainbows... her beating Cabalala or whatever."

Rainbow then frowned as she flatly said, "You've never read a single one of the books have you?"

Zephyr began saying, "They are on my list of books to read.... it's just every time I get ready to read one some new art gallery book comes out and I have to drop everything. You know Rainbows you could learn alot from the avant-garde works from around the-." He then stopped as he looked at Rainbow Dash and saw a look of pure rage on her face as he backed away and simply said, "Please don't do the ora ora thing again."

Rainbow Dash allowed her rage at Zephyr's pretentious comments to stew for a few more seconds before she just sighed and said, "No. Guess I'm just gonna have to wait until tomorrow to talk about the book with Twilight, anyway I'm gonna see how Sunset's doing."

Rainbow Dash started walking over to the grooming table as she started to notice that most of the other club members where now backed away from the table with proud smiles on their faces. She began saying, "So it looks like you guys are done so how was it Sunseeeeet-," she began to trail off as she looked at Sunset standing on the table as not only was her mane and tail now in a different style but they along with her coat were actually glowing with what appeared to be various sides of a gem stone all across her body.

Sunset then looked at Rainbow as a content smile came across her face and she said, "Ah Rainbow Dash. Well what do you think of my new look?"

"It is um... certainly shiny," said Rainbow Dash as she began looking at some of the beauty products on the table wondering to herself, "What the heck kind of shampoo did they use for this?"

Sunset didn't seem to notice any of Rainbow's confusion as she maintained her smile and said, "Indeed. I feel like a freshly polished gem, in fact I feel even better than that. I feel like a total princess."

Upon saying this a pair of large feathery wings folded outward from Sunset's back as she looked at Rainbow smiling even bigger.

Rainbow Dash simply stared mouth agape at this for a few seconds before she began to spin around confused and agitated saying, "WHAT! OK hold on Princess Twilight said you ponies can only become alicorns after doing some awesome feat to prove you're worthy and not that you haven't done some awesome things Sunset but how the heck do you suddenly sprout wings now of all times, not to mention this weird gemy crystaly thing you got going here with your coat it's almost like you're trying to shock me here." Suddenly Rainbow looked back at Sunset as she saw a snicker appear on her face and she began laughing.

"Hahaha! Shoot I was hoping to keep you going for at least a little longer," said Sunset.

"Wait seriously? This was a prank?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Yup," said Sunset with a smug grin on her face.

"But I thought you weren't really the pranking type?" said Rainbow.

"Yeah well I can't really take credit it was Fluttershy's idea," said Sunset Shimmer.

"Wait. Seriously?" said Rainbow looking at Fluttershy in confusion, "What the heck did I do to you?"

Fluttershy then had abit of an uncharacteristically stern look on her face as she said, "It's not what you did to me. It's what you did to Sunset. While we were grooming her she told us about her day today and I was just shocked at some of your behavior. She needed your help today and you spent half the time laughing at the hardships she faced and just enjoyed the commotion."

"But I apologized for that and spent the rest of the day helping her out.. I even stayed after school and hung out with your brother for her!" said Rainbow Dash as Zephyr briefly opened his mouth to protest at her last comment only to then close it again as he realized it wasn't a good idea to shift this argument towards him after what Rainbow did earlier.

"Yes but you still laughed at her and got distracted way to easily and besides," Fluttershy began saying before a unnerving and sadistic smile appeared on her face as she continued saying, "when someone laughs at you it's only natural for you to throw a little chaos into their lives to give yourself a good laugh and teach them a lesson."

Rainbow was a little shocked at this statement before she simply stared blankly at her before saying, "OK firstly you've been hanging out with that foreign exchange student way to much cause I think he's having abit of a negative effect on you."

Fluttershy then reverted back to her normal self as she looked down blushing and saying, "I guess Dissy's changed me a little but I've changed him as well to help bring out his sweet side. In fact the other day he actually tried to throw me a tea party and-"

Rainbow Dash then interrupted her as she said, "Yeah yeah. We heard enough about all that 'sweetheart on the inside' stuff when you first introduced him to us and he kept trying to mess with us but can we get back to the task at hand for a second here."

"Oh yeah. Sorry." said Fluttershy as her blush got more intense.

Rainbow ignored this and turned back to Sunset saying, "Secondly how the heck did you do this anyway?"

"Oh it's nothing really just a simple illusion spell... hang on I'll undo it now so you can actually see what the new style Lotus Blossom here gave me looks like," said Sunset as her horn glowed and she briefly surrounded herself with a red aura that soon dissipated revealing her true appearance.

"So what do you think?" asked Sunset.

Rainbow was tempted to make some sort of clever or caddy remark to get back at Sunset for the pranks but after thinking how Fluttershy might retaliate she decided to let it go said, "It looks nice, alot like your hair in human form."

"Yeah actually that's what I was going for since well as much as I love being a pony again I did kind of like the style the portal gave me when I turned human, though that does make me wonder what my hair will be like when I turn human but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. On the plus side though I also got my tail trimmed alittle shorter since it did feel alittle weird suddenly having that weight back there again. This way I get used to it while it’s lighter and then when it grows back I can decide to change it later if I feel like,” said Sunset as she looked back at her tail and smiled.

“Well it does look pretty cool. Anyway I guess now that all your treatments are done we can head out,” said Rainbow as she gestured to the door.

“Yeah sure. I feel plenty relaxed and it seems like the club has finished everything right Fluttershy?” said Sunset as she looked over to her friend for confirmation and noticed that several of the club members were looking disappointed at the fact she was leaving already.

Fluttershy saw this and said, “Now everyone we knew Sunset would have to leave eventually and we’ve already done all of our normal animal grooming and pampering activities so of course she can now leave,” everyone shied disappointed at this before Fluttershy continued saying, “However that doesn’t mean that Sunset might not come to anymore of our meeting if she feels like it. Would you be OK with that?” she asked looking at Sunset.

“Well while this was relaxing and way better than I thought it was gonna be I don’t think it should be a weekly thing,” said Sunset as she thought for a moment before saying, “Tell you what, how about I stop every month when my mane gets too long and you all can trim and groom it and whatever else you want… sort of like Rarity’s frequent spa trips.”

Everyone in the club cheered at this news as Fluttershy got excited too and said, “That would be just perfect,” before she ran up and hugged Sunset to her.

Sunset then hugged her back before Fluttershy started petting her back. After a few seconds of endulging her she said, “Um Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy then backed away embarassed as she said, “Oh sorry, I guess I haven’t gotten it all out of my system yet. Anyway you and Dash can take off now while the other club members and I start packing everything up.”

Rainbow Dash then stepped forward and said, “You know Fluttershy I could probably get all this stuff packed up for you in ten seconds flat.”

Rainbow Dash started to walk forward in order to demonstrate this before Fluttershy stopped her while waving her hands in protest and frantically saying, “OHNONONO DASH,” she then calmed down before she continued saying, “I’m sorry it’s just some of our grooming brushes are very fragile as they are ergonomically designed with specific animals in mind and well when you are rushing at things-”

Rainbow Dash then interrupted her as she said, “Say no more I get what you mean. So anyway see you tomorrow Fluttershy."

Rainbow and Sunset then started to make their way towards the door only for Zephyr to intercept them saying, "See you later Rainbows. You know maybe next time Sunset comes to the club meeting thing again you and me could hang out some more. You know you could read while I give you the run down about whats happening with me again."

Rainbow was about to shoot this idea down but when she looked at Zephyr she once again saw his confidence briefly break and reveal a sad look on his face and she mentally sighed and with a only somewhat fake smile said, "Sure why not."

Zephyr then had a brief excited look come to his face before he put his confident face back on and said, "Cool. Cool. So yeah see ya Rainbows."

"See ya," said Rainbow.

She and Sunset then both headed out the door to the club and walked through the halls until they came out the main exit of the school.

"Geez it's already dark out. What time is it anyway," said Sunset.

"I don't know, let me just check my phone and... oh man it's already seven fifty five if I don't hurry and get home soon, I'll miss the new episode of Power Ponies the Animated Series," she then turned to Sunset, "Look I know that i'm fast but not even I could make it to your apartment and then my house with enough time to get snacks and stuff ready before the episode starts at eight. Do you think you'll be cool walking home all by yourself?"

Sunset thought about this for a minute before she smiled at Rainbow and said, "Yeah I think I'll be fine. You've helped me out enough today and besides I don't think there is really gonna be anyone on the street to react negatively this late."

After that Rainbow appeared to turn into a blur as she said, "Cool thanks Sunset," and took off for her house.

Sunset smiled at her friends antics as she began walking back to her place. Just like she thought there was no one else walking around and before she knew it her apartment was in sight. As she walked by the alley near her apartment though she heard a very strained but familiar voice say, "I am here for it."

Sunset turned in the direction of the voice and saw the three sirens who had wreaked havoc at the Battle of the Bands. The two she remembered being named Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk where both sleeping on the trash but the one named Adagio Dazzle was standing and staring at her with blood shot eyes. Sunset became alittle unnerved with there sudden appearance, and the crazed look on Adagio's face and said, "Adagio, what are you-"

Before she could finish though Adagio interrupted her and said, "Magic pendant. I need that magic pendant. Give it to me. The one you found. I need my power."

Upon hearing how Adagio was talking Sunset forget she was technically and enemy and said, "Are you OK."

Then even though they were fast asleep Adagio thought she heard Aria say, "I think your rage broke Adagio."

Adagio then turned to her and yelled "SHUT UP SLEEPY ARIA!"

"Um what was that!" said Susnet, her concern for the siren now mounting.

Adagio then turned back to Sunset and yelled, "I'M NOT CRAZY! YOU'RE CRAZY! ESPECIALLY YOU ARIA!"

Sunset then attempted to calm her down saying, "You do know she's asleep right?"

Adagio didn't seem to hear that though as she reached out her hand and, "Magic pendant hand now please."

Sunset then backed away now concerned for her own safety and said, "Yeah um I don't think it would actually work for you because it's basically an element of harmony so unless the link between me and it is severed by say me changing to no longer be worthy of it or it going to another dimension it should only work for me."

Upon hearing this Adagio's eyes turned pure red as if she had her rage magic back as she said, "No," and started moving towards Sunset who then backed away even further. "No!" she repeated before suddenly her eyes turned pure white and she collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

Sunset then moved towards the passed out siren as she thought "OK what should I do about this? I mean she seemed insanely angry or maybe angrily insane? But then again I was like that at one point so maybe they can be reformed to, but then again I wasn't like that for over a thousand years... maybe I'll have to use it." She then looked at her backpack as she remembered something else in there that Princess Twilight had given her in case something like this happened. Before she could think further about this though Adagio moved in her sleep and her hand brushed against Sunset's hoof causing her power of empathy to activate as she saw Adagio's memories and emotions, and what she saw made tears begin to form in her eyes.

Author's Note:

So Adagio and Sunset finally had there confrontation and well...it could have gone better for Adagio. More importantly though what is Sunset seeing right now and what did Princess Twilight give her to use in a time like this? Find out all of this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

OK so as some of you may have noticed this chapter is a little bit sillier than the previous ones and that is because I wanted to give you all a goofy chapter to laugh at before I start hitting you with some more serious stuff I have planned soon. (as you can already tell Sunset is seeing some pretty sad stuff in Adagio's memories)

Next the artwork of Sunset Shimmer used in this chapter was created by FlurryHeart432 go check them out on Devaintart and I would just like to thank them for giving me the idea of how Sunset's new style should look.

Also I would just like to say the whole Alicorn Sunset thing was for the point of general comedy and not me trying to make some short of statement as I agree with everything the series has done thus far.

Finally a thank you to Teamfourstar for inspiring the encounter between Adagio and Sunset and I am happy I could add some of their awesome humor into my own work. (even though probably none of them well see this)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a good day.