• Published 9th Aug 2018
  • 2,141 Views, 23 Comments

Rise Of The Mythic Alliance. - Neutral Boy

The Equestrian kingdoms will know fear, pain, and death as they battle against unusual species that are here to free Humanity from slavery & near extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Brawl in Hellgondo part 2.


Ow, it feels like my head got pounded by too many ciders all at once.

Groggily waking up, my vision opens up and I'm in a dungeon.

That can't be right, I remember Rainbow Dash catching the human.

Yet someone or something blinded us all and somehow I'm here.

"W-Where am I?"

"You are currently in a jail cell."

Pausing, I turn my head to see a little girl. Only I can sense something off from her. Her appearance has two pig tails, the eyes are purple, two glowing horns on each side of her head, short clothing, and she has a bag purse beside her.

"W-Who exactly are you?"

"I am known as Chrome, a necromancer, nurse, and assistant to my Monster Lord. Currently, you and your friend here are in a jail cell while I keep you company until she or her assistants calls for me to make changing shifts."

Necromancer?! Oh no, no, no, nononono! This is not good! I thought every necromancy in Equestria permanently banned for good! How is it that this strange human girl is a necromancy and uses those black arts? I need to know more information that I'm in.

Though my eyes did glance to see two more figures right behind her.

"W-W-Who are those two beside you?"

"These are my spirit friends, Undine and Salamander."

The ones she introduce me to don't appear to wear any clothing, but the left one who's slimy blue and the right one who's in flames gets off a weird magic. Similar to ancient rare creatures I've ever seen.

"How about you?" Chrome asked me.

Oh yeah, I didn't mention my name.

"I-I-I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, speaking of my friend, where is she. . ."

I saw Rainbow Dash laying unconscious at the wall and I try to wake her up.

"Ugh T-Twilight, where are we?"

Her eyes seem to be groggy.

"I'm not sure, but we seem to end up in a castle somewhere and in a dungeon. By any chance Chrome, can you ask your um M-Monster Lord to let us out of here?"

Chrome shakes her head at me.

"Unfortunately miss Sparkle, you two aren't allowed to get out. Also a peaceful reminder, this cell your in is enchanted with anti-magic so don't think of trying to escape by using magic."

Then, I see her snap her fingers as a big mirror projection suddenly appeared.

"For now, I don't want to have you growing bored in a jail cell. So I'll gladly let you watch a fight taking place soon, just to make sure you won't miss out."

Each of us saw the mirror going static and shows a video image outside the castle. It shows the screen image looking at a ruined town with someone nearby running to it, though I can that my eyes notices the same human me and Rainbow try to catch who's now outside. Question is, who or what is he running from?


Hahhhhh, it feels so good to run like this. Been a long time since I got trapped in a damn seal, but now I can't even imagine of wandering in and possessing this boy.

A shame the others isn't here, but oh well.

I better stop here to rest up before those girls interrupt me.

"Hello there young human~!"

I frown and look up to see a succubus looking down at me, hovering with her wings. She seems like a mix witch, human, and demon. Though the weird part is she's carrying a food bag.

"Who might you be?" I coldly asked, glaring at her.

She just giggles from me asking and responds in a polite tone.

"Why I'm a Succubus Witch, but some call me Feline nowadays."

"And do you plan to pick a fight with me?"

"Of course not dear, I merely wanted to visit the Monster Lord. Although, it can wait since you seem to be on the run from someone. So I'll just keep you company if you don't mind and I promise not to rat you out."

I couldn't know if she's telling the truth or not, but she hasn't done any trickery yet.

"Fine, I'm going to rest up a bit. You try anything, I'll make sure you regret it fully."

"I promise."

So now, we only talked for some time while she eats a couple of sandwiches.

"By the way, I notice that you seem unusually different than the four spirits. You appear to be possessing an unconscious boy who has most bruises and scars on him, what happen to him?"

I haven't responded back for a minute before I sighed, looking at her.

". . . . . He's not doing well. Let's just say we come from a different world, he had to deal with a lot of shit being as a slave like the rest of his human kind. It wasn't until he found me that I began to recover before eventually, he found an opening escape. From a certain angel your familiar with, Ilias right?"

She seem to choke upon hearing the name as her eyes widen.

"Ilias? No wait, that can't be right. I thought that she was gone."

"If you don't believe me, then perhaps this will help you as my partial witness."

Pulling out a hair part of the kid's head, I put in a bit of magic in the hair as it's cocooned into a small red orb. I gently toss the orb up and Feline catches it with both of her hands.

"A fair warning; Be prepared for the agonizing results."

The orb disappears in Feline's hands and I saw her screaming, holding in her stomach & head in tears.


"The hair I just gave you now is part of the boy's mental and physical pain. You'll also see flashback memories of his years as a slave, including feeling the contact brutal hits all over you. Not to worry though, the process will only last for less than a mere hour. So do try to endure it a bit longer."

While Feline continues to scream in pain, I can hear someone coming over.

"Well, I better be prepared then."

Surprisingly, I was expecting the pursuers back, but yet these appear to be angels.

One looks like a Valkyrie knight while the other is a strange cupid girl.

"Before we get this battle started, how's about we introduce ourselves?" I politely say.

"I am Victoria, a Valkyrie angel knight. This here beside is my friend Cupi, a Cupid fairy. Who are you of possessing the human and why is the Succubus Witch in pain?"

"Firstly, you may call me Eaton Gravid. Secondly, you'll have to beat me first if you wish to know on how she's in pain."

I slam both hands on the ground and the magic flowing in. A tremor shook as a large square arena appeared from below as the tremor stopped.

Jumping into the arena with a quick flip, I gaze at my opponents.

"I'll give you two some entertainment before the others show up."


In the throne room, Monster Lord Alice with the Queens, Laura and Lucretia watch the mirror image of a battle commencing while the four heavenly knights hurry to the location.

"It would seem a battle is taking place." Lucretia says.

"Indeed." Laura responds, humming on who's going to make the first move.

Alice however, didn't speak up as her eyes were focused on the possessed boy.

'What is he planning?' Her mind said.

Back in the large arena, the two angels and Eaton get into a fighting stance.

"I'll let you ladies make the first move." Eaton says smirking.

"How kind of you." Cupi replied.

Cupi aims her love arrow with a bow and launches it at him. When it draws in close, she thought her arrow trance would make the hit, but was in shock when he caught it with his right hand.

"You'll have to do better than that."

Cupi glances to her winged friend.


"I'm on it."

Nodding, Veronica flaps her wings forward and uses her shield to charge in.

Eaton crosses his arms up as her shield rams in his arms. Running backwards from the shield charge, he jumps away and goes to kick her, but she dodges the kick and uses her sword, only she missed as he also dodges as well.

When both of them kept hitting and dodging, Cupi uses her three arrows next.

"This new trick of mine should work." She mutters.

Aiming her bow, she unleashed the arrows and the effects of them made six more arrows appear. Hearing the arrows approach, Veronica moves away and the nine arrows Eaton's front chest. Catching him off-guard, Veronica uses her shield to bash his face as he collapses on the ground.

"Nice shot Cupi."

"Oh I wouldn't take all the credit since you did distract him."

Unaware of the two, Eaton opens his eyes and grins.

"I'm impressed, you did manage to catch me off-guard, but there's one slight problem."

Both of them froze as they turn to see him slowly getting up.

"Like I told my last opponents, your pleasure attacks won't work on me."

He yanks Cupi's arrows out of his chest and breaks them in half. Cupi was in shock, she never expected him to have quickly shaken off the trance effect, yet it didn't even faze him at all.

"H-H-How did you. . . m-my arrow s-"

Her sentence is cut off when Eaton disappears, reappears in front of them and delivers a left punch in her stomach. She coughs in spits and is blown some feet away, collapsing on the arena floor.

"CUPI!" Veronica shouts, but got distracted and got kicked away by his right foot.

Eaton walked up to Cupi who's trying to recover from the sudden pain.

"Word of advice, next time try using element arrow effects instead of love arrow trance."

He grabs her right leg and uses her body to slam her four times in the arena. Thinking she's had enough and too injured to fight, he flings her out of the arena toward a bush near Feline.

He turns his head to see Veronica gets up, part of her armor left shoulder broken.

"One angel down and one to go."

In the dungeon cell, both Twilight and Rainbow were slowly shaken in fear no what they just saw. Undine and Salamander however were stunned to see the spirit's power demonstration while Chrome seems somehow a bit too excited.

"Undine, you felt the power from the spirit too right?" Salamander says.

"I did Sally, though it's hard to tell from Chrome here." Undine replied to her.

Both of them glance to Chrome with unamused looks.

"Oh hohohohohoh~! This fight is really turning me~. Keep it going big boy~!" Chrome moans, panting in her breath.

"You do realize the angels won't last long, right Chrome?" Undine asked her.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we can't let it happen." She said, too entranced of watching the battle.

Back outside the castle, the four heavenly knights and Giganto searches around for the possessed boy. When they felt a big tremor boom, all five of them gather up to the source where the possessed boy awaits.

They arrive in time, but notices the battle has already begun.

Veronica's body falls and slams into the ground. Most of her armor is shattered, along with her shield. She slowly gets up with her body shaking, but is pulled up by Eaton. When he goes for another punch, he's halted from sensing the others have came here.

He glances to the five and grins.

"Just in time."

He uses both his hands to held Veronica above him.


He then tosses her body to them, but Giganto catches her body with her tentacle tail.

They glared at Eaton who's patiently waiting for the next opponent to enter the arena.

"I'll go first." Alma said, cracking her knuckles.

"Tch, just make sure you don't kill him. We need him alive." Granberia huffs, disappointed of not going in first.

"Hmhmhmhm, no promises~." She giggles.

Alma Elma flaps her wings and touches down on the arena.

"Let's see if all four Heavenly knights can best me in battle."

"Oh your a naughty boy~. I'll make you get a pleasurable time with me~."

"Like I told my defeated opponents, no pleasure attacks can work."

"Hmmm true, but how long can you last until you ejaculate all over my hands, body, and tail~? Can you endure it for this long dear~?"

"Heh, we'll see about that."

Both of them get into a ready position, waiting for the moment.

Alma Elma then charges in with a left kick. Eaton saw the movement and blocks the kick with his arms. Ducking away, he uses both his kicks to her back, only her form vanishes as he merely missed contact.

Confused, he looks around to find her.

"No use hiding succubus lady. Where are you?"

"Over here darling~! Dragon knee!"

Hearing her voice, he felt something hit his back as he flips over to recover.

'She's a quick one.' His mind said, impressed on her ability.

"Shamshir strike!"

Alma uses her wind range attack on Eaton as he barely blocks it.

When her attack stops, he disappears and reappeared by using a left punch while she barely counters the attack by using her right arm to block. Grunting from the pain, she then uses her legs to grab his lower torso and flings him away before using her wind ability to disappear.

Alma reappears and stomps his body on the ground. Hearing her opponent cough in pain, she uses her tail to wrap his body around, holding his arms locked in.

"Have you given up yet dear~?" Alma whispers, licking her lips and her tail drooling.

Eaton spits on the ground and smiles a little to her.

"No, but you didn't realize you walked into my little trap."

Tilting her head in confusion, she then felt a sudden pain from her left leg.


Her tail uncoils him as she notices an arrow on her leg.

"Surprised? I got this back from earlier when Cupi shot her arrows at me, thinking I would be in a trance state. The next part however is also my favorite one."

She tries to get the arrow out, but yet her body felt suddenly draining. She glances to see the possessed boy's body healed some of the injuries.

"Nothing like a good old neat trick if I do say so myself. Though I do commend you of a very good wind ability and fighting style, but you need to work on a few more tricks. So I'll give another chance to fight me another day."

Nodding to her, Eaton steps away and waits.

"Tamamo, I think I'm in no condition to fight. Tag in for me." Alma says, coughing up blood.

Hearing Alma to partially admit defeat, Tamamo grits her teeth and goes up to help escort her friend down as Erubetie proceeds to heal her.

"I'll win the next one for you Alma."

"Careful Tamamo, this spirit who possesses the boy is no ordinary fighter."

"Yeah, I already noticed."

While Tamamo goes to the arena, Granberia watched the battle and grips her sword.

"You saw it too right Erubetie?"

"Indeed, the arrow appeared from the ground right after Alma coiled him."

"So this guy has many different trick, but we can't identify on which ones he'll use next when Tamamo fights him."

"I agree, but hopefully her defense can withstand and outsmart him."

Eaton sees that the next opponent is up and bows to her.

"So your up next Tamamo, I must say that-"

He didn't finish his sentence as Tamamo's tail bind attack quickly grab both him arms & legs, then bashes his body hard on the ground a few times.

"*coughs*I-I'm guessing your still mad at me of beating the kitsunes in the castle?" He mutters under his breath.

"You have no idea." She coldly replied.

Gripping her tails tight, she let's go by flinging him into the air. She uses her tail to pick up a few tiles and throws it at him, but dodges them by somersaulting and lands on the ground.

"Enough warm up, let's kick it up a notch." Eaton says, grinning.

Wiping the blood from his mouth, he runs forward and goes for a punch. Tamamo counters the attack by using one of her fox tails to block it. He then goes for a kick as another counter blocks the attack. Eaton circles around to get another hit, only to have it blocked by her defensive tails.

"Tamamo punch!"

She uses her left punch to his stomach, making him pause from feeling her strength.

She also uses four of her tails to hit him and knock him back some feet away, but he stopped and attacked again as she used her nine tails to block his attacks.

A minute passes by as Tamamo's eyes is reading his attack and defense movements.

'Strange, his attack style seems to keep going. Why hasn't he switched yet?' Her mind said.

Her eyes widen when something else heads straight at her. She quickly blocks it by grabbing it with her hands, but sees that it's Veronica's broken shield.


Tamamo didn't react in time as her nine tails were caught by his two hands and her body is spinning around with his, holding in her breath to not throw up.

"Here's the bottom wind of the night audience crowd!" He yells out.

He continues to spin her around until he let her go.

"And she's out of the park! The crowd is going nuts!"

Tamamo is flung in the air and crashes into one of the spear pillar towers.

"Ready for another round fluffy old wrinkly lady?" He taunts her.

Screaming at his taunt, Tamamo jumps down to the ground and walks toward him.

"You really done it this time, now I'm not going to hold back any further."

"That's the spirit, no pun intended mind you."

So both of them clash with fists drawn and block counters.

"Breath of the Earth."

Tamamo uses her earth ability to enhance her strength and defense, but her counter blocks is losing ground as her body got hit a couple of times.

'I have my ability up and strength, yet somehow he's managing to bypass my defense. At this rate, my defensive walls will crumble soon. I better finish him quickly with one of my techniques.'

Dealing with a few more counters, she didn't anticipate or expected chains appear from the ground and wrap them around her nine tails.

"W-What the. . ."

Another chains appear and wrap around her body and pinning her arms to her sides.

"I c-can't move! How did you do that without me noticing?!"

Eaton dusts himself off and surprising explains it to her.

"Very simple Tamamo; When I grabbed your nine tails and spin you around, I used my magic from my hands to switch it over on my feet, then planted the chains under the ground. A good useful strategy to catch my opponents in a binding corner."

He walks over to her and stretches his arms.

"Speaking of being chained up, I believe it's payback time for using your tails to slam me on the ground earlier."

After stretching, he proceed to bash Tamamo's body with his fists.

"AHHH! OWWW! UGH! GUHH!!!" She screams as the beating continues.

In the throne room, the three monster girls are very worried of the battle outcome.

"I'm not sure if the four can take him down at this rate." Lucretia says, shaking up.

"Alice, are you going to let this battle continue on?" Laura asked the Monster Lord.

Gripping her hands on her throne seat, Alice gets up and makes a decision.

". . . Watch over for my children, I'm going to end this fight now."

Alice slithers away from the Queens and goes out of the throne room.

Neither of them notice her four kids were peeking on seeing the action screen.

Outside the arena ground, Granberia is gritting her teeth and sword tightly while Erubetie calmly looks on the battle and healing Alma Elma.

"She's not going to last long in there Erubetie, we need to get her out."

"Ease your anger Granberia, the battle seems to be over."

Dealing with a last punch, Eaton huffs as he sees Tamamo isn't looking so good.

"You know, I do like your strategy of using your tails as a defense and binding grip, including your earth ability. Never seen anyone done that before."

Sighing, he puts his left hand on her head and rubs it & scratches her fluffy ears.

"Also, I'm sorry I called you a fluffy old wrinkly lady."

Tapping his feet on the ground, the chains disappear into dust and grabs her weaken body. Walking over to the arena corner, he gently tosses Tamamo to Erubetie and walks away to the center spot.

"Giganto, look after Tamamo and Alma." She says, Giganto nodding to her request.

"Erubetie. . ." Granberia warns her.

"I know, I'll try to make this fight end quickly."

Erubetie's slime body slither up in the arena and stops a few feet away from him.

"So the Slime Queen enters the battlefield, very intriguing."

She didn't respond as she made a couple of duplicate slime bodies of her.

"Huh, no greeting back? Okay then."

He goes to punch and kick one of her clones, but the contact has no effect.

"Looks like my fists and fight did no damage, interesting."

He goes to changing attacks and hit another slime, only it ends with no effects as well.

Erubetie's clone slime body grabs him as he struggle to get out.

"I'm ending this fight, one way or another." She said.

Not letting him escape, her body bounces with his and slams on the ground arena many times. On a last bounce, she let him go as his head felt dizzy.

"One pie, meaty, grilled sandwich coming right up." He dizzily says.

The three slime bodies nodded and group up in the center of him. Erubetie's body form and his body is trapped within her slime prison.

"You can't escape from my Heaven's Prison as you'll soon run out of air to breathe."

Eaton tries to swim out, but couldn't since it's hard to get out. He has some trouble breathing as he loses more air. Eventually, his eyes loses vision and stops moving. Erubetie sighs in relief, thinking the battle is finally over.

"It's done Granberia."

"Never thought you pulled it off Erubetie, is he alive?"

"Yes he is, but we better go contact Alice and the others at the castle while I-"

Her sentence paused as she didn't speak further.

"Erubetie, you okay?" Granberia asked her.

She didn't get a response back as she saw Erubetie's slime form burst.


Worried for her, Granberia jumps on the arena to see her friend's form merging again, but seems to be shaking in fright or fear.

"Erubetie, what happen to you?!"

She hears a cough and turns her head to see Eaton slowly getting up.

"Jeez, I didn't think my trick pulled off well."

"You! What did you to Erubetie?!"

He looks at the slime queen's form and rubs his head.

"While I couldn't move from her slime body, I thought of something and got an idea. Similar to the treatment I gave to the Succubus Witch Feline, I poured in a small magic of mine to Erubetie's heart pressure core. It'll take some time before she's back to normal. Which leads to you as my last opponent."

Before she could yell at him, a voice spoke out.


Hearing a familiar voice, she turns to see Alice beside Giganto.

"Alice? What are you doing here?"

"I came to stop this fight at once."

Alice hears Eaton laughing and she turns her head and glares at him.

"Don't bother, the swordswoman here isn't going to refuse this fight. I'm sure you've seen the damage, but I merely didn't intend to kill everyone. So that's why my last opponent is going to avenge them, am I wrong?"

Alice tries to speak out about it, but Granberia interrupts her.

"He makes a good point Alice, which is why I'm here to kick his ass."

Alice sighs as she doesn't have anything or something to stop the fight.

"There's really nothing stopping you, is there?"

"Nope, just watch over to heal up Alma, Tamamo, and Erubetie."

". . . Alright."

As Alice goes to tend with the injured knights, Granberia grips her sword in ready.

"Since you are my last opponent, how about we introduce ourselves?"

"Fine, my names Granberia. I'm a dragonkin, swordswoman of fire, and one of the four Heavenly Knights."

"Nice name, I am Eaton Gravid, a spirit of unbalance. Now before we get the real fight started, I'll let all of you witness my armor form."

He concentrates his magic as he yells in the air, the orange light surrounding him.

When the light dissipates, he took on a new armor appearance.

"So Granberia, what do you think of my armor form?"

She looks at his armor up and down before whistling.

"I gotta say, I thought you might have been uglier, but your armor looks slick and badass. Never in my whole life have I saw something amazing."

"Thanks for the compliment. Now then, shall we get started?"

"Gladly, just don't go crying when I beat you."

"Same to you as well."

As the clouds in the sky forms in to form in rain, both of the draw out their blades.

Granberia then makes her first move.

"Death sword chaos star!"

Her attack is unleashed as Eaton goes for his move.

"Detect barrier."

He created a yellow defense shield to block it, but she uses another move.

"Take this, Bloody fissure thunder strike!"

Her thunder strike breaks his barrier, making him step and call forth an attack.

"Gleaner aqua spear."

Multiple water spears appear by him, launching each one at her.

Countering the attack, she uses another attack to stop them.

"Vaporizing Rebellion sword!"

She unleashed a big attack that neutralized all the aqua spears.

"Nice one dealing with my spears, but can you survive this next attack?"

He then uses his sword to stab both his legs and arms.

"Gravity breaker."

Wiping the blood off, his movement disappears and Granberia felt a slash on her left shoulder.


Granberia couldn't see where he is as she keeps slashed on her body multiple times.

'I can't figure out on where he is, time to use Undine's ability.

Closing her eyes, she concentrates and ignores the injuries.

"Serene mind."

When everything in her vision is blank, she can hear the movements of him.

'I see you.'

Gripping her sword, she crouches down to wait until she found an opening.

"Serene demon sword!"

Her sword slashes in water, blocking the attack of Eaton.

"No way!"

"Yes way, now eat this! Dragon butcher slash!"

She kicks him then uses her dragon slash on his chest. He drops his sword in the air and he smiles, never guessing he got beaten.

"I guess you four did defeat me in battle after all."

His body hit the ground while Granberia collapses on one knee to catch her breath.

Thinking the battle is over, Alice slithers up the arena.


She checks up on her friend who's barely able to stand.

"I'm fine Alice, help me up to see if the boy's okay."

So Alice picks up her friend as they walk toward Eaton, which he can't move.

"You really put a number on me. Didn't think you pulled it off."

"Never mind me, is the boy alright?"

"Yep, he's doing okay. I made sure to use my magic by protecting him from harm."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you attack everyone here and at Alice's castle?"

"Honestly, to let off some steam of negative emotions. I used mine and the boy's negativity since he's been having a hard life as a slave. Also Alice?"

"Y-Yes?" Alice spoke.

"Ilias wasn't the one who abused this boy. She saved his life from the Order of Equestria."

Both Alice and Granberia glance to each other.

"Order of Equestria?" They both said.

"It's a dark place where me and the boy came from. His human people were in slave labor and prison camps by those bastards of anthropomorphic called ponies, griffons, dragons, zebras, caribous, and the rest. His people are dying and they need the help of fighters to free them before it's too late."

His tears were flowing out of his as he continues.

"Grant me one wish Alipheese and for everyone else; Help free this boy and his people from the corrupted kingdoms. I already lost my entire race and my family in the past, but I don't want him to end up losing his as well. Please?"

Both were shocked and hesitant on hearing this news, but Alice gave a moment to answer.

"We'll grant your wish, but what will happen to you?"

"I'll be okay, I just need to rest for a while. One more thing though, if you want to know more questions, ask the two bastard element bearer ponies who came here. They're called Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight Sparkle. . ."

He closes his eyes as his armor form vanishes, along with the light around him. Both of them see the light dissipate and saw the boy sleeping soundly.

Alice sighs and picks up the boy in her arms before glancing to Granberia.

"I'll put the boy in my chamber quarters to rest in, you okay to move and walk?"

"I'm good, we'll catch with you after we tend to the rest."


Back in the dungeons, Twilight and Rainbow were huddled together in fear.

Undine and Salamander were giving off dark auras while Chrome has a nasty sadistic grin on her face, given the news on screen and the aftermath talk.

"Oh you two will be next on my experiment projects~." She says in a dark, lustful, cold tone.


Author's Note:

A long while, but I finally got the part 2 done. It's been quite a heck of the 2020 year, though the chaos seems a mix good and bad times. Anyways later on, I'll be back to put in the pictures for each of the edit chapters and some good music vibes for everyone to listen in.

Begun, the snake waifu wars has.

Comments ( 5 )

Please include a scene where Twi and Dash get tortured next chapter. These two versions deserve it.

Ohhh I see you want them tortured~? Is it the painful one, kinky one, or perhaps both~? So many options and ideas to choose from~! :pinkiecrazy:

>>Neutral Boy
Both. Both is good.


*Evil laughter and rubbing both hands together*:pinkiecrazy:

That guy in video sound like he can be a clown.

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