• Published 9th Aug 2018
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Rise Of The Mythic Alliance. - Neutral Boy

The Equestrian kingdoms will know fear, pain, and death as they battle against unusual species that are here to free Humanity from slavery & near extinction.

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Chapter 3: Brawl in Hellgondo part 1.

Outside of the Hellgondo continent, a ship boat carrier with an escort of two angels is seen heading close towards land. Eventually, the ship stops by the docks as the sailors begin to drop off some supplies.

The two angels halted their flight when they heard a loud rumble coming somewhere in the center of Hellgondo. Thinking this can't be good, they immediately flew up high and head to the commotion, ignoring the ship captain yelling out to them.

"Jeez, what do you think got those two lovely Angels are up to?" One of the sailors said, relaxing in a chair.

"Don't know partner, but we better get back to work or else the captain will hog tie us again."


Unbeknownst to the sailors and their captain, a few cloaked figures were peeking out behind a box. They looked both ways to see the coast is cleared as three of them jumped off the ship while the other one is carrying another and jumped off as well.

Back in Alice's castle, several shock-waves of rumble were heard all around.

Cecil and Nanabi are shown to have taken heavy damage as they continue to battle the unknown enemy possessing the boy. Cecil barely dodges an elbow attack and backs up to use one of her new moves she learned a while ago.

"Take this! Ninefold Rakshasa!" She yells out at her opponent.

Cecil swings a consecutive assault of Rakshasa on the enemy, but only did a little bit of damage. It growls and catches her sword then tosses her sword away from her. It uses a left kick to break Cecil's right arm. She screamed in pain as the enemy wasn't done and kicks her left leg before uppercutting her into air and sent her flying by kicking her in the stomach.

"Cecil!" Nanabi yelled out in worry.

Nanabi jumped over the enemy and catches Cecil in her arms. She lands on the floor and runs off away from the attacker. Surprisingly, she glances back and notice that it didn't give chase, just glaring at her and perhaps waiting for her next move. Nanabi gently puts down Cecil and notices that the last attack must've knocked her out cold as well as showing a couple of blood on her head. She clenches her hands tight and gets up, glaring at her opponent.

"I'll buy you some time, Cecil. Just hang in there."

She sees the boy rolling hasn't moved from his spot yet.

'Neither mine nor Cecil's attacks can't defeat this enemy, even my pleasure attacks from my tails are repelled from it. Guess I have no choice, it's time to pull out my trump card.'

Nanabi pulls out a leaf from her breasts and places it on her head. She uses her Magic Concentration move and channels the leaf to absorb some magic for her next attack. While she closes her eyes, the unknown enemy tilts the boy's head, wondering what she's up to. Thinking it might be her attack or perhaps letting her guard down, it then walks forward to finish her off.

Before walking close, it stops when it notices a couple of sticky gooey liquid on it's shoulders. The enemy slowly looks up to see something on the ceiling, clinging on the walls looking down at the enemy. It sees a monster girl appearance in a white & pink color, two wings, and an open mouth tail showing a purple liquid.

The monster girl then lets go of the ceiling and dive toward the enemy. It tries to punch her, but she dodges with her flapping wings and turns around to cling on the boy's back. She uses her open mouth tail to cover his whole head in order to start a paralyzing poison effect. The possessed boy began to thrash around wildly to get the monster girl off of his back. It gotten an idea and back away to slamming her back at the wall behind her. She felt the pain on her back from not expecting the enemy to do that, but she wasn't able to give up so easily and continues to hold tight for her poison's effect to take effect.

The enemy kept slamming her at each of the walls multiple times and it looks like she isn't going to hold on for long. A minute later, Nanabi got her magic ready and opens her eyes to see a friend of hers is holding onto the enemy, but it seems she won't hold on for much longer.

'Let's see if this enemy can manage to block my best attack.' Nanabi thought in her mind.

"Hurry up and get away Cybele! Hope you enjoy my move, Seven Moons!"

Nanabi's special move activates and heads straight towards the two. Cybele heard on what her friend said and let's go before flying away & cling on the ceiling. Some of the paralyzing effect took hold and the enemy couldn't move as it bombarded by the Seven Moons until the explosion blowing all the smoke everywhere.

Eventually the attack stops and Nanabi pants from using her last move. She had to recover her magic and she smiles, thinking that her best attack might've gotten the enemy. When most of the smoke are clearing up, her smile fades when the enemy is getting up off the ground, looking up at with an uneasy grin and fangs of teethes showing.

Then, an orange light suddenly covers the enemy. It's wounds started to heal and behind it, Cybele felt a massive pain all over her body and tumbles down to the floor. Nanabi's eyes were widen, wondering of how the enemy survived her attack and why her friend fell from the ceiling. She didn't have time to recover as the enemy ran towards her and gave her some strong punches. It also began to break her fox legs, ignoring the cries from her and broken all seven of her beautiful tails with it's bare hands.

It turns around and goes to pick up her friend's head with one left hand. It threw her up into the air and gave her a right kick in the face, leading her to fly toward the clean window and shattering it into multiple pieces.

"C-C-Cybele, n-not you too. . ." Nanabi's voicing choked up in tears.

She tried to crawl over to Cecil who's still not woken up. She was then lifted into the air by a left hand grabbing her throat. Her eyes were narrowing at the enemy, frowning at her. She tried to uses both of her hands to get his hand off, but didn't have enough strength in her to do it as she's having trouble of breathing.

Some seconds later, a tentacle wrapped around the enemy's arm.

Then multiple tentacles begin to wrap around it's body as they pulled the boy away, letting go of Nanabi and she fall on the floor. The tentacles proceeded to bash the enemy into each walls hard about eight times until they let go as it plummets to the ground. It looks up to see a big monster girl with a horn on her head, the tentacles on her end tail, spikes on her back, few electricity sparkling, and six big legs.

The possessed boy felt a massive energy flowing uncontrollably behind him as it turns around to see another monster girl and one behind her. This one in particular is different from the other two showing nine fluffy tails, a clean wardrobe, and a death glare.

"You know, normally I prefer everyone to let off some steam outside."

Tamamo's words were getting more of a dark tone in her voice.

"But when you go around destroying the Monster Lord's Castle and torturing my own race, that is where I draw the line and I won't stand for it any longer. So I'm going to need you to answer my questions before your going to get an intense, agonizing, painful battle from us. Who are you and why are you possessing the boy?"

The being gets up and dusts the dirt off before chuckling darkly at her.

"Ahhhh Tamamo no Mae, one of the first creations from the first Monster Lord~. A fine time to meet with you. You may call me Eaton Gravid, the spirit of unbalance. As for possessing this boy however, well, I'm afraid that you'll have to beat me first if you want the whole answers from him."

Just as he says that, multiple tentacles from the Giganto wrapped him up and lifted him in the air. Tamamo walked a few steps and looked at him, sensing that something is very off.

"How did you know my name?" She said in a cold tone.

Eaton merely sighs and grins while his eyes were glowing a little.

"Like I said, you'll have to beat me first. Also it wasn't a good idea to catch me off guard."

A blue light began to glow around the boy's body. Giganto's tentacles felt something cold from the boy as she lets go of him. Eaton grabbed a hold of her tentacles and surprisingly lifted her whole body up, slamming her up at the ceiling and onto the ground. He then jumps up and escapes by shattering another window.

Tamamo's eyes were widen and growls, thinking that she's not dealing with no ordinary spirit. She walks over to Giganto and sees that she's alright. So she turns to her child and orders in a serious tone.

"Kitsu, I need you to go tend with Nanabi and Cecil. Me and Giganto will handle the intruder."

Kitsu nodded to her master, but feels uneasy from witnessing the presence of a powerful foe who easily lifted Giganto and has never seen Tamamo this very pissed off. Not since a long time ago when she was very young.

Tamamo jumps onto Giganto's body and pats her back.

"Follow the intruder."

Giganto nods to her master and gallops forward, making sure the enemy won't get away again. While the two were off, Kitsu rush toward her seven tailed friend who's recovering her breathing from almost getting killed. Nanabi whispers something as Kitsu put her ear closer to her.

"C-Cybele, she's outside wounded."

Hearing her correctly, Kitsu then created two clone of hers. One would tend to Cybele while the other tends with Cecil as they wait for the others to help heal them up.

Not far off inside the castle, two monster girl spirits are seen in the hallways.

One of them is a medium tall figure girl and holding a mud doll. She has a mix of brown/green clothing, a brown elf hat on her head, green eyes, and a medium brown hair.

The other is fairy type about the size of a human hand. She has a mix fairy clothing of yellow/green, medium light green hair, light green fairy ears, and a mix of yellow/brown eyes.

Both are currently walking along in the halls, well except for one fairy who's hovering all over her friend while the other one mostly ignores the chattering spirit fairy.

"Chi Pa Pa! Chi Pa Pa! Gnomey, we're finally going to explore the entire Monster Lord castle! Oh I wonder on what we find here! So many places to choose from! Chi Pa Pa!"

Gnome, as her fairy friend called her, decided to slap the fairy, but missed as she was busy chattering and evading Gnome's slap attacks. Gnome sighs in annoyance and just gave up on slapping her friend.

While walking, she felt something hit her shoulder as a strange figure passes by ahead of her.

Surprised, she walked faster and ignoring of her friend calling out to her.

She quickly is now running to catch up with the figure until she stopped. Her eyes widen to see a familiar figure with short purple hair and holding an unusual sword in the right hand.

Gnome slowly walks over to the male figure and stops about a couple of feet away. She looks down for a moment, wondering of what to do or say before looking up and uses her left hand to touch the male's cape.

". . . . . L-Luka?" Gnome whispers.

When her left hand is about to touch the cape, she froze to a stop as the male figure named Luka turns around to see Gnome. Her eyes were watering with as a few drooled down her cheek. Luka smiles and pats her head with his left hand, only she didn't felt her head being patted on physical contact.

Luka's body figure slowly disappears as he extended some words to her before fading away.

Gnome collapses onto her knees and holding her mud doll tightly as she begins to silently cry to herself. She didn't notice that her fairy friend finally catch up to her in a worried state.

"Chi Pa Pa! There you are! What's gotten into you today Gnomey?"

The fairy's face went from worry to shocked when she witness Gnome crying. In all of her years, she hasn't seen Gnome crying with tears pouring down and sobbing, only she became more distant after losing their last master. So the fairy decided to comfort Gnome by nuzzling her cheek and hugging it.

"Awww, Sylphy misses him too. Chi Pa Pa. Please don't cry my friend cause I'll cry as well."

Some minutes of sobbing later, Gnome stops her crying and looks at Sylph. She smiles to her and softly pats her head showing a thank you for comforting her. Gnome stands up and goes to walk with her friend floating beside her.

While turn left to walk further down, Sylph notices something and flies toward it.

Sylph stops above something on the ground and waves to Gnome.

"Chi Pa Pa! Gnomey, look what I found!"

Gnome walks over to her friend and sees something on the ground. What they both see is an anthropomorphic pony figure lying unconscious and most of her clothing were torn apart. Perhaps by an attack inside the castle or maybe outside.

"Chi Pa Pa! I never seen any other kind of monster girl like this one before!"

When Sylph descended down and tried to poke at the figure's face, a sudden orange energy from the unconscious pony shocking Sylph. Her body became static and flew away to a wall, to a ceiling, then the opposite wall, the floor, and so on. The cycle kept repeating for about several rounds until Sylph's body collapses onto the floor.

Gnome looked down at Sylph and waved to her friend's eyes to see if she's alright.

"Chi Pa Pa. Look at all those sparkling seeds floating around in space. Chi Pa Pa."

Gnome sighs and shakes her head before picking up Sylph. She also summoned some mud dolls and orders them to pick the pony up. She proceeds to walk back and find her other two spirit friends, thinking they might have the answers as to who this figure is and why Sylph got shocked by an unknown magic.

Author's Note:

Whew, that's the chapter! Took some time, but I finally got it done.

Anyone else thinks that both Gnome and Maud Pie would definitely make great friends? Also who do you think would win in a staring & smashing boulder contest, Gnome or Maud?

Anyway, happy thanksgiving everyone!