• Published 29th May 2018
  • 506 Views, 1 Comments

Ultimate Prank Challenge - sunshinemonster

Ultimate Prank Challenge between Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight

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Tanks for Breakfast

Author's Note:

Luna's POV

Hehehehehahahahahahahahahaha! Okay, you have to admit, that was the best prank ever!

I have a feeling Celestia wants to kill me. But, unfortunately, I am immortal.

While Celestia mopped up her tears, I moved quickly to bring out breakfast. Thankfully Celestia had made it already, I was still half asleep! Not that anyone would blame me if they turned invisible, it was Celestia who had made the cake.

"Come on," I said, "Breakfast time! We have a long day ahead of us."

I used my magic to bring the cake over to the table. I think Celestia went a bit overboard with the fluffyness, but who am I to complain? I love fluffyness! I bit into my cake. It was just the right amount of fluffyness, and just so delicious! I saw the others chomping down on their cake too. I giggled, quivering in my seat, trying to not laugh. Moments later, Celestia turned a delightful shade of invisible.

"This is too funny!" I gasped, speaking in between my laughter.

"Not funny!" came the reply from around Celestia's seat.

I flew into the air, and kicked my hooves, doing flips in midair. "Way too funny!" I laughed.

"This prank war is getting out of hand. How can we even do our duties if we keep focusing on our pranks?" Twilight asked, "We do need to take care of our subjects." Trust her to remember that stuff.

"Not to worry!!" Pinkie bounced into my line of vision from somewhere. "I've got it all covered! You get two hours every day to take care of your kingdom, school, whatever you need! You will be allowed a prank free environment for those two hours, and exactly only those two hours every day! Rainbow'll help with that stuff!"

Pinkie bounced down the hall, and disappeared. "Okay, let's get back to breakfast." I said, glad that I'd have a small window of time to stay prank free.

Cadence stared suspiciously at her cake. Twilight bombarded hers with as many magic spells as possible. I just sat there and ate my cake. It was delicious.

"Are you sure this is safe to eat?" Twilight asked, blasting one last spell at her cake. The slice of cake started doing the hokey-pokey around on the table.

"Nope!" Cadence shouted, "I would stay far away from that!" She blasted the cake with a laser beam of teal light.

You put your right hoof in,
You take your right hoof out,
You put your right hoof in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the hokey-pokey,
And you turn yourself about,
That's what it's all about!

"What did you two do!?" I cried, and blasted it with my own laser beam of black light. I stared at it wide-mouthed as the music seamingly coming from the cake came faster and louder. I looked at the other two, and saw that they were just as confused.

Celestia, on the other hoof, was relatively quiet, if she was still in her seat. The invisibility potion I put in should be wearing off in a couple minutes.

You put your left hoof in,
You take your left hoof out,
You put your left hoof in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the hokey-pokey,
And you turn yourself about,
That's what it's all about!

"LUNA!" Celestia roared, and leaped at me. "I will kill you!"

"Sorry, you can't!" I replied back. "Dog pile!"

The last thing I saw before a heap of white took over me was Cadence and Twilight looking at each other. I grinned, before I whited out. Which is to say, got tackled by Celestia.

I got smushed under the dog pile of Alicorns. "Ugh," I groaned, straining to breathe, "This was not a good idea."

While they were all distracted, I used the moment to cast a spell on all of Twilight's quills. The ink coming from the quills should possibly maybe hopefully change everything that Twilight writes down into Tanks.

Don't ask me where Tanks came from! He was the first thing that popped into my mind! And, little tortoises scattered around on the scroll will be hilarious!

You put your whole head in,
You take your whole head out,
You put your whole head in,
And you shake it all about,

"Luna," Celestia whispered into my ear, "I will get you back." I could practically feel the empty threat there.

Cadence and Twilight flew into the air. The piece of cake was still marching around Twilight's plate, marching in a perfect circle with a circumference of 32. I've always been the math-y one, so ask me anything and I'll know it! -insert virtual wink-

You do the hokey-pokey,
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about!

Geez! Who knew a piece of dessert could be so irritating!

"Oh, sorry guys, my spell to remove the potion may have failed to work," Celestia apologized half-sincerely with a grin plastered on her face. She pointed her horn at the cake, and missed, blasting the plate right next to it. The cake marched faster, until it was a blur.

"Hey Twilight, get Spike and your quills," Celestia commanded, "I have a feeling we'll need the Elements of Harmony for this."

"My friends won't like being dragged to Canterlot for a piece of confectionery," Twilight reminded Celestia. "This is your problem."

"Actually, on the contrary, Rarity will probably enjoy a nice trip to Canterlot," Celestia countered, "SPIKE!"

"Yes Princess Celestia of the Sun?" Spike asked, zooming over. He held one of the quills that I had placed the spell on earlier.

"Okay, dictate my message," Celestia instructed him,

"To the friends of Twilight:

Greetings, we are currently battling a loosing battle against an annoying piece of confectionery. I call upon you to use the Elements of Harmony and save Equestria from the loud and headache inducing song "The Hokey-Pokey" sung by this slice of uncooperative cake.

Your favorite Princess,

"Um, Celestia," Spike spoke softly, "I think Twilight might be their favorite Princess, no offence your highness."

"No matter," Celestia spoke sharply, "Send it to them, it'll arrive the next time they are together."

"Which will be when?" Twilight muttered, glaring at Celestia and the Cake equally hard and with the same amount of irritation.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack gathered under the waterfall for a picnic, when a flash of green fire appeared, and a scroll materialized out of thin air.

"Why did Celestia send us a bunch of turtle doodles?" Rainbow shook the scroll. "I mean, Tank does make everything about 20% cooler, Right Tank?" Rainbow patted Tank's shell.

"Well Darling," Rarity replied, taking a small bite out of her sandwhich, "I just don't know."

"Prank war!" Pinkie Pie bounced up, "That's twenty points for Luna!"

"Huh?" the others chorused, with one singular, "Oh."

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