• Published 29th May 2018
  • 507 Views, 1 Comments

Ultimate Prank Challenge - sunshinemonster

Ultimate Prank Challenge between Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight

  • ...

The Pranks are on

Author's Note:

This will suck. I guarantee it.

Anyways, enjoy a horrible story!

The Pranks are on:

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Twilight asked, looking skeptically at Princess Cadence. This wasn't exactly a normal thing that princesses did on a normal basis. And you couldn't plan for a prank war. Everything was too random.

Cadence nodded, "I have complete faith this will brighten up everyone's day, and night, and bring some joy into Canterlot and everyone's day."

"And Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash being the judges?" Twilight asked, sure that there was something that would happen. Something bad. Especially with Pinkie Pie being a judge. Hopefully no busts of Pinkie Sense would occur. That would be a disaster. And hopefully I can find a way to plan for this, Twilight thought, All I need is a plan for everything to go right.

"Absolutely," Cadence replied, "Besides, we all love pranks too. What could go wrong? They know the rules. And we do too." This was the one thing that Cadence needed, a break from the stress of managing the Crystal Empire. Especially with the threat of....

Twilight nodded, "If you say so. Have you informed Luna and Celestia yet?"

"She has," a voice spoke behind Twilight.

Twilight spun around, "Luna!"

"I have to say your reaction to Luna's harmful comment was rather, how should I put it, interesting," Celestia smirked, giving Luna a wink.

"Hey, hey!" Pinkie Pie bounced down from the roof. "No double-teaming! No congratulating others for pranks or giving any ideas!"

Luna looked at Pinkie, "Technically, I have not done anything wrong, as this prank war, as you call it, has not yet begun. Unless I am wrong and I may start pranking others now."

"Nope! Hasn't started!" Pinkie replied, "Rainbow still has to read the rules, and I still have to say the magic words!"

Rainbow Dash landed beside Pinkie Pie. "This will be so awesome! Let's get started with the rules." Rainbow pulled out a large scroll, and held it up for everypony to read.

1. No physically hurting anyone
2. No double-teaming
3. No giving each other ideas
4. No working together
5. Have fun
6. Make sure others are having fun
7. You must have fun
8. No being mean
9. Have a lot of fun
10. Laughing is okay
11. All pranks are allowed
12. Fun must be had

"Pinkie!" Rainbow glared at the pink Earth Pony who was bouncing up and down. "How many variations of "Have Fun" did you write?"

"Weee! Weee!" Pinkie bounced up and down. "This will be so much fun!" She ignored Rainbow's question, bouncing around in a circle around the four Alicorns.

"Pinkie! I asked you a question!" Rainbow Dash glared at Pinkie. If this didn't work out, well it would be Pinkie's fault.

"Oh," Pinkie replied sheepishly, "Um, only about five-hundred, sixty-five! I lost count after the 500th one... You probably should also read rule 227, rule 483, and rule 321. Oh yeah, and rule 430!"

"Rule two-hundred twenty seven, pranks cannot involve insects. Rule four-hundred eighty three..." Rainbow Dash trailed off, "WHERE IS RULE FOUR-HUNDRED THIRTY!" Rainbow looked angry.

"Ooops!" Pinkie giggled, "There is no rule four-hunded thirty! I omitted that! I thought I told you!"

"You did not!" Rainbow countered.

Pinkie bounced up and down, "Well," bounce, "I"bounce "might" bounce "have"bounce "forgotten"bounce "to" bounce "tell"bounce "you" bounce bounce bounce.

"Well," Luna said, "I believe that it would be a spectacular idea if we stop talking about rules and begin this challenge now. I believe that you two will be overseeing the pranks. Ten points for a basic prank, twenty for a good one, fifty for super good one, and a jackpot of one thousand points for one that is amazing? Am I correct?"

"Yup!" Pinkie yelled, "LET'S GET GOING!! Remember, rule four-hundred and seven is also very important!" Pinkie bounced out of sight.

"There is no rule four-hundred and seven!" Rainbow Dash sighed, "Well, I'll be going now. Remember, we'll both be keeping an eye on you." Rainbow Dash flew off, leaving a rainbow behind her.

Cadence nodded, "I'll be at my castle with Shining Armour. Here's a crystal necklace if anyone wants to teleport to my castle for a prank. I Pinkie Promise that there is no tracking spell and there is nothing wrong with them."

Pinkie popped out, "You better say the words! I've got my eye on you now!"

"All right," Cadence began, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." After she finished, she handed the other princesses a necklace with a glowing crystal heart.

Twilight put hers on. "So how exactly do I teleport with this?"

"Just as you normally would do," Cadence replied, "The crystal is simply a key, to allow you access to my castle. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to teleport into it, as I have put up extra security around my castle and around the Crystal Empire."

The others nodded, and teleported away. Twilight to her Ponyville library, Celestia to her room, and Luna to her hidden castle that blended in with the stars. Cadence was the last to leave, smirking, before disappearing to her castle in the Crystal Empire.

"Good night everyone!" Pinkie called out. "Good night!" She waited a bit, before bouncing off to her suite that Celestia had allowed her to stay in. She still needed to Pinkie-fy it a lot more.

Pinkie realized something, and paused, before shouting, "And let the prank war officially start! Have fun pranking!"

"Pinkie!" Rainbow whispered, appearing behind Pinkie,"That was a liiitttlee too late! And I will get you for those omitted rules!"

Pinkie smiled smugly, "Well, rule three-hundred twenty two is "Judges are not allowed to pull pranks or to have anyone pull a prank on others during the prank war." So, have fun! I pulled mine before the prank war started!" She did an exaggerated wink at Rainbow, before bouncing away.

Rainbow unrolled the scroll, and scanned it, before finding rule 322. "Pinkie!! There is no rule three-hundred twenty two!"

Pinkie popped out of the ceiling. "Ooops! I added it at the bottom of the scroll! And there is no quill in my mouth!" Pinkie hid the quill, before disappearing again.

"This will be a long week," Rainbow muttered, "Even for me who loves pranks."

"I see thy has disrupted something of mine," Luna spoke, using her Royal Canterlot voice.

Rainbow screamed, before flying off.

"Ooops," Luna snickered, "That might have been a teeny bit excessive." She walked forward, and straightened the rug. "There, that's better."

And I'm lucky that the others are asleep at night Luna thought, smiling, before flying towards the tower where Celestia slept.