• Published 29th May 2018
  • 506 Views, 1 Comments

Ultimate Prank Challenge - sunshinemonster

Ultimate Prank Challenge between Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight

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Prank Plans

Author's Note:

This will be in Twilight's POV.

Each chapter will be a different POV, hopefully it won't get to confusing!

I face-hoofed once I landed in my library in Ponyville. Why did Cadence have to drag me into this prank war? Everyone knows I hate pranks. It really disrupts my studies. Yes, I technically completed my studies when I became an Alicorn, and the Princess of Friendship, but, when can you stop learning? Never.

If Luna won this Prank War, she'd be perfectly un-bearable! Excessive bragging would surely ensure her becoming "Master Pranker" or whatever title Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would give her. Celestia getting the title, eh, that wouldn't go so well either. NO CELESTIA, I AM NOT SAYING YOU LIKE BRAGGING

Sorry, just had to say that. Celestia seems to pop over here whenever I say something that potentially is not describing her as perfect.

Like now. I walk into my bedroom to grab a quill, and guess who's there. Celestia.

"Good night, Princess Celestia," I say, "What brings you here?"

"Celestia," she states, before continuing, "I thought I heard someone say my name."

"Celestia," I say, "I was just saying how you willl definitely win this prank war. I mean-"

Celestia cut me off, "-of course I will. I am the master at pranks."

I probably wouldn't say that to Luna. "Of course Celestia," I reply, "Now, where'd my quill go?" Luna loves pranks, and she's good at it...

"Well," Celestia replies, "I must go now. See you tomorrow for our weekly meeting."

"See you," I reply half-heartedly, resuming my search for my quills. Where could they possibly be?!?

"Spike!" I call, "Can you find me a quill?"

All I get in return is a loud snore. Right, he's asleep. Baby dragons do need their sleep.

"Owlowiscious!" I call, and he swoops over. "Can you find me a quill?"

"Who?" he replies, and produces a red quill for me.

"Thanks Owlowiscious," I reply, "Where'd you find that?"

I get a "Who" in reply. I guess that's what owl's say. It does get frustrating when his "who's" don't actually mean "who". Okay, that's confusing. I've never really understood why owl's say "who".

Okay, I've gotten a quill, and I've found a bottle of ink. I'm surprised that there aren't a lot of quills lying around. I mean, I usually have fifty spare ones, ten extra ones, five just-in-case ones, and at least two for using right now. Where'd they go? Eh, I need to make a plan first for the prank war. I'll go buy more quills later.

I grab a scroll and use my magic to write, "Plans for Pranks"

Step 1: Figure out target

Step 2: Find weaknesses (Example would be Luna and her mornings)

Step 3: Devise another plan for the specific prank in mind

Step 4:

Ugh. My plans must be at least ten steps long. As Rarity would say, this simply is cannot do!

I pace around the library, wondering what other steps I could add. Right. Pranks don't and can't involve planning. Surprises.

Aha! That's it!

I grab the quill, with my magic of course, and write down:
Step 4: Devise plan in head, do not write anything down

My hoof-writing hasn't always been the neatest. I guess using magic is a better solution, although, my writing is still rather messy. It's readable at least. You should see Luna's writing. It's barely readable.

Owlowiscious flies over, "Whoo!"

"What do you want?" I ask him, annoyed to be disrupted. I guess that's the only downside to having a pet.

I notice the clock he's holding. "It's FIVE in the morning!?" I scream, "How could time have gone by so fast?"

I better get some rest. I need to be ready for tomorrow's meeting. Oh, it'll be impossible not to jam pack my schedule. Now that I think about it, I am rather tired.

"Alarm clock set?" I ask Owlie.

Owlowiscious nods, "Whooo Whoo"

I nod off to sleep, and hope that an hour of rest will be enough. Teleporting back to the main castle will be hard. Long distance has never been my specialty. And why is there that moon on the....