• Published 28th May 2018
  • 429 Views, 18 Comments

MLP: The Hime-Rangers - lolnewsPegasus

When the forces of evil have amassed a threat to the world, five teenagers wearing colorful lycra and themed helmets will save the day.

  • ...

The Rainbows

Scootaloo jumped onto Dash’s back, surprising the Shadowbolt. Fluttershy then helped the girl get into the right position for a proper piggyback. “I take that as a yes from Scootaloo, and this as a yes from me…” Fluttershy said, wrapping her arm around Dash’s. “Hey Pinks, we’ll be taking the squirts home now!” the speedster said, to which the party girl answered with a pie-covered thumbs up.

The group then walked towards the nearest place, Carousel Boutique, Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s stop. With the two trainees not being officers, they don’t have clearance for using vehicles.

Rarity turned to her little sister and hand-combed her hair. “See you soon, girls!” they both waved.

The group then walked onward, when Applejack spoke up. “Hey Flitter and Cloudchaser, what if we split? Down the block is where Big Mac gets oil for our tractor, we use it to roll the hay up into bales. He’s definitely in the shop by this time,” the farmgirl explained. She pointed to the parked truck, indicating that Big Mac is most likely in the nearby shop.

“I’ll stay with miss Rainbow,” Cloudchaser said, “Flitter, can you accompany the Apples?”

Flitter nodded, and waved to her sister. “See ya, AJ and Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo waved to the Apple sisters who waved back.

Cloudchaser then accompanied Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo to the Rainbow family home.

After around twenty or so minutes of walking and Cloudchaser asking the former Shadowbolt multiple questions about her older brother, they caught sight of the Rainbow home.

“Oh look, Dashie, we’re here!” Fluttershy chirped.

“Alright, miss Cloudchaser, this’ll be our stop.” the Shadowbolt said with a grin. “Thanks for the escort, uh how will you reunite with miss Flitter?”

“I’ll radio her to rendezvous near where your friend Rarity was,” Cloudchaser said, and she saluted. “Escort accomplished!” she beamed before happily walking back to Carousel Boutique.

The athletic and shy girls then took Scootaloo with them to the door, and knocked.

The door was opened by a much older man, whose hair resembled Rainbow Blaze’s but shorter and more faded, with most of the colors being warmer ones. He wore a dressing gown with the name ‘Rainbow Flash’ stitched on it, with a faded Cloudsdale police tee and shorts underneath, and held a crossbow in his hands. The expression on his face read as annoyed and irritated, something Fluttershy mostly saw in Rainbow Dash’s face from when they were younger. “For the last time, you bug-eyed creeps, I’m not gonna--”

“Hey dad,” Rainbow said sheepishly, holding Fluttershy and Scootaloo.

“Little Dashie?” he said, his voice cracking. He then gently put the crossbow down and gave his daughter a big hug. “Thank the Princesses you’re safe!” He turned his attention to the shy girl and the little skateboarder. “Fluttershy, Scootaloo, it’s a miracle! My daughter’s safe and home!”

“Dad… Air…” Rainbow said, gasping for air.

“Heh, sorry kiddo,” Flash said, letting go of Dash. “I keep forgetting just because I’m retired doesn’t mean I’m out of shape… Come on in, I just thought of something…” he said as he carefully picked up the crossbow and removed the bolt.

“You see, your mom tired herself out yesterday, from all her uhh…” Flash paused in thought for a moment. “I don’t know, probably helping out your brother in his work.”

He then stuck his palms out to the couch, on which lay a sleeping woman close to Flash’s age. Her hair resembled how Rainbow Dash’s short hairstyle looked, albeit much more proper and feminine. Her hair colors were cooler, in contrast to Flash. “My dear Windy Gale, whatever shall I do with you…” Flash’s moment of basking in his sleeping wife’s beauty was interrupted by snorts and snores from the sleeping woman.

“Told ya she's my mom," Dash whispered to Scootaloo. She then noticed a green tortoise trying to crawl out of the sleeping woman's hold. "Tank! Come here, bud." Dash whispered again, carefully freeing the tortoise from her mother.

She turned to her father and asked in a whisper, "Hey dad, can Flutters and Scoots sleep over? I know it's a sudden thi--"

"Don't be bonkers, of course!" Flash said, giving her a thumbs up. "Go on up, your room's how you left it."

The girls, and reptile, headed upstairs to Dash's bedroom, with Scootaloo marveling in wonder, and Fluttershy sighing with pink cheeks. "Just like old times, Dashie…"

“Yeah, just like…” Dash said, wrapping an arm around Fluttershy as the two of them looked at the gushing Scootaloo.
“Your room is so cool!” she cheered, while carrying Tank from the bed to the floor. “There you go, Tank,” she said to the tortoise.

The older girls then sat on the bed, with Fluttershy giving Dash a light cuddle. “Dashie,” the animal lover started. “I got an idea for your hair…”

“Hm?” the Shadowbolt hummed in an inquisitive manner. “I could trim your front back so you can get your bangs again, but I wanna try you sporting a ponytail…” the animal lover said.

Dash’s cheeks turned pink. “Um-uhh sure,” she stuttered. “I trust you, pal,” she said, unconsciously giving Fluttershy a kiss on her temple.

Their moment was interrupted by crashing and the sounds of upturned furniture coming from downstairs. “Scoots, stay here,” Dash said as she took Fluttershy with her to check.

Upon descending, they saw Dash’s mother, Windy, turning the living room upside down. “HONEY I CAN’T FIND TANK!” she shrieked.

“Easy, mom!” Dash said, interrupting her mother. “He’s with Scootaloo, in my room.”

Windy then paused in shock upon hearing her daughter’s voice. “Sorry I didn’t wake you, Dad said you were up all night with… that.” the Shadowbolt said, pointing at the now-messed up diorama and corkboard.

“My baby’s home!” Windy screamed as she snagged her daughter in a tight embrace. “I was worried sick when I heard the news of the invasion!”

“Jeez, what’s with all the noise?” said an older girl going down the stairs, who was about a year younger than Fluttershy’s brother, Zephyr. She had hair as long as Rainbow’s, however her hairstyle was more in line with those like Rarity tends to have. “Dash? You’re home!” she cheered, jumping into the hug.

Flash entered the living room, checking the commotion. “Family hug time!” he said, slightly lifting his wife and daughters off the floor. He looked at his wife and said, “Oh yeah honey, Dashie took Tank with her, he kinda wanted to retire from being your hug pillow,” he chuckled.

“Dad… Arc… can’t… breathe…” Dash croaked.

“Oh, right,” Flash said, letting go of the girls. Arc let go too, realizing something. “Oh no, I gotta go back to the stream! See you later, all!” she said in a sing-song manner, and went upstairs.

“Stream?” Dash asked.

“Oh, Arc switched to being an online personality,” Windy said, “she really meant it when she said she was only making one album.”

“She’s still mad that the Dazzlings made covers of her songs?” the Shadowbolt asked.

“She won’t say…” the older woman sighed. “You know your sister, it takes a long time for her to let go of a grudge.”

“Yep, I still remember her setting all of her ex-fiance’s letters on fire.” Dash winced. “Will Blaze drop by later?”

“I don’t think so,” Windy said in thought. She then took a glance at her watch, and gasped. “Oh, look at the time!” She turned to Fluttershy, continuing. “Terribly sorry, Fluttershy, we’ll have to order something for dinner instead!”

“It’s okay…” Fluttershy said softly. She then recoiled when the woman raised her voice. “Flash!”

“Yes hon?” Flash asked, peeking from the garage.

“Could you go with your daughter and order some…” Windy paused in thought. “Ooh! Italian! Pasta, pizza, lasagna, that kind?”

Flash took his keys with a smile. “Sure as shot! Come on, Dashie, Fluttershy!” he said proudly, going into the garage.
“Dashie, I gotta warn you,” Windy added. “Your father’s done some work on the car, don’t ask about it or he won’t stop…”
The girl nodded to her mother, and went to the garage, holding Fluttershy’s hand. They saw what Windy was warning about, the retired captain having modified the car with some upgrades.

“Hop on, you two!” Flash beamed, starting the car.

Rainbow got in the front passenger seat while Fluttershy in the back, and they headed off. After a few minutes of waiting (Flash taking the liberty of ordering a lot of food to celebrate Dash’s return) and receiving the food, they went back.
The older man carried the stack of pizza boxes, while Rainbow carried the lasagna, and Fluttershy the pasta and salads. Windy went to the garage to check for more food, and took the drinks and desserts, with Scootaloo helping out. Arc, having already prepared the table, helped in setting the food.

The dining room bustled with the Rainbow family, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo enjoying their meal and chatting with one another. Arc mostly took the attention, talking about her annoyance with the recent changes put in place by the video platform she uses, if not regaling the young skateboarder with her recent video sessions. Fluttershy, seated closely next to Rainbow Dash, held her hand, which the Shadowbolt happily reciprocated. Flash mentioned another instance of his old squad trying to get him back on the force, while Windy sighed, jokingly asking if he needed her to scare them off again.
Windy excused herself early, followed by Arc who had to return to talking to her agency. Fluttershy offered to help out with cleaning, while Dash and Scootaloo went to the backyard.

“Thank you for the great dinner,” Fluttershy said to Flash.

“No problem, kiddo,” Flash said, chuckling. “It was only takeout, imagine Windy and I cooking... Scootaloo's mind will be blown!”

“How come you didn’t make dinner by yourself?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, we’ve been cooking together for so long it doesn’t seem right to not to…” Flash said in wonder. “I know it’s something little Dashie took after…” He turned to Fluttershy. “It’s why she didn’t stay long in the ‘Bolts, she felt she needed to be with you…”

“She-huh?” Fluttershy gasped.

“She sent us a picture of a letter of honorable discharge signed by Fleetfoot,” Flash explained. “At the time, she had two missions left, after which she’s allowed to go home. But then the invasion kicked into full force…”

“Dashie…” Fluttershy squeaked to herself.

“Go on, kiddo. Catch up with her,” Flash said, accidentally flinging some soap onto his face. “I’ll wrap up.”

The shy girl thanked Flash, and went to find Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo was already in the living room watching TV, and she said Dash went to her room. She opened the door, finding the girl in question, preparing to take off her clothes. “Hey, Flutters.” she said.

“Dashie…” Fluttershy asked. “Can I take a bath with you?”

They both changed into bath gowns, and went to the bathroom. They both lay in the bathtub, relaxing out the stress that recent events brought. Fluttershy nuzzled her nose into Dash’s cheek.

“Dashie…” Fluttershy spoke. “Your dad said something, about a discharge?”

“Oh,” Dash sighed. “More recent recruits were only required to do a fewer number of missions before being allowed to return home… But since it’s the Shadowbolts I was in, I don’t even remember how many missions I actually participated in… Even if the Princesses told me directly I wouldn’t be sure…”

“I’ll be honest, what I did remember is wanting to be with you…” Dash continued, whispering in Fluttershy’s ear. “Especially after your parting gift…”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat by a fountain, looking at the night sky. “Hey, Flutters, I know this is my last night before I set off tomorrow… I just--”
The prismatic girl found herself cut off with a kiss from the shy girl, who then parted contact. “There…” she said with her soft voice. “I’ll wait for your answer…”

“Didn’t you give me your answer?” Fluttershy asked. “In the school?”

“I don’t think it was enough…” the Shadowbolt replied. The two girls gazed into each other’s eyes, wrapping their arms around the other’s neck in an embrace. They moved their faces closer, and locked their lips together.

The kiss sent sparks within Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's minds. Their cheeks reddened as they deepened their kiss, increasing in passion. Dash sent her fingers through Fluttershy's long pink hair, while Fluttershy caressed her fingers over Dash's body. Her heart slightly broke upon touching scars on her shoulders and back alone, with the shy girl immediately breaking the kiss.

"Dashie…" she said, gasping for air.

"Easy, Flutters…" Dash gasped back. "It's not like you reopened some wounds…"

"But--" Fluttershy tried to protest, only to be silenced by Dash's lips.

"I thought you'd be happy having a girlfriend…" the Shadowbolt whispered teasingly. "But you've been worrying over my battle scars…" she playfully pouted.

Fluttershy huffed, something Dash found equal parts of cute and hot.

Dash chuckled, pulling Fluttershy's head close to her own. Fluttershy then dove in, capturing the other girl's lips with her own, before pulling back.

"Hmph," Fluttershy pouted. "You're lucky I love you so much…"

"I love you so much too…" the rainbow-haired girl crooned.

The two girls basked in each other's loving presence for the remainder of the bath, having reached a new level of closeness with one another.

At the Shy residence, the Shy parents were spooked by a sudden appearance of a masked figure wearing magenta.
“Oh, Luna…” Mrs. Shy sighed. “Wind--I mean Firefly, you should learn to knock!”

“Sorry…” the figure known as Firefly said. “Your daughter is in the Rainbow home, just a reminder… Just in case my hus--err Flash, forgot to send a call.”

“He remembered…” Mr. Shy peeped, peering over from behind the couch. “Uhh, are you patrolling again?” he asked nervously as he sank back behind the couch.

“Can’t help it…” Firefly muttered. “Blaze isn’t used to police work yet…”

“Well, since you stopped by,” Mrs. Shy began to ask, turning around to get some tea. “Why don’t you--” only to find that Firefly had disappeared. “...stay for some tea…”

The timid couple then looked outside the window, seeing a streak of magenta shooting through the street, whom they chalked up to Firefly riding her motorbike, back to patrolling the night of Pony Grove.

At the basement of the Sparkle residence, Shining Armor paced around, trying to absorb the sudden request of his sister’s close friend.

“An audience with the Princess?” Shining said to himself. “For the Draco kid sleeping in Twily’s room?”

“I think you gotta back up a bit, Sunny,” Twilight said to Sunset. “A lot has happened lately.”

“Alright, where do I start…” Sunset wondered.

Author's Note:

And here's the second part!

It is longer, isn't it? And three cheers to one couple, uhh, coupled(boooo), still got three(sort of)

The stinger on the end was a bit last-hour(or two and a half), and as always, enjoy this one! Still working on the next one (or two, considering how I ended up splitting chapters recently)

Comments ( 4 )

Didn't expect that Rainbow's family to be so big.

Whats Sunset up to at the end there?

It didnt really make sense for me that RD was an only child, cuz IMO her whole "wanting to be the best" thing would have made more sense if she had an older sibling(or two) to look up to while at the same time feel insecure about being in their shadow
(sidenote, her sister Arc, think G3 Rainbow)

As for Sunset I have no idea how I'd get her subplot of bonding with a Zord, but so far I have a concrete sense of how to bring her in the fold, and the stinger is how it starts

I see

It looked like Sunset wanted to see Spike, if I read that right

How is it going?

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