• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 2,668 Views, 93 Comments

Pacific Rim: Equestria Rangers - Loki777

Twilight Sparkle and FLash Sentry are cast out of Equestria before being rescued by the PPDC and recruited to fight in the Kaiju War.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Uneasy Aftermath

Intro: Protectors of the Earth

Chapter 5: Uneasy Tension

January 9, 2025 AD or (January 9, 3824 AD *Equestria Time*)

After all six Rangers got to Marshall Stacker Pentecost's office, the Marshall of the PPDC looked around for a bit before sighing for a bit as he then spoke.

"Herc, do you have any idea what a pain in the ass your son is?"

"I believe so Marshall." Herc said with a nod.

"Hey Marshall its cool, no citizens got hurt so, relax mate..." Chuck said.

Marshall Stacker Pentecost got annoyed and spoke, "This could very well jeopardize Twilight and Flash's chance to return home which while you all heading back to the Shatterdome, I got a call from Princess Celestia about what happened there."

"I hope they'll understand because we couldn't have predicted where those Changeling Dragons would've ended up Marshall." Raleigh said with a bit fear in him.

"Making sure that no citizens got hurt was always in our minds during that time Marshall." Mako said.

Flash signed and spoke, "Next time, let's figure out where we are at before we start fighting those monsters again."

"Twilight, Flash both my son and I are sorry for the accidental damage to the castle okay right son?" Herc said.

"Yes, we're sorry." Chuck said with reluctance.

They then left which Stacker Pentecost dropped a bombshell on them which Twilight and Flash didn't want to be discussed until they were with the other Rangers in the Canteen or eating area; Princess Celestia was coming to the Shatterdome tomorrow, but she wasn't the only one.

"Guys, my former friends, my former brother, and Trixie are coming as well with Princess Celestia." Twilight said to the Rangers.

"Uh oh that's not good, I sure hope the damage wasn't that bad when you all went to Equestria to follow those dragons." Alexis said.

Sasha nodded and spoke, "It'd be like my ex-boyfriend coming if I had one that wasn't dead by the Kaiju that is..."

"Well this is just great, those dumb wankers coming to complain about us doing our job in which not many of us are left these days, ungrateful bastards..." Chuck said with a frown.

"Yeah, this is unexpected indeed..." Raleigh said.

"Twilight, Flash don't worry because none of us here won't let anything happen to either one of you two okay? Though a few of us don't see eye to eye all the time, in war, we all need to stand together and you two can count on that." Herc said.

Twilight smiled and spoke, "Thanks guys and we'll tell you all about them so we can deal with them."

After both Twilight and Flash gave every bit of detail about their former friends and family, they all went to bed for the visit which for some reason during the night, Twilight left her quarters and headed for Flash's. After knocking, Flash opened his door being clad only in his boxers with a book called American Sniper that Raleigh gave him recently under his left arm and wondering what was going on.

"Twilight, what is it?" Flash asked.

"I'm....I'm scared about tomorrow and I just wanted to spend the night with you if it's okay." Twilight said softly.

Flash rolled his eyes and spoke, "Fine if you want to."

"Thanks and put on a shirt!" Twilight shouted.

"What? This is how I always slept when I wasn't in barracks as besides, ponies don't wear clothes, but since we're both human now, I'll let it be." Flash said sheeply.

After Twilight got in, Flash put on a spare workout shirt which after Flash climbed into his bed, Twilight followed suit holding him close like when she would hold onto her now-ex brother Shining Armor during lighting storms as both later fell asleep.

The next morning, both woke up to find each other cuddling together and still in the same bed still in their undergarments much to their relief.

Twilight got up first and left for her quarters while Flash sat on his bed confused about what he was going to do after the Kaiju threat had ended as he was uncertain if he could be allowed back to his old home along with Twilight.

Shrugging it off, he got up and got his things to shower while far away, the chariots of the visiting group were headed for the Shatterdome. When everything was all set up and ready at the Shatterdome, Marshall Stacker Pentecost headed up with a few security guards on him and waited for the group to arrive.

It was a sunny day for a January day in Hong Kong, but it was then that the group of chariots arrived. Stacker Pentecost recognized Princess Celestia right away due to her get up while everyone else was in the descriptions Twilight and Flash gave.

Rarity was dressed in an outfit not suited for an environment like this, Applejack was dressed in her typical cowgirl like outfit, Rainbow Dash was dressed like she was about to run a marathon, Fluttershy just had a simple sundress and saddles, Pinkie Pie had her striped shirt and jeans, Shining Armor wore a uniform that reminded the Marshall of the UK Prince William at his wedding, and Trixie had black jeans and her gray tank top with her signature purple cape and hat.

The only real changes they had done to them by becoming human was that Rarity looked Italian, Rainbow Dash was Iranian, Fluttershy looked like she was from Israel, Pinkie Pie looked like someone who was African American, Applejack appeared to be a strong Caucasian female from the Deep South of the USA, Trixie looked like she came from the UK and was Chinese, Shining Armor looked Japanese, and lastly Princess Celestia reminded the Marshall of his late sister Luna Pentecost in terms of race and appearance.

Stacker Pentecost didn't need to be a genius to see that this was going to be a tense meeting. The Marshall of the PPDC gave a polite nod and welcomed them to the Shatterdome.

"Welcome Princess Celestia, we've been expecting you and your group." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said.

"Thank you, we've got much to discuss about the destruction or the stunt your soldiers did in Equestria." Princess Celestia said.

The group after getting themselves used to their temporary human forms then followed Stacker Pentecost, but was stopped by security detail and to handover any weapons they may have on them until it was time to leave. They then headed to the lift which Newt and Herman came in with Changeling Dragon samples to study.

"Alright then before we get moving I'm laying down some ground rules: Rule 1, no entering the Shatterdome hanger without my permission, Rule 2 is no violence against anyone here, Rule 3 is that the Rangers of Phoenix Ronin are to be left alone, and Rule 4 is that any infractions will be quick expulsion from the Shatterdome." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said.

"Very well then, Trixie; you and the rest of your groups are to go on a tour of the Shatterdome and learn something new. Shining Armor, you're with me." Princess Celestia said sternly.

"Yes Princess..." Shining Armor said.

"Very well then your highness, everyone we're going on a tour and getting used to walking bipedal..." Trixie said.

On the other hand, the Rangers had finished eating breakfast and split apart which Flash was following Twilight to the K-Lab when Herman joined them.

The three arrived at the K-Lab as Newt was surprised to see Twilight also wearing a kimono, but was for females as well which he figured was due to her magic.

After about five minutes of working on Kaiju and Changeling Dragon samples, Newt proposed his idea of drifting with a Kaiju brain piece which both Phoenix Ronin pilots thought he was nuts along with the idea of drifting with a Changeling Dragon brain sample. It was then that both left, but Twilight was taking a bit longer than normal.

After another five minutes, Twilight finally came out of the K-Lab which Flash spoke, "Come on, we're five minutes late for our training practice!"

"I told you I needed five more minutes..." Twilight said.

"Dissecting a Kaiju Category Lymph Glad taking five minutes yeah right." Flash said annoyed.

While both were walking to their quarters to get their things to practice with, in another part of the Shatterdome, Trixie and the Main 5 were looking in the Drivesuit Room as Trixie recognized a Drivesuit being shown to them as Twilight's. The other Drivesuits the group thought looked cool and had their own style and taste.

As they walked on, they failed to see a pair walking past them and heading to the Kwoon Room. It wasn't until they heard the familiar voices did they seem to notice as the two figures rounded the corner.

The same could not be said of Trixie and the Main 5 as Rainbow Dash spoke, "Look, are those traitors getting back at Equestria?"

"I wonder what evil plans they're cooking up now?" Rarity asked.

"I still have a bad feeling about them especially Flash." Applejack said bitterly.

"I don't know about them." Fluttershy said.

Pinkie Pie suggested an idea and spoke, "Let's spy on those big meanies!"

"Great idea Pinkie Pie let's do it..." Trixie said.

They then proceeded to spy on the Phoenix Ronin pilots which unknown to them, the Russian pilots were following them having overheard the conversations which the Wei Tang Triplets soon joined them. Trixie and the Main 5 were walking behind Twilight and Flash wondering what were they up to.

"What are they up to?" Rarity asked herself.

Sasha snuck up on them and spoke, "Up to what?"

The Equestrian group whipped around and saw Sasha behind them which her husband Alexis appeared as well which they were soon joined by the Wei Tang Triplets who all glared at them. Rainbow Dash flew up to the faces of the five humans and glared at them.

"Who are you all?! Are you five responsible for the destruction in Equestria?! Are you in league with those two traitors!?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

The five pilots from Russia and China looked annoyed before they all glared very harshly at the speedster making her back off which Sasha spoke after cracking her knuckles for intimidation.

"One; my husband and I weren't there along with the Wei Tang brothers because our Jaegers were damaged and two; both Twilight and Flash are both valuable members of the PPDC or Pan Pacific Defense Corps."

"Besides, all of us know what all of you did to both of them which makes the judgment that the UN leadership does look normal." Alexis said with a frown.

"Also, if it weren't for them, my brothers and I would be dead along with the Russians so we own them our lives! Something that you dumbasses or bakas as Mako would put it forget along with the fact that all of you were all fooled by that insect queen and helped her achieve what she wanted against them, something that none of you even Flash's ex-wife want to admit! Hell, does that letter from that queen mean nothing? While we may not always see eye to eye on certain things, we don't take kindly to those who try to harm the handful of rangers that are left around these days, do you not get that bit?" Wei Tang Jin asked.

His brothers both nodded as Alexis spoke while cracking his knuckles, "Besides, we're only being nice to them because of their circumstances of them becoming rangers as normally, we wouldn't care about them and look after ourselves. Unless all of you want to get kicked out of the Shatterdome or know what happens when us Rangers are mad, you keep those opinions to yourselves and leave them alone for they have better things to do than listen to more abusive verbal words from all of you."

"Fine..." Trixie said.

Meanwhile, Marshall Stacker Pentecost was busy with Princess Celestia and Shining Armor in the LOCCENT Mission Control Room that showed them a view of the Shatterdome hanger. He brought both up to speed with the Kaiju War and why Twilight and Flash were both rescued from their fates that led them to becoming the Rangers of the Phoenix Ronin Jaeger.

"I'll be sure that the Australian pilots are held responsible for the mess they made, you can count on it. Twilight and Flash tried to warn them, but they're a stubborn pair especially Chuck Hansen though his dad Herc Hansen is more reasonable." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said calmly.

"That's good to hear, where's that former sister of mine?" Shining Armor asked.

Marshall Stacker Pentecost looked at Shining Armor before speaking, "She along with Flash have better things to do than face a verbal assault from you, yes you who's supposed to protect the citizens even those who stabbed Twilight and Flash along with those who were his allies quickly bailed on him the moment he stood up for Twilight's basic Civil Rights which you, that princess, and those who Flash fought with forgot and threw him under the bus along with jumping to conclusions on two separate bombing incidents whom you thought he was responsible for along with that stuff in the Griffin Kingdom."

"Yeah, they both now have better friends who like family to them now and if you think otherwise, go fight the Kaiju yourselves..." Tendo Choi said while walking past the group.

Mako then appeared and spoke to Stacker Pentecost, "Marshall, security guards are posted at the entrance to the Shatterdome hanger."

Mako glared briefly at Shining Armor and Princess Celestia whom the latter knew it was from what she did to Twilight and Flash. The young Japanese woman then returned her gaze back to Marshall Stacker Pentecost to her his answer to what she just told him.

"Good, anything else?" Marshall Stacker Pentecost asked.

"Nope other than the Wei Tang Triplets helping to fix Crimson Typhoon, the Russians are also helping to repair Cherno Alpha, Raleigh is helping to walk Max with Herc, and Chuck is painting the latest kills on Striker Eureka. As for the Phoenix Ronin pilots; training as usual." Mako said calmly.

Mako left, but Shining Armor saw that the Japanese woman rolled her eyes at the mention of this Chuck which Marshall Stacker Pentecost spoke as the woman left the area. Shining Armor wondered if this place had their version of Rainbow Dash before Stacker Pentecost got his attention.

"Her name is Mako Mori co-pilot of Gypsy Danger. Before you say anything, she didn't mean to damage the city of Canterlot along with Raleigh her co-pilot of Gypsy Danger. She also happens to be my adopted daughter whom I rescued years ago from the aftermath of a Kaiju attack in Tokyo, Japan which she went through something similar to Twilight and Flash of being rejected, but it had to do with her being a girl and being blamed for her parent's deaths on it which is full of BS if you ask me..." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said.

On the other hand, despite security at the Shatterdome hanger the group led by Trixie was able to enter the Shatterdome's main hanger housing the Jaegers.

"Holy cow! This is ah' massive!" Applejack shouted.

They all looked around and saw the different things going on which while walking, they spotted a clock that looked like a timer above the entrance to the Shatterdome hanger for members of the PPDC.

It was then that they spotted the three Jaegers that were in Equestria; Gypsy Danger, Striker Eureka which they saw a human painting something on its armor, and the new Jaeger Phoenix Ronin the latter which had colors of a Phoenix mixed with gray like the Drivesuits of its pilots. Two other Jaegers were also there which were Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon.

Crimson Typhoon's Conn-pod was being worked on while Cherno Alpha's Tessa Fists were being fixed up by the repair crews for each Jaeger. It was then however that Chuck Hansen having finished painting Striker Eureka's latest kills took notice of the uninvited guests to the hanger and made his way down which took about a few minutes from where he was at.

"Oh look if it isn't Twilight's former friends! You know that only PPDC personal are allowed it so, why are you bloody dumbass wankers in here?" Chuck asked while crossing his arms.

Just then, Raleigh and Herc with Max in tow came into the Shatterdome hanger and they too took notice of the uninvited guests as well. Max the bulldog got all excited and somehow, got free from Raleigh and started to run towards the Equestrian group.

"Hey! Get back here Max!" Herc shouted while running after the dog.

Fluttershy saw the dog and got excited which she spoke, "Oh my gosh! He's so cute!"

Fluttershy then bent down and started to pet the bulldog much to the confusion of many in the Shatterdome hanger including Herc and Chuck as the yellow pegasi spent time with the dog before it went back to Herc.

Raleigh then spoke, "Hey to you idiots what are you all doing here for you all should know that only PPDC are allowed in here. Also, I've heard about the things that both Twilight and Flash did before coming which you all should be ashamed about for they cared about everyone around them and we know the truth of what happened so, unless you want to get kicked out you leave the pilots of Phoenix Ronin alone. Also Max is the pet of the Hansens."

"How nice and noble of you ponies if you weren't all selfish that all of you were willing to throw Flash under the bus for just asking for more time for a more proper investigation mates." Herc said with a frown.

Security personal arrived at the Shatterdome hanger and escorted the ponies out, but not before Chuck decided to insult the intruders for what they did to Twilight and Flash. Everyone else wasn't surprised by this on the other hand.

"Hey you ponies! If you think Twilight and Flash are both going to just drop everything and return back to a land that hates them now you're sadly mistaken you backstabbing, dumb, arrogant, apathetic, egotistical, dumbass wankers!"

Meanwhile, Twilight's former friends found where Twilight and Flash were at and now were watching the pair train while a samurai instructor stood nearby to be sure they got the moves right. The instructor then left leaving the duo to continue training which they saw Flash teach Twilight some CQC moves.

It was then that the training eventually ended as both pilots each took a towel to clean off the sweat on themselves from their training session.

"Well now, that went well." Twilight said.

"Agreed so what are you going to do now?" Flash asked.

"I'm going to do a bit of work in the K-Lab what about you?" Twilight asked.

Flash held his bokken wooden sword and replied, "Going to do some quick training moves before checking on the Jaeger."

Twilight nodded and for some reason instead of leaving, she stayed and watched Flash train with his bokken sword that came to the Shatterdome earlier in the morning from the Japanese UN representative as he pointed out in a letter; if Twilight and Flash were to pilot a Jaeger that looked like a samurai, they'd train like a samurai which both had no problem with. Outside on the other hand, Trixie's group watched as they were plotting.

"So any ideas?" Trixie asked.

"I say we take out Flash as he's the bigger threat..." Rarity said.

"I ah' agree with y'all. What do you think Trixie?" Applejack asked quietly.

Trixie thought about it for a minute before speaking, "I agree with that idea; take out the fallen angel Flash before we take out the main threat which is Twilight."

"Finally, some action...." Rainbow Dash said.

But unknown to the ponies, Raleigh who was taking a walk overheard the attempt and quickly contacted Marshall Stacker Pentecost as Twilight and Flash left with the ponies following them behind them threateningly on the chance to strike both of them.

"Marshall, Twilight's former Equestrian friends are plotting to murder her and Flash Sentry!"

"Then you and the other rangers need to stop them before it’s too late. The last thing we need is a pair of new rangers being killed because of old wounds!"

"Roger that sir!"

Raleigh quickly contacted the other rangers who quickly assembled as Twilight and Flash continued to walk with the Equestrians walking behind them which as the duo turned around a corner, the Wei Tang Triplets appeared followed by the Hansens, Mako, Raleigh, and the Kaidonovsky couple.

"You want to mess with Twilight and Flash?! You'll have to go through us first as we've stated before if it wasn't for the pilots of Phoenix Ronin, my brothers and I would've been dead! Same goes for the Russians!" Wei Tang Jin shouted.

"Comrades, what did we say about hurting our new fellow rangers?" Alexis asked as he glared at the ponies.

"To you, neither Twilight nor Flash may no longer by your friends or comrades, but that doesn't give you the right to harm either one of them especially when one of them was a hero of your land...While we may not care about what they are, they are needed to end the Kaiju War..." Sasha said with a dark glare.

Chuck sent a death glare at the Equestrians as he spoke, "You bloody dumbass wankers can't even admit your own mistakes because we Rangers of the PPDC or Pan Pacific Defense Corps have seen the letter that this so-called-Queen Chrysalis sent to you wankers admitting to what she did and that you can't get those things through your thick, bloody skulls...Hell, I would drop you all like the Kaiju shit that you are all...and the only reason I'm being nice to either one of them is because of the Marshall and my father...."

It was then that Flash spoke, "Rangers, I'll handle these jokers though I appreciate the support for Twilight and I."

"Are you sure mate? These bloody wankers are dead now for trying to mess with us!" Chuck shouted while giving a death glare.

"You all want to fight us? Eh, bad move..." Applejack said.

"All of you against us? Get real..." Rainbow Dash said arrogantly seconds later.

Flash clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and spoke, "You meet me in the Kwoon Room."

The group followed Flash to the said room as once at the Kwoon Room, Flash sat on the mat shirtless like a Samurai preparing for a duel while the Equestrians filed in as the Rangers stood off to the side to watch.

"This is the room? Geez this could use some decoration now that I fully see it now...." Rarity said with disgust.

"Cut the chatter as we have a fight coming up...." Trixie said.

Flash ended his Samurai mediation and spoke, "You tried to kill Twilight and I even after what she has done for all of you so, prepare to fight with honor and for your family’s honor!"

The first to fight Flash was Rainbow Dash who charged forward and tried to deliver a left kick to Flash's head, but Rainbow Dash didn't know was that the Rangers watching saw that move coming which was predictable to Herc whom was a former member of his country's Air Force.

"This super fast kick will finish you!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Flash saw it coming due to his training along with the speedster not fully grasping human combat and using the momentum of the kick, grabbed Rainbow Dash's left leg and threw her which the brash Pegasus found herself embedded in the wall behind Flash. Flash shook his head at the foolishness.

"Reckless and dumb...and above all, very stupid..." Flash said.

"Um little help here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Fluttershy moved to help Rainbow Dash and spoke, "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Flash saw what she was trying to do and intercepted the shy Pegasus from reaching Rainbow Dash who had her upper part of herself stuck in the wall on the other side which was the K-lab much to Newt and Herman's confusion.

"What is this? A cartoon?" Herman asked.

On the other hand, the former Royal Guard knocked out the shy Pegasi pony as gently as he could before turning to face the other challengers.

"Hey over here ya monster!" Applejack shouted while getting Flash's attention.

Flash then ran, but stopped so he could talk, "Hey Rarity, you have a stain on your coat."

Rarity freaked out and spoke, "Where?!"

Flash took the chance and knocked her out using a right upper cut punch. Trixie saw this and decided to use a spell against the ex-Royal Guard while the others distracted him. This could be her chance to get payback against Twilight for showing her up against the Ursa Minor even though Snips and Snails were responsible for the incident in the first place.

"Girls keep that beast distracted while I summon a spell!" Trixie shouted.

"Got it!" Applejack and Pinkie Pie shouted together.

However, Flash saw what they were trying to do and Flash raced to it which Flash jumped, did a side wall run, and delivered a flying kick to Lyra sending the Mint Green Unicorn flying to another wall knocking her out cold.

He turned and soon saw himself staring down the two Earth ponies which Pinkie Pie had her Party Cannon while Applejack had a bunch of rotten apples that she got from Pinkie Pie mostly likely.

"Have taste of my Party Cannon!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Here's some rotten apples ya varmint!" Applejack seconds later.

Flash just dodged both the apples and the shot from the Party Cannon which Flash landed in between them and grabbed both of their heads which he knocked them out by making them hit each other, but not too seriously.

With just one left, he ran up to Trixie, did a flip, and disappeared behind Trixie whom the magician couldn't see his face due to him moving his head every time she tried to look him in the eye.

"Show me your face coward!" Trixie shouted.

Flash then whipped around, grabbed Trixie, and pinned her to a wall before he spoke, "If anyone here is the coward, IT'S YOU!!! You're nothing, but a show off pony that is only second-rate to Twilight in terms of Magical skill and ability to harness the element of Magic. You're nothing compared to Twilight and I which even though I'm no longer a Royal Guard and now a human, I still can kick your ass! What you tried to do to Twilight and I make me disgusted at all of you for your inability to admit your screw ups."

Flash then pulled out a knife which Trixie spoke, "Is this the end of me?"

"Now DIE!" Flash shouted.

To Trixie's surprise, the knife only grazed the left side of her face leaving a very light cut which she then fainted from this attack. After she passed out, Flash went and pulled Rainbow Dash out of her predicament before knocking her out quietly.

Just then, Shining Armor appeared wondering what had just transpired as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Trixie were down on the floor and were just now getting back up.

"What's going on?" Shining Armor asked.

Flash sheathed his knife and spoke while looking at Shining Armor, "Your fake sister or show off pony tried to kill Twilight and I along with those who she once considered friends. Let's just put this out right there like the Scout from Team Fortress 2 which Raleigh once told me one time: Grass grows, Birds fly, Sunshine's, and brother I can hurt people! I'm still a force of nature despite my current form. They're lucky I'm holding back for their sake and my own because if I was going all out on them, they'd be freaking dead right now. What they did or try to do was completely dishonorable which if I were them along with you, they should leave before I show what I true can do when I have my anger at its peak or when I don't hold back."

"Don't worry Flash for I already have that in mind..."

Everyone looked to see Marshall Stacker Pentecost standing nearby looking very stern at what had just taken place which he then spoke again.

"As of now I, Marshall Stacker Pentecost of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps hereby decree by my word that the ponies Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are to be expelled from the Shatterdome for entering the Shatterdome hanger without permission and for trying to murder the pilots of Phoenix Ronin. Also....."

Marshall Stacker Pentecost paused before speaking, "The pilots of Striker Eureka and Gypsy Danger are ordered to help clean up the mess they made in Canterlot and Ponyville."

The Marshall then left the room which Princess Celestia spotted him leaving the area prompting her to go after him and shouting at him.

"Marshall Stacker Pentecost, could we talk about this for one minute!"

Princess Celestia used her magic to get the Marshall to stop and made him turn so she could face him which she stopped him near the elevator upon which Stacker Pentecost just looked at the monarch knowing what was going to come and he was ready for it as he dealt with this before.

"Look Marshall, I take full responsibility for what happened just now, but why is Flash here? You saw yourself what he did right? I admit what I did was wrong by banishing Twilight and Flash the latter for objecting to what I was doing to Twilight. Also, I know and admit that it was the fault of Queen Chrysalis for causing that spell to fail in the Griffin Kingdom which lead to Twilight and Flash banished which I know I made a bad deci-"

Princess Celestia didn't finish as Stacker Pentecost interrupted her by waving his left hand calmly looked at her before he then spoke to the ruler of the Day calmly.

"One don't you ever touch me like that again. Two don't you ever touch me like that again. Now, listen I take full responsibility for what happened in Equestria, but that doesn't give you or any of those ponies an excuse to come here and cause trouble at the last remaining Shatterdome. Things are already complicated enough as it is and we don't want any more especially from those who refuse to admit their error in judgment to Twilight and Flash's actions. As punishment for their stunt, I'm ordering those ponies to assist with the repairs of Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon which if they agree to that, I'll let this slide, but if they try something like this again I'll have them stand in front of a firing squad or as Kaiju bait."

Stacker Pentecost then pulled out the same letter from the Changeling Queen and spoke, "Also, I can have this letter published further causing humiliation for you and those ponies. Do you want that?"

Princess Celestia looked down in shame and replied, "No sir."

"Good..." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said.

Several hours later, the Equestria group left though Princess Celestia was forced to tell an agreement she made with the Stacker Pentecost; if Flash and Twilight ended the Kaiju War she'd allow them back which she reluctantly agreed to.

After the group had left, Flash found himself looking at Phoenix Ronin Jaeger alone when Twilight appeared and spoke to the warrior.

"Deep in thought?"

"Yes...." Flash said softly.

After sitting down with both dinner trays, Twilight and Flash looked up while eating and saw the Jaeger Phoenix Ronin, their Jaeger being serviced which Twilight felt very grateful that Flash had defended her that she wanted to show him her thanks.

"Hey Flash..." Twilight said.

"What is it?" Flash asked.

Twilight then leaned forward, gave him a hug and then, a kiss on his left check that made them both blush a bit to which Flash then asked in confusion.

"What was that for?"

"For saving me and for standing up for me again...." Twilight said with a slight blush.

"Of course, that's what comrades do...." Flash said.

Both looked on as they ate their meals while on the horizon, more things would come..............in the most unexpected way................

Ending Theme: Requiem of the Gods

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 of my cross-over between MLP FIM and Pacific Rim.

This was based on a little thing that fellow Deviantart user Spartan889 and I did back a while back. (comments.deviantart.com/1/3099…); first look at the Banishment picture by Tan575 then the replies. Ignore the top one as it'll throw you off.

Next Chapter will have some unexpected guests showing up.

Once again, this is just to help with my writers block I'm having with my Equestria Chronicles and Megas WBM fanfictions just to make things clear.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (C) Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Pacific Rim including the main theme and image used (C) Warner Bros, Legendary Pictures, and Guillermo Del Toro.