• Published 22nd Jun 2018
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Pacific Rim: Equestria Rangers - Loki777

Twilight Sparkle and FLash Sentry are cast out of Equestria before being rescued by the PPDC and recruited to fight in the Kaiju War.

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Chapter 10: Celebrations

Intro: Protectors of the Earth

Chapter 10: Celebration and Homecoming

July 26, 2025 (July 26, 3824 AD Equestria time) (6:00 PM)

All over the Pan Pacific, celebrations were going about in the cities all around the Pacific Ocean as everyone from the average person to the wealthy jock were happy that the Kaiju War finally after twelve long years was over at last.

The war didn't come without costs; civilians killed, cities devastated with a few even unlivable forever and lastly, Jaegers and their pilots falling in battle including Sierra Vigilant in the final battle.

Even beyond the Pan Pacific, other nations were celebrating the Kaiju War's end even in Equestria. Back at the Shatterdome, everyone was continuing to celebrate the ending of the Kaiju War including the Rangers.

In the Shatterdome hanger H20 Delirious spoke, "Hey! Anyone want to challenge me to a WWE match?"

"I will and you're on!!!" Vanoss shouted as he stepped forward.

Flash then appeared and spoke, "Hey, has anyone seen Twilight?"

"Oh her? She's at the Canteen where a drinking contest is going on..." Raleigh said while standing near Gypsy Danger.

"What?!" Flash shouted.

He soon left the Shatterdome hanger and about a minute later, he arrived in the Canteen to see a bunch of people crowding around a table which Flash saw Twilight and Alexis having a drinking contest while Alexis' wife Sasha stood nearby not liking the scene.

"I can (hic) beat you (hic) Alexis (hic)!" Twilight shouted while drunk.

"Oh (hic) yeah? Let's (hic) see you (hic) try!" Alexis shouted a second later.

Sasha nearby shook her and spoke quietly, "Idiots."

"Which one's the bigger idiot?" Flash asked.

The contest went on for a minute while Twilight said some drunken stuff including some rather expletive things including f---ing a mare and saying dirty words including a few dirty, sexual ones before she passed out on the table drunk as a skunk.

"I win!" Alexis shouted in pride.

The Russian Ranger then collapsed at his end of the table seconds later while everyone gathered around him and Twilight as Flash walked up to the table wondering one thing as did Sasha did as she walked over to her husband; how come a drinking contest happened.

"Okay, whose dumbass idea was this?" Flash asked.

Then Hu Wei Tang spoke to his brothers, "Hey brothers, lets' draw on them!"

The two brothers agreed with their brother mischievously which Flash saw them draw some odd things on Twilight's face before drawing some things on Alexis' face, but the ones on the male Russian Jaeger Ranger were done so when he woke up, he wouldn't be too mad.

"At least you didn't draw anything bad on him boys," Sasha said while picking up her husband.

Flash on the other hand picked up Twilight and carried her back to their quarter’s bridal style. After placing her in the room, he sat down and pondered his next move as Twilight slept off the alcohol while Alexis was placed in the room he shared with his wife.

A few moments later, Twilight woke up with a hangover and walked over to the mirror.

"Ow.....my head...." Twilight said in pain.

Twilight started to clean her face when she looked up and saw crude and rude drawings on her face including dirt bag in Chinese. Naturally, Twilight was mad.

"Why are there drawings on my face!?!"

Outside the room Flash heard it and spoke, "Well, the triplets are boned!"

"Indeed," said Sasha walking past him.

Twilight then came out of her room and ran after the Wei Tang Triplets which prompted Flash to go after her so she wouldn't kill them before Victory Tour would begin.

The next day, the Victory Tour began which would start in Sydney, Australia before wrapping up in the capital of Chile as the Rangers all boarded a private jet for the start of the Victory Tour.

When the group arrived at their first stop, the jet made a flyby around the section of the Sydney wall that failed which Chuck smirked knowing that it was the moment that showed that the Wall of Life was useless.

The plane landed and after everything was set in motion, the Victory Tour began in Sydney with the world watching. A few weeks later, the Victory Tour ended in which afterwards, both Twilight and Flash were offered the chance to return home to Equestria.

But to everyone's surprise, they both refused and when asked why Flash responded with this statement: "We both deserve to remain in the shadows for now because of how we were treated by Equestria. We may return, but we won't forgive those who betrayed us yet."

This told everyone that they still had scars remaining and Stacker Pentecost told the Royal Sisters, and Cadence that the two needed time before they wanted to return to Equestria to mentally brace themselves.

The Rangers of Phoenix Ronin further surprised everyone by moving to Japan until the time was right again. The pair would be still provided the basic needs to live and thus, the nations of Equestria including the Crystal Empire and the nations of Earth or called Pacific Rim Earth waited if the self-exile of Twilight Sparkle and Flash would end or would be permanent.

Japan though granted the pair temporary Asylum for about three weeks in which once that time ended, they would have to go back to Equestria which the pair agreed to and the other Rangers understood their decision especially Raleigh as he heard of some Vietnam Veterans moving to Vietnam to ease their pain.

Two weeks later............August 4, 2025 AD 2:20 PM

Despite having a week left, Twilight and Flash were on their way back to Equestria sitting close by each other. Both were dressed in the typical Japanese traditionalist way: a purple Kimono for Twilight and pure black Haori for Flash which both had their personal effects with them.

The Blackhawk helicopter Twilight and Flash were on eventually passed through the portal to Equestria. Then, it touched down on the outskirts of Equestria and for the first time, the pair touched the soil that the last time the touched, they were leaving Equestria behind.

After turning back into their Equestrian forms, Twilight quickly adjusted their clothing. Though they were now heroes, they still had bitterness in them.

Not to the PPDC as Chuck, the Wei Tang brothers, Alexis and his wife Sasha had apologized to the ex-Equestrian duo during the Victory Tour. It was due to how they treated the couple and both were okay with it as it was due to war stress. Chuck was the last one to do so due to his pride.

"Here goes nothing and I hope things don't end up like what happened to the US Forces after the came back from the Vietnam War as Raleigh once told us," Twilight said.

"But no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side," Flash said calmly.

This reassured Twilight as both made their way towards Equestria with their stuff they had on them. After entering, they were casually strolling through the streets of Appaloosa before using money they earned, bought tickets to Ponyville and headed towards home on a train.

During the ride home, they had an entire train car to themselves during the journey which the train stopped in the Crystal Empire that was gearing up to compete for the honor of hosting the Equestria Games.

There was the awkward moment of a random mare pinching him in his ass and running off, but that was quickly forgotten quickly.

The train ride eventually stopped at Ponyville and both of them got off. Despite their deeds, there were still a few ponies avoiding them.

Walking through town, the eventually spotted what looked like a picnic going on and knew that this was the opportunity to surprise those there.

"Hey Bitches! Guess who's back?" Twilight said with a smug grin.

"Au Contraire Mon Amigos! They're back!!!!!" Flash shouted.

The group comprising of Princess Celestia and Twilight's old friends looked up and saw them looking at them each sporting a smirk while near them, the personal affects that they were able to carry with them as the rest would be sent over in due time.

It was then that Princess Celestia walked over to them which both Twilight and Flash greeted the princess with the traditional Japanese bow pony version of course.

"So princess, remember the deal you promised us?" Twilight asked.

Princess Celestia signed and spoke, "I, Princess Celestia by Royal Decree allow the Unicorn Twilight Sparkle and Pegasus Flash to be allowed back into Equestria. Both of their citizenships are to be restored and all records, achievements, and awards are to be restored. Their family and friends are to welcome them back with no questions asked. Also, Twilight's old home Golden Oaks Library is to be given back to her."

"Arigatō," Twilight and Flash said at once.

Everyone was confused as the duo left. As they walked away and as they headed into the town passing other ponies, Flash spoke up.

"Um Twilight, I don't have any home since I got kicked out of my house as the Equestria bank took it."

"Um....then.....would you.....mind staying at my house then?" Twilight asked while blushing slightly.

"I see why not," Flash said.

Twilight smiled as both arrived at Golden Oaks Library which Flash held open the door for Twilight making her giggle like a school filly.

Both got their things in or the basic stuff they had with them which after setting down their things, both decided to take an afternoon nap.

After grabbing a pillow and blanket that had Trixie's color which both decided to let the show mare still live here because it wouldn't be honorable to kick someone out after getting your home back even if the circumstances were justified in getting said home back.

Both went into the basement as Flash slept on one end of the basement while Twilight slept on the opposite end. It would be a long road for them....

Ending Theme: Requiem of the Gods

Author's Note:

Chapter 10 of my Equestria Chronicles Spin-off (takes place in the same time line, but deviants after the Royal Wedding).

This was based on a little thing that fellow Deviantart user Spartan889 and I did back a while back. (comments.deviantart.com/1/3099…; first look at the Banishment picture by Tan575 then the replies. Ignore the top one as it'll throw you off.

Once again, this is just to help with my writers block I'm having with my Equestria Chronicles and Megas WBM fanfictions just to make things clear.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (C) Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Pacific Rim: including the main theme and image used (C) Warner Bros, Legendary Pictures, and Guillermo Del Toro.

Azure Defiant and Sierra Vigilant (C)? Deviantart.com user rs2studios

Arigatō means Thank You in Japanese.