• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 2,668 Views, 93 Comments

Pacific Rim: Equestria Rangers - Loki777

Twilight Sparkle and FLash Sentry are cast out of Equestria before being rescued by the PPDC and recruited to fight in the Kaiju War.

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Chapter 1: Banishment

Chapter 1: Fallen Angels

(*Note 1: If you've read Irredeemably Rejected by PLCTheCd (PEter), you'll understand where this is getting its start)

Intro: Protectors of the Earth

January 6, 2025 AD (1:00 PM)

Beyond the edge of the Everfree Forest the two titanic mechs were racing to save a pair of potential new allies in a losing war; Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka.

The Mark 5 Australian Jaeger called Striker Eureka was leading the pack while the other Jaeger Gypsy Danger an American Mark 3 Jaeger trailed behind closely.

Earlier in the day, the two Jaegers were sparing to keep their skills sharp when they received an order to head out beyond the port of Hong Kong for a reason while a fleet of helicopters would follow shortly after.

The two Jaegers did wonder why their leader Marshall Stacker Pentecost wanted this mission to be done during the Kaiju War and one made it known clearly.

"How much bloody longer? For all we know, they could be dead by now!" Chuck Hansen of Striker Eureka shouted.

"Less talking, more running Chuck!" Raleigh Beckett of Gypsy Danger shouted.

With that argument, the Jaegers continued on while at the edge of the Everfree Forest, Twilight Sparkle a unicorn pony now no longer a citizen of Equestria let alone the wielder of the Element of Magic was frozen in place for a reason; her friend Flash Sentry was roughed up for refusing her banishment.

Add insult to injury, he was accused and in her eyes wrongfully convicted of a pair of bomb attacks in Ponyville along with another pair in Canterlot resulting in some ponies being injured severely which the evidence gathered pointed at Flash Sentry being the culprit.

As she was about to turn around, run, and to try save her friend from a further injury, a loud rumble was heard followed by the ground shaking.

"What was that?" Twilight asked to herself.

Nearby Rarity spoke, "Did anyone feel that?!"

Twilight then looked up along with her now former friends, family, and mentor who all saw a pair of titanic-sized creatures that were nothing like she had seen before.

Twilight saw one was blue while the other was gray which the blue one took a stance forward as they gray-looking one took position behind the blue one. Inside, Raleigh Becket and his co-pilot Mako Mori proceeded to complete their mission while their teammates Chuck and Herc Hansen in Striker Eureka stood nearby.

"This is Gypsy Danger, we've arrived in the nick of time and found the objectives." Raleigh said while looking at the situation.

"Good work Gypsy, now get those two out of here while Striker covers you." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said.

With a simple roger, Gypsy Danger moved forward and using its left hand scoped up Twilight Sparkle while using its right hand to pick up Flash Sentry.

This didn't go unnoticed by Princess Celestia and her entourage. Trixie, the newly appointed Element of Magic stepped forward to stop Gypsy Danger.

"You're not getting away with those monsters!" Trixie shouted with anger.

Trixie then summoned a rock Golem the size of the giants which to her surprise, a torrent of missiles shot forward from the gray giant destroying it.

Everyone was stunned, but Trixie tried again and summoned two which she along with everyone else saw the giants put down the two traitors for a fight. Inside, both Jaeger teams readied for a fight.

"Bloody hell, looks like we're doing this the hard way mates." Herc said.

"Sadly it is." Mako Mori said.

Both Jaegers prepared for battle which Gypsy Danger adjusted it's torque while Striker Eureka deployed it's arm Stinger Blades which the first Rock Golem charged forward Gypsy Danger ran forward and slammed its right hand on the head causing the rock Golem to fall which Gypsy Danger then picked it up and started to punch it repeatedly while Striker Eureka dealt with the other one.

After punching the rock Golem a dozen times, Gypsy Danger cocked its right arm back which inside Gypsy Danger, Raleigh shouted an attack while keeping his eyes out for any further trouble that would try and come along.

"Elbow Rocket!!!!" Raleigh shouted.

"Elbow Rocket Engaged."

The arm flew forward and punched the rock Golem squarely in the face causing the rock creature to fall down which Gypsy Danger then deployed a cannon much to the surprise of the pony audience nearby as they hadn't seen this coming.

"What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked stunned.

Gypsy Danger then fired it's Plasma Caster from its right arm and fired multiple shots destroying the rock Golem's face which it then fired it at the other rock Golem's legs which was fighting Striker Eureka giving the Australian Jaeger an opener which Striker Eureka gave its rock opponent plenty of punches and jabs of its Stinger Blades before using its rocket battery to finish its opponent off which it then picked it up and threw it at the one Gypsy Danger was facing.

"Time to end this for good and send these rock wankers down to hell mates." Chuck said.

Both Jaegers then finished the rock Golems off by delivering a flying downward punch taking the rock Golems down for good. Once the rock monsters were done, Gypsy Danger proceeded to grab Flash and Twilight as both Jaegers then left the area quickly. All were just stunned as what happened as Rarity stepped forward.

"What now?" Rarity asked as the Jaegers left.

"I......don't........really know......" Princess Celestia replied as the Jaegers vanished from sight.

Far away, Striker Eureka was trailing behind to keep an eye out for trouble while Gypsy Danger was carrying Flash Sentry who just woke up along with Twilight Sparkle who was crying in both sadness at the banishment and her now only friend/family left now awake.

This was noticed by Mako Mori and she spoke to Raleigh, "Look, she's been crying for some time now."

"I know.....I know......." Raleigh said.

"I can't believe it, that mare getting banished for something that she didn't do and along with that mare's stallion friend getting banished for being accused of a few crimes he didn't do which I find terrible, a thing that disturbs me greatly." Mako said while looking at the pair.

"Gypsy, eyes on the prize! We're nearly to the extraction point!" Herc shouted.

It wasn't long before the two Jaegers arrived at the extraction point near Mount Everest as the pair of Jaegers crossed into the portal.

When they arrived, Mako noticed quickly that something was very off with the two ponies they had with them; they had for some reason changed into humans.

Flash now looked like a soldier that had run off from the Roman Empire while Twilight Sparkle was now clad in a dark purple business suit with a black tie as further more, Flash looked Chinese while Twilight now looked very Japanese.

"What in bloody hell just happened to them?" Chuck asked.

"Must have been them changing to adapt to our world is what I can see." Raliegh said calmly.

"Less talking, more getting back home with our guests." Herc said.

Then, the two Jaegers stopped in front of a group of six modified Blackhawk helicopters were waiting for them. Moments later, a group of humans came out and approached them.

Flash on the other hand was in complete and total shock from what happened which was shown more so by his tears streaking down his face after he had everything taken away aside from being turned into a human.

All the thoughts of them having just lost their citizenship of Equestria, their family and friends rejecting them, and Twilight losing the element she once held were interrupted by a Marine wearing an outfit unfamiliar to either one of them approaching them.

"Are you two Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry?"

"Um, yes I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight replied.

"You're looking at Flash Sentry, what do you want with us?" Flash said.

The Marines looked at each other before one spoke, "We need your help and we'll explain everything once we reach the Hong Kong Shatterdome."

"Who would want our help now that we're just washed up bums?" Flash asked the Marine.

The unknown Marine looked confused and told them to get on which they would explain everything on the way to the so-called "Shatterdome" which with that said, both Twilight and Flash headed to the helicopters, but taking one final look back at portal that led back to the area that was once was their home which Twilight spoke in sadness.

"Goodbye Equestria............." Twilight said sadly.

After everyone got on the helicopters, the Blackhawks took off with Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka as they all headed for the base of operations for the Jaegers.

Hours later, the Blackhawks arrived at the Shatterdome called the Hong Kong Shatterdome which both Twilight and Flash got out with a bit of help since they were no longer ponies and were greeted by a dark-skinned man wearing a blue suit which he had three others near him that looked like scientists to Flash.

One reminded Flash of a strict type of professor of Canterlot while the other two reminded him of the teachers he used to have in elementary school in which the suited-dark skinned man stepped forward to greet them which did make both Twilight and Flash scared a bit.

"Welcome to Hong Kong Miss Twilight Sparkle and Mister Flash Sentry. I'm Marshall Stacker Pentecost of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps or PPDC and don't be afraid, I won't hurt you two." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said in a formal matter.

"How do you know us?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Follow us." Marshall Stacker Pentecost replied calmly.

Both followed the mysterious human as they five of them boarded the elevator at the Shatterdome which the other three introduced themselves starting with one that looked nerdy while his friend looked on as on the other hand, Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka entered the Shatterdome as well.

Meanwhile, both Twilight and Flash being introduced by a rather eccentric man called Newt who spoke to the two Equestrians with enthusiasm.

"I'm Newton Geiszler, but you can call me Newt. I'm a scientist here at this Shatterdome......"

Flash just snorted and glared at Newt before speaking in cynical tone, "Go suck a golf ball through a garden hose, your naive boy."

"Forgive him; he's a Kaiju Groupie.......and a bit of Sci-Fi and fantasy fanboy. I'm Herman Gottlieb, Newt's other colleague in Kaiju research while the one near Marshall Pentecost is Tendo Choi." Herman Gottlieb said while introducing himself.

"Um, what now?" Twilight asked confused.

"Hey now! I'm not a Groupie and I don't love the Kaiju, I study them, and I really would like to see one up close one day." Newt replied annoyed.

Both Twilight and Flash looked confused and spoke, "What is a Kaiju?"

It was then that Tendo Choi spoke up, "How about well bring both of you up to speed."

"Sounds good because I'm lost here on who is what." Flash said cynically.

It was then that Tendo Choi spoke first, "It all began years ago on August 11th, 2013 K-Day. On that day, a Kaiju codenamed Trespasser appeared and attacked San Francisco. I lost my Grandfather that day while trying to get him to safety while working as a ferryboat crew member. By the time tanks, missiles, and jets finally took it down six days and 35 miles later, three cities including San Francisco were destroyed and tens of thousands were killed. We mourned our dead, memorialized the attack, and moved on, but it was the beginning of a war."

"Six months later, a second Kaiju attacked Manila in the Philippines, a third hit Cabo San Lucas, Mexico nearly four months later, and finally a fourth one hitting three months and one day later in Sydney Australia. That was when we realized it was not going to stop and we needed a new weapon which was the Jaeger. The world came together for the greater good throwing away past hatred and rivalries for the greater good. To fight monsters, we made monsters of our own called the Jaeger Program or German for Hunter. We had set backs at first; the neural load to interfacing with a Jaeger was too much for one pilot so a two-pilot system was created; left hemisphere and right hemisphere pilot control though Crimson Typhoon has one for three pilots. The Jaeger El Tornado had one control system for four pilots. We started to win at first." Herman said.

"But then, everything changed when the Kaiju began to get smarter and before we knew it, Jaegers started to drop like flies one by one until only four were left which are now Cherno Alpha of Russia, Crimson Typhoon of China, Striker Eureka of Australia, and Gypsy Danger of the United States of America though it was still being restored at the critical moment when the UN pulled the plug on the Jaeger program in favor of a stupid Wall of Life project which the latter program failed and even then, those pig-heads refused to refund the Jaeger program though they gave us eight months of funding and an incomplete Jaeger to finish. Also, several Jaegers vanished in a Pacific version of the Bermuda Triangle before Gypsy's fight against Knifehead that further twisted the knife on us just to let you know on one bonus note." Newt said to the duo.

The elevator door opened, and the five exited which Flash asked, "What incomplete Jaeger and what does this have to do with Twilight and I?"

"Follow us and you'll meet the teams." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said as he got off the elevator.

"Excuse me, but we asked what does this have to do with us?!" Twilight asked.

The group stopped at the entrance to the Jaeger hanger and Stacker Pentecost spoke, "One; what happened to you two was unnecessary, two; don't you two ever talk to me like that again, and three; I'm a big believer of second-chances including to your friend Flash."

This brightened up the spirits of Twilight and Flash a bit as the group entered the hanger of the Shatterdome. From a distance, the group saw Gypsy Danger enter with Striker Eureka coming in which Stacker Pentecost explained who those were.

"Gypsy Danger; a restored Mark 3 Jaeger from the United States of America or USA piloted by Raleigh Beckett and Mako Mori. The one behind it is Striker Eureka; a Mark 5 Jaeger from Australia piloted by Herc Hansen and his son Chuck Hansen.” Stacker Pentecost said.

Flash noticed two others in the hanger and asked, "What are the other two?"

Stacker Pentecost first pointed at the red Jaeger and spoke, "Crimson Typhoon; a Mark 4 Jaeger from China piloted by the Wei Tang Triplets known for the 'Thundercloud' attack."

"The other one is Cherno Alpha; last of the Mark 1's still in service from Russia piloted by husband and wife team Alexis and Sasha Kaidonovsky." Stacker Pentecost said while pointing a green tank-like Jaeger.

A loud source of music got the attention of one of the Chinese triplets and one of them shouted at the Russian Jaeger pilots/Rangers against their taste of music.

"Don't disrespect the dome with that music! We got guests!" Wei Tang Jin shouted angrily.

"Hey, if you have a problem with Ukrainian Hard House, you have a problem with life. If you have a problem with life, we can fix that." Sasha Kaidonovsky said smugly.

Both Twilight and Flash looked at the PPDC Marshall who gave them it-happens-a-lot look before everyone in the Shatterdome hanger looked as both Jaegers headed to their spots in the hanger. Flash looked around and noticed the other Jaeger teams were looking at them.

It was then that Jin along with his brothers Hu and Cheung walked up to Flash whom both sported very short dark brown hair, gray eyes, and wore identical outfits for their Jaeger Crimson Typhoon with curious looks on their faces.

Twilight saw an incomplete Jaeger in a nearby spot in the hanger and asked out loud as Flash was starting to talk to the pilots of Crimson Typhoon.

"What's that one?"

"A special type of Jaeger; a Mark 6 Jaeger from Japan originally designed as a Mark 5 Jaeger like Striker Eureka but changed to a Mark 6 during its construction before the Jaeger program was gutted though we've been trying to complete it, but funds have been tight.” Stacker Pentecost said.

"Gee well, that really sucks." Flash said with venom in his voice.

It was then that Raleigh Beckett, Mako Mori, Herc Hansen, and Chuck Hansen appeared in their Drive Suits which Chuck was a bit surprised at Flash and Twilight's appearance and spoke while looking at them while the other three looked on.

"Are you sure we're not tripping Marshall because I'm seeing a pair of ponies turned humans with weird looking hair and eye colors." Chuck said while looking at Flash and Twilight.

Raleigh shook his head and spoke, "No you're not, no one is and Mako, could you escort Mister Flash Sentry and Miss Twilight to their new quarters because today, this incomplete Jaeger has a new pair of pilots."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, slow down, just slow down please? Twilight's no pilot and neither am I. What makes this Jaeger special anyway besides being a Mark 6?" Flash asked and explained at the same time.

"It's made of Adamantium and Vibranium. What you're looking at, it's all we got on this planet and what the UN was able to find." Marshall Stacker Pentecost said while looking at the incomplete Jaeger.

Marshall Stacker Pentecost then spoke to all in the hanger, "All right everyone listen up! Tomorrow training for the newest members of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps begins!"

Marshall Stacker Pentecost then looked at Twilight and Flash which he spoke to them, "I understand about being reluctant to join on top of looking different than before, but let me ask both of you this; where would you two rather die, in the middle of nowhere beating yourselves up or in Jaeger?"

Flash spoke up first, "In a Jaeger since I have nothing left to live for……."

"In a Jaeger as well seeing that neither one of us has nothing to lose now." Twilight said.

Everyone in the hanger cheered which after everyone calmed down, Mako and Raleigh escorted both Twilight and Flash to their quarters which were near theirs.

The rooms were simple: a sink, toilet, desk, chair, dresser, and a bed. Both fallen angels walked into their rooms and looked behind them to see both Gypsy Danger pilots looking at them.

"Anything else you two need?" Mako asked the duo.

"No, nothing else….." Twilight said.

"I'm okay." Flash said calmly.

Both Gypsy Danger pilots left which both Twilight and Flash closed the doors to their new rooms which Twilight then walked over to her bed and started to sob like crazy over her banishment and Flash's as well.

In his quarters, Flash removed his armor, stuffed the outfit into a waste basket along with the helmet, walked over to his bed, and started to beat the hell out of it since he didn’t have a punching bag while crying and screaming in rage over what happened to him and Twilight…..

Ending Theme: Requiem of the Gods

Author's Note:

AN: Chapter 1 of my MLP FIM/Pacific Rim crossover (takes place in the same time line, but deviants after the Royal Wedding).

This was based on a little thing that fellow Deviantart user Spartan889 and I did back a while back. (http://comments.deviantart.com/1/309901278/3384649157); first look at the Banishment picture by Tan575 then the replies. Ignore the top one as it'll throw you off.

This version is also a reboot of the original one I made that I won't publish, but this one will have some changes.

Twilight and Flash will still retain the same colors of their eyes and manes for their human forms.

Also, they will still have access to their Equestrian skills as Flash will still be able to fly with Magical wings appearing on his back while Twilight's hands will glow when she uses magic.

Next Chapter will have both Twilight and Flash being baptized into the Pan Pacific Defense Corps and the Kaiju War which is the start of their training.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (C) Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Pacific Rim (C) Warner Bros, Legendary Pictures, and Guillermo Del Toro.

Protectors of the Earth (C) Two Steps from Hell.

Requiem of the Gods (C) Critical Mass.