• Published 14th May 2018
  • 479 Views, 3 Comments

Treaties Under the Snowfall - garatheauthor

Historical rivalries run deep as Celestia tries to balance the demands of feuding nobles during a Hearth's Warming banquet.

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Treaties Under the Snowfall

The flicker of candle light bathed Canterlot Castle’s festively decorated dining hall in a warm, inviting glow. It was Hearth’s Warming Eve, and tonight’s hosts had gone to extreme lengths to ensure that the night was given its proper respects.

Mighty trees had been felled and placed along the edges of the room, filling it with a sea of dark green and the overwhelming scent of pine. Upon these trees were ornaments made from the finest of glass, the most precious of gems, and enough gold to appease even the greediest of dragons. The ornaments twinkled in the candle light, giving off the illusion of stars in the night sky.

The castle’s normally oppressive stone walls had been strung up with bundles of holly, wreaths of various branches, strings of mistletoe, and an assortment of other rich and festive foliage. Compared to the brisk and dreadfully dry winter air, the dining hall was practically a greenhouse, offering ponies a warm, comfortably humid, and beautiful atmosphere.

Mixed into this atmosphere were strings of music. Sometimes they were merely instrumentals from a small band of bards. Other times, there were vocals which told tales of bravery, nobility, and strategically, also explained the importance of this night to the assembled ponies.

For there was a problem here. A huge one in fact.

No matter what the twin monarchs did, there wasn’t anything that could stifle the toxicity of their guests.

The decorations may have been beautiful, but they did little to lift the bitterness of the assembled hearts. The feast may have been bountiful, yet the disgruntled ponies showed little indulgence. The band may have been trying earnestly to instill jolly, however even the work of the kingdom’s best bards could bring forth nothing but the most begrudging of smiles.

Tonight, was supposed to be the celebration of a holiday which required friendship and comradery in order to ensure the survival of Equestria. Yet, even with existence of ponykind in jeopardy, very few olive branches had been extended by the ponies in attendance.

Celestia knew their difficulties incredibly well, as these issues had been haunting her for the entirety of her 20-year reign.

The idea of a unified equine kingdom was still a fresh one. It had only been 25 years since the official unification of the three tribes, 28 since the Great Winter’s end, and 38 since the first visit of the windigos.

This meant that there were still many ponies alive who remembered the times before. Those who remembered the centuries of conflict and strife which had strained, weaken, and nearly destroyed relations between earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus.

For it was easy to preach unity, but much harder to actually form practical and sincere bonds. Especially between ponies who had brought so much pain to one another. Equestria was a land of nearly half a million souls and each one had a story which seemed to make the dream of cooperation an impossibility.

Celestia looked out upon the room and failed to see ponies. Rather this was just a collection of victims and aggressors.

For example, there was General-King Wind Stream, who Celestia knew for a fact had at one point razed more than his fair share of Chancellor Plum Pudding’s villages.

How could she build a bridge between these two? How could she ask the chancellor to give forgiveness when hundreds of her ponies had been killed in the general’s raids and then thousands more taken in the famines that followed. Families had been destroyed, lives ruined, histories lost, and the seeds of a seemingly eternal hatred planted.

The bards finished their song and for a moment a suffocating silence settled into place.

Mercifully this ended with Luna politely clopping her hooves against the table. This in turn drew a similar, though begrudging, reaction from the assembled nobles.

Celestia’s gaze picked out the next pair of ponies to do her little assessment.

Captain-Lord Flurried Nimbus and Lavender Essence, Duchess of Canterbridge. At one point they had been partners in trade, with the pegasus providing weather and protection in return for food and metals. It had been a fruitful partnership but, as the Great Winter approached, the duchess grew desperate and turned upon her ally, resulting in a famine which saw the near annihilation of Nimbus’ clan.

How could Celestia ever hope to mend these two? It would take far more than the occasional holiday feast in order to address wounds that ran this deep.

Yet, if she failed to do so, how much longer would Equestria last? How many years would the windigos remain sated before they returned to find disharmony and conflict?

Celestia felt a hoof upon her own. It was Luna giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“Art thou alright?” Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head. “No…no we are not.”

“Fearing the winter?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“You think about little else at this time of the year.”

Celestia smirked. “You know us far too well.” She shook her head, the smile slipping away. “How…how much longer dost thou think we have?”

“Our sages remain elusive on the subject. Though, we personally think that time is running short.”

“Aye, we feared as much.” She gestured to the room. “And yet, here we are, not a single step closer to bringing together the three tribes. We are not the monarchs of one kingdom but three.”

“We agree, progress is rather slow.”

“And yet disaster rapidly approaches.”

Celestia looked towards the buffet of food prepared for her guests. Those present had eaten very little, leaving behind far too much. It would appear that the castle staff was going to end up better fed than those in attendance.

On that note, she waved a dismissive hoof towards her head-of-staff.

The mare nodded in response, using her magic to jingle a distant bell.

All at once the staff of Canterlot Castle rushed into the room and began to make rapid work of cleaning off the table. Within a matter of minutes not a crumb was left with only the bottles of liqueur, ale, and fine wine remaining behind.

Alcohol seemed to be the only popular commodity tonight, as usual. This might prove a blessing and help lubricate conversation or perhaps it would only escalate an already tense situation. If Hearth’s Warming’s track record was to be believed, the odds were about fifty-fifty.

Celestia levitated over her own goblet of wine and took a sip.

Of course, even such a little act was seen as a political gesture. To use magic meant sympathy for the unicorns. Just like the use of her hooves would be pandering to earth ponies and the use of wings could only draw support from pegasus.

Celestia made a mental note to use her hooves for her next act of public consumption. It was taxing to have to remain so conscious of one’s actions, yet this was the delicate balance that Luna and herself were required to maintain in order to ensure harmony.

With the meal cleared away, the night could now advance to its next stage.

Hearth’s Warming was the only time a year that most of the nobles present could make the journey to Canterlot. This meant that it was customary for the two sisters to hold court and hear the ills of their ponies.

Her head servant ducked out of the room and was replaced by a stout earth pony. This was the court’s head scribe.

Within his hooves was an elegant looking brass trumpet which he used to play a shrewd, commanding note.

If the room wasn’t so deathly silent then this would’ve drawn it attention. Instead every pair of lifeless eyes was already turned towards the monarchs.

“Her Majesty Princess Luna and Her Majesty Princess Celestia announce that Hearth’s Warming Court is now in session,” the scribe bellowed.

He placed his instrument to the side and produced a scroll. As he opened it, Celestia noted that tonight’s agenda was quite packed.

“Tonight’s first case is to be brought forward by Amadeus Blueblood, Great Duke of Trottingham.”

A very regal looking white unicorn stood up and made his way to the foot of Celestia’s perch. Once there he respectfully bowed his head, almost touching it to the ground.

“I thank you for addressing my concerns so early in the night, Grand Duchesses.”

Celestia internally cringed, doing her best to mask her emotions. Every Hearth’s Warming had one of these ponies.

Grand Duchess, a title bestowed upon the sisters exclusively by the unicorn tribe. It was a symbolic title meant to prove that the monarchs were the head of the various unicorn dukedoms.

Blueblood’s usage of it over princess held very blatant political motives. It was meant to show to the assembled ponies that Blueblood saw the princesses as monarchs fit exclusively for unicorn worship and not the unifying force they truly were.

So Celestia was by no means surprised when she saw the angry ruffling of feathers and sharp glares that Blueblood received from his earth pony and pegasus counterparts.

If this case was to set tonight’s mood, then maybe Celestia would’ve been wise to remove the alcohol.

Luna looked down her nose at the stallion. “We are glad to receive you, Duke Blueblood. However, we request that you please use our appropriate titles while in this court.”

Blueblood flushed, standing back up. “Yes, of course. My apologies, Princess Luna.”

Luna walked a fine line as her rebuff sated the earth ponies and pegasus nobles in exchange for humiliating the unicorns. It was a very fine line, indeed.

Celestia nodded to Blueblood. “We hope your journey was well.”

“Very, I had the most wonderful adventure on my way here. Canterlot is surrounded by such beautiful countryside, you know.”

“We are glad to hear it.” Celestia gestured with her hoof. “Now, what can we assist you with?”

“I have come before you today on the subject of my family’s ancestral lands near Canterlot.”

Celestia frowned. “What of them?”

“I wish to see them return to my family.”

“As I recall they were a gift from your father, who legally ceded them to the Equestrian crown,” Luna said.

“Plus, we have already established a fairly successful township upon those lands,” Celestia added.

This was true, as the town of Ponyville, Celestia’s pet project, had gained some renown.

Blueblood steeled himself. “Well yes, I also thought he ceded the lands. However, certain documentation has been found within my archives which show that my father merely leased them for a period of 20 years.”

“We remember this treaty fairly well and do not recall any such agreement,” Luna said. “Are you sure this isn’t some forgery or unfinished draft?”

The young noble looked rather nervous. “My legal council assures me that it’s real and includes both signatures from my father and Your Majesties.”

Celestia cocked an inquisitive eyebrow. “Is that the case?”

She was silent for a moment, studying the stallion.

“Tell me, Blueblood,” she finally said. “What would become of Ponyville if we were to return your lands?”

“I would promise to never interfere with such a respectable settlement, only leveling a token tribute upon it.”

Celestia nodded. “And why do you want these lands?”

“In truth?” he asked. “Trottingham is rather far from Canterlot. So, I wish to have an estate near the city by which to conduct imperial business without exposing myself to the perils of…urban living.”

Celestia looked to her sister, keeping her voice low. “We believe that we should offer him a compromise.”

“What kind of compromise?”

“The immediate return of a few acres of land on which to build his estate and a promise to verify his claims. Then in a year’s time we politely decline his request but allow him to keep the acres given.”

Luna hummed. “To do so would only bring forth pretenders asking for similar concessions on their claims.”

“We know, but Blueblood commands quite a bit of power within the north. Those lands would be impossible to administer without his support.”

“‘Tis true.” Luna sighed. “Fine we’ll agree to your compromise.”

Celestia returned her gaze to Blueblood. “We will need our legal experts to take a closer look at both our copy of the treaty and yours. However, due to the length of time this could take, we would like to offer you the return of a small parcel of land, on which to start the immediate construction of your estate.”

Luna nodded. “We offer our consent to this course of action as well.”

Some ponies grumbled, a few looked eager at this new development in common law, but most merely accepted the decision with a reserved neutrality.

At first, Blueblood looked surprised, which spoke volumes to the legitimacy of his claim.

However, he soon composed himself and smiled. “I thank you two for your wise and expedient deliberation. May the rest of your night be this fruitful.”

With that, the two parties exchanged polite farewells with Blueblood returning to his table.

The scribe studied his scroll. “Tonight’s next case is to be brought forward by General-King Wind Stream of Stormhelm.”

A proud pegasus stallion got to his hooves and made his way towards the princesses, his hefty ceremonial armour clattering with each purposeful step he took.

The armour in question was a set of plate mail constructed from an untarnished steel accented with ornamental trims of gold and silver. His regal appearance was only enhanced by the presence of a gold crown upon his head. It was designed in the style of olive branches, a very important symbol to pegasus culture.

As he neared, Celestia saw an aged stallion under that armour. An aged stallion well into the final years of his life. Though, even in this advanced age, he was still able to give off an air of intimidation with a gaze which could pierce anything it settled upon, much like the spears he had wielded in his youth.

Celestia could easily imagine this stallion in his prime, in a time when he had justly earned the title of general.

Though even in the face of such an intimidating pony, Celestia could only manage to internally groan. This stallion was not well liked, especially by his earth pony peers. His request would probably offend quite a few in the audience and only add tension to a room suffocated by it.

Wind Stream bowed low, his head nearly touching the ground. Then, with surprising spryness, he popped back up.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I thank thee for this audience. I truly appreciate your hospitality.”

At least, unlike Blueblood, he had opted to employ some tact and addressed them with their proper rank rather than the exclusively pegasus title of Marshall-Empress.

“What is thine request?” Luna asked.

He stood up, tall and proud. “It has come to my attention that this season’s budget looks to slash the military’s coffers considerably.”

Celestia winced.

If she found the daft staffer who leaked such compromising details, she’d throttle them. After all, the pegasus were viciously proud of their military complex and took action against it incredibly personal.

“Aye, we have,” Luna said.

The stallion’s jaw tightened. “And why has this been done?”

“Equestria has no enemies that justify such expenditures,” Celestia said. “Meanwhile, we have infrastructure that needs expanding, education that requires funding, and a currency in desperate need of rebasing.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “And the only reason that the military was even allowed such large quantities of gold was to help ease the transition of the pegasus clans towards a more…industrious purpose. An intention which has clearly failed.”

The pegasus in attendance began to murmur amongst themselves.

Wind Stream’s gaze narrowed. “A more industrious purpose?”

“Aye,” Luna said. “Away from warriors and towards weather management and craftsponies.”

Wind Stream snorted. “Do you honestly expect us to just caste away our spears and become nothing more than the pushers of clouds and makers of rain?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, we do not. Obviously, as long as we have borders there will always be a need to defend them. However, the current level of militarization among the pegasus clans is…unsustainable.”

“HEAR! HEAR!” cried a mare from amongst the guests.

Celestia’s jaw tightened as she recognized Chancellor Plum Pudding’s voice.

Wind Stream whipped around. “Who said that?”

For a moment no one moved. Then slowly, Chancellor Plum Pudding got to her hooves. She was an elderly mare who easily equalled Wind Stream in age, fury, and devotion.

“I did,” she said.

Wind Stream snorted. “And why am I not surprised? You would love nothing more than to watch my clan humiliated,”

“That’s not true.”


“Aye, I’d much rather watch them die.”

This managed to garner a few gasps from the audience, including from Celestia herself.

Swords were drawn, as they naturally were when pegasus found themselves in a heated debate. From there the situation devolved further, turning into a screaming match. Pegasus bellowed at earth pony and earth pony at pegasus. Then, even though not originally part of this confrontation, unicorns decided to join in and voice their grievances.

It wouldn’t be too long now before the situation turned violent and blood was spilled.

Celestia really should’ve taken away the alcohol. It was going to be one of those Hearth’s Warmings.

Yet she remained silent, her gaze instead shifting to a pane of stained glass near the rear of her dining hall.

It depicted a scene from twenty years prior, showing a younger version of herself and Luna engaged in an epic confrontation with the trickster known as Discord. It had only been a mere 8 years after the Great Winter and yet the creators above had already faced the equine races with yet another potential extinction. Still, Celestia and Luna had been triumphant that day and, with their victory, were not only awarded with their ascension but also gifted with the survival of the equine tribes for another day.

And if Celestia wanted her ponies to continue surviving then she could not allow this scene to play out. Nor, could she ever afford to let a similar case ever play out ever again. No, if she wanted her ponies to survive for generations to come, then she needed to ensure that Hearth’s Warming was treated with the respect it properly deserved.

Her hoof slammed down hard, crashing against the stonework with a force that only an earth pony could hope to muster.

“SILENCE!” she shouted, her Royal Canterlot voice echoing through the chamber.

All at once the arguments died down, first to murmurs and then silence as the entire room studied her with varying degrees of horror.

Even Luna seemed in awe of her outburst.

Celestia stood up, stepping away from her throne.

“Is this truly the way our ponies were meant to act?”

She surveyed the room. “We thought that we’ve moved beyond these squabbles, or does no one remember the kin that we lost to the Great Winter?”

Nothing but silence greeted her in response.

“Do none of you remember their sacrifice or the lessons of harmony and sisterhood they taught us in order to ensure our salvation?”

Eyes began to falter, with few able to meet her gaze.

Celestia approached Chancellor Plum Pudding. “How many of your ponies died to pegasus raids?”

The elderly mare managed to meet her gaze. “Thousands?”

“And how many died to the Great Winter?”

Tears began to fill those eyes. “Many more…”

“How many more?”

“Nearly all of them.”

Celestia then looked to Wind Stream. “And how many of your kin survived the Great Winter?”


“How many of your sons and daughters remain?”

He swallowed a lump in his throat. “None.”

Celestia nodded. “Many of you talk about my commitment to unity behind closed doors. You question why I would want to strip away our equine traditions and force upon you all, new and strange structures. The answer is simple. Our traditions are built upon a common distrust and hostility to one another. These are ideals that we cannot hope to hold if we want to survive as a kingdom.”

Her gaze settled on Wind Stream. “General you’ve brought much pain to the chancellor and her ponies.”

It then turned to Plum Pudding. “Yet chancellor, do you not admit that the Great Winter did magnitudes more harm then any pegasus army?”

“Aye…I can admit that,” Plum Pudding said.

“So, can you see to burying this hatchet in the name of our common survival?”

“It’s…it’s hard.”

“We understand that, but time is running out and our previous methods have done little but allowed these wounds to fester.”

Celestia looked once more to the general. “As for you Wind Stream. Can you not understand why we must deplete your armies? Can you not see the fear they bring to our earthbound subjects?

“I can and…and I’m sorry. It’s just to lay down my spear would be to dishonour my father and his mother and all their ancestors who came before.”

Celestia nodded. “We are as much a pegasus as we are a unicorn or earth pony. I know the struggle you must feel. However, is it not the duty of a pegasus to protect their kin?”

“It…it is.”

“Then would you not be doing them honour by protecting what’s left of your clan from the annihilation of the windigos?”

He was silent.

Celestia surveyed the room, her emotions have ebbed into a raw emptiness.

“Fifty years ago, the three equestrian tribes shared a population of seven-million. When we inherited this kingdom twenty years ago, we could claim governance over only three-hundred-thousand souls, a fraction of what it once was. If you fail to see why we ask for unity then you have no place in this court and we demand that you leave.”

Celestia had more to add but stayed her tongue. She held very painful memories from the Great Winter. Memories of hungry and digging through the endless drifts of snow in the hopes of finding a single blade of acidic grass. Memories of illness and famine, both of which hollowed out her family, leaving behind just herself and Luna. Memories of a coldness so sharp and unrelenting that it burrowed deep and settled into her very bones.

These were memories that did not need to be spoken, as she had no doubt that they were nearly universal amongst her assembly. Only the youngest members present had the mercy of being alive after such troubled times.

For a moment she was hopeful, thinking that her plea had struck a cord. It almost seemed like those shared memories would be enough to finally begin mending those painful centuries which came before.

However, a unicorn stallion defiantly took action and stood up, marching out of the hall through the heavy oak doors. With that barrier now broken, Celestia could only watch helplessly as more ponies followed.

Was she surprised? No.

Was she disappointed? Very.

However, a healthy majority remained and they now looked to their monarchs for instruction.

Celestia shook her head. “I…we are afraid that we can not continue our court tonight.”

All she could offer was a weak smile. “Please enjoy our hospitality and we bid thee a good night.”

With that Celestia turned away and made her way towards a secondary door immediately to the left of her throne.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Luna had risen and was making her way over.

“Where art thou going?” Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head, keeping her voice low. “I’ve suddenly found myself unable to maintain my festive cheer. So, I intend to pay Emerald Rose a visit and requisition some of her wine.”

Luna placed a reassuring hoof upon her shoulder. “You…you should not be alone on the holidays, sister. Let me accompany you.” She even managed to crack a smile. “After all, it has been far too long since the two of us have had a chance to share a drink.”

“I’d love nothing more…” However, Celestia sighed. “But, I can not allow that. We have company in attendance and the loss of both hosts would only add to this disastrous situation.

Luna frowned. “Tia…”

Celestia looked her in the eye. “I’m begging you, Luna. I do not have the energy to argue with you. Just…just please stay with our guests and entertain them.”

Luna was silent for a moment, obviously mulling it over.

Eventually she sighed. “Fine, I will stay with our company. However, the second they are gone I will be at your chamber and there better be half a bottle waiting for me.”

Celestia smirked coyly. “I think I can manage to save you at least half of… one bottle.”

Luna cocked an eyebrow. “One bottle? How many do you intend to bring?”

“A few.”

Luna playfully scowled. “If I find you unconscious upon your sofa I will be very crossed.”

“You give me too little credit.”

“I give you exactly as much as you deserve.”

The two sisters embraced, holding each other close. This was exactly what Celestia needed to shore up her unsteady emotions. Maybe it wasn’t enough to eclipse tonight’s tragedy, but it was a start.

“See you tonight, Tia,” Luna said.

“See you tonight,” Celestia said.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With that the two of them stepped away from each other. Luna returned reluctantly to her throne while Celestia made her way towards the exit.

Just before she left, Celestia looked over her shoulder and examined the room. The mood was still melancholic with the conversations being muted and emotionless in nature.

However, at least there were conversations.

It was progress, slow and steady.

Though there was one sight which managed to hold Celestia’s attention. It was that of the elderly chancellor and the elderly general. The two sworn enemies stood across from each other. However, instead of sabres and shouts they spoke to each other in a level and reserved tone. Then suddenly each of the parties reach out and shook hooves.

With their pact agreed upon, the two broke apart and beat a hasty retreat from one another.

Not quite a friendship, but Celestia sensed that their rivalry wouldn’t cause future problems. It was enough to garner her a genuine smile.

Finally, she slipped out of the hall and into a dark candlelit corridor of cobblestone and brick. This was one of the many passageways used by her staff in their day to day duties.

Currently it was empty, however a ghostly melody drifted towards Celestia. Its lyrics were so distant that they were mumbled and meaningless to her. However, the melody of it sounded surprisingly upbeat and inviting.

Celestia began to walk towards the source and as she did so, the air itself began to change. The cold dampness was replaced with this warm inviting scent of cooked foods. This made her stomach growl and reminded Celestia of just how little she’d eaten at that stressful banquet.

As Celestia exited the corridor, she entered a kitchen. Inside were ponies in the middle of a party.

They were chatting amongst themselves, laughing, singing, sharing gifts and stories, eating, and above all else they were holding the spirit of this holiday alive. For the ponies here were of every race. There was an earth pony breaking bread with a pegasus guard. There was a unicorn providing the background vocals for an earth pony bard. There was a pegasus providing a gift of a wooden sword to a unicorn filly.

All before her was a display of what Hearth’s Warming was meant to be. There was no tension in this room. These were just ponies as they were meant to be, friends and not sworn enemies.

Celestia felt tears well in her eyes as it dawned on her, Equestria wasn’t doomed. The holiday cheer that the windigos feared was still very much alive. Just because the nobles held onto their strife and archaic beliefs didn’t mean that everypony in Equestria was such a bitter soul.

This party was proof that the spirit of harmony, unity, and friendship was still preached and she held no doubt that parties such as this were being replicated throughout her domain.

Suddenly the chatter stopped and music died. This is when Celestia noticed every pair of eyes upon her.

Emerald Rose, Celestia’s head of staff, rushed forward. She bore a nervous smile, like that of a filly with her hoof in a cookie jar.

“Your Majesty,” she said. “Is there something we can help you with?”

Celestia examined the room. “Whose idea was it to host this?”

She had meant it as a sincere question. However, she realized that her rank, teary eyes, and stunned voice must’ve made it sound rather foreboding.

For a moment no one responded until an earth pony came forward, her eyes glued to the floor.

“I did, Your Majesty.”

Celestia nodded. “And…and do you host this every year?”

The earth pony swallowed. “Yes, yes we do.”

“Well then, how…” Celestia cracked a smile. “…how delightful. You have no idea how much this means to us, seeing you like this.”

The tension immediately evaporated as the staff looked at each other with relieved smiles and happy chatter.

The chef herself looked stunned as the weight of the world figuratively left her shoulders.

“You…you like it?”

“Like it? We love it. This is by far the most magnificent thing we’ve seen all night.”

The chef bowed, looking rather stunned. “Thank you.”

Celestia looked to the room, her smile quivering as she tried not to bawl before her staff.

“Would we…would we be imposing if we asked to join you tonight?”

The whole room looked shocked at the request. However, this soon devolved into a series of cheerful invitations.

The earth pony grinned. “We’d love nothing more, Your Majesty.”

With that, the warmth of the room returned as ponies delved back into their conversations and song.

Emerald Rose returned to her lady’s side. “Is there anything I can get you?”

Celestia looked to the buffet laid out before her.

“A plate, please.”

Comments ( 3 )

So delightfully insightful as to the rocky start the unity of the three tribes probably suffered through in the early days.

But why do I have a feeling she is going to forget to tell Luna about the change of venue?

I feel this could have gone with another proofreading for minor issues, like adding a comma here and there and adding a few little flairs to cement the historical setting more distinctly, but this was a nice example of political discussion with the sisters.

An excellent presentation of the tenacity of tradition long after it's outlived its usefulness... and how progress can be much quieter, and thus much harder to notice. Good stuff. My only complaint is that you use "you" and "thou" interchangeably.

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